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By Joseph Zrnchik for 5th Estate Media Email: (Reporter)
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Michael Moore Filling Us in on Donald Trump

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Michael Moore Filling Us in on Donald Trump


Michael Moore is right, the middle class voting for Trump will be the biggest “fXXX you” history of American politics.  While he talks economic effects, he fails to address the bipartisan insanity American foreign policy.  How is it that this class of people, those who want to be recognized as foreign policy experts, manipulate the American people to wage permanent War for permanent peace?  How is it that Hillary thinks a single American would want to die over Donetsk?  But, you can bet she thinks she has the right to send other Americans to die because she wants to be the first female war president and fight Russia for the interest of Zionist banking families.

What Michael Moore ought to tell people to consider is: Why did Hillary and Obama create and fund, through the US State Department and US military, jihadist groups from all across the Middle East?  How is sending terrorists from across the Middle East to wage war in Syria not aiding and abetting terrorism? Who gave the United States the right to determine unilaterally and in violation of international law as established by the United Nations, to which the US is a high contracting party, that it could gather terrorists and mercenaries from all across the Middle East to wage war against a sovereign country that is a member of the United Nations? 

Michael Moore never mentioned that the US, under Obama and Hillary, wasted 500 million dollars to raise an army of 5 people?  He also failed to mention that tens of millions of dollars of arms, ammunition and equipment ended up in the hands of ISIS and al Nusra.  He failed to mention why Obama and Hillary would support jihadists who cut the heads off women and children, execute Christians by the thousands, destroy the most sacred religious sites and use civilians as human shields. 

Michael Moore failed to tell why after the chemical attacks they blamed on Assad were discovered to have been perpetrated by ISIS in order to manipulate the US into a bombing campaign against the Syrian regime, why it was that the use of those chemical weapons by ISIS and al Nusra never raised or even drew a response from the US for retaliation. He also failed to tell anyone that it was discovered that ISIS is now still using chemical weapon attacks, a crime for which Obama was willing to get the US into the war with Syria, as he now stands idly by watching ISIS do the very things for which Hillary was willing to send Americans to fight and die to prevent.  

Michael Moore also failed to tell anyone that the US, under Obama, now refuses to release the Flight MH17 report of Investigation after instigating a boycott against Russia and after attempting to get NATO into a shooting war with Russia. As the US had constantly been blaming Putin, why is it that all voices suddenly fell silent while the results of the investigation, US satellite imagery, signal intelligence, control tower recordings and cockpit recordings remain hidden from the entire world and those who lost loved ones as the US exercised it veto power to bury the findings.

Michael Moore also failed to mention that the US created political instability in Georgia which led to the slaughter of ethnic Russians civilians in Ossetia and Abkhazia which forced Russian intervention.  He also failed to mention that the US fomented a fascist coup in Ukraine where Nazi groups opened up with artillery barrages against ethnic Russia living in defenseless villages, which again instigated a limited Russian response.  Why when Clinton decided to bomb Serbia and Libya was it a good idea to protect civillians, but when Russia decided to end fascist artillery barrages, instead of it being termed as “Responsibility to Protect” the response suddenly came out as “Russia aggression” across all US media.

All of this leads me to wonder if Michael Moore knows about all this stuff.  If Michael Moore knows all about this and refuses to address it, then he is as pathetic as he is liberal. If he doesn’t know about all this, then he is an extremely ignorant man who has no business preaching to anyone.  If he knows about all of this but refuses to address it, then he is part of the corrupt political establishment.  As a Hollywood liberal, he should be concerned with humanity and not partisanship.  Given he fancies himself someone who exposed Bush and US war crimes in Fahrenheit 911, he ought to be just as concerned for what has happened to the people of Syria and Libya at the hands of Obama and Hillary.  But, seeing how he is a product of Zionist-controlled Hollywood, he must remain politically correct to ensure he continues to get funding from his Zionist patrons for his liberal attacks on Americans’ constitutional rights.  

Michael Moore is a guy who never said a word about the NSA, the DHS, spying on Americans under Obama, chief-executive sanctioned executions, or a word in favor of whistleblowers who exposed the crimes under Obama and Clinton.  He is an uber partisan masquerading as a principled liberal. 

He is worried that Americans will blow up the system, but this system has proven to be immune to progressive politics and seeks to be the a levithan.  He admits Obama care has been a complete fraud in which a medical patient can not even get a painkiller.  If Americans could actually change the system for the better, then Hillary would have never been the choice for Democrats, nor Trump for Republicans. 

Michael Moore is right when he says that Wall Street, the military industrial complex, the elite, the corporations and the political class all hate Trump.  What he fails to mention is Hillary works for the powerful and anyone able to drop a million in the Clinton Foundation or pay Bill a half-million to speak.  Maybe Michael Moore is right, or maybe some Americans know more about what is going on than him. 

Guys like Michael Moore don’t want people to have guns, but he never mentions the fact that he lives in a gated community patrolled aggressively for the benefit of millionaires.  The average American can not afford private security like he can.  He says Trump won’t do what he says and keep his promises, but what is more dangerous is the fact that Hillary will keep three promises.  She promised to give us war with Iran. She will give us war with Russia.  She will give us war with China.  If you look at Hillary, you will see she has voted the same as McCain and Graham on every issue of consequence.  

Half of the people and governments who donated to the Clinton Foundation got meetings with the State Department.  The reason there was no prosecution is because the crimes involve so many powerful Democrats that Loretta Lynch could never begin or finish prosecutions.  So, if you vote as you always have within the system, you will get what you have always got.  Enjoy. 

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