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By Joseph Zrnchik for 5th Estate Media Email: (Reporter)
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National Review Is Dead Wood Media and Will Never Pass for 5th Estate Media on the Internet

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Another Reason Why National Review Is Dead Wood Media
and Will Never Pass for 5th Estate Media on the Internet


Andrew McCarthy of National Review wrote an article suggesting that the General Michael Flynn’s forced resignation was the result of a Deep State intelligence operation in which CIA intelligence products were leaked to the media for the purpose of discrediting the Trump administration.


Andrew McCarthy states that there is a significant possibility that the recording of General Flynn speaking to the Russia ambassador was little more than banter regarding Flynn articulating and the beginning of developing some rapport regarding Trump’s foreign policy objectives prior to him being confirmed, and I am sure this is the case.  I am also sure the Democrats know this is the case.  But, the leaking of this intelligence is a felony and is another attack by the Deep State not only on the Trump presidency, but also on American democracy itself.  This also provides further proof that the CIA views itself as the new American Praetorian Guard whose primary objective is ensuring not only its survival, but its dominance over foreign policy, military policy and the economic and political primacy of the military-industrial-congressional complex.


Much of this is good stuff written by National Review, but then it goes full neocon and begins channeling Bill Buckley in the promotion of anti-Russian McCarthyism by calling the Putin regime a bunch of murderous thugs while never being able to acknowledge any imperial crimes committing by the US in its objective to destroy the Syrian state that has caused Assad to call on Putin in an attempt to blunt US hegemony.  While Putin is called a murderous thug, there is no mention of the fact that the CIA and the DOD have spent over five years arming al Qaeda and al Nusra while wasting $500 million dollars to train what General Austin stated was “4 or 5 rebels”.  No mention is made of the complete strategic failure of the Deep State’s plan to implement Obama’s foreign policy, a foreign policy the CIA loved specifically because the US was willing to spend $500 million on military contractors who were only able to train these 4 or 5 fighters.  And, if this is the type of money the US Congress was willing to spend in this failed operation, imagine the amount of money it is spending funding ISIS while launching million-dollar cruise missiles against worthless targets in its pretended war on ISIS.


The Obama administration’s foreign policy of pursuing regime change in Syria by engaging in a proxy war with the US, Turkey, Israel, and Saudi Arabia on one side and Syria, Iran and Russia on the other, has led to the murder of untold hundreds of thousands of Syrians as ISIS beheaded Christians and Shiites alike in orgies of bloodbaths wherever possible.  The US can not divorce itself from the responsibility for carrying out such a murderous foreign policy, and those who carry out such an illegal and murderous foreign policy are themselves murderous thugs.  So, how does National Review reconcile this truth or claim the moral high ground with the Deep State’s foreign policy objectives in Syria?  It is here that National Review shows itself as the CIA-animated corpse of Bill Buckley by reconciling this fact and claiming the moral high ground simply by ignoring   reality.  While the US chooses to ignore this reality, it can not ignore the consequences of ignoring this reality in perpetuity, although it has certainly tried.

The consequences of  ignoring this reality has brought waves of refugees to Europe with all its accumulated evils of terrorism resulting from wars of imperial aggression and domination that have led to the abject destruction of Libya and Syria to such a degree  that experts have stated it will take at least three generations to mitigate.  In the judgment of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, which followed World War II, it stated, “War is essentially an evil thing. Its consequences are not confined to the belligerent states alone, but affect the whole world. To initiate a war of aggression, therefore, is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole.”  Article 39 of the United Nations Charter provides that the UN Security Council shall determine the existence of any act of aggression and “shall make recommendations, or decide what measures shall be taken in accordance with Articles 41 and 42, to maintain or restore international peace and security”.  The Syrian situation is just one more incident in a long line of abuses for which the US has proven the UN to be merely a tool for perpetuating US domination.  The US have hypocritically granted the UN complete legitimacy when it ignores US and Israeli crimes and brings attention to any conflict that conflicts with US interests, but ignores and confers illegitimacy upon the UN anytime it calls attention to US or Israeli crimes. 


Getting back to the Flynn issue, McCarthy’s solution is to make the CIA recording of Flynn-Russian Foreign Secretary public as he surmises that the Deep State would abhor the complete release of the recording as NR believes it would tend to exonerate Flynn and bring discredit upon the CIA.  Surprisingly, NR admits Putin did not hack the election and merely states that all the Wikileaks releases did was expose corrupt Democratic Party machinations thereby allowing Americans to make a more informed judgment regarding the US presidential race.  This the DNC, the Deep State and people like McCain and Graham call Russian interference with American Democracy.  In fact, NR admits there was not even any disinformation involved, but mere truth-telling.  All Clapper’s tripe to the Senate Select Intelligence Committee amounted to complaining about Russia Today news coverage of the election, again without citing a single example of disinformation but once again complaining about it telling the truth about Clinton and the DNC. 


One issue NR fails to mention is that there was not only a complete refutation of Obama and Clinton policies at the polls, but also this refutation led to a collapse of the Democratic party across America that included resounding rejections of Democratic policies in the US Legislature, governorships and even at the local level.  Never before was there such a disparity between the number of precincts won by a GOP candidate and that of the Democrat’s, nor as big of a loss in other political offices.  Yet, the media never saw this coming and claimed all their polls showed there would be a Clinton victory of historic proportion.


What Americans need to understand is it is the CIA, the mainstream media, central banking and the military-industrial-congressional complex that is at war with Trump.  There will be no peace.  We will be bombarded with constant negative news for the next four years.  What Americans ought to consider is why the CIA and people like McCain claimed to have KGB files of Russian prostitutes urinating on Trump’s face and has his pick for Secretary of State resign because the CIA tapped his conversation with the Russian Foreign Minister.  One also ought to consider how it was CIA information was illegally leaked to the press and those leaking ought to stand the same threat as Snowden, or Assange who is not CIA, took no oath nor is even an American citizen.


It should be clear to Trump now is that there is no chance of peace with the CIA.  He ought to begin charging and imprisoning those in the CIA who are deemed a threat to national security and begin holding them at black sites for indefinite detention until after his term of office expires.  Why not use against the CIA what the CIA uses against the American people?  What is good for the goose is good for the gander.  He ought to begin charging neocons with treason for allowing Israel to control the America democratic process.  Putin never came to the US and tried to subvert the Office of the President of the United States as Bibi did in during his attempt to drive the US into war with Iran.  Israeli Zionists control the US political process and use its control over the media to spew venomous propaganda.  This same group wants war with Russia and seeks regime change in Syria regardless of the consequences for the American people. 


Trump should have a complete investigation and anyone not providing testimony as to the leaker ought to be held in contempt and charged with obstructing justice.  Either we will remain a democratic republic or the CIA will lord over us and protect elite criminality.  Action needs to be taken now before the CIA is allowed to oversee another president’s assassination.


It is hypocritical that the US sends NGO CIA fronts and transmits Radio Free Europe into Russia, but when Russia’s RT televises the truth about the DNC, the US threatens war for alleged election interference.  Since when did Russia owe an obligation to the US to only run pro-US propaganda?

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