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By Joseph Zrnchik for 5th Estate Media Email: (Reporter)
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Obama Sedition and Treason

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Obama Sedition and Treason


While I was on the Trump bandwagon and cheering what I had hoped would be creative destruction giving rise to a new paradigm, I suddenly became disillusioned as Trump app`ointed to leadership the same members of the establishment that have been running the show since the Nixon administration.  Regardless of what Trump would like to do, change would require a storming of the Bastille to dislodge those who are the enemy of the people because their influence has infiltrated the military, media, banking, education, unaccountable government agencies, numerous political institutions and private think tanks where intellectuals are groomed to serve power.  It seems the same members of the CFR, Trilateral Commission and the Bilberburg Group remain in positions of power, but as is the case in any human endeavor, especially with regard to those who think themselves god-like in their ability to manage history, once internecine conflicts appear and interests clash amongst those whose egos demand obsequious deification, we will see disagreements whereupon the elitist political body composed of people used to having their way all begin engaging in autosarcophagy.


What a better way is there for the elite to destroy themselves than engaging in their own parochial disputes that have shown to create fissures within what most thought was a monolithic deep state?  It seems for years the elite were able to ensure their rule over the masses by promoting divisions within society over the most meaningless and mundane of issues as they paid about five percent of the population to enforce their will over the masses while manufacturing consent of the masses so as to get the people to accept their own  enslavement.  The masses accepted elitist rule believing them to be better suited to determine the direction of society, but as time proves, nobody really knows what is really going on.  When I say this, I mean it not only in a political sense, but also in the most ontological sense.


Just as Hillary’s corruption as Secretary of State and her State Department’s connections to the Clinton Foundation helped create the most perfect storm that destroyed any chance for her to win presidency, it seems Obama may have also become so drunk with power that he thought he could continue umimpeded in directing sedition and treason through his partisans within the CIA, NSA and FBI.  Now that these agencies have exposed themselves for the criminal organizations they are, it is clear that the NSA must be disbanded.  It has caught no terrorists, prevented no plots, and the only terrorist attacks that have been prevented are ones in which the FBI had recruited, radicalized, trained, supplied and then paid for half-wit morons to carry out attacks with FBI-supplied fake bombs. It is now clear that these agencies have become toxic to American liberty and destructive to democratic principles they claim to protect and advance.  If these agencies can not even be trusted to not attack our democratically elected government and can so easily be used in a corrupt and partisan way, then it is clear they have no allegiance to the US Constitution or the American people.  It is clear that these organizations and the power they have given themselves have served to allow these agencies to turn into unaccountable criminal syndicates that ensure people like the Rothchilds and Clintons continue to rule over us and extract wealth from the masses.


The NSA mass spying operation and the lack of prosecution for Director Clapper’s perjury to Congress must end immediately.  The CIA needs to be broken into pieces and its agents sent on permanent overseas duty assignments.  Funding for the additional 17 additional intelligence agencies needs to be cut by at least 50%.  Generals fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan have mentioned that not one single piece of actionable intelligence has ever been provided by any corporate intelligence agencies.  More and more it becomes apparent that the intelligence apparatus is not only directed against Americans, but it is also directed against the political opponents of Obama and Clinton using illegal and unwarranted spying against those opposed to the continued pillaging of taxpayers to fund global conflict, illegal wars, deep state treason and sedition against the American people and the US Constitution.


When CIA deep state lies about Trump’s alleged ties to Russia were leaked to the media as part of a disinformation campaign directed by the CIA, FBI agents contacted the White House to inform Trump that the FBI itself knew these claims to be demonstrably false.  When the White House asked the FBI if they, the FBI, could relate the same information to a partisan media that was coming to the White House for comment on the false stories and CIA-directed lies that were being leaked, the media went berserk for the White House asking the FBI to tell everyone what it had already told the White House as if this proved the White House was interfering with an FBI investigation that had already proved the CIA allegations to be lies.  Now we find out the truth and that is that intelligence operatives who are political partisans of Obama have been spying on and tapping Trump Towers for months while leaking false intelligence it has been manufacturing for months.  Yet, with all this spying, 17 intelligence agencies investigating, the NSA having access to all communication and the Trump Tower and Trump associates being tapped, there has not been a shred of evidence of any improper relationship between Russia and the Trump Administration.


The deep state tapped retired Lieutenant Generals Michael Flynn’s conversations and found he had communicated with Russia diplomats after having told Vice President Pence he had not spoken to Russian officials.  The media and Democrats both clamored for and got his resignation.  The contact was only to tell the Russian officials that Trump’s foreign policy would not be Obama’s.  Was that such a big secret?  This was a significant fall back from CIA leaks that lied about Russian prostitutes urinating on Trunp’s face, the Trump campaign accepting Russian money and Trump election officials working with Moscow to hack the election.  All of this nonsense has been a coordinated soft coup by Clinton/Obama partisans and those addicted to a wartime footing that need an arms race with Russia to continue to keep the cash spigots turned on full blast.  This clearly demonstrates that the CIA’s allegience is to the military-industrial complex just as when Kennedy was assassinated for wanting peace with the Soviet Union.


As the economies of the world get ready to tank and as the US has no means of meeting its financial obligations to tens millions of retired and retiring Americans, the military-industrial complex now realizes it can not continue to use ISIS as its bogeyman and so now seek to promote Russia to the top of the Axis of Evil and use propaganda to strike fear into the masses.  It is hilarious to see that liberals now identify with the CIA and the FBI knowing both to have engaged in repression and assassination of progressive dissidents and presidents alike.  It seems the voices of progressive politics have suddenly forgotten John Kennedy, COINTELPRO, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Fred Hampton and Mark Clark.  Now the politically and historically ignorant forces of Soros champion the CIA’s sedition, treason and attempted destruction of democracy.


It is interesting that the media first denied CIA and NSA taps of Trump to be true and accused Trump of being paranoid and delusional.  After official FISA documents were presented, and the truth could no longer be denied, the media fell back to the position that the warrants for spying on Trump must have been valid if a FISA Court issued them even though they were initally denied.  Then, given that after all the spying had continued through the election, through the transition and now into the administration of the Trump presidency without a single shred of evidence of wrongdoing being presented as the CIA leaked lies to bring about investigations by the US Treasury, the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, the Federal Elections Commission and the US State Department, it seems Washington DC is about to implode.  Meanwhile, the Soros-funded and Obama-directed Organization for Action begins to try to organize mass subversive resistance to democratic government.  Also, it now has been proven that billions of dollars were funneled from banks through the DOJ to leftist organizations as part of the bailout schemes of the Bush and Obama regimes. 


The problem Obama, the FBI and the CIA now have is that after a FISA court denied Obama a wiretap on Trump, they contrived some false evidence to accuse Trump of wrongdoing to get one in a second application.  Then, long after it was shown there was no connection between Trump and Russia, Obama kept his wiretap in place to gather intel that has been leaked to the press since October.  In the words of Ricky Riccardo: “Luuuuuucy, (Barry) you have some splainin’ to do.”


Obama’s team tried to get a warrant from a regular, Article III federal court on Trump, and was told the evidence was weak, if not non-existent.  Obama’s team then tried to end run that court using the FISA Court and mislabeling the issue of being one of “foreign agents,” and tried to obtain a warrant from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act “courts”, and were denied again after the court saw Trump named.  This happened in spite of the fact that FISA has about a 100% track record of granting FISA requests.  This suggests the evidence against Trump was truly non-existent.  So then, Obama circumvented both the regular command of the FBI and the regularly appointed federal courts, by placing the entire case as a FISA case under what is rumored to have been Sally Yates at DOJ as a “foreign” case, and then omitted Trump’s name from a surveillance warrant submitted to the FISA court.  After this charade the FISA court then supposedly unwittingly granted the wiretap which Obama then misused to spy on Trump and those connected to Trump.  Apparently they have the documents that show these allegations to be true and it looks like Obama and his agents inside the various intelligence agencies, to include Comey at the FBI, will be facing serious trouble while no longer having the protection that having the presidency affords.  In fact, they may now all be facing not only indictments, but also the tools like prosection and surveillance that Trump now directs.  It sure seemed like Trey Gowdy had a big smile on his face yesterday. and he ought to be the one named as a special prosecutor for Obama, Hillary, Bill and those engaging in treason and sedition within the FBI and CIA.  Clapper, Brennen and Comey should have been yesterday.


This tragedy is the Washington equivalent of a head-on mid-air collision of two 747s.  It is the unstoppable force meeting the immovable object.  It is a battle between irony and a paradox to see what absurdity will dominate.  It is a showdown between Jekyll and Hyde.  It finally seems my prediction of Washington and the media destroying themselves and any remaining shred of legitimacy each has has finally begun.  We know justice will have won when each party starts throwing the opposing party in jail. All hail to the Chief!


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    Total 3 comments
    • Deputy Dawg

      Because America’s intelligence community has been compromised I would bet my very last dollar Trump’s good friend Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu is lending a helping hand. Israel’s intelligence is second to none! I am confident that President Trump has been briefed, provided with sufficient evidence to prosecute the Progressive Party’s misbehavior and received an up to date list of the traitors within our intelligence agencies.

      I am sure that as this comprehensive investigation kicks off a slam dunk case will be made for the disbandment of the CIA and the arrest of all the traitors there and in the other alphabet agencies. The truth is that within each of our intelligence agencies there are far more career agents who support the President, respect the Constitution and the rule of law than those who don’t. They are ready willing and able to start the process when given the okay.

      The new strategy I’ve been informing everyone about for the past couple days was initiated yesterday. The expansion of the investigation which the Progressive Party has demanded will include the last four years of the Obama Administration. Turning the tables and refocusing the narrative will bring about real political transformation. The illumination of their blatant criminal activity will all but insure that this communist global movement will never rear it’s ugly head in America again.

      Once the investigative dogs get to sniffing around the trail will lead them strait to even bigger fish. Those Progressive operative who hope work out some form of immunity deal with prosecutors in exchange for testimony better get to hot footing it before this option is no longer on the table. Like during the Nuremberg trials everyone at all levels of command associated with the orchestration and implementation of heinous acts will be charged. Trump can’t afford to have this communist monster resurface again during the next term of his presidency.

      Deputy Dog

      PS the Idiot James Comey has been set up! He walked right into Trumps trap. Others in the FBI loyal to Trump and their own constitutional duty now understand Comey’s leadership has been compromised. Clapper and Brennan the proven liars over NSA phone interceptions of American citizens are already targeted for charges of espionage and treason. The evidence in hand against them is irrefutable. They know it and are trying desperately to sink Trump before they are arrested. Instead they are just digging their graves even deeper.

      and foreign agents working to overthrow the American government.

      • Deputy Dawg

        Not sure what happened but I apparently lost the first part of this sentence, my bad! Here is the corrected version, Sorry!

        “I think at this point we all realize they are criminals and foreign agents working to overthrow the American government.”

    • Joseph Zrnchik for 5th Estate Media Email:

      The funny thing is that maybe Trump has already begun tapping their lines and gained recorded evidence of their Soros-funded treason and sedition. This is going to be great!

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