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By Joseph Zrnchik for 5th Estate Media Email: (Reporter)
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Logic Proves Russia-Trump Collusion is Nonsense

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Logic Proves Russia-Trump Collusion is Nonsense

If Putin won the election for Trump, he did it with .0057% of what was actually spent on the election. The total spent on the election was $2.3 billion. Putin’s click bait farm only spent a total of $100,000 with $40,000 being before the election and $60,000 after the election. This means that for every $57,000 that was spent on the election, Putin spent $1 to supposedly tip the scales in favor of Trump.

If Putin can win an election for that kind of money, Trump should have just registered him as a foreign agent on the Trump campaign team and saved himself a cool billion dollars.

All Americans should love Putin for saving us from a Hillary Clinton presidency for less money than what it costs for one second of airtime during the Super Bowl.

In fact, at $5 million for a 30-second spot, Putin would have been $33,000 short if he tried to buy a single solitary second of Super Bowl air time if he used all the $100,000 for purchasing that air time. But, since Putin only spent $40,000 before the election, that would have paid for only about 3/10th of a second. Luckily for Hillary, that would have been more time than what was needed for her to get out her entire political message of “Me”.

At a certain point I have to call B.S. on the mainstream media and US intelligence services. It is condescending to expect me to believe such foolishness as an election was won for that small of an amount of money. Peeing in the ocean comes to mind. The fact is that this nonsense is being promoted to keep the heat off the Dems and their collusion with foreign agents in obtaining FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign and in furtherance of treason.

It is obvious to me that people like Comey, Brennan and Mueller are all trying to turn Putin’s ant hill of influence into their mountain of absurdity, farce and fear in an attempt to justify their pay, garner more authority, and further their political agenda of treason and sedition on behalf of Hillary and her globalist agenda. This is especially true now that Representative Adam Schiff is being told by bi-partisan prominent statesmen to end his investigation after Schiff admitted there is zero evidence that that the Trump campaign colluded with Vladimir Putin.

Clinton is mad at Putin because he and Wikileaks exposed Clinton for what she really is and made it impossible for her to hide the truth about herself. One should reconsider his or her support for a candidate whose greatest harm would be suffered at the hand of truth. The truth found her out and Americans should be greatful.

I would rather have a foreign agent show me the truth about a domestic politician than allow that crooked politician the ability to perpetuate deceptions that would lead to such a brazen criminal as Hillary controlling the highest office in the land. We have all seen what happened when she fused the State Department with the Clinton Foundation. Imagine what would happen if she could have leveraged the entire nation as opposed to merely her office of Secretary of State.

Since Putin needed to do nothing more than have Hillary’s emails placed on RT, the next thing our government would try to do is start limiting what we Americans can see, hear and read. What people like Hillary want is the right to deceive us while making it a criminal act for us to learn the truth. She wants legally enforced deception and ignorance.

When Hillary destroyed 33,000 emails in violation of a court order, Trump sarcastically stated he hoped, if Putin had hacked Hillary’s emails, that he would post them so people could see Hillary’s crimes. That was when the media mafia latched on to the Russia collusion narrative like Bill Clinton to a drunk Hooter’s waitress.

However, I value truth over lies, and it makes not a iota of difference to me who is lying to me and who is telling the truth. The utility of truth transcends patriotism, political affiliation and nationality. In fact, there is nothing of greater importance to a nation and it’s people than truth. It is truth that turns citizens into patriots as opposed to being easily manipulated infantiles dispossessed of the faculty of reason. All rational decisions regarding the welfare of the nation rely on truth and the people knowing that truth. Deception of the masses is Trotskyite and elitist.

Those like Hillary not only want the power to render us ignorant and ripe for exploitation, but they also demand it. They would willingly damn those who would seek to take this power away from them, as truth is the greatest threat to their power. For those who are deceived by Hillary, it is as Mark Twain said, “It is easier to deceive people than it is to prove to them that they have been deceived.”

This is why Hillary is such a menace. She is an evil enemy of liberty, but what makes her so dangerous is the fact that she is an enemy who is already inside the walls willing to betray us all if the price is right, as the Uranium One deal has already clearly demonstrated.

AG Sessions has erroneously recused himself. This abdication of authority has led to a failure in responsibility. Trump could not then fire Sessions because it would have made it look as if he was trying to stop the Russia collusion investigation, but since Adam Schiff has admitted that there is zero evidence that Trump colluded with Russians, Trump can and must now fire Sessions. We have waited too long for a special counsel to be named to investigate the Russia-Hillary collusion in obtaining a fake dossier then used by political hacks running the FBI and DOJ departments to obtain FISA warrants to spy on the Trump Campaign.

We have waited too long to see how Russia walked off with 20% of US uranium as Clinton received $150 million from Russians. We have waited too long to find out about the level of corruption that occurred as the FBI and DOJ covered to Clinton’s email crimes. We have waited too to be shown how Obama holdovers tried to commit treason and sedition in an attempt to remove a democratically elected president from power. We have waited too long to see how Hillary paid foreign agents who lied to the FBI to besmirch President Trump. We have waited too long to see how Clinton partisans were promoted into positions of power for the expressed purpose of being able to abuse that power on behalf of Clinton.

The American people demand an accounting. We keep being told that the US must move forward and not dwell on the past to the point that politicians now feel there is no crime they can commit while in office for which that they will be prosecuted. This has led to Hillary and her supporters entertaining treason and sedition, bearing false witness, and engaging in perjury while abusing their office as they perpetrate official misconduct and criminal conspiracy. This led to the Clintons receiving $150 million from Russia for selling our scarce uranium deposits. We can no longer say we need to overlook the past and move forward.

If Hillary had won, the amount of corruption that would have been permanently covered up would have poisoned this nation to death. It is now the time for Truth and Justice to finally be heard.

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