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What Lawsuits Against Christopher Steel and Fusion GPS Tell Us About the FBI, DOJ and Trump Dossier

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What Lawsuits Against Christopher Steel and Fusion GPS Tell Us About the FBI, DOJ and Trump Dossier


The sophisticates in MSM are making it far too easy for a neophyte to discredit them. The media has figured what it lacks in qualitative information it can make up quantitative nonsense and partisan propaganda. The media is so utterly terrified in Americans knowing the truth, that it has made itself irrelevant. The media has spent weeks and countless hours highlighting Trump’s dalliances that it has made itself appear boorish and despicable in the eyes of people desiring intelligent journalism and a properly functioning media. In fact, Trump enjoyed a surge in the poles as the result of being perceived as somewhat of a libertine and libertarian. Americans do not like the liberal media making itself the arbiter of morality, especially a media that has gone head-over-heals promoting every type of sexual proclivity.

Can you imaging a media so partisan and biased that it has decided to create a media blackout as opposed to covering information so important and relevant to the Russia collusion narrative? We are talking about a situation that is of major historical precedent in its implications of there either there being treason committed by Trump or Clinton. Americans are looking for clues as to the truth of the matter, and while the MSM has decided to self-censor, they can not control what is being exposed in the courts or hide the backpedaling that is now occurring by Fusion GPS, Alan Simpson, Christopher Steele, John McCain, or the media outlet BuzzFeed now that people are in the position of having to answer for defamation, libel and slander.

In fact, BuzzFeed has gone so far out on a limb that it is now demanding that Christopher Steele have to answer questions regarding his leaking of the Trump Dossier to media outlets of which BuzzFeed is only one. While spy-vs-spy counter-intelligence is sexier, there is just as much evidence that can be gleaned from civil lawsuits when tens of millions of dollars are on the line. What looked like a great gig for Fusion GPS, Alan Simpson and Christopher Steele may end up becoming the harbinger of financial ruin after all are required to file for bankruptcy to be protected from ruinous civil liability. While spies may have an interesting life and enjoy better than normal pay, they do not stand a chance of being able to dig into pockets as deep as those belonging to multi-national corporations.

The recent decision of dismissing Carter Page’s lawsuit aside, because the judge stated that news articles made distinctions because they qualified assertions by stating “some believed” or “it was said”, is not going to provide the type of indemnity that Christopher Steele had enjoyed in Democratic circles. While playing stupid may work in some courts, Fusion GPS is going to have a much more difficult time when dealing with major tech companies who businesses have been harmed on an international scale and can prove loses of many tens of millions of dollars in contracts because Christopher Steele leaked to the media and now claims what he leaked was not supposed to be disclosed.

Most of the people working for Fusion GPS were investigative journalists who decided there was a niche within which they could ply their trade. Christopher Steele was a contractor brought in by Fusion GPS because they wanted someone with intelligence credentials, but he is the outlier. The types of media reporting that was derived from so-called “intelligence” caused defamatory statements to be published that will not bode well for people who have manipulated intelligence for political purposes. It appears that upon questioning Christopher Steele has all but clammed up. Reports were released to the media so that those making the reports, without one scintilla of evidence for their accusations, could and in fact did, go back to that same media and use their leaked information as newly corroborating evidence. All they actually did was confirm their own bias.

It is not only Christopher Steele that is backpedaling, but the media is also now in lockstep with him with the FBI now trying to claim the Trump dossier did not matter although the FBI’s disgraced and fired Andrew McCabe had admitted under oath that there would have been no FISA warrant without the dossier. Originally the entire FISA warrant, according to the MSM, was balanced on the Trump surveillance that lasted for 1½ years. During that time the FBI sought continual renewals hoping for just one call between Putin and Trump. The basis and justification for renewal of the FISA warrant changed every time FBI lies and mendacity have now been exposed. Now the FBI has had to have their very top officials threatened with contempt and obstruction of justice by the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and the Judicial Oversight Committee to get the agency to submit the FISA applications and other documents explaining the who, what, where, when, how and why for the continual renewal of the FISA warrants that provided complete access to the Trump campaign. During that time there has not been any legitimate evidence that would has justified the initial FISA warrant let alone its repeated and continual renewal over the course of 1/1/2 years. The key people who sought the FISA warrant have been demoted and reassigned,+ resigned, been fired, or retired. Those few such as Rosenstein and Priestap who have not been sacked are the same people who refuse to provide unredacted documentation and testimony that congressional oversight committees have the right to access. But, rumors have surfaced within the agency that Preistap has been working closely with FBI IG Michael Horowitz.

All the top brass at the FBI have implicated themselves, Comey, Rosenstein, Yates and McCabe. It is funny to now watch them bicker about who is responsible and blame each other after they have been caught contradicting themselves and each other as more retirements, resignations and firings have flourished. There are two things these geniuses never factored into the equation. First, they never considered that Hillary could lose to Trump, and they ever anticipated that after she lost there would be so many people who were willing to cooperate with the Inspector General. The fact is that their crimes can no longer be covered by Hillary Clinton about what was going on and who was doing what.

Christopher Steele is now claiming that part of the agreement he made with Fusion GPS regarding the dossier was that it could not be released without his permission. I doubt that Clinton would have sunk $12 million into the dossier without it being subject to release. In the dossier Christopher Steele claimed a Russian tech company was releasing viruses and engaging in cyberwar. While it is easy in US intelligence circles to make goofy claims, like when Bush claimed Saddam had a drone air force and was going to launch chemical attacks from ships sitting off the East Coast, (yes he actually said this) Fusion GPS is now being placed in a situation in which they are going to have to provide proof of their allegations in a court of law.

The DNC, through the false dossier and through FBI special counsel, is attacking Republican operatives while Mueller has admitted that while Trump is under investigation, he is not a suspect. This does not bode well for the Clintons with their Uranium One deal, the Clinton Foundation, the email destruction, and secret servers. It does not bode well for Lynch and her tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton and it does not bode well for those who had decided to exonerate Hillary regardless of the evidence that clearly shows crimes were committed. Those in the FBI and DOJ who have proved to be her minions, and those who have lied, leaked, misrepresented material fact and conspired to unseat a duly elected presiden, are all in deep jeopardy now that the office of the US Attorney has combined its power with those of the Inspector General’s office. What we now have is a streamlined process for what is a de facto special counsel that combined all the resources and integrity of the IG with that of a federal prosecutor who can compel testimony under the threat of perjury from those outside the FBI and DOJ. What we have here is no less than full scale lawfare in which each side is waiting to see whose nuclear bomb will reach its target first, but make no mistake, each side has already launched. Trump has the better position now except for the fact that so many potential witnesses against Clinton have already been granted immunity, but if it can be proved, and I believe it can, that Comey was corrupt, and those pardons were given out not in the interest of justice but as a means to obstruct or indemnify those whom worked for the person everyone assumed would be the next president, those people can be all interviewed again and be once again placed under the pains of perjury. Those in the FBI, like Comey, who decided to destroy evidence, may find they made very poor decisions. Especially since Comey has now admitted under oath he leaked information to a friend so that friend could leak to the media so Comey could get a special prosecutor assigned to investigate Trump even after Comey admitted that the dossier against Trump was salacious and unconfirmed.

Since Comey admitted under oath that the Trump dossier was salacious and unconfirmed, one has to wonder why Comey would then make this document his leading argument for a FISA warrant that was used to gain surveillance of Trump. While the oath to the FISA court demands the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, one has to wonder why the FBI did not admit that the Trump dossier was a Hillary and DNC sponsored hit job. The FBI also thought it could get by by also failing to mention to the FISA court that the FBI terminated Steele as a source for what the FBI defines as “the most serious of violations”. The FBI also never mentioned that the dossier had not been independently verified and then used the same media Christopher Steele had met with to get circular reporting on this fake intelligence. The facts have confirmed that news stories used to corroborate the dossier came from the dossier. Lastly, the FISA Court was never told that demoted DOJ Associate Attorney General Bruce Ohr, who was also demoted from his second position as director of Organized Crime Drug Task Forces had met with Fusion GPS before and after the dossier was published and was leaking information to them he then claimed provided additional verification to both the DOJ’s intelligence and the Fusion GPS dossier. It was also never mention by Orh to the FBI, DOJ or the FISA court that his wife worked for Fusion GPS and received hundreds of thousands of dollars for her “scholarship” in writing the Trump dossier. Alan Simpson, the CEO of Fusion GPS, has confirmed in testimony his contacts with Ohr.

Please save this website address because a link with be added to update this article as more news is available, news you will not be getting from MSNBC, CNN, the Wall Street Journal or the New York Times.

Also See: The FBI Has Proven the Government Is Not to Be Trusted – Or, How I Scooped the MSM on High Treason 


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