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By Joseph Zrnchik for 5th Estate Media Email: (Reporter)
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Trump Considering Commuting Former Illinois Rod Blagojevich's Sentence - A Product of Obama's Corrupt FBI and DOJ

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Trump Considering Commuting Former Illinios Governor Rod Blagojevich’s Sentence – A product of Obama’s Corrupt FBI and DOJ

The difference between Rod Blagojevich and the Clintons is that the Clintons have corrupted everyone around them and so have many accomplices who are in high places. These accomplices are literally allowed to make the rules up as they go along while establishing a two-tiered system of justice that leaves the populous under the boot heel of a tyrannical legal system as the elite engage in crimes that are literally beyond the reach of the law which stands impotent in the face of their theft, murder and sedition.

How is it that President Kennedy can be shot in front of the entire nation and the elite are allowed to cover up this murder?  When President Kennedy’s younger brother ran for the office of president and swore to get to the bottom of his brother’s assassination, he ended up being killed under mysterious circumstances, circumstances which also were never fully investigated. And then you have people like George Bush, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and now Hillary Clinton who have no intention of letting the American people know who the parties were that were responsible for those assassinations. Why is it that to this day Americans are not allowed to see the tax files of one Lee Harvey Oswald?

It would seem that covering for the elites’ murder of a president and then a presidential candidate would serve as a litmus test that would reliably determine whose interests a particular candidate or office holder is serving or intends to serve. No American should be under any illusion that their elected officials run this country.  The country is run by elites who operate the deep state.

Bill Clinton, for the sake campaign contributions, allowed American defense corporations to transfer nuclear weapons missile technology to China thereby placing the lives of tens of millions of Americans at risk. To the elite this treason was nothing more than a routine business deal in which the lives of the masses are were bought, sold and traded for the interests of the elites.

The Clintons were allowed to set up an organization specifically established to pay the legal bills resulting from Bill Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinsky and turned it into a cover-up slush fund that allows them to trade upon the offices of the Secretary of State and President with impunity.  Yet, all Blagojevich did was say he wanted something for an Illinois State Senate seat and he received over a decade in jail.  All he wanted to do was parlay the vacant senate seat for a job in Washington DC or in lieu of that for a better tax deal on behalf of taxpayers in Illinios.

How is it that Hillary can facilitate the transfer of uranium mining rights to a Russian company while her foundation gets hundreds millions of dollars from foreign interests and absolutely nothing happens to her or Bill?  How is it that the Clintons received hundreds millions of dollars from foreign governments who were banned from getting American military equipment until they paid tens of millions of dollars in bribes to the Clintons and this did not raise an eyebrow of anyone in government to include the Justice Department, the FBI, the Pentagon, the White House?  how is it that the Clintons were able to trade their offices for foreign interests and managed to accrue $2 billion and not a single individual in government, the mainstream media or the intellectual class would even address this as a issue?

The Clinton Fund only spent 20 percent of the over one billion dollars it received on charitable services.  Many of these foreign governments that the Clintons received millions of dollars from could have easily given to charities themselves. Instead, some of the worst government in the world gave millions of dollars to the Clintons as their own citizens suffered. We are supposed to belive that Russian oligarchs suddenly became altuistic and it was just a coincidence that this generosity happened to occur as they were seeking to buy up 20% of US uranium?

The reason the Clintons set up a private server and hid and destroyed many thousands of emails is so that they could hide the reasons behind the receipt of hundreds of millions of dollars in bribes from foreign governments in exchange for weapons, diplomatic cover, the overlooking of human rights abuses, or business considerations granted by the US State Department that endangered US national security.  After all, the Clintons were directly responsible for giving a Russian company uranium mining rights and selling top-secret missile technology to China.  Yet the FBI never raised an eyebrow and hid the fact that the sale involved money laundering, bribery, blackmail and racketeering which the FBI hid from congressional oversight committees. 

Blagojevich never asked for or received a penny.  All he wanted was a DC job for appointing whoever Obama wanted to get his old senate seat.  This types of horsetrading is done all the time and should have been something that “no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute”, in the words of James Comey.  The problem is Obama wanted Blagojevich prosecuted and the FBI and DOJ were all too willing to turn a non-crime into a decades-plus sentence.  Trump should release Blagojevich’s tapes talking to Obama, the very tapes the FBI and court denied Blagojevich’s defense during FBI wiretaps.

The fact that neither the FBI nor the Justice Department went after Hillary Clinton for her myriad of crimes clearly demonstrates that if you want a job in Washington DC all you have to do it’s cover for the corruption of the elite and those who serve the elites’ interests.  Does the FBI actually think it is viewed as anything other than a political police department?.  Does the FBI actually believe that Americans think it is anything other than abusive to the weak while corruptly serving the interests of the powerful?

What Rod Blagojevich should have done was set up a charitable organization, which would have already put him ahead of the Clintons considering the Clinton Foundation was not even established as a charitable organization designed to collect foreign money, and he could have told the Illinois Attorney General to overlook crimes such as treason, murder, embezzelment, and insider trading, while granting pardons en mass in exchange for charitable “donations” as the Clintons did for terrorists, perpetrators of fraud, and those who engaged in tax evasion.  Blagojevich would have needed to include a few key people, perhaps the Clintons,  and then he would have been beyond the reach of the law. Instead, Rod Blagojevich thought small and merely wanted DC job for himself for handing out a state senate seat to whomever Obama wanted to give it to.  A corrupt FBI, Justice Department and judiciary prosecuting this so-called “crime” would not even allow into evidence the discussions that Rod Blagojevich had with people from the Obama Administration. 

So while hundreds of millions of dollars changed hands with respect to the Clinton Foundation, not a penny was ever asked for or received by Rod Blagojevich.  Yet, he ends up in jail for the better part of a decade as Hillary continued to collect hundreds of millions of dollars from brutal foreign dictatorships as she and her cohorts engaged in sedition against the United States. The difference is that the Clintons brought in everybody around them into their criminal conspiracy and became too big to prosecute. If the Clintons were prosecuted many dozens of the most powerful people in Washington would end up in jail for decades if the FBI was anything more than the political police who created jobs for itself by intitiating false terrorist plots using the mentally ill and retarded while providing them with radicalization, training, weapons and explosives, and finally money.  This is how far our nation has sank under two Clinton administrations, two Bush administrations and two Obama administrations. 

Yet, the elite who buy and sell our political leaders want us to believe that Trump is a danger to The Republic. What they are actually worried about  is that he will be a danger to their imperial crime rackets that include torture, murder, illegal invasions, genocide, ethnic cleansing, the selling of arms, ammunition and equipment as part of a war-profitteering scam that steals trillions of dollars from decent people, all crimes against humanity.

The elite can control television news, newspapers, magazines, radio and big huge chunks of internet news organizations, but this is not enough in the age of the internet. It is very easy to find the truth and know the truth when you see it. The institutions in this country will continue to lose credibility and legitimacy while they continue to pee on the American people and tell them it is  merely raining.  The powerful simply have no more shame, nor bother any longer with even the pretense of justice.  It is all about power.  Hillary knows this and so wants more.

This situation brings me to the issue of law enforcement.  If they know the truth about the elite and the elites’ willingness to kill millions to obtain and hold power, at what point do police become culpable? And, even if they have not reached that point because of their stupidity or because they have been brainwashed, at what point does their stupidity or social conditioning make them fair game?  Reinhold Neibuhr discusses and analyzes this issue in depth.  There is no doubt that we have reached the point that the elite and their police henchmen have made redress impossible.  I hope the deep state reaps the whirlwind it has created.  

In the meantime, Trump can do much to balance the scales of justice by exonerating Rod Blagojevich.  He was a guy that Obama wanted taken down.  Blagojevich’s father-in-law used his connections to get Blagojevich prosecuted because of a family disagreement.  A corrupt FBI and DOJ then went after Blagojevich to tie off lose ends of Obama’s crimes as Obama’s seat went to Jesse Jackson’s son and daughter-in-law who stole many hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy luxery items.  Yet, Blagojevich, who never stole a penny, received more prison time than both Jesse Jackson Jr. and his wife who were both charged and convicted for stealing money.  On top of Jesse Jackson Jr.’s crimes which he blamed on bipolar disorder, he now gets $138,000 a year in disability benefits.  Maybe Blagojevich should have just told everyone he was crazy.

The media will be up in arms attacking Trump when he pardons Blagojevich, but when Bill and Hillary committed crimes and even received money from those Clinton granted pardons to, little was said by the media and nothing was said by the FBI or DOJ.  The media will say Trump is promoting lawlessness, but Trump has not received any money from those who will be granted pardons.  He is doing it because he knows just how corrupt an Bush, Clinton and Obama DOJ and FBI can be.  This is why Trump is also including Martha Stewart in his presidential pardon considerations.  Consider that neither the FBI or DOJ did anything to the CIA as it destroyed torture tapes sought under court order.  The FBI and DOJ also did nothing as the CIA spied on the US Senate as it conducted its investigation of CIA torture.  The FBI and DOJ did nothing as Clapper lied to congressional oversight committees about spying on hundreds of millions of Americans, nor did either do anything as Clinton stole top secret emails by placing them on an illegal server.  The DOJ did nothing as the FBI tortured and murdered Kenneth Trentadue under the auspices of Operation Patriot Conspiracy, and then sat idle as the FBI destroyed evidence and obstructed justice.

The media is destroying itself going after Trump.  It has permanently turned away tens of millions of viewers.  Moreover, Americans now understand just how corrupt and partisan the media is as it pumps out propaganda that is directed against the American people.  It is information warfare not targeted at America’s enemies, but is instead directed against the American people.  The media will always be able to fool some of the people all of the time, but it will no longer be able to fool all of the people all of the time.  

Mueller attacked RT for exposing the truth.  The DNC wants the American people to remain ignorant of just how corrupt the political establishment is, which is why they consider Assange Public Enemy No. 1.  Hillary’s anger is the result of not being able to fool you by being able to hide her corruption.  Hillary, the DOJ and FBI all want to be able to spy on you, but when they get caught in their crimes they invoke national security or complain of Russian conspiracy without providing a single shred of evidence.  They want war with Russia over hacked emails and yet refuse to provide the server for FBI analysis. They want to criminalize information in the age of information.     


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    • Mike

      It’s an exclusive club, they are all in it together. What about Bernie Madoff?

    • Joseph Zrnchik for 5th Estate Media Email:

      Bernie Madoff is in jail, but considering how Obama ran the Fed, he ought to have considered Madoof for chairmanship of the Federal Reserve since Madoff has a lot of experience at running pyramid schemes. If Madoff was runnig his scam on behalf of Goldman Sachs he would still be a free man today.

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