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By Joseph Zrnchik for 5th Estate Media Email: (Reporter)
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The FBI is guilty of witness tampering and coercion. The case is a simple one to prove. The FBI could easily have taped their interview with Corsi. The recording would be able to prove whether the interrogation by the FBI is actually making a justified prosecution of Corsi or if it is merely an attempt to use prison Given that the prosecution of everyone involved results from minor discrepancies in minutia that in no way impacts on the issue of whether or not there was ever collusion between Trump and Russia, a charge that has yet to be substantiated in any meaningful way, it as a method of coercing Corsi to say what Mueller wants to have Corsi say to fabricate a case against Trump. Corsi and Stone did what Gen. Flynn should have done and tell Mueller to go pound sand.

It would seem that everyone would be best served by the recording of interviews conducted by the FBI. Let a jury see the way the FBI engaged in days of interrogation only to prosecute either a minor mistaken detail or a lapse of memory. Then a jury would have an exact understanding as to whether the person became flustered, made a mistake, was manipulated, forgot a minor detail or was out and out lying.

When FBI agents like Bruce Ohr were brought in for questioning, their excuse of not remembering was invoked dozens of time when explanations were demanded by congress. It was the same with Clinton. Yet no matter how much the response violated reasonableness, Hillary was always given the benefit of the doubt. Why is Trump not being given the same considerations if the FBI is unbiased?

The beauty of the Corsi trial is that Mueller will have to lay some cards on the table. When Corsi demands discovery, Mueller will finally have to finally put up or shut up. Corsi will make no deal. He has done nothing wrong except predict what everyone knew Assange would do to Hillary. What happens if Assange can prove that the information he received came from someone within the campaign? Will everyone involved in this malicious prosecution be prosecuted?

Corsi has the backing of important individuals who served with distinction within America’s intelligence services and whom would be willing to serve as expert witnesses. People like William Binny and Ray McGovern, members of Veterans Intelligence Professional for Sanity (VIPS) will love to provide their assessments of the evidence. VIPS has officially stated as an organization that the data packets which are part of the data transfer prove the downloads came from within the system and could have only occurred if done with a thumb drive by somebody within the system. They have unequivocally stated that there is no way it could have been done any other way. Hence, the DNC refused to allow the FBI to analyze the DNC server. Imagine how great it would be in Hillary had to turn over the DNC server to Stone and Corsi.

Consider that people like Rachael Maddow advocate US war with Russia and insisst that Russia is controlling the US government and states the alleged hack was an act of war by Russia, notwithstanding the fact that the US interferes in the domestic politics of other nations as often as Hillary lies to the American people. Does anyone really believe her when she says that the “C” marked on her classified documents she illegally routed to a home server meant “Copy”?

If this is such a national emergency, why wouldn’t the FBI have confiscated the server as part of a crime. The very people who demand that action be taken have placed the single most important piece of evidence off-limits. Yeah, my neighbor broke into my house and stole my gun and used it to kill someone, but I refuse to allow you to take his fingerprints off my gun or the gun case. Does this reasoning make any sense? Why has the FBI not admitted that the key to this case is the DNC server? This is why the prosecutions are merely coercive and malicious and never about collusion. It is why no evidence has to be submitted or examined. Mueller’s cases are always about some minor defect in recollection and never about collusion. Hillary reroutes classified documents vital to national security and they refuse to record or take notes and destroy all evidence after she submitted it. Why is Trump not afforded the same considerations?

Let the prosecutions begin and let a jury see how corrupt the FBI is. The agency has destroyed itself and its credibility. As a a member of a jury I would never give the written notes or testimony of an FBI agent anymore credibility than I would give Clapper, Ohr, Comey, Strzok or Page.

Now that there is no evidence of collusion Mueller will write a report viciously attacking the Trump administration without any charges be filed. Trump will understand how partisan and anti-Trump his nonsense will be and so will never agree to release the report, an act that is totally within his purview and that of Attorney General Whitaker. Then the prosecutions will be put to rest and pardons will fly like Frisbees. These pardons must be granted by Trump. Trump should make his case with the American people through an able spokeman and he should release whatever evidence he deems is within his favor. He owes no consideration to those who have abused their power to coerce false statements.

If the Dems think they can impeach on such shoddy grounds, then let them impeach. The senate will have the last word on such nonsense. Trumps opponents have accused him of so many things that they are no longer taken seriously and this whole Trump witch-hunt is a non-issue with voters as proven in pole after pole. The neo-liberal left uses this nonsense to differentiate itself from the neo-conservative right whose policies are exactly the same as the Democrats with regard to banking, the national security/surveillance state, the police state and the military industrial complex.

There is someone on the left who exposes the neo-liberals. His mane is Jimmy Dore, a Chicago native who destroys Clinton and completely as he destroys Trump. He calls for a third party. I am a libertarian who supports his can to trash the status quo from both the left and the right. Trump has proven to be the once candidate who is anti-establishment. What we need is another candidate that is more anti-establishment. Where Trump has failed Americans is in not doing those things he promised pre-election. Let him destroy the American empire. This is what is best for Americans. We do not want or need global domination, nor do we need to continue to carry out criminal actions in Syria, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Somalia, Iraq and Afghanistan. Trump’s big mistake is in not doing as he promised. He needs to ignore the attacks from the right by the left and trust and serve those who elected him president. We Americans need to demonstrate the same trust is Trump’s Attorney General as Clinton has with Holder and Obama had with Lynch. Then all of Trump’s problems will be solved and Americans will continue to support him.

We are watching justice get flipped on its head. The FBI said it believed Carter Page was a spy. Carter Page was a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy. After his discharge from the U.S. Navy Page advised Russia and wrote papers concerning energy issues and suddenly this is used as a basis for Comey to spy on everyone in the Trump campaign. Page was critical of U.S. Russian foreign policy so apparently this qualified him as a spy in the eyes of those who sought to subvert the Trump presidency. The FBI had absolute proof of Clinton crimes and did nothing, but because Carter Page was critical of Obama and Clinton with regard to U.S. belligerence toward Russia he was deemed a spy and security risk which allowed a fabricated basis for the spying on everyone in the Trump campaign. Yet, for all the FBI spying it has not one shred of evidence of any Russian collusion regardless of the MSM promising every single night that a new bombshell is forthcoming. If this is not a complete CIA propaganda operation, then I am sure both Kennedy’s are still alive and waiting for a run in 202. Note to libtards: The CIA had a hand in the killing of Kennedy because he wanted to forego an arms race with Russia and use the saved money to make American society better.

Now the Left cheers the FBI and CIA and wants the CIA to run foreign policy and foment war with Russia as CNN and MSNBC pays the former CIA Director and NSA Director to bring you your nightly MSM news as they demands ever-increasing belligerence towards Russia because any action undertaken by anyone outside of the expressed purpose of igniting WWIII means that person is a Putin puppet engaging in espionage, but prior to the election it was okay for Hillary to pocket $145 million to sell Putin 20% of US uranium. And, it was okay for the FBI to hide the money laundering, bribery and coercion from the HPSCI to ensure Hillary’s deal went through. If this arrangement looks corrupt, that is because it is corrupt. This is clearly a case of the establishment gaslighting the American people with the help of the all-in-for-Hillary media. I don’t need anyone to tell me anything regarding this deal. It speaks for itself. The fact that the MSM doesn’t cover this news story does not make me think Hillary isn’t corrupt, it makes me realize how corrupt the MSM is.

Let’s see what the establishment has to say about Trump-Russia collusion when pressed:

Here is Admiral Hayden admitting no collusion:

Here is Bob Woodward finally admitting no collusion:



MSNBC Journalist Quits Over MSNBC Corruption


Progressive Jimmy Dore, self-proclaimed “jagoff nightclub comedian” and Media Critic Exposes MSM


MSNBC Investigative Journalist Tells Maddow on her show, NO COLLUSION


Collusion Author Can’t Say Where Collusion Is


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