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By Joseph Zrnchik for 5th Estate Media Email: (Reporter)
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Hillary's Hail Mary

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During the last months of the Obama administration, after the Trump dossier had already been circulated, perjured FISA warrants submitted and illegal surveillance authorized, political animals of the scavenger variety sat back with bated breath looking for one email, one phone call, one intercept, one unmasking, one utterance that could provide justification for the perjury, illegal spying, unmasking and surveillance that had already been perpetrated under people like Hillary Clinton, John Brennan, James Comey, Samantha Power, Adam Schiff, Loretta Lynch, Andy McCabe and Peter Strzok.

While Obama’s corrupt henchmen still held the reins of power and hoped to further their ambitions under Hillary, they knew their time was short and hoped and prayed the devil would rescue them from their predicament. They knew if their scheme failed there would be a reckoning because they would no longer have the means or freedom of action to hide evidence at will. 

They had coordinated meetings and colluded with MI6. The FBI and CIA coordinated with foreign intelligence services and with Fusion GPS while Christopher Steele, in his own report, even admitted he used Russian intelligence sources and political officials who gave Steele exactly what he and Clinton needed to destroy Americans faith in a political process that had not deigned to include Hillary Clinton as their chief executive.

As the minutes ticked by, every conversation, every sentence, every word was hoped to be the justification for the coup de grace. If any situation presented itself as a means to contrive in preventing Trump from taking office, then no matter how foul, illegal or treasonous, there was no crime that could not be papered over. Comey and Lynch had already demonstrated that to Clinton. Their obsequious to power only served to embolden Clinton. 

But, as the minutes waned and Trump’s inauguration drew near, a sense of desperation began to take hold. These players were arsonists who were burning down any walls that remained between politics and the weaponization of law enforcement and intelligence.

After having proved to themselves that they could set the IRS upon political foes to no public outcry and very slight media consternation, it became clear to them that their ends could justify their means, and if not justify them at least provide cover for their subterfuge.

This is why just prior to Trump assuming office there was a flurry of unmaskings. The arsonists had returned to the scene of the crime and were waiting to see if the fire they set in the political and media Reichstag would provide a pretext for manufacturing what they hoped to be a successful coup. With the CIA and FBI already having demonstrated their loyalty to Clinton which was consummated through Hillary being able to flout her email server scandal like the Teflon don, it was clear that victory by Clinton could stymie any inquiry into their machinations and efficacy in undermining democracy and their subsequent subversion of an elected president and the agenda of those who elected him.

One need only look at the media coverage by Rachel Maddow, Don Lemon, and their respective networks of MSNBC and CNN to understand the control and influence weilded by the CIA and the military industrial complex over the mainstream media and their establishment of the daily narrative. It should shock people that Maddow spent 2 1/2 years espousing some undefined collusion for which the most exhaustive, intrusive, coercive, lavishly funded and heavily manned investigation in history, that included the CIA, the FBI, MI6, the investigative staff of Wapo, the NYT, WSJ, the Guardian and Fusion GPS, with rabid Hillary partisans in all major decision-making positions, all still failed to provide one single peice of evidence for any allegation of collusion. 

Once Hillary lost power, the only unaccounted variable she was not able to control would be the extent to which power would be able to defend itself against power. 

Always having been in power and having enjoyed systematic, coordinated, strategic and synchronized media support which all acted as force multipliers for her memes and propaganda caused her to overplay her hand and then double down on a very bad political ploy created as the result of her insufferable arrogance and inflated ego. The humiliation she, and her predecessor, Barack Obama, suffered at the hand of Trump was palpable. Obama and Clinton both had underestimated the extent to which the American people found them both repulsive. 

There is one aspect of their crime for which they did not underestimate their ability to maintain power, exercise control, disseminate lies and manufacture consent and that was in a media that proved itself to be a shameless sycophant. 

The short-sightedness of the corporate media model proved itself willing to destroy its long-term credibility, viability, relevancy and legitimacy for short-term profits, partisanship and parochial concerns while masquerading itself as a principled insurgency. The media exhibited a nauseating degree of hypocrisy and mendacity while being unable to discern the ridiculousness of its McCarthyism and attempts at Red Scare mongering.

Democrats were equally absurd and ridiculous in their attempts at trying to convince anyone not ideologically blinded by neo-liberalism nor a worshipper at the Cult of Hillary that Putin took control of the US electorate for which billions of dollars were spent between free air time, corporate donations, the DNC and the RNC, and unlimited PAC money versus $3,700 in Google ads and $45,000 in Facebook ads by a Russian troll farm that were reminiscent of juvenile trolling on message boards as opposed to it being part of a sophisticated intelligence operation. After Democrats insisted on hearings and investigations, and upon it being presented to the American people, it became insulting to one’s intelligence to see educated people act as if what they were doing anything other than grasping at straws to justify having painted themselves in a corner.

Every time Trump made an assertion the media mocked him. When he stated he was being spied on, they questioned his sanity. When he said their Russian collusion assertions were ridiculous, they whipped out the 17 intelligence agencies meme. They all said Trump knew nothing and needed to listen to those who constantly push for war. Now, whose judgment and pronouncements proved correct? When Trump said the intelligence agencies needed to go back to school, they decried and insulted him. Now it seems Trump has been proven to have been accurate and correct.

So the question now is: How much deeper is the political establishment and media going to continue to dig themselves into a hole?



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