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Never-ending efforts of #Democrats to control/manipulate #Elections via #VoterFraud!

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[New book from Joseph M. Lenard TERROR STRIKES: / /]

#Commiecrats #Voter reforms keep getting more and more ridiculous! They are NOT seriously interested in making things easier for People to Vote, THEY ARE ONLY CONCERNED IN INCREASING THEIR ABILITY TO CHEAT (increase #VoterFraud)!

[Sat Nov 21 update:]

[Election Voter Fraud Will Become More and More Rampant and Blatant, We're Already Seeing it in California, Florida, and Michigan (2016 and 2018 Elections, every 2 years it increases)...
at: /politics/2018/11/election-voterfraud-will-become-more-and-more-rampant-and-blatant-were-already-seeing-it-in-florida-and-michigan-3036724.html]

The #Constitution is CLEAR what #Election Day is. PERIOD! And, you are MEANT TO DO SO IN PERSON (have some CIVIL RESPONSIBILITY TO GET OFF YOUR ASS AND DO SO)!

#ElectionReform needed in all 50 States immediately…
8 steps that must be enacted IMMEDIATELY…

Now, no-one I know is unsympathetic to LIMITED FOR CAUSE #ABSENTEE #Ballots, but sending them out earlier and earlier (and NO REASON mail in is UNCONSTITUTIONAL)! Absentee Ballots should be sent no sooner than 2 weeks before an Election to allow for Delivery time, the person to then CAST THEIR BALLOT (not leave it sit around for weeks), and return Delivery time – cuz a lot can happen in the last 6 weeks or more (in some cases Absentee Ballots already sent) that might/could SHIFT OPINIONS and ultimately #Votes!


#Commiecrats now have in #CA POST ELECTION VOTING! Yup, if in #California a #Commiecrat loses a #Congressional seat Race (HOLD ON, WAIT A MINUTE) they can engage in POST ELECTION #BALLOTHARVESTING #VOTERFRAUD to try and REVERSE THE OUTCOME OF ELECTION ON LEGALLY/PROPERLY HELD BY #CONSTITUTION DATE!! They want that nonsense EVERYWHERE! Why, of course, cuz they do NOT respect actual PROPERLY RUN ELECTIONS they want to ex-post-facto undo them when they do not Win. We need to encourage IN PERSON VOTING for another very important reason – As the saying goes, it’s not who Votes but those that count the #Votes – and Democrats have been shown over and over (despite the #eneMEDIA trying to hide the Reports/NEWS) to cheat and one way they do is to VOID ABSENTEE BALLOTS (cuz they are NOT SECRET BALLOTS (FOR YOUR PROTECTION to avoid intimidation before hand and/or potential retribution after the fact, as required, we ignore) at that point) of those that have Votes “that aren’t in their favor!”


The same, of course, goes for ALL MAIL IN #VOTING. For some small Districts and/or States with reasonable sized Populations that may be, and some places is, done! But to try and peddle it EVERYWHERE is again not about EASE OF VOTING but EASE OF CHEATING (and, again NOT #CONSTITUTIONAL (as if we pay any attention to that these days))! As (AGAIN) the saying goes, it’s not who Votes but those that count the #Votes (and with ALL MAIL IN there are far too many Ballots to ensure that Mail Ins (like Absentees) are properly checked against #VoterRegistration Files and for valid Signatures (and even MORE DEAD VOTERS Ballots being counted)!

Funny how the DNC requires ID to get into their Convention and Vote, the Unions that funnel Millions of stolen dues money from its members to Democrat Candidates require VALID ID to Vote in Union Elections, India with over 1 Billion people can manage to issue/maintain/require VOTER ID (as does Mexico (yet adopting Mexican Election protections is somehow “RACIST” to do here) and countless other Nations), but yet any attempts to ensure YOUR LEGAL VOTE IS NOT DISENFRANCHISED (a term the left loves to distort) BY ANOTHERS’ ( OR SEVERAL) ILLEGALLY CAST VOTES to maintain our FREE AND FAIR ELECTIONS actually remain “FAIR” are always met with resistence (and for one reason only, they know it reduces Democrat #VoterFraud opportunities)! As always, Democrats can never be HONEST they twist and distort terms to hide their real agenda, always. As the saying goes about Commiecrats – the issue is never the issue but the REVOLUTION (the hidden agenda)!

See related article:
Exposing the Lefts’ LIES that #VoterFraud never happens!
at: /u-s-politics/2019/04/exposing-the-lefts-lies-that-voterfraud-never-happens-2576326.html

also: Election Voter Fraud Will Become More and More Rampant and Blatant, We’re Already Seeing it in California, Florida, and Michigan
at: /politics/2018/11/election-voterfraud-will-become-more-and-more-rampant-and-blatant-were-already-seeing-it-in-florida-and-michigan-3036724.html

further on Left twisting terms/language distorting issues:
‘The Greater Good’ — “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Or the one”
at: /economics-and-politics/2019/04/the-greater-good-the-needs-of-the-many-outweigh-the-needs-of-the-few-or-the-one-2518275.html

also related to Left twisting language/terms, there is nothing they will not attempt to DISTORT CONTEXT for Political advantage – including THE BIBLE!
see: Liberals Religion is Government – their motto: Separation FROM Church TO State 
at: /religion/2019/04/liberals-religion-is-government-their-motto-separation-from-church-to-state-2-2546594.html

additionally: Constitutional Responsibilities of Citizens
at: /tea-party/2019/05/constitutional-responsibility-of-citizens-2624388.html

additionally: Michigan and #VoterID
at: /republican/2012/07/will-michigans-governor-rick-snyder-be-primaried-because-of-this-voterid-2355534.html



Early KEY STATES (East coast) to Watch!

There have been ISSUES in these key Eastern States that could provide early bellweather to the night....

#ME (If #Collins WINS, bodes VERY WELL for #REDWAVE up/down ballot all across #USA) as long as #NC (#Tillis was in trouble), #SC (nearly 1/4 BILLION spent by #Fascicrats to unseat Lindsey #Graham), #GA (if State does GO BLUE, there will be trouble, but if it stays RED (especially by a LARGE MARGIN) then CALL EVERYONE YOU KNOW WEST OF MS to be sure they still #GOTV for #GOP up/down ballot for #REDWAVE (if they let off the Gas, we could still lose #USHouse and/or #USSenate)) and of course #FL (we need the potential massive #BLEXIT and #Lexit shifts to show themselves in #MIAMIDADE to make it clear FL will go RED and CAN BE CALLED EARLY)! IF THOSE GO BAD/BLUE, #Trump could still pull out a WIN (but will be uphill climb, and likely to not have either #USCongress body to help for his entire 2nd term)!

Then, #MI, #OH, #PA.... These are still going to BE CLOSE, likely too close to call as early as we'd like!

As we move West: #AZ (must save #McSally #USSenate seat), #NV, #CO (must save #Gardner #USSenate seat)

and if all that demonstrates #REDWAVE AWASHING #USA, we have real shot at reclaiming #CA #USHouse seats lost in #MidTerms2018 which would assure #GOPSWEEP #Election2020 sweep!!! ]


———– MON SEP 27 2021 UPDATE ————–

If your response to the known #VoterFraud in 2020 is to SIT OUT 2022, THEN YOU ARE A #MORON! We must turn-out in such overwhelming numbers, that they cannot even STEAL THE NEXT ELECTION trying to Cheat. But why would they Cheat, if #MORONS won’t #GOTV, they can Win w/o #Fraud. #SpecialKindOfSTUPID

If your response to the known #VoterFraud in 2020 is to SIT OUT 2022, THEN YOU ARE A #MORON! We must turn-out in such overwhelming numbers, that they cannot even STEAL THE NEXT ELECTION trying to Cheat. But why would they Cheat, if #MORONS won’t #GOTV, they can Win w/o #Fraud. #SpecialKindOfSTUPID


Let’s just pretend that 160M people did vote in last Election, there are 330Mish #USCitizens in USA (but, yes, of course, not all are of age to Vote)… It is reported that between 50-60% OF ALL CHRISTIANS are STILL NOT VOTING (most of which are Conservatives, likely Constitutionalists, except for the FAKE CHRISTIANS like Biden, Pelosi, et al (see related:! There are PLENTY of Folks that HAVE NOT GOT OFF THEIR ASSES YET and are still part of the Problem.

As the Canadian Rock group RUSH tune says: If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice —- or, let me add: allowed one to be FORCED UPON YOU!


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TUE APR 26th 2022 UPDATE:

Hey #Patriots:
Want a SNEAK PEEK at Patrick Colbeck’s next book*??
My book (#TerrorStrikes) is first on the Page** and his follows down-page!!

* hint: it has to do with the 2020 Election!
** more on McHenry Press & #TerrorStrikes making History: [](  


Joseph M. Lenard (a/k/a: JLenardDetroit)
Born 1962. Lifelong resident Wyandotte Michigan.
Former information technology professional.
Political issues blogger/vlogger/speaker/writer.



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============= WED JAN 19 2022 11:00 UPDATE =============

[below is comment from:  about redistricting shenanigans. You really should see: as while it is about MI REDISTRICTING much of what is there WILL APPLY TO YOU!!! AND YOUR STATE!!!!]

We told you PEOPLE NOT POLITICIANS (aka: Prop-2) was a farce…
We told you that it was NOT JUST MICHIGAN, that Soro’s was pouring money, on behalf of Democrats, IN STATES THAT THE LEGISLATURES CONTROLLED BY REPUBLICANS (and only those States, you didn’t and won’t see this GO-AROUND in any BLUE STATE) was for a reason – and that reason was to STEAL the redistricting process from LEGISLATORS (as outlined in LAW or CONSTITUTION of most States) and put it in the hands of BOARDS/COMMITTEES they could, lie, cheat, steal, control over, in order to GERRYMANDER ADDITIONAL BLUE DISTRICTS!

Now, they finally admit it…

to: DUMBocrats/FASCICRATS/SUCKERS in Michigan
Subject: “There has been a redistricting turnaround”

The media is starting to catch on to the fact that our efforts to stop Republican’s are having an impact.

It’s  about time! For years now, the NDRC has been working hard to prepare  the public and policymakers for redistricting [Editor note: I added the emphasis (and let me correct their "prepare" term to what it really was/is "propganda, manipulation, lies" in order to CONTROL (which is what they seek in everything. POWER to ensure they always have favor/advantage by expanding liberal DEEP STATE into any and all things], help win elections, and  put the pieces in place to secure fair ["fair" (see: elsewhere on this site) by which they mean GERRYMANDERING IN FAVOR OF DEMOCRATS] maps. So while we’re not  “surprised” that our strategy [read: thievery] is working, we are incredibly grateful to this community for giving us the resources to make it happen. Will you make a donation to help us keep up the fight?
Here’s a recap of some of the latest victories in the fight for fair maps:

States like Michigan [GOP Legislature had their Constitutional Rights to create the maps stolen], New Jersey, and California [lol, they tossed in 2 100% DEMOCRAT CONTROLLED STATES as a dodge, meanwhile they flood the other red/purple States they used the same PROP-2 FARCE like they did Michigan with the same email with "THAT-OTHER-STATE-NAME" in place of where "Michigan" is that they are gerrymandering to Democrat favor as their only hope to stave off the RED WAVE coming in 2022 and 2024 (as well, of course, with stepped-up VoterFraud efforts (] have adopted fair maps.
In many states where Republicans have [LEGAL AUTHORITY TO DRAW DISTRICTS] gerrymandered, voters have filed lawsuits.
[NOTICE, how they conveniently FILED LAWSUITS IN MICHIGAN against their own Commission to try and uphold UNCONSTITUTIONAL "majority minority Districts" gerrymandering (direct violation of "equal protections" and demand still MORE BLUE SEATS be gerrymandered in MI]
And the U.S. Department of Justice sued Texas over its gerrymandered maps. [Suing TX that actually UPHELD CONSTITUTIONAL districting, but TX is gaining an additional District, and they want to CHEAT their way into that being another BLUE SEAT despite TX being an overwhelmingly RED STATE]
But, we’re still fighting for fair maps in important states like  Pennsylvania, Florida, Kentucky, [the only HONEST statement they've made in this email, each of those States (again) HAVE GOP CONTROLLED STATE LEGISLATURES and they demand BLUE GERRYMANDERING despite they cannot win those State Legislatures to have the proper authority over districting] and more. Nearly 170 congressional  district maps have yet to be enacted! So please don’t let up on your support — we need to see this process through to the end. Will you pitch in now?
If you’ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately: Donate $10Donate $20Donate $50Donate $100Donate $150Another amountThanks,
[And, of course, what things always come down to, USE THEIR LIES TO RAISE MORE MONEY TO STEAL OTHER ELECTIONS WITH]

Since  2017, the NDRC has executed a comprehensive redistricting strategy that  shifts the redistricting power, creating fair districts where Democrats  can compete. Our victories have been made possible by our strong  community of grassroots supporters.MAKE A DONATIONIf  you want to receive periodic updates from the NDRC on our fight for  fair maps, text MAPS to 36787. Text HELP for help, STOP to end. Msg  & Data rates may apply. 

We  know we send a lot of emails, but we think it’s important to keep you  updated with the latest information on Republican [rather than meeting the demands for Democrat favored cheating] gerrymandering and  voter suppression [they still keep these LIES going despite 70% of ALL AMERICANS supporting VOTER ID so ALL LEGAL PEOPLE CAN/DO VOTE but people CANNOT CHEAT (see:] and how we’re fighting [read: cheating, cuz we cannot win obeying the laws] back — regardless of whether  you choose to donate. Click here to make a donation. Every dollar you give will go toward our fight to end gerrymandering and voter suppression.

Paid for by the National Democratic Redistricting Committee.     
National Democratic Redistricting Committee
700 13th Street NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20005
United States



TERROR STRIKES book … coming April 15th 2022 …

Joseph M. Lenard (a/k/a: JLenardDetroit)
Born 1962. Lifelong resident Wyandotte Michigan.
Former information technology professional.
Political issues blogger/vlogger/speaker/writer.



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Joseph M Lenard is on @buymeacoffee! 🎉
You can support by buying a coffee ☕️ here — 












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    Total 8 comments
    • JLenardDetroit

      What State was it that A DEAD CAT got official Ballot correspondence?!?! I think in that case it was only a BALLOT APPLICATION (which is why we use such an intermediary SECURITY PRECAUTION) which is bad enough and still could be used Fraudulantly. MAKES THE CLEAR CASE that under NO CIRCUMSTANCES, in any State, for any reason, should BALLOTS AUTOMATICALLY BE SENT TO ALL ON VOTER ROLLS (ZERO SAFEGUARDS, WILL BE RIFE WITH FRAUD)!

      #TheFive: Moron #JuanWilliams at it again, ranting and raving and ignoring the CLEAR DISTINCTIONS OF/IN LAW between #Absentee (must be requested and has security safe-guards) and #AllMailInBallots (mailing of actual Ballots w/o intermediary APPLICATION PROCESS safeguards to any and ALL (including Dead, no longer at residence, etc) Voters). The Left can NEVER, EVER, HAVE AN HONEST discussion of the #FACTS (they must always engage in #SPIN)!

      #Commiecrats know the #WalkAway and #BREXIT movements grow and they are losing #Voters – desperately posture to increase their #VoterFraud methods to offset (the only way they can Win in 2020)!

      • JLenardDetroit

        ugh, hate brain-farts (tell the fingers to type one thing, but accidentally type another) – OBVIOULSY what I meant to type was/is BLEXIT but accidentally typed BREXIT instead!

    • JLenardDetroit

      NOTE: I actually predicted the #Commiecrats’ LATE VOTING manure
      back in a 2008 #RedState Article of mine.

    • JLenardDetroit

      It’s NOT JUST #WHITLER here in #Michigan (or whatever #Commiecrat Gov may be in your State), we have moron #DanaNessel AG (soros helped get Elected, and #JoclynBenson SOS (to turn a blind eye to the increased #VoterFraud we all know is coming in #Michigan for #Election2020)!

      Soros DA Diana Becton Requires Officers Consider Whether a Looter “Needed” Stolen Goods Before Charging

      Yup, as the Commiecrats love to twist language, it clearly all depends on what the definition of NEED is?!?!

      This is an extension of the moronic AOC “Les Mis” comments, as if stealing DESIGNER PURSES/SHOES relates to “their need for BREAD!” IT’S F****** LAUGHABLE (and, of course, the #DUMBocrat base just nods there head up and down in agreement while the Bell Rings and they drool asking to be Fed even more MANURE)!

      Clear example: WE ARE NOT PAYING ENOUGH ATTENTION TO AG AND DA APPOINTMENTS/CAMPAIGNS! Soros spends Millions to either get Elected or Appointed these lowlife coddler #SJW #Commiecrat morons! Also, he has a special Secretary Of States project, to elect #Commicrats to State SOS Offices across the Nation – why? of course, as the saying goes: it’s not who Votes but who (controls the) counts the Votes!

      Take Back The USA – C.Daniels

      Some need to WAKE UP! This is NOT just about #TRUMP!!!

      There is one thing and one thing only that will get #USA back on track! That is #USCitizens giving #Trump2020Landslide, #GOPTakeTheHouse (swing min 50 #USHouse seats from Blue to Red), #GOPUSSenateSuperMajority2020, oust several #Commiecrat Mayors/Governors! There is only one thing that will even create the chance of any Democrats shaping up and doing right by their constituents and that is the clear message/THREAT that THEY COULD LOSE THEIR JOB NEXT!


    • JLenardDetroit

      #REALNEWS: 1,600+ Uncounted NJ Primary Ballots Discovered in a ‘Mislabeled’ Bin

      you won’t see this on your normal #ENEMEdia outlets – NOTHING TO SEE HERE! #MailInBallots never have ANY PROBLEMS, EVER, and especially NOT #VOTERFRAUD! (more/related: /u-s-politics/2020/07/never-ending-efforts-of-democrats-to-controlmanipulate-elections-via-voterfraud-2580233.html)


      #REALNEWS: AVOID #FakeNews #ENEMEdia #SPIN outlets

      #democratLIESmatter #DemocratsAreCorrupt #WalkAwayFromDemocratSocialists

      #WeAreTheNewsNow – see #REALNEWS tag (across all #SocialMedia (#MeWe, #Spreely, #PolitiChat, #Parler, #GAB, #Twitter) Platforms for #REALNEWS)!

      All the REALNEWS TWEETS: see: if they don’t #Shadowban the tweets!

      • JLenardDetroit

        Had a few now tell me, they NO LONGER support #EARLYVOTING!*
        Key to that phrase “NO LONGER” they were more than happy to let the UNCONSTITUTIONAL PROCESS go for far too long or START in the first place!!

        * that’s nice, but TOO LATE

        We have been SCREAMING for years to stop this BS expansion
        once the Genie was out of the bottle, the Left just kept EXPANDING IT for one reason and one reason only – for #VoterFraud just like we’re seeing now! Not even THE CURRENT #SCOTUS MAKEUP will ever dare declare it all UNCONSTITUTIONAL even though IT IS 100% UNDENIABLY SO (we will just get more Activism from the Bench wanting to “ensure the integrity of the will of Legislatures” which is IRRELEVANT when a Law is UNCONSTITUTIONAL (more Precedence manure))!

        see related items: (2020) (2008)

    • JLenardDetroit

      What day this wk they claim #Biden exposed to #WuhanVirus & MUST #QUARANTINE & #Sept29 #DEBATE will HAVE TO BE CANCELLED?!?!? OR that he’ll have to be allowed to conduct #PresidentialDebate from the safety of his #TELEPROMPTER (er, I mean, #BASEMENT)?!?!

    • JLenardDetroit

      [below is comment from: about redistricting shenanigans. You really should see: as while it is about MI REDISTRICTING much of what is there WILL APPLY TO YOU!!! AND YOUR STATE!!!!]

      We told you PEOPLE NOT POLITICIANS (aka: Prop-2) was a farce…
      We told you that it was NOT JUST MICHIGAN, that Soro’s was pouring money, on behalf of Democrats, IN STATES THAT THE LEGISLATURES CONTROLLED BY REPUBLICANS (and only those States, you didn’t and won’t see this GO-AROUND in any BLUE STATE) was for a reason – and that reason was to STEAL the redistricting process from LEGISLATORS (as outlined in LAW or CONSTITUTION of most States) and put it in the hands of BOARDS/COMMITTEES they could, lie, cheat, steal, control over, in order to GERRYMANDER ADDITIONAL BLUE DISTRICTS!

      Now, they finally admit it…

      to: DUMBocrats/FASCICRATS/SUCKERS in Michigan
      Subject: “There has been a redistricting turnaround”

      The media is starting to catch on to the fact that our efforts to stop Republican’s are having an impact.

      It’s about time! For years now, the NDRC has been working hard to prepare the public and policymakers for redistricting [Editor note: I added the emphasis (and let me correct their “prepare” term to what it really was/is…

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