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No One is Allowed Inside Obama’s Secret Meetings With Biden

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During the illegitimate reign in the People’s White House by the treasonous sniffer-in-chief Joe Biden, many have suspected that it is the usurper-in-chief Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah who is actually pulling Joe’s strings on behalf of his Communist, Globalist friends.  Now, it’s come to light that absolutely no one is allowed in the meetings that take place between these two treasonous individuals.

Daniel Greenfield comments on the story.

There are some people who think Obama is the secret mastermind behind the Biden administration. It’s true, but not in the sense people tend to think of it. The Obama administration was not just a man, but a corps of radicals, and they’re still active in politics, corporate life, the entertainment industry and government. Including the Biden administration.

Anyone who thinks that Obama is secretly masterminding the Biden has both too high and too low an opinion of him. Obama was politically slick, but lacked depth. The Biden administration is politically awkward, but uncompromisingly leftist in a way even Obama wasn’t. That’s because Obama was actually a brake on some of those people, he would act out of self-interest to torpedo moves deemed too extreme, whereas Biden is being hag-ridden by radical aides to the extent that he’s incapable of actually pulling back on the extremism.

A Biden administration run by Obama would never have the constant awkwardness and inept communications that it does, but it also would have a bigger picture strategy to hold on to power, whereas the only Biden strategy is to pursue every possible extreme, like holding multiple trials of Trump (compare that to Obama’s slicker covert investigation), with no thought for what would happen to the man at the top.

Biden has burned every bridge and is widely hated by ordinary people in a way not even Obama was.

That said, this mention of the secret meetings between Obama and Biden sets off alarm bells.

Their lunches tend to be unannounced to anyone but need-to-know-level aides, and none sit in when Biden and Obama chat. In Washington, that means that rumors about their conversations circulate faster than reliable word about what they’ve actually discussed — especially when things aren’t going well politically

Nothing worrisome about that.

Biden, even more than most D.C. politicos, is dependent on his staffers and aides. Stripping naked and shedding them, along with his advisers and pals, is unusual.

But as I wrote previously, Biden’s weakness attracts foreign and domestic predators eager to exploit him. Why should Barry not cut in line?

It certainly does appear that Biden’s first illegitimate term is actually billed by Obama’s third usurped term.  The People must bring justice upon the heads of these two criminals if we hope to set things right again.

Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

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Total 2 comments
  • silentbard

    Biden and Obama – two pieces of dog poop who do what they are told by the evil globalists.

  • 62corvettefred

    Hey jerk off OBAMA is DEAD!!!! The Fudge Packer was executed with a Bullet to the back of his HEAD! CGI or MASK!!!!!

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