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The Left VP posturing and upcoming #Election2024 spin-narratives begin...

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Sad, even #NEWSMAX peddling The Left #ENEMEdia #LIES / line.

What about #MarkKelly the #AstroNUT for #VP choice of #KacklingKamala?!?!

The “He is a ‘#moderate’ / #centrist” bullshit!

Just like #Manchin and #Sinema tried (and helped by #ENEMEdia) perpetuate the “#MODERATE” myth to help “soften” the #FASCICRATS Party – but #REALITY is that 99% of the time they toed the FarLeftist #FASCICRATS line #Votes in #Congress!!

They KNOW that the LEFT SHIT doesn’t sell well except in the most Blue of Blue #FASCICRATS areas and engage in these #LIES to #deflect from their actual/real #Policy #Votes.

Also, and surprisingly, CNN allowed air reality that “Shapiro” #PAGov might be potential as he is basically “Governor WHO from WHERE” which allows them try shape false narratives about him – while also desperately trying to scrub the HONORS (literal Left wing groups Awarded her) #KacklingKamala was given as THE MOST LEFTIST SENATOR in Congress (as her real Record, IS A NEGATIVE) but there is this little problem with PAGovNobodyKnows (who, yes, they like him being in PA BattleGround State) is his JEWISH background. How could they possibly sell, it was pondered on CNN, his Jewish background to the FASCICRATS #AntiSemite Party base?!?!? In order to be able to Sucker inDUHpedents they have try at least pretend not be AntiSemite Party (despite every FASCICRATS administration aids/abets/funds Iran and their proxy #Terrorists armies).

Then there is #WretchedWhitler of MI, another Battleground State, and as much as Left LOVES #IdentityPolitics (style, and skin-tones or Genderism, over substance) they likely know another Female on the Ticket isn’t helpful in needed Electoral Games they still need play (while still trying to undermine the Electoral College in hopes of destroying one more Founders checks-and-balances in future).

Where are you getting your Who, What, Where, When, and Why, News and/or Reading “Opinion” pieces?!?!
Opinion – Conservative | Sep 02 2022 17:16





Now, as for the VP pick on the GOP side….

Now, what follows may seem CONTRARY to the #PrinciplesNotPersonalities discussion from a few days ago (it is not, read on)…. as I will talk about Vance’s background. ART OF WAR (sound, logical, effective, STRATEGY) is a Principle/Value!

No-one Perfect, PERIOD!
JD is good VP pick for one reason
(yes, lots GOOD (again, not Perfect) choices, all have good/bad, pros/cons, and the like regarding Election strategy, but IMO)
JD’s background. His having grown up poor and his Family Life that shows he’s AN AVERAGE PERSON not a pampered insider; the part I am referring to is way HILLBILLY ELEGY book and the “Hillbilly” language endearingly rather than how Left always tries use as pejorative (Flyover fools).

And it is NOT just about reaching POOR WHITE FOLKS but all not in the Leftists favored #IdentityPolitics dividing – but proud, folks think for selves, work for what have, care about Family and America as ‘Land of Opportunity’ and FREE to WORK to achieve for self/Family/Nation betterment, etc… And THAT IS NOT SKIN-TONE SPECIFIC (despite the usual “Hillbilly” connotation; and about damn time WE start using Language better on our Side)! Left twists language, WE MUST RECLAIM IT! This avoids direct “he picked a” Black or Woman distraction #ENEMEdia would more easily get to stick as negative or use as distraction/deflection from having make any illusion of the Race being primarily about POLICY!


[image source: TheLibertyBeacon
note: B4IN Archives Articles after 1 year and images are stripped when blogs are moved by B4IN to Archive Servers in order to save space (so, obviously, after that time you will not see the images]

You, me, we, may not like Identity Politics, but Abraham Lincoln DID NOT just get to say “Gettysburg Schmettysburg, let ‘em have it” (and then the South could have marched into virtually anywhere else into North they damn well pleased). Your opponent/Enemy sometimes dictates BATTLE GROUNDS WHICH YOU MUST FIGHT (at least tacitly and to some degree) and make no mistake this HELPS in the Identity Politics battle without the obvious clear PANDERING (would be declared by #MSM #ENEMEdia Leftists, while ignoring all the actual pandering of/by Left/Fascicrats) of picking a Female or a “Person Of Color” (but I would have been VERY HAPPY with a Kristi Noem (for right reasons, again, all have pros/cons, her being Female just BONUS) or a Tim Scott (again, plenty of GOOD REASONS WHY, and his skin-tone BONUS in the Identity Politics game THE LEFT we all know will try play, they always do).


Further…. While YOU, ME, WE, may dislike #IdentityPolitics (idiot Left “Intersectionalism”), sometimes an Enemy dictates the Battlefield that you must Fight on. Failure to Fight any particular Battle, means Surrender (automatic LOSS).

Sometimes you can pick the time and location of a Battle taking it to the Enemy, other times you must Defend (more-so, Fight back) upon the Battlefield the Enemy dictates.

Running away and pretending this is not happening is not a useful strategy. Trying to claim you are too good to bother to Fight and get your hands dirty is (again, lame excuse for) SURRENDER!

Lincoln did not get to just say – you know, I’d rather not bother to confront Confederate Troops amassed at Gettysburg (let’s ignore the situation and pretend it isn’t happening). To do so would have then allowed them to March on next to anywhere they damn well pleased location northward. Unless you are completely outnumbered and have no real way to Fight back, you must engage (in some degree, or have an ability to draw them somewhere else if not engaging them directly there)!

From my CTP2 book (generally famous folks quotes, some lesser known folks, and even a few #JoeOriginal quotes…. like the following, modified a bit from what is exactly printed in the book) “Quotations” chapter…..

“Real Leaders studied ‘Art of War’ by Sun Tzu, where-as Leaders doomed to failure [sadly even too many on my Side, The Right]; sadly far too many USA Leaders; seemed to have studied ‘Art of Stupid’ by Sun Burn” – (Me) Joseph M Lenard



JLD B4IN pieces:   
JLD TLB pieces:   
Joseph M Lenard books:   

Dropped Tue. Jun. 25th 2024:
A Comics Life – Need To Keep A Sense-Of-Humor


Did Jesus ever contradict himself?
Of course not, Humankind in frailty can sometimes and does get things wrong….

.Want some “lighter” discussion?
What are your favorite movies? Which coming soon you’re looking forward to? etc..


Environment: Do as Cuban says, not as Cuban does – usual Elitists positioning from Leftists on CLIMATE!

Election 2024: Our Military, our Republic, Military men/women running for Office…

Life/Living: Life, Living, Learning From Mistakes To Move Forward….

Sports: Will WNBA (w/ #KaitlinClark) actually put FEMALE PRO-SPORTS really on Map, or DIE (to DEI correctness hate)?

World News: Global Unrest related News….

CTP S2E53 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Jun 22 2024 and thereafter) at: )… 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S2E53) “CTP Show Goals, Social-Media Online Life, and TLB-Talk Relaunch

Reverse order – Segment 2: Social-Media Online and TLB-Talk Relaunch and can we make online life a better place vs all the negative nelly Trolls just looking to upset people. Yes, be informative, share information which can often be ‘less than positive’ but let us remember to share some pleasantries and common courtesy from time to time also. Segment 1: Show intro from S1EJunSpecial3: A break-out of Segment that will be included in a few other Shows to focus on point/purpose of the CTP Show and us together as Christians (despite sects/brands)… We are thousands of years removed from Christ’s time. Does anyone deny humankind is flawed, frail, capable of mistakes. Can anyone deny we are sometimes, IMO too often, divided even in our own views of “Christianity” (somehow we are all followers of Christ, but at times still divided than united in Christ) – it is undeniable there are variations, revisions, differences, in the various sects/denominations Bible version texts, otherwise how can there be so many different versions of supposed ONE BIBLE. Satan has entered Hubris in our Hearts, trying to taint our Souls, wanting us to focus on the divisions THAT MAN has introduced from, in, with our “supposed ONE and focused in Christ” FAITH (as none of us were there thousands of years ago) and these various rewritings of the original texts. The point and purpose of CTP is to try focus us on things we can all agree and come together under CHRIST – not let Devil steal our Joy and our Love of Christ and instead be at each others throats in these Satan and/or Human created “differences” in the last couple thousands of years that have entered in our discourse. Until we are all ONE together in Heaven and all and full truth revealed (direct from the source, not tainted by Human game of “Telephone”) we take it all on FAITH (none of us KNOW with 100% certainty and assurance, not me, not you; again unless you have a Time-machine to go back and hear it all first-hand; no-one, that’s why we all Pray (don’t we) for guidance and forgiveness if/when/where we get something wrong in Life at times). Let us be TOGETHER in Christ, not bickering as Satan wants us to be. And while we are to Judge (Biblically contextually) Final Judgement is for The Lord – Condemn not lest ye be Condemned. Has Jesus contradicted, of course not, had Jesus gotten something wrong, of course not, it is Humans via misinterpretations and mistranslations that have introduced any potential Scriptural contradictions and discrepancies or potential attempts to distort in our different sect/denomination texts (Bible copies) – as our Churches, our sects/denominations have Human Leadership and sometimes personal mistakes or outright quests for power/control here on Earth. Lastly, Timberlake sang “bringing Sexy back” we need “bring pleasantries back!”
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of Episode for related addl info
Transcript Bonus: No transcript bonus this episode

OK, having made that planned Timberlake reference (planned before he got in the News recently) in upcoming Show Notes, in light of his Arrest for DUI…. Many of you know I am known as #JokesterJoe on #SavagedUnfiltered #podcast (as well as being my own Show solo-host) and that I cannot resist bad/lame puns…. So, yes, his situation SERIOUS and really NO LAUGHING matter… Cannot resist following #Joke….

Justin Timberlake announces to Record new LP from Jail
To be titled: “Bringing Public Intoxication Back!”

Apologies to Justin, I like him, not trying to PILE ON or disparage him by Joking about his current situation but indeed we MUST TRY KEEP OUR SENSE-OF-HUMOR (and, again, known as #JokesterJoe on #SavagedUnfiltered and across social-media (just one part of what makes me what I am, we are all complex and have many “parts” to our Personalities) kinda have a “Reputation” of indeed the BAD PUNS and never passing on opportunities to make them to also them IMPLY the SERIOUS UNDER-TONES making the Puns SHOULD DELIVER). I hope he now Sobered up recognizes his need to be ROLE MODEL and SET EXAMPLE declare he will OWN UP and TAKE RESPONSIBILITY and say something like: “while under influence of Alcohol I did and said things that I shouldn’t have. I am Human, like all Humans, frail, with faults, can make mistakes! SO, I admit FULL GUILT to my Actions, will plea Guilty to DUI, apologize to Police, My Fans, ALL, for actions and words while under influence of Alcohol, will accept my Punishment for my illegal actions, and I seek all your forgiveness, understanding, and aid/help in becoming better and doing better going forward!”



Rick Walker (of Maverick News, Ontario Canada (one of my Canuckada friends)) joined me on my Show awhile back – see:

2023 in review…

[BRIEF NOTE: There has been, continues to be AN ISSUE with BeforeItsNews of late (in certain B4IN category sections, not all) in embedding Videos that I have filed a Support ticket regarding and still awaiting resolve. Normally, I am able to add several embedded Videos within every piece. For some reason I am limited to only including one as attempting more causes entire HTML code and parts of Articles TO VANISH. So, there will be additional links to Videos rather than my preferred direct embed of several. Related Videos that I had hoped to embed throughout are...

"(CTP S1E28) SneakPeek/BTS "Can One 'Generalize' About Women Voters?" (Audio Show drops 20231230)"
or Rumble:

"CTP BTS/SP (S1EDecSpecial (MidWeek 12/6/23 drop)) "Dating in these WOKE times" Politics dividing."

"CTP S1ENov2023Special BTS/SP "Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas""

"CTP S1E25 BTS/SP Video "Year in Review (part 1)" 20231209 Audio podcast drop"

"CTP BTS/SP Video (S1E26) Year in Review (part 2)"

These Videos are also available via Bitchute and Brighteon @JLenardDetroit channels.
To see my CTP Show "Soundbites" samples - see: 

Take these, and of course ANY of the ChristiTutionalist TM Politics episodes on the Road (or whatever/where-ever) with you via Buzzsprout or any of the 15+ other podcast platforms it is available. ]



B4IN “The-Law” category piece UPDATED….

#SCOTUS shows COWARDICE in refusing to take #TX case (#ElectionFraud, UnEqual Application/Protections Constitution, #Disenfranchisement, etc, issues) vs #PA, #GA, #MI, & #WI.


…. now to reflect MO v NY Case (a bit of a #1A stretch/conflation to disenfranchisement of those in MO to hear a #POTUS Candidate freely, open, unincumbered)  just filled discussion and speculations there-of. BUT we’ve been wanting the GOP and Republican DA’s/Governors/Lawyers to GET MORE CREATIVE in challenging Left actions (in response to The Left LAWFARE Political Warfare) so NOW we may finally be seeing some?!?!?

CTP S1E48 NOTES ( listen (May 18 2024 and after) at: )… 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E48) “Let Left Keep Pushing (Generational Shift Occurring)”
Generation after generation often “is concerned” about the generation/generations following them, and I’m not just talking about “tastes in Music” LOL. “Concerned” about erosion of what was considered “traditional values” our “Culture” and “Societal norms” prior. The point of this Show is to examine “changes in trends” toward the Right (away from The Left), backing away from lurch ever more toward Fascist dictatorial Statism and wanting to preserve Freedoms/Rights before they are erased forever. Studies are Showing, that many of our Younger people are resisting and rejecting The Leftist indoctrination attempted to be imposed upon them. Is there hope for America’s future after all? Major part of this Show topic/discussion.
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of Episode for related addl info
Transcript Bonus: Remembering Our Rights and Freedoms Beyond The 4th-Of-July (TLB piece)

CTP S1E47 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat May 11 2024 and thereafter) at: )… 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E47) “Continued Left-wing Violence”
Notice the pattern? #ENEMEdia that called the #TEAParty Peaceful protests as “MOBS” now say that actual PHYSICAL ASSAULTS and other Law violations by Liberal Mobs are not “Mobs” and try to equate the two… Let’s examine…
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of Episode for related addl info
Transcript Bonus: “When Are You Going To Actually Fight” (TLB article)


50 MILLION Americans have seen the CNN Debate (to this point, even more will still seek out replays to SEE FOR THEMSELVES) and Millions heard/saw Biden say HE WAS THE FIRST BLACK WOMAN TO SERVE WITH A BLACK PRESIDENT the other day. ARE YOU GOING TO BELIEVE YOUR OWN EARS/EYES or the morons trying to HIDE these things and what they cannot hide THEY LIE ABOUT (SPIN)!

YES, Trump at times engages in HYPERBOLE and embelishment (that he should not, but is ROOTED in Reality, and often are parts of JOKES (like “Well, maybe I will be a Dictator for THE FIRST DAY” JOKE) The Left then tries pretend was “serious comment” anyone who SAW/HEARD now is complete distortion and SPIN by The Left) vs The Left wholesale LIES based on nothing but their UnicornFartFantasy Delusions and/or needing to COVER for previous complete LIES.

AND YES, no-one is perfect, EVERYONE (including Trump from time to time, that the #ENEMEdia them talks about for weeks, but when BiDUMB does it hourly they IGNORE IT and/or overtly COVER IT UP) likely makes verbal-flubs/gaffes from time to time (ON OCCASION) BUT unlike Biden WE are capable and cognitive to CATCH OURSELVES and capable to CORRECT OURSELVES right after – NOT have it lead to further confusion and even more FLUBS like happens with Biden ALL THE DAMN TIME! I catch my Brain and Mouth not being on same wave-length occasionally during my CTP Show episodes (not every one of them) and indeed I (99% of time) notice my “minor mistake” and “correct it immediately” (often make fun of myself for the brain-fart) not stammer even more gibberish (often then in-audible and in-coherently)  like Biden does. If one makes “gaffes” (as Left like to claim just minor mistakes) on an hourly basis, that is NOT being just “gaffe-prone” that is CLEAR MENTAL DECLINE and that person shouldn’t be DOG CATCHER let-alone POTUS (and #FASCICRATS will never, ever, be honest, know damn well if that were their Parent they’d be taking the Car Keys, seeking Medical HELP for that person, NOT making endless excuses – or frankly THEY are POS Children and engaging in ELDER ABUSE for their own Selfish purposes (propping them up to take advantage of them and others – as happening with Biden) as I know what it is like trying to CARE FOR (not USE) someone with diminished capacity (Dementia) as our (me, my Sister) Mother required US to CARE FOR her for about 10 years before it finally meant her final/full demise of Body as well as Mind) they need sheltering, care, PROTECTION, not PROPPING THEM UP ALL OVER PUBLIC EVENTS WHERE THEY HUMILIATE THEMSELVES!!!!



ARTICLE BONUS: TLB “REPUBLIC IF YOU CAN KEEP IT” (for original drop of that piece embedded images and videos – see:….

A Republic, if you can keep it

“A Republic [but not just ANY Republic, a never fore created/seen one], if you can keep it” Ben Franklin….

From a Social-Media post/thread… It will make sense when you get to the “And all Republics are not created equal either” part…. Yes, WE ARE A REPUBLIC, and those trying to destroy it may pretend to be Anarchists but they are not they “pretend” to fool massholes that don’t understand HISTORY nor THE POLITICAL SPECTRUM….

VIDEO (5m 54s): The difference between a Republic and a Democracy:

No, just because ANTIFA uses “Anarchist” tactics, does not mean they are ANTI-GOVT — they actually want to over-throw CONSTITUTIONALLY LIMITED GOVT in USA to reign in FULL FASCISM… #FACTSmatter #WORDSmatter #HISTORYmatters
My response to someone Parroting the #ENEMEdia distortions…

Your premise is way off. You already buy in and parrot the Lib #ENEMEdia narrative.

Just because someone may use ANARCHIST labeled/defined/usual tactics, does not make them Anarchists!

The REAL Political Spectrum (despite Left attempts to rewrite History)…

The FAR RIGHT is indeed Anarchy ZERO GOVERNMENT, we are NOT that, we were NEVER intended to be that, but we flirted with a Government (under original Articles Of Confederation) that proved to “not be quite enough” and hence the “Constitution of the United States” then drafted and adopted instead — to which people have been eroding our INDIVIDUAL AND STATE RIGHTS ever since toward Fascism because it is part of Human Nature, some are SHEEP and some seek DICTATORIAL AUTHORITY over others.

We, the USA, is a RIGHT SIDE OF SPECTRUM limited/small Govt operation (or, at least, that is how it was founded and supposed to be as THE SOVEREIGN STATES created the CONSTITUTIONALLY LIMITED FEDERAL GOVT (not the other way around) and was to retain THE ULTIMATE LOCAL AUTHORITY (destroyed more and more, and especially with the passage of 17A which made the US Senate that was (The States’ body) as nothing more than another US House (directly elected by Citizen’s) People’s House – directly DESTROYING that important Check and Balance our Founders created.

Sadly, the usual trend is ever Leftward (the Overton-Window for those who wish to look that up) toward less Freedoms to/for People and more Govt power/control. As Franklin said A REPUBLIC IF YOU CAN KEEP IT* and THOSE WHO WOULD TRADE FREEDOM FOR SECURITY DESERVE NEITHER.

The FAR LEFT is COMPLETE GOVT CONTROL (which includes Monarchy, FASCISM (what today’s Left is aiming towards), Socialism, Communism, etc.).

[Image Source unknown, reverse image lookup provides no results, please comment if you know/find the originating Source]

Just because a FASCIST uses “Anarchist tactics” does not make them one! A Leftist wanting to OVERTHROW THE US GOVERNMENT CONSTITUTIONAL CONSTRAINTS to then usher in TOTALITARIAN GOVERNANCE, may use Anarchist tactics but they are still Fascists in Anarchist ‘guise! Words have meaning, and STOP allowing yourself to be suckered into the Left-wing distortions and twisting of the Language!

As for the Jan 6 farce, they weren’t Anarchists either! The only violence and destruction took part at a small section of the Capitol where Ray Epps and the ANTIFA plants dressed in MAGA gear focused their FALSE FLAG meanwhile those that were peacefully gathered/assembled under our Constitutional Right to do so, were then waved in by Capitol Police (endless hours of Video showing it) and therefore NOT EVEN GUILTY OF TRESPASS (they were invited/waved in); and who, from the inside, released the Magnetic Locks for the CapCops to then stand there and hold the doors open, not attempt to hold them closed, and wave the people in; for the sham/charade narrative to be expounded of fake insurrection at the Capitol.

VIDEO (12m 42s): Jan 6 Leftist false narratives:

Not one of them were armed, the only person shot/killed was Ashley. NO a CapCop was NOT killed by being beaten with a Fire Extinguisher that was and remains a complete lie that some still repeat. The only other “SHOOTINGS” took place that day were the usual DC Violence that took place nowhere near and having nothing to do with the Capitol lying Leftists try to lump in — cuz they always HAVE TO LIE, FACTS are never on their side. So, yes, drag Ray Epps (the FBI plant) before Congress to testify under Oath his INCITEMENT and round up the clearly identifiable and known ANTIFA plants that were breaking windows and other destruction and lock them up, but the trumped up trespassing manure has to stop!

* And ALL REPUBLICS ARE NOT CREATED EQUAL either. Technically the Soviets… that is still their mindset… Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, ARE ACTUALLY CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLICS TOO —- HOWEVER, they have Constitutions that LAY OUT THE POWERS OF, BY, AND FOR, THE RULING ELITES AND THEIR STATE rather than FREEDOMS and RIGHTS of/by/for WE THE PEOPLE as in the USA.

VIDEO (9m 07s): Originalist Federalists:

“A Republic, if you can keep it” Ben Franklin

“Those who are willing to trade Freedom for Security, deserve neither” also Ben

“Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add ‘within the limits of the law’ because law is often but the tyrant’s will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual.” Jefferson

“We are always but one Generation away from losing Freedom” Reagan

“If Fascism ever comes to America, it will come in the form of Liberalism” also Ronald Reagan

No, just because ANTIFA uses “Anarchist” tactics, does not mean they are ANTI-GOVT — they actually want to over-throw CONSTITUTIONLLY LIMITED GOVT in USA to reign in FULL FASCISM…
#FACTSmatter #WORDSmatter #HISTORYmatters

VIDEO (4m 02s): Conservatives With Attitude:   

Joseph M Lenard was a former writer for Super Simple Computer Enterprises, REDSTATE, Grassfire, and Rattle With Us – MI TEAParty (where he was Writing Committee Chair), others; and current content provider at Before It’s News and now The Liberty Beacon; as well as being Author of: “Terror Strikes: Coming soon to a City near you” ( )!
Terror Strikes video Trailer: 

Joseph Martin Lenard (@JLenardDetroit)
Terror Strikes (buy)
Former 12CDRC, Wayne12, WCRC, Committees member  
W12 Newsletter Editor Wayne-12CDRC Newsletter
MICD12GOP MI 12th CDRC Webmaster
Taylor (MI) Republicans Club TRC Michigan Webmaster

Terror Strikes (free 15 page sample read)






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