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Tim Walz, A Communist?

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Article posted with permission from the author, Leon Puissegur.

Today, we hear a lot about this Tim Walz character, but do we really have any idea about who he is, who he aligns with, his ideas, and his connections?   We have investigated this man’s character and find that he is closely affiliated with, aligned with, or associated with the Communist Chinese in some form or another.  His background is heavy with ties to the Communist Chinese and that alone is not good for a vice president or anyone in the higher levels of our government unless they are ambassadors or the like, and Tim Walz was, and is, not.  Many question what Tim Walz was and is doing in relation to the Communist Chinese government because it seems to indicate that maybe Walz may be a Communist Chinese spy.  His seemingly close association with the Communist Chinese party should be called out because as vice president, he will be able to give away some of our nation’s secrets to the Communist Chinese, who remain our enemy.

Let us do some background on Walz and see just where his intentions may lie.

Discover the Networks does give us plenty to look at before we make any decision to ensure he is the next one for president should Kamala die while she is in office.  Some of this will astound you because this may well be why Walz runs away from questions instead of answering them.  This will be just some of what is known, and we fear that what is unknown may well be extremely bad.


  1. Timothy James Walz was born in West Point, Nebraska, on April 6, 1964. His mother was Darlene Rose Walz (née Reiman), and his father was James Frederick Walz (1929-1984), a high-school administrator. After joining the Army National Guard on April 8, 1981, Tim Walz graduated from high school in 1982 and then spent several years working in agriculture and factory jobs. In 1989 he earned a bachelor’s degree in social science education from Nebraska’s Chadron State College (CSC).[1];;

Walz’s Ties to Communist China, Before & After Marriage

After completing his studies at CSC, Walz, through Harvard University’s WorldTeach initiative, worked for a year in a “teacher exchange” program wherein he taught American history and English to teenage students in China. The program was paid for by the Chinese government and was made possible by a friend of Walz in China’s Foreign Affairs Department. Notably, Walz began this endeavor just months after the Communist Chinese government had slaughtered hundreds to thousands of pro-democracy protesters in the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre.

Upon returning to the United States and taking a job as a social studies teacher at an Alliance, Nebraska high school, Walz told the Nebraska National Guard’s newspaper: “Going there [to China] was one of the best things I’ve ever done.” Asserting that Chinese officials had treated him “like a king” and showered him with “more gifts than I could bring home,” he would later reflect: “No matter how long I live, I will never be treated that well again.”

During his tenure as a teacher in Nebraska, Walz told his students in a November 1991 lesson about China’s Communist system: “It means that everyone is the same and everyone shares. The doctor and the construction worker do the same. The Chinese government and the place they work for provide housing and 14 kg or about 30 pounds of rice per month. They get food and housing.”

In Nebraska as well, Walz met and fell in love with a fellow instructor named Gwen Whipple. The couple eventually married in 1994 and spent their honeymoon in China. Their wedding day was the fifth anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre — a date that, by Gwen’s telling, was chosen by Tim Walz because he “wanted to have a date he’ll always remember.”

Also in 1994, the Walzes together established a small business called Educational Travel Adventures, Inc., which devoted its efforts chiefly to organizing educational trips to China for American high-school students. As Daniel Greenfield reports in FrontPage Magazine:

“Walz’s student trips to China were subsidized by the Chinese government. According to a newspaper article at the time, Walz had the idea while working in the Communist country and a ‘friend helped contact the authorities and funding came through from the government.’ The students on Walz’s trip[s] enjoyed a ‘special status’ that ‘let them go places other people can’t.’ The students would then be taken to a university [where they were taught] about the Chinese government. Walz however urged students to ‘downplay their America-ness.’”

Walz and his wife would also go on to make numerous trips to China as a couple, unaccompanied by any students, nearly every summer through 2003.

Walz’s ties to China further included a stint he served as a visiting Fellow of International Relations at the Macau Polytechnic University.

Walz’s background does not at first show any Communist ideology, but that is to come.  As can be seen, Tim Walz went to Communist China as an exchange teacher, but what did he do there? Notice that Walz began his time just after the Communist Chinese had slaughtered thousands of their own people in 1989.  Did he learn how to be a good Chinese citizen?  Walz even stated, “Going there [to China] was one of the best things I’ve ever done.”

Really?  Going to Communist China after thousands of their citizens were slaughtered?  That seems to show how he liked the form of government the Communist Chinese have.  Will Tim Walz work toward making our nation conform to the same type of Communist rule? Or maybe he has other ideas as to what to do to resemble his favorite nation, Communist China? He has even made a statement that would make a freedom-loving United States Citizen question his love of our nation.

Asserting that Chinese officials had treated him “like a king” and showered him with “more gifts than I could bring home,” he would later reflect: “No matter how long I live, I will never be treated that well again.” 

Even Tim Walz’s words are extremely troublesome when he states:

During his tenure as a teacher in Nebraska, Walz told his students in a November 1991 lesson about China’s Communist system: “It means that everyone is the same and everyone shares. The doctor and the construction worker make the same. The Chinese government and the place they work for provide housing and 14 kg or about 30 pounds of rice per month. They get food and housing.”

That is not the way we do things in the United States.  That statement is remarkably close to what Kamala Harris has stated before showing her attitude toward having a Communist-style United States.  Why would anyone raised in our United States with the freedom we all love even make a statement like that unless they had hopes of one day being able to make our nation like Communist China?  Tim Walz did not seem to care about the freedoms we have in our nation, and it showed when he got married.

In Nebraska as well, Walz met and fell in love with a fellow instructor named Gwen Whipple. The couple eventually married in 1994 and spent their honeymoon in China. Their wedding day was the fifth anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre — a date that, by Gwen’s telling, was chosen by Tim Walz because he “wanted to have a date he’ll always remember.”

Why would you want to have your honeymoon on a day when thousands of Chinese were slaughtered?  Could that be because Tim Walz loves the ideas of his Communist friends in China?  We would much rather be at a location in our nation to remember what our nation did.  Does Walz love the Communist ideology that much?  Our nation does not need or have to have that type of ideology to be free.  Take note here that our nation believes in individual ideas, not one government idea that you are forced to follow or go to reeducation camps or worse.  But Tim Walz acts like those are ideas that he does like.  Another thing to note is how much the Communist Chinese either paid him or subsidized his trips and work while he was in Communist China.  Did he forget that Communist China only wants to destroy our nation?  Has he forgotten that very important point?

Going further along.

Also in 1994, the Walzes together established a small business called Educational Travel Adventures, Inc., which devoted its efforts chiefly to organizing educational trips to China for American high-school students. As Daniel Greenfield reports in FrontPage Magazine:

“Walz’s student trips to China were subsidized by the Chinese government. According to a newspaper article at the time, Walz had the idea while working in the Communist country and a ‘friend helped contact the authorities and funding came through from the government.’ The students on Walz’s trip[s] enjoyed a ‘special status’ that ‘let them go places other people can’t.’ The students would then be taken to a university [where they were taught] about the Chinese government. Walz however urged students to ‘downplay their America-ness.’”

Walz and his wife would also go on to make numerous trips to China as a couple, unaccompanied by any students, nearly every summer through 2003.

Walz’s ties to China further included a stint he served as a visiting Fellow of International Relations at the Macau Polytechnic University.

Notice above that the trips for Tim Walz’s students were subsidized by the Communists and they gave “special” privileges to these students to travel where few would be able to go, and they were given special treatment.  Walz even told the students to “downplay their America-ness”.  Does that mean that he told his students to stop being Americans and do as the Communist Chinese do?  His students were taught about the Chinese government, aka Communist form of governance.  Were they able to teach the Communist Chinese about the United States government?  It would be a good bet that none of the students led by  Walz were able to inform the Communists about our form of government because he made sure they kept their “America-ness” to themselves and did not explain why freedom is so much better than Communism.

Lying about How He Became a Democrat

In 2004, Walz volunteered to work for Democrat Senator John Kerry’s presidential campaign against George W. Bush. At the time – and for many years thereafter – Walz falsely claimed that he had become a Kerry supporter not because of any preference he had for leftwing politics, but rather, as a result of a negative experience he had been forced to endure at a pro-Bush event which he attended with two of his students on August 5, 2004. Some time later, in a fawning, pro-Democrat piece that was published in the January/February 2006 issue of The Atlantic magazine, author Joshua Green laid out the narrative that Walz had already begun to espouse by that time. Wrote Green:

“Command Sergeant Major Tim Walz is a twenty-four-year veteran of the Army National Guard, now retired but [was] still on active duty when a visit from [incumbent] President George W. Bush shortly before the 2004 election coincided with Walz’s homecoming to Mankato, Minnesota. A high school teacher and football coach, he [Walz] had left to serve overseas in Operation Enduring Freedom.[3]  Southern Minnesota is home to a large Guard contingent that includes Walz’s unit, the First 125th Field Artillery Battalion, so the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are naturally a pressing local concern — particularly to high school students headed into the armed services.

“The president’s visit struck Walz as a teachable moment, and he and two students boarded a Bush campaign bus that took them to a quarry where the president was to speak. But after they had passed through a metal detector and their tickets and IDs were checked, they were denied admittance and ordered back onto the bus. One of the boys had a John Kerry sticker on his wallet.

“Indignant, Walz refused. ‘As a soldier, I told them I had a right to see my commander-in-chief,’ the normally jovial forty-one-year-old recently explained to a Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party dinner in the small town of Albert Lea, Minnesota.

“His challenge prompted a KGB-style interrogation that was sadly characteristic of Bush campaign events. Do you support the president? Walz refused to answer. Do you oppose the president? Walz replied that it was no one’s business but his own…. Walz thought for a moment and asked the Bush staffers if they really wanted to arrest a command sergeant major who’d just returned from fighting the war on terrorism.

“They did not. Instead, Walz was told to behave himself and [was] permitted to attend the speech, albeit under heavy scrutiny. His students were not: they were sent home. Shortly after this, Walz retired from the Guard. Then he did something that until recently was highly unusual for a military man. He announced he was running for Congress—as a Democrat.”

But the chain of events described by Walz and memorialized by Joshua Green was entirely fictitious, as evidenced by photographs that later surfaced showing Walz displaying an “Enduring Freedom Veterans for Kerry” placard while participating in a pre-arranged protest against the August 5, 2004 Bush rally.

One has to wonder just what Tim Walz gave to his Communist friends in China while he was in the National Guard.  We have to ask that question because even today, he is extremely friendly towards Communist China, a nation that is out to destroy our nation from within and maybe Tim Walz is fine with that idea, but millions of Citizens in our nation are not.

Tim Walz seems to be a pure liar about nearly everything he does, says, and likes.  Go back and read what transpired during his switch to being a Democrat and you will really see just what and who is Tim Walz.  It shows that he did not like being questioned because he was a soldier who claimed, wrongfully by the way, that he was a command sergeant who’d just returned from fighting the war on terrorism.  Only when the time was right would he say he was a “fighter against terrorism”.  Tim Walz lies about his service and does so even though he knows he did not serve anywhere near a war zone.

Let’s take a look at some of Tim Walz’s “Stolen Valor”.  This should enrage many veterans from both sides of the aisle.  This is where Tim Walz does not care about anyone but himself.  His Communist connections are many and they are extra heavy with the Communist Chinese.

Charges of “Stolen Valor”

In 2005, Walz retired from the Army National Guard after 24 years of service,[4]  having achieved the rank of Master Sergeant, or E-8 (Eighth Enlisted Grade). But at that time – and for many years thereafter – Walz’s official website biography identified him as having attained the higher rank of Command Sergeant Major, or E-9. However, Walz held that more prestigious title only briefly before it was rescinded because of his failure to complete all the requirements upon which it was contingent. In a November 2, 2018 letter published in the West Central Tribune, two retired Army Command Sergeant Majors — Thomas Behrends and Paul Herr — explained the nature of Walz’s misrepresentation, writing:

“Tim Walz has embellished and selectively omitted facts and circumstances of his military career for years. […]

“On September 18th, 2001 Tim Walz reenlisted in the Minnesota Army National Guard for six years.

“In early 2003 he was selected to attend the United States Army Sergeants Major Academy. The non-resident course consists of two years of correspondence coursework, followed by a two-week resident phase at Fort Bliss, Texas. When a Senior Non-Commissioned Officer accepts enrollment in the course, they accept three stipulations. First, they will serve for two years after graduation from the academy, or promotion to Sergeant Major or Command Sergeant Major, whichever is later. Second, if they fail the course they may be separated from the military. Third, they will complete the course or be reduced to Master Sergeant without board action. […]

“In late summer of 2003, First Sergeant Walz deployed with the 1-125th Field Artillery Battalion in support of Operation Enduring Freedom to Italy. The mission was to augment United States Air Force Europe Security Forces doing base security for six months. In no way were the units or Soldiers of the 1-125th Field Artillery Battalion replacing any units or military forces so they could deploy to Iraq or Afghanistan.

“After the units return[ed] to Minnesota in the spring of 2004, he [Walz] was selected by high level Command Sergeants Major to serve in the position of the Command Sergeant Major of the 1-125th Field Artillery Battalion.

“On August 5th, 2004 he was photographed holding a sign at a protest outside a President Bush campaign rally in southern Minnesota.

This list goes on for far more than we can place here.

Tim Walz attended a type of boot camp aligned with some of the most notorious Socialists/Communists known today.  Below is just a summary of Walz.  Read it well and pass it on so everyone can know that both Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are more aligned with Communists /Socialists than freedom-loving United States Citizens.

Trained as a Radical as He Enters Politics

While preparing in 2005 to launch his 2006 campaign as a Democrat candidate for Minnesota’s 1st Congressional District seat in the U.S. House, Walz attended Camp Wellstone, a “boot camp”-type project of Wellstone Action, the latter of which was a leftwing training organization named in memory of the late Democrat Senator from Minnesota, Paul Wellstone (1944-2002). As The Jerusalem Post puts it, Camp Wellstone “was designed to teach aspiring leaders in Minnesota and beyond the basics of door-knocking and coalition-building in a few days.” Some of the notables who, at various times, served stints on Wellstone Action’s advisory committee included: Warren Beatty, Julian BondHeather BoothRobert BorosageDonna BrazilePeter EdelmanKeith EllisonRussell FeingoldAl FrankenLeo GerardTom Harkin, Jonathan Kozol, John Lewis, Gerald McEntee, Walter Mondale, Frances Fox Piven, Robert Redford, Robert ReichMark RitchieAndrew SternAntonio Villaraigosa, and Peter Yarrow.

Elected to Congress with Socialist Support

Deceptively portraying himself as a moderate during his campaign, Walz won his 2006 race to represent Minnesota’s 1st Congressional District, whose U.S. House seat had been held for the previous 12 years by a Republican. Walz would subsequently go on to win re-election five times, in 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, and 2016. A key supporter of his campaigns was the Council for a Livable World, an anti-nuclear organization founded in 1962 by the socialist activist and alleged Soviet agent, Leo Szilard.

Netroots Nation

At the 2011 Netroots Nation conference, Walz participated in a “Fight Back for Good Jobs” rally sponsored by the Laborers’ International Union of North America (LIUNA). Other notable Democrats in attendance included Van Jones, Sen. Ben Cardin, and Rep. Keith Ellison.

All the items noted above show how much Tim Walz is much more aligned with Socialists/Communists than he is with freedom-loving United States Citizens. The people that he was working with while he was at Camp Wellstone are more like the Who’s Who of the Socialist/Communist party and that should raise red flags all over the place, but in recent years, it seems the people of the United States have leaned more toward those two extremely freedom-ending ideologies than any generation before them.  It is now past time to get back to the roots of our nation and kick these Socialists/Communists to the curb and never allow them to become any sort of factor in the US ever again.  Read this as much as you like and please pass it on so others can learn the truth of this Tim Walz character before it is too late.

Article posted with permission from The Washington Standard

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Total 2 comments
  • jon

    and a pervert run by his wife.

  • Slimey

    A real oddball if you watch his videos. A uckfing weirdo. :cool:

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