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Living in the Land of Liberal Lunacy

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American LaLa Land

It struck me just a few days go that I am really living in a lunatic asylum. In fact, if you stop and think abut it, the trajectory that America is on is increasingly insane.  We are being guided by the whims and caprices of a truly delusional ruling class.
No matter where you look, irrational behavior seems to dominate.  Our schools, our government, our institutions and our media seem totally disconnected from reality, logic, or common sense.

The Harris Candidacy
Just consider the current Democrat Presidential candidate, Kamala Harris.  Here is a women who was little more than a party girl from Soul Train who parlayed a law degree and a relationship with San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown into a career as a prosecutor for the City of San Francisco.  Kamala then used Brown’s patronage as her stepping stone to be nominated and elected to the U.S. Senate.  Biden then picked her as his running mate for his Presidential campaign for the sole reason that she is a woman of “color.”  Now Kamala is Vice President of the U.S. and appointed by the Democrat apparatchiks for the presidential nomination.  Yet despite Kamala Harris’ meteoric political ascendancy, she is totally unqualified by lack of accomplishment and temperament to run for this office, let alone begin to fulfill the momentous obligations this position entails.

Harris is an avid Marxist with absolutely no comprehension of economics.  She has backtracked and flip-flopped on nearly every one of her campaign issues in order to make herself more broadly popular and acceptable to the general public.

Marxist Positions
She is for the elimination of ICE, for allowing unfettered open borders and immigration, and automatic citizenship for all illegal aliens, while providing food, clothing, shelter, education, sex changes and medical care for these illegal aliens and their offspring.  Without a hint of shame or conscience, she supports giving all illegal aliens American citizenship so they they can vote democrat in perpetuity, thereby making permanent one party rule in America a reality.

Kamala Harris is also for legalizing all drugs and prostitution. She claims that it should not be against The Law to enter the United States without permission.  Illegal entry and violating America’s borders and sovereignty should not be a crime in her eyes.

Harris once vowed to outlaw fracking, and now says she supports it. She is for a mandatory buy back of so-called “assault weapons” while hypocritically saying she supports the 2nd Amendment. She has stated that the government has a right to enter your home at any time they choose if you own a firearm to ensure that you are storing it in a way that will make it impossible for you to defend your life with it in an emergency. Harris and Walz want to confiscate your firearms and leave you vulnerable to criminals at the same time that Harris, as Border Czar, has allowed 424,431 convicted, hardened criminals to enter our country.  Curiously, Kamala has announced no plans and has no ideas on how to disarm the gang bangers she has let in to roam our streets.

Supporting the Trans Agenda
Harris is for eliminating all so-called fossil fuels, and mandating electric vehicles. She proposes a tax on UNREALIZED Capital Gains, and income tax brackets as high as 80%, while raising corporate taxes to personal income tax levels. Her partner in crime, closet Marxist Tampon Timmy Walz, not only has put tampons in boys bathrooms in Minnesota, he (like Kamala) totally supports the “trans” agenda which includes forcibly removing young children from the home of their parents and providing irreversible surgical “health care” including the genital mutilation of children.  And of course, both Tampon Tim and Kamala support abortion at any time throughout the 9th month, including partial birth “abortion” as reproductive “health care.”

Both Kamala and Timmy support free sex change surgery for all illegal aliens at the expense of the America tax payer, and also support inserting men into women’s sports and bathrooms and dormitories.  Tampon Tim Walz, by the ways, became something of an internet legend — if one can use that word in this context — for being rushed to the hospital on August 30, 1995 in West Point, Nebraska, to have his stomach pumped to remove horse semen.  Don’t even ask how it got there!

Tampon Tim— Closet Communist
Walz is also infamous for presiding over the destruction of Minneapolis and doing nothing for days while the city’s mayor begged for help as a neighborhood police station was burned to the ground by arsonists. Walz wife became notorious when she stated that she enjoyed the smell of burning tires in downtown Minneapolis because it signaled an inflection point of social change.  Both of these two love birds are famous for taking their honeymoon at Tiananmen Square in China, site of one of the most horrific Communist massacres of its own citizens. Walz has visited Communist China over 30 times.

Massive Biden Corruption
Of course, for the last 4 years, we had the cadaverous, senile plagiarist, pedophile, dementia patient and child molester, Joe Biden, installed as President, who in his spare time, created over 20 shell companies and used 3 different aliases in order to funnel and grift bribes from America’s enemies through the use of his crackhead son, Hunter, as the bagman for his “enterprise” while enriching the coffers of various family members.

A Compromised Intelligence Community
We have an intelligence establishment that blatantly lied to the American public about Joe Biden’s son Hunter’s laptop computer.  Fifty-one intelligence officers swore up and down that Hunter’s lap top was fake “Russian disinformation” — except that is was real, and they knew it!  That notorious  Apple lap top, filled with porn, Hunter’s drug use and abuse, as well as his sexual relationships with prostitutes and underage children, also recorded his statutory rape of children, in addition to cataloguing his retinue of bribes and corruption and kickbacks from various foreign governments around the world.

A Compromised IRS and ‘JustUs’ Department
We have an IRS and Department of Justice that allowed Hunter’s most damaging tax liabilities to lapse due to non-prosecution while running out the statute of limitations, as well as an FBI and intelligence community that blatantly lied to the American public by declaring that all the files on Hunter’s lap top were Russian disinformation, thereby short-circuiting the 17% of the American voting public who would have voted for Trump and against Biden had they known the Truth, thereby corrupting the electoral process and throwing it to Biden.  We essentially have an intelligence ESTABLISHMENT which covers up and condones bribery, blackmail, drug use, child molestation, child rape, graft, corruption and TREASON!

An Endless Illegal Alien Invasion
As if that were not sufficiently horrific, Both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris supported and opened America’s borders on Day One of their administration, allowing MILLIONS of illegal aliens invaders, hardcore criminal and gang members, as well as potential terrorists and saboteurs to enter our country unimpeded who have then disappeared into the American “homeland.”  All of them, including criminals and terrorists, receive free food, clothing, housing, education, medical care, legal advice, and transportation — none of which is available to the American  citizens who are paying for them and their own displacement.

Flooded with Criminals and Gang Bangers and Drugs
This crush of over 20 MILLION CRIMINAL ILLEGAL ALIENS has put a severe and unsustainable load on all American social services such as schools, hospitals, clinics, and legal aid societies, and all other social services, thereby impacting American veterans, as well as Black and Hispanic American citizens, taking jobs and opportunities, including school and housing that would normally be available to them.

According ICE, more than  62 thousand have been convicted of assault, 15,811 are convicted rapists and 13,099 are convicted murders— and all of them free and walking our streets!  All of them are now roaming freely throughout America thanks to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris!

Hundreds of Thousands of Missing Children
The Biden administration has also “lost track of” over 320 THOUSAND CHILDREN who have “disappeared” somewhere into America, and are now being used as child labor, prostitutes or child sacrificial victims for the harvesting of adrenochrome for the sick elites of Hollywood and Wall Street.  Every single crime committed by an ILLEGAL ALIEN is a crime that should not have happened and WOULD NOT have happened if we had secure borders and an administration who cared about the American people rather than solidifying their political power.

Illegal Aliens Spreading Old and New Diseases
Many millions of these CRIMINAL ILLEGAL ALIENS poured over America’s open borders during the so-called COVID Scam-Demic, and infectious diseases that had been nearly completely eradicated from America, like tuberculosis and leprosy, staged a comeback.  Millions of Illegals poured  over the borders of America without vaccines or face masks, while anyone trying to enter America without a vaccine passport at airports were turned around and told to go back home. If you are an American citizen, you cannot fly without proper identification and a thorough electronic security check and screening; but if you are an illegal alien, with NO identification, you are waived through airport security as if you were the president of the United States.

A Horrific and Shameful Retreat from Afghanistan
During the Biden regime, America suffered its most ignoble and humiliating defeat at the hands of the rag tag Taliban militia. In Afghanistan, America’s wealth, blood and treasure were sacrificed for over 20 years to protect the poppy fields for the opium crop harvested by the CIA so that they could provide for their black budget operations at the expense of America’s enlisted men and women and the U.S. tax payer. Saving their opium poppy crop for the CIA was the only “benefit”
derived by our 20 year occupation of that country.

The Afghan fiasco came to a head during the most stupid withdrawal in military history, where the brilliant jackasses from the U.S. State Department decided to remove the American military presence BEFORE the rest of the Americans in Afghanistan could be transported safely out of the country, resulting in 13 dead American soldiers, SEVEN BILLION DOLLARS in military equipment being left on the battle field for our enemies, and a return of that country to the barbaric treatment of the Taliban, while leaving over 500 Americans in Afghanistan alive and abandoned AFTER the American pullout, all because Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, against the expressed opinion of the American military, wanted troops out of Afghanistan by the anniversary date. As a result, Bagram air base, the largest military air base in the world, is now in the hands of the Chinese Communist Party, paid for at the expense of the American tax payer.  Yet Biden declares the Afghanistan withdrawal to be flawless and the American media congratulates him on a job well done!

Catering to Chinese Espionage
Speaking of China, Traitor Joe Biden also allowed China to send not one, but TWO spy balloons slowly traversing over our military installations as they crossed the United States without saying more than a peep.  Comrade Joe has also allowed the Chinese Communist Government to buy premium U.S. farm land around U.S. military bases.  Try buying one square foot of land in China as an American!

Sabotaging European Energy and American Alliances
America severely damaged the economy of Europe by blowing up Russia’s Nordstream Two Pipeline carrying natural gas to Europe.  This raised energy prices throughout Europe by a factor of 4x normal cost, crippling the economy of Germany and the rest of the European Union, causing death and destruction for those people who could no longer afford to heat their homes, while driving Russia and the BRICS nations into an ever tighter military alliance with China, North Korea and Iran.

Baiting the Bear and Blaming Russia
The icing on this cake is that after Joe Biden ominously had declared that the Nordstream Two Pipeline would never deliver energy to Europe, it was blown up while our State Department lamely and stupidly declared that Russia had blown up their own pipeline to thwart European economic development!

The Black Hole of Ukraine
In Europe, America continues to pour money into the dark rat hole known as Ukraine, in a war that was designed to “weaken Russia and overthrow Putin.”  But the Ukraine war has only served to strengthen both Russia and Putin, while killing hundreds of thousands of men and women on both sides of an unnecessary conflict while boosting the value of the ruble.  All honest historians know that the only reason Russia invaded Ukraine was to prevent them from becoming a part of the NATO alliance.  Russia wanted a neutral Ukraine on its borders. After promising that NATO would not so much as advance one inch towards Russian soil, the CIA engineered a “color revolution” in Kiev, Ukraine in 2014 and installed a government that allowed Ukraine to continue to be the most corrupt country in the world while leaning Westward for geopolitical and financial support.

Squandering Our Fortune for Nothing
Our puppet in Ukraine, Zelensky, a comedian formerly known for playing piano while naked with his penis, is now our choice to run the country while he closes down all opposition parties and churches, and behaves like the little dick-tator that he is. Just days ago, the Biden administration announced another 8 BILLION DOLLARS to defend Ukraine against “Russian Aggression” which makes over 200 BILLION DOLLARS the U.S. has squandered in Ukraine to achieve nothing.

Tiptoeing Towards Nuclear War
Yet few people realize that Ukraine is actually brining the US to the precipice of World War Three.  Our State Department and “Intelligence Community” are lobbying for the use of American missiles to be launched into Russia, and the only institution stopping this unmitigated act of war from taking place is the American military in The Pentagon.  The rest of bureaucratic Washington is all on board for THERMONUCLEAR WAR with RUSSIA!  These people are utterly insane, but that is where we find ourselves today, on the brink of the precipice of annihilation.

Inviting Terrorists to Attack US!
Remember that we were reputedly attacked by terrorists on 9/11.  So is it “logical” that after initiating 2 wars in the Middle East and overthrowing numerous regimes thereby creating even more terrorists who want to avenge the conflict America brought to their nations, that Democrat “logic” declares open borders, thereby allowing potential terrorists from every country that is now aligned  against America to enter our nation and plot revenge!  Way to go Joe & Kamala!

The American News Media — In the Tank and Out to Lunch
The cherry on top of all this insanity is that the American News Media is still obsessed with trivia and petty politics rather than shifting the focus of Americans to the perils we face as a society and as a nation due to the criminal enterprise the American Government has become. They are more concerned about the artificially contrived events of the so-called “Insurrection” on January 6th, or Joe Biden’s preference for ice cream flavors, than honestly reporting hard facts like the number of convicted criminals and terrorists the Biden administration has set loose on American soil to wreak havoc on American society, or dissecting the utterly empty suit known as Kamala Harris who threatens to be installed as President to lead our country to ruin.  Predictably, the American media turns a blind eye to 20 THOUSAND Haitians dumped on the small community of Springfield, Ohio, pretending the numerous stories told by residents of their dogs and cats disappearing is just another right wing racist “conspiracy theory” — until residents prove that it isn’t.

FEMA Actively Creating Obstacles
Speaking if misplaced priorities, Hurricane Helene, which many want to re-name Hurricane Kamala, has devastated our Southern states.  FEMA, rather than helping communities survive, is actively engaged in suppressing and preventing life saving supplies and equipment from being delivered to the sites of catastrophic flooding. Worse, FEMA is only providing a nigardly $750 in relief.  That is because last year and this year, FEMA has spent 1.4 BILLION DOLLARS. on taking care of ILLEGAL ALIENS rather than Americans, so now there is little money left in the FEMA funds.  

Furthermore, flood victims are being told to apply for benefits from FEMA on the internet, but at the same time, FEMA is actively blocking Elon Musk from deploying his StarLink satellite system to provide internet communications because Musk has interfered with the Biden-Harris attempts at internet censorship and suppression.  This democrat administration would rather see people dead than allow the possibility that they might still be alive at some point in the future to vote against them.

Traitorous, Treasonous Democrat Marxists Seek One Party Rule
The utterly rotten and corrupt Democrat Biden/Harris “Administration” is is evil to its core.  They think NOTHING of inflicting 20 MILLION ILLEGAL ALIENS upon America, an act which results in taking services and resources away from American Families and Children, while destroying the sovereignty and threatening the security of the United States.  They think nothing of allowing China to flood our streets with Fentanyl, while allowing the Mexican drug cartels, in alliance with China, to control our borders!

The Democrat Biden/Harris Administration thinks nothing of enabling over 425,000 hardened criminals, including convicted muggers, murderers, robbers, rapists, and gang bangers to be turned loose onto the streets of America, while supplying them with food, clothing, housing, medical care, legal aid, transportation and monthly income and social security benefits while they prey upon the /American Public who pay their bills and pay for their crimes with their health and in some cases there very lives.

Not “Refugees” but INVADERS
These people Biden/Harris let into America over our now non-existent borders were not political or religious refugees. They were not fleeing political or religious persecution. Rather, they were  the flotsam and jets and chronic poverty cases of over 180 different countries, many of which are true avowed enemies of America. Now all of them are on the Gravy Train of the Democrat vote harvesting welfare machine.

Government by Liberal Insanity
Our insane foreign policy, our corrupt leaders, our hypocritical government instituted for the sole purpose of guarding American rights and freedoms has, instead degenerated into an engine of oppression and subversion of American values. Rather than fight for freedom of expression, the government rails for ever increasing social and media censorship.  Rather than welcoming a free-flowing and frank discussion of race, immigration, culture, geopolitics and world events, our government wallows in lawfare, supposedly controlling “mal,” “dis,” and “mis” information and suppressing democracy while hypocritically pretending to be its champion.  Instead of rebuilding America’s roads, bridges, schools, tunnels, airports and infrastructure, we squander our blood and treasure in stupid foreign adventures which achieve less than nothing while inviting terrorist blow-back.

We are living in a Liberal Insane Asylum, and only by a return to genuine patriotic, “America First” Conservative Values — based on a foundation and recognition that we are a nation based on Constitutional principles with rights which descend from Nature’s God — do we have a sliver of hope to return to the path which our Founding Fathers recognized must be based upon a virtuous people.


Copyright 2024, LCVincent, All Rights Reserved







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