Social-Justice false-narrative, Land and Money grab deflection, same-ole same-ole, ALL OF THE ABOVE....
Social-Justice false-narrative, Land and Money grab deflection, same-ole same-ole, ALL OF THE ABOVE….
The more things change, the more they stay the same! As saying goes and also: While History may not exactly repeat it sure does rhyme alot (sorry, no, wish I knew who originally coined that, would like give them credit for that very profound play on the formerly flawed #HistoryRepeats concept/pretext!!! And this all is indeed MORE OF THE SAME, slightly different Players, same Playbook, same Lies and Dodges and Deflections!! And as Barnum said “SUCKER BORN EVERY MINUTE” they can peddle the same BUT WE’RE HELPING YOU bullshit, and eager people willing to swallow the ShitPie (remember that from “The Help” movie?) thinking, believing, hoping, PRAYING, it just Chocolate!
[update immediately after posting... and despite the image used below (and as image to associate with this piece - and note B4IN moves articles to Archives after 1 year time and ALL the images included here-in will be stripped to save them Server space, but the embedded video below will remain there-after) which does still deal in most reality of Detroit and so many of our Large USA Cities... from email sent to @TheCarpetBagger (read on, will make sense down-thread), actually I've added more below than was in initial email to him...
I already HIT ENTER, but now immediately regret that I didn't think to put under just "opinion" (general) as this should not be or become a Partisan thing! Sadly, peeps of both Political Party persuasion (and of "liberal" and/or "conservative" labels too) were HAPPY to displace people (mostly Black, but not all, I descend from Whites (Italian) displaced by I-75 and Fort Streets (Fort Street Store/Deli long gone) rerouting and destruction of that as the main in/out from South thorough-fare/way) for their Political or Financial gains (past, present, future will continue)!!! This is a MONEY thing and a GOVERNMENT OUT-OF-CONTROL thing, especially FEDERAL OVER-REACH AND MEDDLING via dangling Money, hand-outs, redistribution, a #CINOs and #RINOs and all #CommieFasciSocies-ocrats thing moeny-laundering operations, again thing]
[note: following/below cross-posted from BeforeItsNews "Detroit - another Millionaires and Billionaires Land and Money grab via empty promises they will deliver maybe 5% of..." piece in B4IN "Power-Elite" category]
[article below last update: Fri. Dec. 6 2024 14:47ET before cross-posting over, see the original piece for any further updates beyond that]
From #DestroyBlackBottomProject to #RockBottomProject
#I375DenyProject (recognize past; only pandering for profit now, will do ZERO for those previously displaced and/or their descendants; ignoring the relative real here-and-now needs)
Detroit Michigan (aka: #michAGAIN, History repeating): another Millionaires and Billionaires Land (despite 90% outside Downtown wide open, looking like Hiroshima after A Bomb, ripe for Building in/on/at) and Money grab via empty promises they will deliver maybe 5% of… MOST of what was “promised” in/around/on/at The District (LCA immediate area properties; yes that ONE PROPERTY was saved and restored while all else LEVELED) long forgotten, not happening, they got what they wanted and coming back for more just hoping you FORGOT all those great things you thought you might get. AND NOW HISTORY REPEATS….
They (by they, I mean ME*, hoping to get others buy in to…) call the original I-375 Project the “Destroy BLACK BOTTOM” Project and there-by I here-by dub this new one the “ROCK-BOTTOM” Project and/or “Yet another Money Laundering operation” Project!!!
They’ll get theirs, you’ll get SCRAPS – AGAIN!!
How many times people gonna go down this Road (yes, pun intended, but not a laughing matter)???
Yes, all the Local Detroit and beyond Networks are “Parroting” the same established narratives and Talking-Points. None of them going beyond the “ITS A RACIST ROAD, CREATED OUT OF RACISM, THEREFORE GOTTA UPEND IT TO PANDER and zero discussion of the here-and-now other aspects” like I will detail below. Again all dutifully reading the provided narrative/scripts; that if not directly written by, influenced by and for: the Millionaires/Billionaires, local movers/shakers, Ruling Elites Insiders, and the Political panderers who will get Campaign or their Money-Laundering Foundations – all which will likely (yes, IMO, do people ever learn from Past? Ever follow-the-monies beginning to end and all between what pockets get greased?!?!?) get KICK-BACKS for.
NBC Parrots:
ABC Parrots:
CBS Parrots:
M-Live Parrots:
But to credit of WXYZ (ABC) they did at least have a counter-segment of Detroiters opposition to the project:
[apologies, in the past I would have included more of these as Video embeds as the one above, but on purpose on accident changes at/with B4IN are now causing articles be limited to 1 Video embed or the text gets all screwed up and parts lost - so only the one above but wanted to provide alternates for viewing via Links]
Dateline Detroit Michigan…
The past they destroyed is NOT COMING BACK, but they’ll try use “promises” of somehow “honoring” that Past while they enrich themselves in the here-and-now!!!
WHAT AM I TALKING ABOUT??? The announced ridiculous plan to NUKE 375 in Downtown Detroit SUPPOSEDLY cuz, you know, past injustice; that somehow destroying the Freeway and putting in a Boulevard that will reduce the in/out capacity of traffic flow that was the whole damn point of 375 being put in there in the first place, making things WORSE for the Downtown in/out traffic flow; that this REALLY affords them (The Rich, The Insiders, The Elites, etc.) opportunity to SUCKER FOLKS in the here-and-now. 375 no question disrupted and displaced many when built. But that was then, it ain’t coming back, CAN WE DEAL IN THE HERE AND NOW? That is what it is about – opportunity for the INSIDERS to further their enrichment.
Again, IT IS ALL GONE, NOT COMING BACK, ALL THOSE EFFECTED ALL NOW LONG GONE, are they willing to Sign BINDING CONTRACT with any/all previously Landholders of those Lands to MOVE THEM BACK AT GOVERNMENT EXPENSE??? Seriously, HELL NO! Not about them and never will be DESPITE them being “USED” as nostalgia play sucker folks now. THINK, not EMOTE!
Which is it 96 or 696 that they built all those over-passes for cross-streets and green-space?!?!? Why not do that here?!?!? Make 375 basically mostly TUNNEL from Jefferson (pressure valve outlet) to 75/94.
Some of the movers/shakers already Millionaires and Billionaires have a scheme to SKIM or otherwise make their Properties and/or what-not worth MORE and what-not. This has ZERO to do with Common-Sense cuz this is opposite of that!!!
What was destroyed back when, is NOT COMING BACK! Think ahead, versus being manipulated for more fake/false promises via Emotional “call backs” to past that ain’t coming back. Most Detroit outside Downtown still looks like Hiroshima following Atomic Bomb detonation – but, hey, let’s focus on THIS!
OK, whatever THE PAST this is the HERE AND NOW – can we please deal in that?!?!? and about IF there is going to be more and more and more cramming pounds of you know what into the already over-stuffed bag Downtown Detroit is there will be MORE NEED for 375 not less. It is there, needed, for PEAK IN/OUT times; especially major Events at COBO and the like as a “other end” (Northern most, more or less, of Downtown) traffic pressure valve outlet; cannot base decisions on the other more “idle” times.
OK, let’s talk both ROADS (still disaster in MI) and MAJOR EVENTS traffic flow. Specifically Downtown Detroit!!! Who all already avoids Downtown Detroit Events like the Plague?!?! Like at COBO, or Grand Prix, or some big Gala at RenCen, something at Millender Center, Greektown, due to traffic in/out woes (esp. after making a mess of Woodward, shrinking its through-put ability in/out/up/down/east/west betw. Jefferson and I-75?!?!? NOW, they think it a good idea to NUKE the 375 pressure valve outlet?!?!?
With LCA and Comerica where they are (Ford Field lessor extent, a bit back and away from really easy on/off 75 access (all the more reason 375 continued need)) being right along 75 not so much, still is but not as much, as other things more/deeper (Jefferson accessed) Downtown that nuking 375 will make major disaster.
Who doesn’t love spending one hour or so Downtown, but then stuck in traffic for 3 hours (stuck in bumper-to-bumper, moving 0.25mph, traffic, post events) trying to get back out?!?!? and they want make it worse!!!
OK, ready for an admitted “weird” analogy? But yet I bet you’ll understand. OK, not only are we going to continue to use the Fireplace, but we’re likely to add another one sometime in future that would attach to same Chimney – but we’re going to plug the Chimney now anyway. What could go wrong?!?!?
How is it that so many can continue to FALL FOR FAKE “GOOD INTENTIONS” and put aside any/all COMMON-SENSE and THINKING?!?!? For a temporary FEEL GOOD ploy/play?!?!?
Update from GAB social-media….
@JLenardDetroit Was downtown last night. Looked great. The City is better than it has been in my lifetime.
my response:
@FelixSmoke Well, MOSTLY AGREE, in so far as Downtown. They have FUCKED with the Roads making many ONE-WAY, shrinking many to MAKE LAND for the Millionaires/Billionaires BUILD ON, and therefore Traffic normally/usually (unless you get lucky and catch it right) WORSE THAN EVER. More and more, crammed into less and less spaces (as I go into in my piece) meanwhile the 95% of Detroit NOT DOWNTOWN PRIME REAL-ESTATE ignored and still looks like Hiroshima after the A-Bomb dropped!! Have you every ventured much anywhere in Detroit outside Downtown only to then ESCAPE via Freeway (and point, they looking to eliminate one such pressure release valve)?!?!? Sadly some of HEIDELBERG (sp?) street Project (in such WarZone, off Gratiot (much appreciation to @TheCarpetBagger for his Video about it)) was Arsoned but I still enjoy the PROJECT it had become, but the RARE EXCEPTION to anything being done (and that was a Private Artist doing it) to help any of those parts of Detroit!!!
[article last update: Fri. Dec. 6 2024 13:45ET now 14:00ET]
Detroit – another Millionaires and Billionaires Land (despite 90% outside Downtown wide open, looking like Hiroshima after A Bomb, ripe for Building in/on/at) and Money grab via empty promises they will deliver maybe 5% of… MOST of what was “promised” in/around/on/at The District (LCA immediate area properties; yes that ONE PROPERTY was saved and restored while all else LEVELED) long forgotten, not happening, they got what they wanted and coming back for more just hoping you FORGOT all those great things you thought you might get….. AND #HISTORY TO REPEAT….
continues in…. more via….
#Detroit #Michigan – another #Millionaires and #Billionaires #Land and #Money grab via empty promises they will deliver maybe 5% of…
Friday, December 6, 2024 2:37
/power-elite/2024/12/detroit-another-millionaires-and-billionaires-land-and-money-grab-via-empty-promises-they-will-deliver-maybe-5-of-2453738.html [this piece]
* Just as to go along with whomever coined the #MaliceAtThePalace after the Fight at Palace during Pistons game, I coined #DustUpInD but the (far better, IMO, and more in melodic and rhyming line (as long as we accept the acronym LCA as “single word” here) is indirect tie back with/to #MaliceAtThePalace) #MeleeAtTheLCA (immediately on X (well, then still Twitter, which yes both my accounts are STILL LOCKED OUT of/from; so much for Elon and #FreeSpeech anyone dare to have EVER mentioned Tesla Vehicle Fires and Space-X NASA subsidies/Grants DOES NOT GET #FreeSpeech on the NEW “X” (in fact had back-and-forth with someone from 97.1 “The Ticket” Sports folks clinging to his zero connection betw. the then and the now (well, now, the newer then) hashtag for his Show promotional value (I’d happily repeat it here and give him credit, but it was/is so forgettable that I indeed forgotten whatever lame thing he was calling it; and doubt it still used by even him while my term is still used around WAAM Radio (most specifically Stone Cold Sports Truth show Sun;s 12:30ET) rather than something that indeed resonates around not just USA but the Globe, BBall fans everywhere, #MaliceAtThePalace and #MeleeAtTheLCA (used in one of my five International books, maybe/likely to be used in a future Fiction book from me)); and called into local Detroit Sports shows days following to discuss on-air) during the dustup their when Stewart FINALLY somebody decided stand-up to LeMORON James shit and minor scuffle ensued. Finally some BAD BOYS SPIRIT back and Detroit Pistons turning a corner?!?!? Well, no, but we had A GLIMMER OF HOPE at that point. Now with #DeadWings and #PistOFFs (yep, that one mine too, LOL) at LCA “The District” has really been only #LostCausesArena or #LosersCollectiveArena (yep, those too, both mine)! —– WHY do I mention ANY OF THIS?!?!? Simple, to go along with the #RockBottomProject new tag. Indeed in this day of #SocialMedia GOTTA HAVE A CATCHY HASHTAG to get it trending AT ALL (for the sake of Detroiters, and any/all travel up/in, HELP US GET IT TRENDING along with sharing this B4IN story/article (please use the B4IN SHARE BUTTONS at top of piece (unless you do not see them cuz you’re using an Ad Blocker that somehow mistakes them as POP-UP ADs thing cuz they certainly do NOT Block all the in-line links Ads used on/at/across BeforeItsNews (and, yes, I CALL THEM OUT on their own Platform (see: /media/2024/07/click-bait-here-click-bait-there-everywhere-click-bait-2515961.html) and they ALLOW IT cuz unlike X this is a complete FREE SPEECH site))). And, yes, too, feel free using my also coined: #michAGAIN (half tongue in cheek, but with REAL POINT as outlined above) tag also!
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