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2011-02-12 - Morons vs. Automaton - The 2012 Fad

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DATE:          2011-02-12




COPYRIGHT:         © copyright • all rights reserved


TITLE:                  Morons vs. Automaton





Hello, and welcome to


I will be your host for this evening, my name is Charlie Bluehawk.


Last night, we talked about “How to Deprogram. Part 1” – and how I learned, or was guided and led to learn – how to deprogram myself, even when I had no idea what was going on, where I had come from, or what had been done to me.


One of the things I did discover – very vividly – is that the technology that our Masters use against us – and often insert into our bodies – cannot live or function inside of HEALTHY BODIES!


I always wondered at our Masters very desperate need to poison all of us.  And know I know many reasons, and one is that the presence of small amounts of colloidal silver in the human body causes the Masters implants to fail, to die.  More on that in another episode.


Tonight I thought we would chat about ‘Morons vs. Automatons’ .


I am guessing that your first thought is – what’s the difference? Or, more correctly “what the heck are you talking about now?”




“Why do I listen to this guy?  He’s nuts!”


Well, I agree with you! On both counts!


But just in case you do not know what the difference is – or even, what I am talking about, please bear with me and I will give you a little background on tonight’s episode


As we have chatted about in previous episodes, our Masters always prefer to recruit, to hire the lowest of the low in the human condition.  The “moron”. 


The Moron being the single most useless of all the human types, whether part of the 98% – the cattle – or of the remaining “two percent” (what I call the “two percent solution” after an old Sherlock Holmes story) in other words, you and me.


The moron is a power-mad, totally useless, and completely heartless human who appears not to even have a soul.  It has one, and someday all its sadistic crimes will be paid for – sadly, you and I will not be there to see it.


On the other hand, I have seen “morons” get what was coming to them – and they are so hurt, so shocked, so amazed that someone as “nice and good and wonderful” as they are should be punished for anything.


It’s not pretty,


And then there are the “morons” who know that they are morons.  They know that they are power mad, and they know that they are useless to society.  And they revel in their newfound power over the innocent.


And why does management put these useless thugs in charge of “normal people” – because management recognizes the value of morons who will do anything to be important.  Will hurt anyone and to be able to brag that they got away with it – because they have the power.  And they are proud of it.


One power mad moron I knew laughed his way through the day, as he spied on our conversations.


I called him a “jack booted Nazi thug” and he immediately adopted that title into his job description.  I cannot imagine where that creature is today. 


Morons are proud of their positions of power, and they are overjoyed to be “important”. And hurting people?  That’s a bonus.


Sadly – we all personally know “morons”, and – on more then one occasion – have worked directly for “morons.”


They have a purpose in our society – to destroy it.


So, now you are asking yourself, what is an Automaton? And why is it different from a “moron?”


A moron is a human being – such as it is – but it does have a soul.


An Automaton is a computer program.


It has no soul.


It does not think.


It just does only what it was programmed to do.


Mostly, as far as I have seen, Automatons only purpose in being in our world is to try our patience.  To make us mad.


In a word, to “provoke” a response” out of us, out of those of us who are “real”


This – as it always does – gets us back to a previous episode, where we explored the possibility that we are – you and I – actually inside of a living machine.  A holodeck.  An artificial world where our living minds are pulled directly into a machine, and where our living bodies are safely lying on a couch in some university classroom as we “learn” – we learn by living one entire lifetime in a single afternoon, only to wake up, fresh, and alive ,and healthy, and still only 19 years old.


Only to do it all again the next day.


That is a heck of a way to teach.  Live one entire lifetime in a single day.  Live dozens of entire lifetimes, learning different languages, cultures, skills, professions, and then, waking up, 19 years old, and going out to lunch.


This episode sort builds on that possibility.


So, if we are indeed inside of a “living educational computer program” – there must be a “plan”.  There must be a curriculum for each of us.  Something that we all have to learn in order to pass the class. To graduate.  To move on to the “next” lesson  – the “next lifetime”.


A “destiny” to fulfill.


So, how do we “know” what our destiny is in this artificial world?


Me?  At the age of twelve – I had an old witch that showed me pictures of things I would see throughout my entire life.


Now lots of those “pictures” these “events” I have never (as yet) seen. 


I suspect that by making “right” or “wrong” choices on the exam – I will NEVER see those certain pictures, as they are down a road I did not select to take  A possible choice I could have made on the exam, even as I am “living” it.


I turned “left” when the correct answer on the exam was to turn “right”


A future that I MIGHT have lived, now will never happen.


In order words, if we are inside of a “living educational computer program”, and we are all being trained to graduate, to “move on”, there must be tests for us to pass.


There must be exams that we have to take.  In our case, the “exam” is done while we are still INSIDE of the “living educational computer program”.


Our choices in this “life” determine whether we “graduate” (pass or fail the exam) and whether we move on to the next test ‘ the NEXT life, or do we have repeat a course.  Relive the same life again?


Deja vu? Premonitions?


“You mean I lived this life before – that’s horrible!  I hate this whole thing!!”


I have to agree.  Something has gone very, very wrong with the program.


I picked “A” when the correct answer was “B” and so I am experiencing a “different” life – a different karma – then if I had gotten the answer correct on the exam.


Okay, and so what does this have to do with Automatons?


With “programs designed to provoke responsive” from us.


Well, we have all seen them, but we never have allowed ourselves to see them for what they REALLY are.


We have all talked to them, and “knew” in our hearts, that there was “NO ONE IN THERE”


So why are they here?  Why are they inside the “educational learning program” with us?


I think” they are part of the test.


I think” they are inside here, with us, either to guide us in the right direction, or to drive us into choices we normally – good or bad – we would never take on our own.


Mine might be the old witch – Alice – but I don’t think so.  She is WAY TOO REAL – at least, for my tastes.


But if we are inside of a “educational 3d teaching program” and we are all being trained, and then being tested on what we have learned, then we are getting grades.


We will either move on to the “next life”, of we will be “held back” and go to repeat another course – say, living as a pig on the same farm where you were the “farmer” the last time around, and you abused your animals.


Guess what – you are being sent to detention.  And I am guessing that this time, you will learn your lessons well.


Me?  All I am hoping for is recess.


In the meantime, we are trapped in here, you and I, and we still need to eat, a place to live, and people to love, so if you want to see how this “program” this “lesson”? will end, come up with lots of cash and join us at The Village.”


I admit to being curious myself, how the program will reset and give us a brand new world – real or otherwise – in which to live, have happy healthy babies in, and to learn (there is that word again) what it is to be human beings.


I hope to see you there.


For all of us here at, this is Charlie Bluehawk wishing you a really good day, and reminding you to keep a good thought!

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