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Putin: Khazar Zionist's - WW3 and Brief History Relating To Today's Global Conflicts!

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Gog and Magog (/ɡɒɡ/; /ˈmeɪɡɒɡ/; Hebrew: גּוֹג וּמָגוֹג Gog u-Magog; Arabic: يَأْجُوج وَمَأْجُوج Yaʾjūj wa-Maʾjūj) are names that appear in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament), the Book of Revelation and the Qur’an, sometimes indicating individuals and sometimes lands and peoples. Sometimes, but not always, they are connected with the “end times”, and the passages from the book of Ezekiel and Revelation in particular have attracted attention for this reason.

The Turks in turn come from Anatolia and are a people referred to as Gog and Magog in Revelation. The savage hordes from the east. Also known as Khazars. 

The ancient Chinese built the ‘Great Wall’ to keep them out, in many ancient text it is written that the Khazars are barbaric and liars.

Regarded by all those around them as a barbaric and violent people led by their king known as the Kagan. The name Kagan still lives on today, some of them neocons. The Khazars are also known as the lost tribe of Cain.

They were despised because their major form of trade was to abduct women and children from other nations and then enslave them, both for their own benefit and to sell on markets.

Central to the ISIS invasion of Syria and Iraq has been the abduction of women and children who have been sold into slavery and prostitution. The human rights abuses committed by these people is beyond belief.

In Syria, the so-called “Free Syrian Army” has proved itself to consist of masked men who are not who they claim to be. Most, if not all, are not even Syrians but a proxy army. Mossad, CIA, and M16 agents have been found in their ranks along with many nationalities from all over the Middle East.

Khazars fleeing the armies of Russia into Western Europe infiltrated the Church of Rome. From the 11th century onwards the Latin Crusades sacked Constantinople and raped the Hagia Sophia. From the 11th century onwards arose the Great Schism between the Eastern and Western Churches. Rome then embarked on the Inquisition burning millions at the stake and declared itself the owner of the planet, all bodies on the planet and all souls.

Many of the Khazars converted to Talmudic Judaism and it is from the Ashkenazi Jews that we get the Bolsheviks who from 1917 persecuted the Orthodox Christian Church in Russia. Estimates are that 100 million in total were killed in this genocide.

The Turks converted to Islam and in 1915 carried out the Armenian Orthodox Christian genocide, brutally raping women and then nailing them to a cross.

The House of Saud is a perfect contemporary example of Gog and Magog infiltration of the Middle East. The House of Saud was founded by a Khazar who had converted to Judaism, then moved to Saudi Arabia, married a Muslim woman, and converted to Islam.

Gog and Magog, from Anatolia, Khazars and Turks have infiltrated Judaism, Christianity and Islam and today we see the fruits of their labour. An unholy alliance between Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Israel where Syria and Iran who have had peaceful and tolerant relations between Jews, Christians and Muslims is baring the brunt of their united proxy armies known as al Qaeda, Al Nusra, ISIS etc…

Revelation is the story of the destruction and persecution of the Christian Church, which we have seen in Russia, Turkey and now Syria with their brutal killing of Orthodox Christians.

After the crypto-Khazars of the Latin crusades sacked Constantinople, the capitol of the Orthodox Christian world, Moscow became the capitol of Orthodox Christianity. 

Khazarian Bolsheviks attacked Russia in 1918, murdering millions of Orthodox Christians. ISIS, al Qaeda, Neocons, Blackwater, Xe, Gladio, CIA, MI6, and Mossad are secretly at their bloody work in contemporary times in Syria, Serbia, and Ukraine.

From the early centuries of the first millennia, the Khazars of Eastern Europe were known as the diabolical “Serpent People,” and now, the nation of Israel has admitted that its people are indeed, the Khazars.

The admission by the Israelis that the Jews are not related to ancient Israel but to Khazaria was reported in The Times of Israel (Leaked Report: 
Israel Acknowledges Jews in fact Khazars; Secret Plan for Reverse Migration to Ukraine, March 18, 2014). That article, by Professor Jim Wald, related that the Israeli leadership in Jerusalem is sending military equipment and settlers from Israel to Ukraine.

Israel has taken charge of that (Ukraine) ravaged country’s government and finances and intend eventually to make the Ukraine a “second homeland” for the Isreal Jews.

The rabbis teach that in the eighth century, the entire nation of Khazaria converted to the Talmud and to kabbalistic Judaism. Adopting the sordid, but occultly revealing, sex symbol of the six-pointed star, the pagan Khazars, known for centuries as the “Serpent People,” battled against both Christians and Islamists. Later, as converted “Jews” they migrated to Poland and Eastern Europe. Today they are found mostly in the UK, the U.S.A. and in Israel.

The Khazar Jews are in fact “Gog and Magog.” Their prophetic destiny is to plunder Israel and the Middle East and to use the United States as their proxy for a New World Order.

The Khazars, identified in Revelation 2 and 3 as the wicked “Synagogue of Satan,” are further identified in Ezekiel 38 and 39 prophetically as the people of Gog, from the land of Magog. Prophecy clearly tells us that this warlike serpentine people shall invade and conquer Israel first, then go on to plunge the entire planet into chaos and warfare (Revelation 20).

From Khazaria to Israel, and back to Khazaria (Ukraine) is Israel’s secret plan. After suppressing the Ukraine nation, the Khazar conquests will continue until they achieve their New World Order.

In effect, Ukraine is to become an “autonomous Jewish domain,” a small-scale successor to the medieval empire of Khazaria… It would be called, in Yiddish, Chazerai.

One of the main reasons why Ukrainian Jewish billionaires such as the tycoon Ihor Kolomoisky, the governor of Ukraine’s Dnipropetrovsk province and citizen of Ukraine, Israel, and Cyprus, is spending tens of millions of dollars on the recruitment of right-wing Ukrainian nationalists and neo-Nazis from other parts of Europe to fight against the Russian-speaking majority in the Donbass region of eastern Ukraine, is a fear that plans to turn Ukraine into a “second Israel” will be derailed… 

Russia’s protective measures for the Donbass, as well as its incorporation by referendum of Crimea, the latter prized by the resurgent Khazarian Zion Jewish nationalists, threaten the transformation of Ukraine into a second homeland for Ashkenazi Zion Jews who are finding their hold on Israel prime tenuous, at best!

“By lining up with the Syrian rebels (ISIS) and Ukraine, as well as Georgia and Azerbaijan” (also part of the ancient Khazarian territory), one source explains; “Israel puts pressure on both Syria and Russia.”

We should all feel great pity and sorrow for the suffering Ukrainian people. They are being massacred and oppressed by the Khazar Zionist Jews, who have with America’s & NATO’s help, now become the “slave masters” of Ukraine!

This is the greatest tragedy since the Satanic Zion Khazars invaded peaceful unarmed Palestine in 1948, killing and battering the Palestinians and driving hundreds of thousands into desert refugee camps.

To the uninformed, which apparently includes the U.S President Barack Obama and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, the current Israeli desire to create a new nationalist Israeli identity is tied directly to the activities of the Ukrainian leadership of Petro Poroshenko, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Kolomoisky, and their American supporters, Nuland and Pyatt, in creating a safe haven, temporary or not, for the Ashkenazi settlers of the West Bank… Thanks to the ‘Times of Israel’ exposé of the secret Israeli report on the Khazars and modern-day Israel, the machinations behind the American and European Union (NATO) destabilization of Ukraine becomes all the more apparent!

If you listen to everything Putin has had to say in the last couple of years, he has put a stress on international law and co-operation.

Everything Putin has done both nationally and internationally is backed up by the law and has never been outside of it. He is faultless in this regard. He has also stressed that those who have acted outside of international law causing wars, human rights abuses and devastation and destruction should be brought to book in a Nuremberg type trials scenario.

In his speech at the UN in September 2015, he asked the question:
“Do you realize what you have done?”

Does that remind you of Jesus’ alleged words from the cross:
“Forgive them Father for they know not what they do.”

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    Total 26 comments
    • Daughter of the Church

      Yep! it seems that Putin is currently being set to be an other false savior in the next staged World War, one more butchery staged by the same tribe.

      • Judge Roy Bean

        Wrong Daughter of the great whore church.

        • Courtz18

          I agree with pennywise, you have no clue what you saying daughter of the cult, do not compare successful leaders to your USeless lot.

    • stibbs22

      Wow, what a bunch of hate.

      • wiseoldlady

        Only those denying truth would ever call it hate.
        Remove the illusion or matrix or bias you live in for reality has always been hidden… wake up.
        Research will open your eyes.

        No hate in this article…. only historical facts.

      • Knarlydawg

        How is bringing forth the truth Hate ? Typical response from the tribe. Anything critical of the the Tribe is labeled “hateful”, that’s BS. If you trace “hate crime” legislation back to it’s origin you find the Tribe’s fingerprints all over it. This is just another Tribal tactic to deflect attention and attempt to prevent exposure of their totally unacceptable behavior. They can’t stand the light of scrutiny being shown on their dark and evil plans and behavior. Just because people are seeking and exploring other perspectives on history doesn’t mean hate is involved at all. The truth is coming forth whether the psychopathic Tribe leaders like it or not. Truth is not hate. Calling everything that exposes the truth or truth itself, Hate, is just a cheap deflection tactic that is meaningless. Truth is not Hate. The age of Luciferian deception is coming to it’s end… matter how much you scream HATE.

        • AllRoadsLead2NWO

          Hate is good. All religious folks know that because every god hates one ‘group or another’- especially the hebrew god. if the colonists didn’t hate King George and his taxes they Jew Bankers would have never conqured this land and it’s peoples turn into the Bankrupt 3 times now-nightmare that it is. Even the national socialist (nazi) fag fllag party hate everyone- that is straight. It is the Rainbow Queeralition Flag of Hate. They hate the word Problem- so they pussified it with their gay socialist (fag Nazi’s)softer word ‘issue.’ Now all of the queeralation has the entire nation crying in their tissues over their fracked up issues. Nuke the entire place- and left someone else start over a couple thousand years from now. It is the only solution

          • Knarlydawg

            Let’s just demand that the truth prevails, let the chips fall where they may and see where we’re at then, before blowing everything up. Let the truth settle all matters.

    • Donovan

      The Mongolian people are Shemitic people: children of Eber. The Turks are Caucasian people; children of Japheth. The Mongolian Shem element with the Khazar Japhethites happened when amalgamation occurred with some of the Tribe of Reuben. The proof: the descendent of Gog is mentioned in the genealogy from the Tribe of Reuben. 1 Chronicles 5:1-5 KJV + Strong’s
      Descendants of Reuben
      1Now the sons of Reuben the firstborn of Israel, (for he [was] the firstborn; but, forasmuch as he defiled his father’s bed, his birthright was given unto the sons of Joseph the son of Israel: and the genealogy is not to be reckoned after the birthright. 2For Judah prevailed above his brethren, and of him [came] the chief ruler; but the birthright [was] Joseph’s: ) 3The sons, [I say], of Reuben the firstborn of Israel [were], Hanoch, and Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi. 4The sons of Joel; Shemaiah his son, [GOG] his son, Shimei his son, 5Micah his son, Reaia his son, Baal his son,
      :smile: Peace

      • AllRoadsLead2NWO

        Sorry- you are wrong and your hebrew book too. ASIANS ARE NOT SEMETICS.

        • Donovan

          You are sorry- because your eyes are veiled. Asians are from the lineage of Shem and the indoctrinated lying wikipedia is nonsense. The Holy Word is true and you need to research or get a clue! :smile: Peace!

          • AllRoadsLead2NWO

            Whose word? A bunch of jews? Nword please.

            • Donovan

              You sound extremely ignorant, let me stop with the technical talk: Jews: no, writ bible. Ancient Oriental Shemitic Hebrews: yes, wrote bible. savvy! :smile: PEACE!

          • Judge Roy Bean

            Hebrews are not Yellow race Asiatics.

            It is the white race who has carried the gospel to the nations and the white race who received the blessings. It is thru the white race that all the nations have been blessed. It is the white race first to help those in need abundantly.

            Israelites are white Caucasians

            Lamentations 4:7
            7 Her Nazarites were purer than snow, they were whiter than milk, they were more ruddy in body than rubies, their polishing was of sapphire:

            Song of Solomon 5:9-10
            9 What is thy beloved more than another beloved, O thou fairest among women? what is thy beloved more than another beloved, that thou dost so charge us?
            10 My beloved is white and ruddy, the chiefest among ten thousand.

            Judges 13:6-7
            6 Then the woman came and told her husband, saying, A man of God came unto me, and his countenance was like the countenance of an angel of God, very terrible: but I asked him not whence he was, neither told he me his name:
            7 But he said unto me, Behold, thou shalt conceive, and bear a son; and now drink no wine nor strong drink, neither eat any unclean thing: for the child shall be a Nazarite to God from the womb to the day of his death.


            Numbers 6:2
            2 Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When either man or woman shall separate themselves to vow a vow of a Nazarite, to separate themselves unto the Lord :


            Samson was a Nazarite
            Refer amos 2:11-12
            1 Samuel 17:42
            Song 5:9-10

          • Donovan

            Japheth are the white caucasian race! Where in the Holy Bible does it state that Japheth became the Israelite people? It doesn’t, so take your clown act somewhere else! You are suffering from a disorder known as cognitive dissonance! :smile: Peace

    • magusincognito

      It refreshing to see others taking note of situation surrounding those who call themselves “Jews.” Surely, this situation confuses exoteric “Christians” to no end. Most of them do not even know/understand what a “Chosen people” is and its purpose. The Jews were not the first and will not be the last. And this is an occult fact. However, there is still the current situation of those who have infiltrated the religion known as “Judaism” on more than one occasion. Enter the Khazars & the Sabbateans. FYI: they are not friends of the original Semites, of which there are very, very few. In fact, 97.5% of Judaics living in Israel have absolutely no ancient Hebrew DNA; are not Semites; have no ancient blood ties to Palestine. 80% of Palestinians carry ancient Hebrew DNA; are real Semites; have ancient blood ties to Palestinian Land.

      Is it time to start looking behind the labels, yet? In Bizarro World- where things are upside-down -those who seek to be good must do so routinely. :idea:

      • AllRoadsLead2NWO

        Then your hebrew god needs to correct his book and re-write it stating that the PALESTINIANS are ‘his chosen’ people-not the Semetic Jews. The jew boys at the Council of Niacea- musta screwed that one up too- but hey- they got paid in silver pieces by the pagan emperor Constantine for writing and compiling the jew stories into one ‘canon’ on August 8th, 325 Ce at the Council of Niacea. Come to think of it then jesus musta been a PALESTINIAN and not a SEMETIC JEW in the first place- along with moses, noah, et al. SURE * SURE.
        7:6 For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.

        • Knarlydawg

          Consider the possibility than Satan was able to insert himself into the communication network between our Heavenly (Creator) Father and men, usurping our Heavenly Father’s place (via identity theft…he is a thief and a liar), thus injecting his (Satan’s) will into man’s understanding of who our Heavenly Father is. Thus the usurper god, Satan, proclaims the rebellious Jews to be his “chosen, special” people and the mass deception is off and running. Then the usurper god (Satan), keeps feeding the Priest Class all kinds of twisted and perverted instructions (Talmudic and Kabalistic teachings) about how to think and behave towards their neighbors resulting in the predictable Jewish Supremacy attitudes manifested by most Zionists. I’m not contending that this is absolute, bottom line truth but when you plug it in, it helps explain a lot of reality today.

          Check out info presented in these vids to further validate this possibility.

          • AllRoadsLead2NWO

            Show one thing in your hebrew book that anything any ‘satan or devil or lucifer’ did that was ‘evil or anyone he killed in the jew book of stories. You cannot- for there is nothing there. The only “bad” attributed to any so called ‘satan, catholic devil, or lucifer’ is the tempting or jesus. The Jews had the romans kill jesus and his sky daddy allowed it and chose the jew money changers over him. The hebrew writers in 325 CE were paid by Constantine to write this crap-the only evil one in the bible is the vain, jealous and favorite playing killer jew god of the bible- acting just like todays liberals and it is always the one proclaming that the “other is evil’ that is truly the evil one himself. here let me blow into your ear and clean the brainwashing and refill your brain.

          • AllRoadsLead2NWO

            Again- it is ALWAYS the one proclaiming that someone is ‘evil’ that is truly the ‘evil’ person himself. Just like liberal- it is always them- the proclaimers that someone is “bad, or evil or whatever “without any evidence. Tempting jesus is the only attributed to any catholic satan in the hebrew book of stories. IT IS ALWAYS THE POT (hebrew god) CALLING THE KETTLE (the catholic devil) BLACK. You must ALWAYS LOOK AT THE ACCUSER.

            • Damien

              IT IS ALWAYS THE POT (hebrew god) CALLING THE KETTLE (the catholic devil) BLACK.


              Quote then

    • The old lady

      Those who say they are Jews and they are not. Revelations chapter 2 verse 9 and Revelations chapter 3 verse 9. Have you not read it in your bible? :idea:

    • VirusGuard

      I don’t need vodoo stories to see whats going on in Syria and the Ukraine when it comes to Russia.

      Putin is not evil and won’t bow down to bankers, he knows money cannot buy you everything but it sure as hell can buy you the enlisted help of ISIS terrorists.

      Money is the new religion, jewish bankers control most of it, they wll give us the same treatment Jesus got if you want to be religious about it all.

    • Pinkorchid

      It’s time , before the planet is torn apart by all these different dogma’s and religious factions to take a holistic view of God and creation.
      The truth is simple , it’s not complicated.
      It is perfectly logical to deduct that all creation with it’s myriad and intricately woven ecosystems was a creation of a enormously Omnipotent God/Being/Energy/Force.
      That Force is all there is. There is nothing other than that energy.
      Everything is created from that energy.

      Is it then really plausible that this energy from which we as well as everything else is a part of, would in fact create anything purposely to be less than something else?

      If we look at the analogy of this force being a body, would the left hand of this body be more special or chosen than the right.
      Would the eye of this body be superior to the kidney of this body?

      Would this creator/God who is Omnipotent hate and punish it’s own body?
      Wouldn’t it be more likely that this God/Creator would only love it’s body , it’s creation?

      Isn’t more logical to think that perhaps those great books of religious renown most probably would have been distorted radically from the original intent of the God/Creator, especially if it speaks of hating or demanding the killing or even smiting aspects of what in all reality is in fact the singularity or itself?

      Isn’t it far more logical to assume, knowing the behaviors of misguided humanity,that some , not all , but some aspects of these great books were indeed written by man?

      Creation is not random, it is not chaotic , it has order , even though chaos may play a function in that order.
      To kill and slaughter millions of people , because you say that God has asked you to on his behalf, is only the lessor god of whom you are committing the crime , ultimately against themselves as a part of the whole of creation.
      We as part of that creation are only hurting ourselves , like one hand picking up a hammer and hitting the other hand.
      It’s time to grow up and truly get to know who we really are.
      A part of the most incredible creation, that will ever be known , because the God/Creator/Singularity is all there is.

    • nomorelabels

      Putin is not a savior, nor is he the bad guy here. Russia and China both KNOW who is behind the unrest and illegal wars and it is the US and some allies.

      Time to get real and admit this and hope others admit this and understand that there is a dark game being played and that game is bolstered by news media and government politics. It is ‘wag the dog’ style deception, and most believe it. This includes “terrorism” but so few truly understand who started this and how it has become so useful after 9-11.

      Putin at the very least is trying to do what is right, and yet what have we all heard the last few years from our lying news? they demonise him and anyone who refuses to play the conquest game. he is doing right by standing up for Syria, no one else will, and it is the US that trained the rebels who many became ISIS.

      How long will people refuse to understand the US plan and how long will people believe what they hear on the news? Putin is one of the good guys, not perfect, but also NOT fake.

      • CrowPie

        ” It is ‘wag the dog’ style deception, and most believe it. This includes “terrorism”

        I absolutely agree. I disagree with a couple of points.

        One, I don’t believe that Obama is the originator of all this mess as so many claim. Why? Because he and Bibi can’t stand one another. That’s why.

        Two, there are several radical republican politicians that are in bed with Bibi and have been for years, that know for a fact that the Israelis have perpetrated several acts of terrorism on the U.S. and it has been covered up. AND WE STILL SEND THEM BILLIONS every year. On top of that…Bibi stands up at the U.N. general Assembly and tries to brow beat the entire world, as if his piece of dirt is more valuable than another. He is a narcissist that is losing face…it makes him dangerous.

        Three, Putin and Bibi are cut from the same cloth. They are the same type of men. The difference is….Putin is gaining status and protecting an ally in the region…..and Bibi is losing status.

        These three things alone are enough to lay a foundation liquid enough that no one should expect anything other than under handed dealing on every side.

        All is fair in love and war.

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