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Russia Trashes UK, France, Turkey and Israeli Plans

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Why did Turkey Shoot Down the Russian Soukhoï 24 ?

By Thierry Meyssan

December 2, 2015


Turkey made a bad mistake when it shot down the Russian aircraft which had strayed into its airspace for 17 seconds. The operation, conceived to teach Russia not to interfere with the Third Syrian War – designed to create a colonial state in Northern Syria to which the Turkish Kurds would be transferred – had the opposite effect. Moscow has reinforced its anti-aircraft capacities in Syria, and has isolated Turkey. Ankara has now lost the benefit of the secret oral agreement it had concluded with Hafez el-Assad. And London, Paris and Tel-Aviv no longer know how to implement their plan.

Athe end of the Turkish civil war, Turkey threatened to invade Syria with the help of NATO if it continued to offer asylum to the leader of the PKK, Abdullah Öcallan. President Hafez el-Assad thus asked Öcallan to find another refuge, and was obliged to conclude an oral agreement with Turkey. It was agreed that the Turkish army would be allowed to penetrate Syrian territory, within a limit of 8 kilometres, in order to ensure that the PKK could not fire mortars from Syria.

Since the beginning of the current aggression against Syria, the Turkish army has used and abused this privilege – no longer to prevent attacks by the PKK, but to set up training camps for jihadists.

In October 2015, when the Russian military campaign was just starting, and Salih Muslim was beginning the operation of forced Kurdisation of Northern Syria, the famous Turkish whistle-blower, Fuat Avni, announced via Twitter that Turkey was preparing the destruction of a Russian aircraft. This occurred on the 24th November.

From the perspective of the Third Syrian War [1], the attack was designed to send a message to Russia in order to scare it into defending only Damascus and Lattakia, leaving the rest of the country in the hands of Turkey and its allies.

Technically, the aerial defence of Turkey, like that of all NATO members, is co-ordinated by the CAOC in Torrejón (Spain). The chief of the Turkish air force, General Abidin Ünal, should therefore have given advance warning of his decision to CAOC commander General Rubén García Servert. We do not know if he did so [2]. In any case, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan confirmed that he himself had validated the order to destroy the Russian plane.

The Russian chief of staff had provided NATO with the flight plans of their aircraft in advance, so that neither the Alliance nor Turkey could ignore the fact that the plane was Russian, despite Turkish allegations to the contrary. Besides this, a NATO AWACS had taken off beforehand from the Greek base in Aktion (close to Preveza) in order to survey the area [3].

The Russian army bombarded the Sultan Abdülhamid Brigade – from the name of the last Ottoman sultan, infamous for organising the massacre of Oriental Christians. Since the beginning of the war against Syria, the Turkish secret services have never stopped supplying weapons to the Turkmen militias in Northern Syria, and overseeing their operations. The Turkish Press has documented the transfer of at least 2,000 truck-loads of weapons and ammunition – which President Erdoğan has admitted [4] – the majority of which was immediately distributed to Al-Qaïda by the Turkmen militias. In particular, in 2011, these militias dismantled the 80,000 factories in Aleppo, the Syrian economic capital, and sent the machine tools to Turkey [5]. So, contrary to Turkish allegations, the Russian bombing was not intended to target the Turkmen, but effectively to destroy a terrorist group guilty of organised pillage, according to the definition in international conventions [6]. The Russian bombardment had provoked the flight of 1,500 civilians and caused vigourous protests by Turkey [7], which addressed a letter to the Security Council [8].

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    Total 16 comments
    • Veriton

      Syria is a big show being put on for the public by the globalists, and Putin will use his coming “victory” to bring in the New World Order:

      • Justin Dupre

        I believe that there is plan for a ‘new world order’ but if all TPTB were involved there would be no need for all of the elaborate charades. We’d wake up with military on the streets and the EMS repeating the same message over and over… ‘Welcome to the New World Order, resistance will be met with death’. See how easy? No charades or games.

        A more feasible explanation for a global war would be that someone powerful is fighting it. Remember what E. Cayce said about Putin and Russia? Russia prevents WW3. I’m not saying I subscribe to this completely, but as far as my values are concerned, at the moment Putin is more of the good guy in this shady, shady war.

        • LadySlinger

          Putin just banned Soro’s groups from operating in Russia.. and the US State Dept. issued their disapproval…. idiots. I think the BRIC’s are winning, without having to go to war… The IMF added the Yuan as an authorized currency & the clock is ticking on the death of the Petro Dollar… which will cripple the NWO’s future plans. Any nation wishing to stay as a Sovereign Nation, will side with the BRIC’s… which means more EU nations will exit… like the UK, Spain & probably Greece. I would love to see the NWO Marxist cabal go down in flames, in my lifetime.

      • Rollo57

        Putin is against NWO, he’s exposed all their attempts at it since 2007.
        He was thrown out of G8, because he exposed US gun running from Benghazi to Syrian rebels and ISIS.
        He exposed the gas attack by the rebels on Syrian people, in order to draw US in and bomb Syria and he has now exposed Turkey as the main buyers of ISIS stolen oil, as well as US financing ISIS!

      • Judge Roy Bean

        Putin is against the Jew NWO, the west is behind the NWO.

        Website has it backwards!

    • my2pesos

      The turkey is native to North America.
      How do say turkey in Turkey?……. Answer – Hindi.
      Turkey Hindi ~ Hi! Dirty Nuke

      • my2pesos

        Hindi ~ Hi ‘n’ ID
        Hindi ~ Hid ‘n’ I

        • my2pesos

          Hindi ~ I Hind
          Hinder ~ Hi! ‘n’ Red
          Hinderer ~ Hire ‘n’ Red

      • my2pesos

        Dirty ~ ID ‘y’ RT

        • my2pesos

          Hi! Nuke ~ Hike UN
          Hi! Nuke ~ He in UK

    • VirusGuard

      A very good post, thanks

      Most country’s will have little secret verbal agreements, it’s how things are done but friends can and do fall out but you don’t exspect to be stabbed in the back the next day like Turkey did to Russia and then to see the trouble maker running for protection from it’s NATO mates.

      Russia at first tried to give Erdoğan a bit of breathing space by saying its fighter might had been shot down by ground forces but the trator had already cried his eye out to NATO so that was that

      Erdoğan is now having trouble holding on to power because the turkish public can see his son was making money from oil deal with ISIS and they are trying to hush this up by killing or jailing news reporters in side Turkey but i think his days are numbered.

      Russia is taking on the bankers and i cannot see them backing down and now has missiles right next to Israels borders which is due in part to the USA putting missile systems on the borders between Russia and Europe so they are ready to cut the snakes head off if needs be.

      People that think Russia is part of the NWO and play along with the USA will be saying that if nukes were being dropped on there heads, sorry folk it’s real and we need to stop our politicians from keep acting like Hitler because the bankers give them a few bits of silver to become traitors to the nation.

    • Anonymous

      An aside to this people without a God should find very depressing, regarding the Turkish shoot-down of the Russian plane: it was an act of madness, stupidity. Turkey was not in a state of war with Russia. When a plane strays into your airspace, you escort it away, and I’ll go with the Russian pilot’s reporting he received no warnings. Shot down over Syria, and over a 17 second breach, if there even was a breach? Does anything get much dumber, just stupid, self serving evil that threatens every Turkish man, woman and child, perhaps even the globe?

      Here is what is depressing: megalomaniacal morons like Erdogan are why WWIII is inevitable. These narcissists, with their lying, scheming and hidden, criminal agendas are why mankind has no hope, on his own merits, because he will simply blow himself up. Mankind has a history of crapping where he sleeps, history a definitive series of repeating the same errors, only on a larger, more heinous and indiscriminate scale in modern times, and next time to the tune of weapons of mass destruction. Whole cities will vanish, because a few people, a few type-A psychos with personality disorders, feel it’s most important who can pee highest on a wall. Or want to ripoff some crude oil. Or think the ISIS morning call to prayer is the sweetest music.

      What will the WWIII start over? The likes of an idiot like Erdogan. Or Obama, who seems to think it cute poking a stick in the eye of the Chinese, over some man made islands, on the other side of the world, this a classic example of hegemonic idiocy on parade. Being a bully, being a threat to others, pretending you’re the cock of the walk of the entire globe of sovereign nations you don’t see as sovereign? This will never win friends and influence people, in the final analysis. It’s a formula for disaster, and it only takes a narcissistic personality disorder you voted into office to blow up your nation.

      So, shooting down the Russian plane was an act of sheer stupidity, bottom line, in a world that can no longer afford stupidity. You people without a God, other than Satan, of course, of whom you’re sock puppets of, by default, have no hope you think you have. (Hence, throw in unregenerate, mortal man’s ultimate stupidity, his inability to employ proper forward thinking of his own fate, throughout all eternity…) The clock is ticking. What all of you Godless need, first and foremost, is to get right with God, realize that filling a cabinet with dried beans is a solution to nothing.

      Here is what God sees:

      Psalms 14:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.

      You think nuclear war is bad?

      Luke 16:24-26 And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame. But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented. And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence.

      There will be no water to filter, preppers! Maybe it’s about time to wise up, read tomorrow’s newspaper in the Bible, and prepare to meet your Maker, who, no matter what you believe, will be Jesus Christ. And it had better not be an “Oops!” moment, as it will be for every fool.

      • VirusGuard

        Good post until you went all religious, well worded but then you go on to fool yourself.

        Now as i get the story we started off with these ten simple commandments and then we got the bible that was written on behalf of the money changers about jesus and then we get the propret mohammed and should all be reading the koran and pay no attantion to the words carved in stone.

        I mean it’s all so complicated when most of the scriptures controdict each other

        Here is what God sees

        How do you know what he see or did he dictate all of the bible to you and the koran that others read is just fiction ? How do you know it’s not all fiction or could it be that you see what you want to see, unable to face death without thinking about being happy ever after like the ending to all kiddy story books.

        “is to get right with God”

        God made me so is he not happy with his work or are we going get the usual answer, get out of jail free card of “God works in misterious ways”

        Maybe god is more happy with me than he is with you because i don’t try to put words in his mouth and maybe i am much closer to the truth than you because i don’t have my judgment clouded with religion and about being on the side of the home team “Bible” or the “Korean” or “Christian” not “Catholic”

        “realize that filling a cabinet with dried beans is a solution to nothing”

        Now i don’t know but i bet somewhere in the many, many pages of the bible that can be interpreted ten difrent ways and not just the ways the fat monks in the temple said who told everyone to bring them food for the gods, you will find something that will say something like.

        “Thou should save during times of plenty for when times are bad, less thy are’t a fool”

        I mean come on all these religious people driving to the church on a sunday morening to ask forgiveness for well, driving a car and working at McDonnals the next day

        Sounds to me it’s a carrot and stick and you must beat yourself up or pretend too but just what are these people offering to god that makes them better than the non beleivers like myself.

        Yes agree the clock seems to be ticking just now !

        You don’t think that some rich and powerful “Special ” people are trying to bring on what they call the end times do you

      • FindtheTruth

        Good post.

    • LadySlinger

      I agree with most of your article with an addition… I think the NWO Marxist Cabal desperately needs a hot WW3 that they can blame on Russia… and I believe Obama & Erdogan decided shooting down a Russian jet would do it. One thing Russia certainly does well is espionage & info gathering… he has provided the UN with enough data to gain their support in his mission to decimate ISIS & with God on his side, I pray for his success.

    • Leaping Lizard

      Excellent article, rich in solid information. I wish there were more like it on this site.

      A few seconds of activity with at least 3 functioning synapses will lead one to the inevitable conclusion that the shoot-down was planned well in advance and occurred totally over Syrian territory. So I wish people would stop repeating this 17 second Erdogan crapola. He chose this little peninsula into Syria just to make it a little more plausible.

      I agree with VirusGuard’s comment, and though I watch Putin carefully, so far his actions have been near impeccable, especially when when takes into account a 5th column in his own country. And I do take Cayce’s predictions somewhat to heart. I first read them in the 1960′s and found them a bit strange with Stalin still in recent memory. Of course I didn’t know at that time that the Bolshevik revolution was financed by the Rothschild cartel.

      As the the comment this is a reply to, the one group I find more nauseating than Neocons and Democons are Zionist Evangelical Christians.

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