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By Joseph Zrnchik for 5th Estate Media Email: (Reporter)
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Reuters Leading the Way to WWIII

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Reuters – The Most Well-Written and Consistent
Anglo-Zionist Propaganda the West Has To Offer



Did you ever notice how Reuters News Agency never allows any comment at the end of any of its articles?  It is because its narrative is so far left of anything approximating truth as to make its “news media” be best evaluated if it fell under a rubric used for evaluating agitprop.  I mean this not as exaggeration, but literally as an accurate description of what my fellow Americans allow to pass as news in the US.


For years now Reuters has tried to sell to the American people the idea that the Syrian war was a civil war when in fact it was an invasion by a CIA and Saudi-controlled irregular forces that were first used to take down Gaddafi in which jihadists and takfiri fighters were first armed by the CIA and Saudi government and then later armed by raiding Libyan arms depots.  They were then given heavy arms by the CIA through a gun-running operation that ended up getting Ambassador Stevens and his CIA henchmen killed as they conducted lethal assistance through what was a defunct US embassy. This was a proxy war of the US, Saudi Arabia and Israel against Russia, Iran, Hezbollah and Assad


That a simple teacher could so accurately and easily expose such blatant cover-ups ought to make readers become disgusted with this Reuters, which is allowed to pass its garbage off as information.  Is it really any surprise that the mainstream news media is withering and dying as alternative media shines light on the excrement being used to poison true pubic understanding and discourse?  The funniest, most absurd and hence pathetic aspect of this news agency is that it continues to peddle to the ignorant masses lies and propaganda long after such nonsense has been thoroughly discredited and exposed as lies by every credible source available.  In fact, Reuters will continue with its lies long after the truth of a given situation has become common knowledge.  


It is not only acts of commission of which Reuters is guilty, it is also guilty by virtue of its overwhelming omissions whereby it refuses to cover anything that would allow people to understand the past swill it had waterboarded down Americans gullets that it tried to pass off as previous truth and common accepted knowledge.  In fact, the one movie that comes to mind when thinking of Reuters is the horror movie “The Human Centipede” in which prisoners’ mouths are sown and grafted to other prisoners anuses so that money on food could be saved by causing that “food” to pass down the digestive tracts of each prisoner attached to the chain.  What the last prisoner in the chain digested as food would be akin to the news that Reuters passes on to Americans. 


After Reuters spreads its vomitous excrement, it never revisits issues related to just how completely inaccurate its stories were, but continues to cover this mess with ever more higher piles of media manure.  Never mentioned are the crude fabrications of documents and computer evidence of a non-existent Iranian nuclear weapons program.  Gone are the intelligence assessments whereby Syrian mass killings with chemical weapons were veritably proven to have been false flag attacks perpetrated by ISIS designed to draw the US into the Syrian war.  Gone is the intelligence which shows that 90% of the opposition in Syria is the result of foreign jihadists funded by Saudi Arabia.  Forgotten are the stories of Gaddafi passing out Viagra so rape squads could conduct mass sexual violence against the Libyan populace prior to engaging in the supposed genocide against the foreign jihadists and Saudi funded takfiri fighters Reuters tries to pass off as “Gaddafi’s people”.  No mention is made of the no-fly zone which was used as the initial pretext for conducting a nine-month bombing campaign that left Libya a wasteland controlled by ISIS.  Gone is any mention of how NATO spead into about 20 former Eastern Bloc countries while Reuters attempts to paint Russia as a wildly expansionist country.  No mention is made by Reuters of the five billion dollars the US spent fomenting fascist ideologies and providing support to Nazi-like parties in Ukraine that had threatened, attacked and even incinerated Russian speaking citizens.


No mention is or ever was made by Reuters as to why the US refuses to provide intelligence products for the downing of Malaysian Flight 370 when this area was the most heavily surveilled area on the planet.  And while the US claims to have intelligence that shows beer cans by a BUK battery, it simply refuses to show its satellite imagery that would have been able to 100% guaranteed to show the battery location, the launch plume and the ensuing miles long vapor trail of the missile the US claimed was fired by separatists.  No mention is made by Reuters about how countries were left off the crash investigation team or how the investigation’s mandate changed once it became apparent that it was the Ukrainian government that shot down the civilian airliner.  The only issue now that remains to the informed is whether the airliner was shot down as an honest mistake by Ukraine or as part of a false flag event designed to unite NATO and the US against Russia. 


Reuters makes no mention of UNSCOM proving to Bush that Iraq had no WMDs, nor does it mention that Bush knew Iraq had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11.  It also makes no mention of the fact that it was Bush’s invasion of Iraq that further helped to give rise to the Islamic State.  We are stuck with one lie after another and one blunder after another.


The fact is that our government is not only willing to lie our nation into war, but it actually counts on its ability to be able to do so and thereby manipulate the ignorant masses who have spent their whole lives consuming Reuters excrement.  With such being the case, if Clinton is elected president, Americans can be assured of the beginning of WWIII and of the reinstatement of a draft.  While this may seem like the end, when the destruction of invading forces by battlefield tactical nukes leads to strategic nuclear exchanges, Americans can also be assured that Russia, with its huge geographical area, will not be the first to blink.  The US can also rest assured that China will not be fighting on the side of the US.  I can’t think of a better fate than having those who supported Hillary or the establishment GOP to have to go off to fight in a war that will provide certain death.


Trump said he would work with Russia to defeat ISIS.  Trump said he would make deals with Iran who is also working to defeat ISIS.  Trump admitted it was the US who created ISIS.  Trump said he would be an honest broker between Israel and the Palestinians.  Trump called Clinton on her connections to Wall Street.  For this alone he deserves to be president. 


Clinton is still being investigated by the FBI with regard to her lies about top-secret information being in her personal email and on a personal email server.  It is documented on Youtube for all to see about how she howled with maniacal glee as Gaddafi was bayoneted through his rectum.  Her sadistic nature also came to light as she laughed hysterically about being able to go to war with Iran. Those who have seen the video will remember her bragging about the fact that her State Department line was: “We’re working real hard on it.”  It was also Hillary’s State Department where  the world heard that disgusting woman, Victoria Nuland, tell the EU what she thought of them as she destabilized Ukraine thereby leading the US to another fiasco involving the slaughter of innocents. 


I remember when before the Soviet Union collapsed a Soviet citizen had stated the people had long ago quit trying to reason with the huge police state.  He stated that everyone now understood that the best way to ensure the collapse of such a rotten and corrupt system was to just sit back and watch the system destroy itself as it abused the 99% for the sake of the Soviet elite.  We can all now sit back and watch our 1% feed us lies and destroy the liberty and prosperity of the 99% until everyone comes to wonder how it was that the American people decided to allow themselves to be abused so mercilessly and to be so willingly deceived.


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