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By Joseph Zrnchik for 5th Estate Media Email: (Reporter)
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How and Why WWIII Will Go Nuclear

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How and Why WWIII Will Go Nuclear

Russia’ s land mass is 1.75 times bigger than that of the US and it’s population, at 160 million, is less than half of the US’s 330 million.  The US, which accuses Russia of “aggression”, has less than ten military bases outside of Russia and none close to the US.  All the Russian bases are in what was formerly the Soviet Union, except for one base in Syria and one in Vietnam.  A couple of the bases are for nothing more than peacekeeping after the US fomented various color revolutions and the fascists who acquired political power began launching artillery barrages on defenseless cities as was the case in Georgia with its attacks on ethnic Russians in Abkhazia and Ossetia and in Ukraine with the attacks on ethnic Russians in Donetsk and Crimea. In both Georga and Ukraine the US was instrumental in goading on the attacks as a means of taking a stab at Russia.  Russia has not annexed eastern Ukraine and in Georga Putin withdrew the great majority of Russian forces once Georgian forces ceased attacking defenseless civilian villages where ethnic Russians lived. Several other Russian “bases” are nothing more than listening posts and a space launch facility. 

On the other hand, the “peaceful” US has roughly 1,000 military bases in 120 countries and helped expand NATO to incorporate into its military alliance many nations that were former Warsaw Pact members.  The US promised not to expand NATO and then immediately violated that agreement in an effort to impose hegemony over Russia.  What the US did not account for is the growing alliance between Russia and China as China has now become involved in Syria in support of Russia, or more to the point in opposition to an insane US foreign policy.  The US has become so belligerent that even China now understands that a victory by US proxies over Assad and Russia in Syria would leave China as the last man standing against US global domination.  The US has expanded NATO to the Russian frontier with Western nations literally encircling Russia.  It should be noted that Russia’s military spending is only about 4% of that which the US spends on a yearly basis.  The fact is that Russia would have a difficult time defending its vast borders and hence must rely on nuclear weapons as a means of terrian denial or to destroy a massed invading army.

The US has had strategists war game various scenarios that could lead to nuclear war, but as truth has become highly politicized, the USG is about as likely to give a realistic appraisal concerning the probability of nuclear war as it was to give an accurate appraisal concerning Iraqi WMDs.  The USG is as likely to give an honest and accurate appraisal regarding nuclear war and its conduct and consequences as it did concerning the Iraq War when Wolfowitz said the cost of an Iraqi invasion would be between $50-200 billion and would be paid for by Iraqi oil revenues, – a cost that now exceeds $3 trillion.  US politicians who are heavily invested in the military-industrial complex, which are all of them, profit from war and the seizing of taxpayer dollar to support the likes of ISIS and al Nusra in battling Assad, while also spending hundreds of billions of dollars carrying out a faux war against ISIS so that they can ripoff the taxpayer on both sides of the war as they lay waste to Syria for Israel’s benefit. 

The fact is that it is the US that is threatening Russia because Russia is merely refusing to go along with the US plan of regime change in Syria, mostly because of past lies and abuses that can only be described as US backstabbing done primarily to ensure the survival of the petroldollar status and dent the Eurasian Trade pact and the BRICS bank.  When Russia agreed to a no-fly zone in Libya, the US through NATO used it to begin a six month bombing campaign.  Putin was not about to make the same mistake twice.  Meanwhile, after Russia recently destroyed the arms, ammunition and equipment of ISIS, the US promptly resupplied the same forces it has soaked the American people for to conduct battle against. This was after General Austin testified to Congress that the US spent $500 million dollars in a failed attempt to raise an army but only was able to “train four or five fighters”. It is a joke that any of the jihadists are moderates after the US could not find more than 5 of them in all of Syria even after being given a $500 million budget that was quickly wasted by being surrendered to contractors.  

As if General Austin’s testimony was not ridiculous enough, the US State Department spokespeople themselves have become quite the joke and it is humorous to see how ridiculous they look as the media they brief no longer takes them seriously.  How can a statesman and intellectual view the briefings coming out of the US State Department as anything more than the babblings of morons and children who have no sense of shame?  It has to be a very special person that is willing to allow themselves to be humiliated in front of media people like Matt Lee as he stands back and laughs at mouthpieces for Hillary and Obama who engage in what can only be described as empire burlesque.

The thing that ought to expose the press for what it is, is the success of the media to never fail to fail to expose the stupidity and absurdity of US policy.  The media never fails to fail in addressing the lies and ironic outcomes resulting from our political establishment’s obsequious adherence to neocon ideology.  Hollywood has now made scores of movies where time and again the bad guy was part of the Russian mafia who was also connected to the Russian government. The mainstream media in conjunction with Hollywood has allowed US propaganda to be elevated to an art form.

Up until now the neocons have had their way with the American people because the people fighting the wars were the silent 1% that composed the entirety of the warrior class.  This professional Army has fought all the wars thereby isolating the rest of Americans from the horror of battles and slaughter of the defenseless.  The American people decided to remain woefully ignorant of economics, foreign policy and war because they had no desire to study or learn and were bombarded with propaganda from the mainstream media who they wrongly assumed were telling the truth.  The American people and our media allowed our military to be used to starve and blockade Iraqis resulting in the death of over 500,000 children and now the media wants us to be swayed by one child who was covered in dust resulting from Russia fighting ISIS in Syria.  

We were lied to by the media with regard to Iranian computers, documents and a weaponized nuclear program.  We assassinated Iranian scientists, retired military personnel and carried out a covert war while engaging in sabotage.  We discovered that the chemical weapons attacks in Syria were the result of false flag operations in an attempt by ISIS to get the US to conduct attacks against Assad.  Now we are stuck with global computer attacks that the media blames on whoever is the enemy du jour after the NSA was hacked and advanced cyber warfare programs were stolen.  For years we heard of Iranian super bills that were counterfeit $100 US Treasury notes.  When it was found to have been an Israeli Mossad and Israeli mafia operation (or do I repeat myself?), any correction for wrongly blaming Iran for over a decade never occurred.  Why is this? 

Bernays, McLuhan and Lippman were right in the stupidity and emotionality of Americans who are so easily manipulated by the media.  What many Americans have underestimated until now with the recent Trump bloodbath is the extent to which the media is a propaganda tool for government and the elite. 

Clinton’s failures and crimes have been hidden from the American people as have her constant lies and subservience to banking interests and globalists of the Council on Foreign Relations.  She is a bag women for banking and the military industrial complex and anyone else willing to drop a cool million into the Clinton Foundation.

But, now that the neocons have decided to begin threatening war with Russia, we will soon see that the US has destroyed the UN and the concept of sovereignty as the UN stood by and watched the US fund sword-wielding executioners in Libya and Syria they then lied about and passed off as indigenous forces.  We wonder why Russia would back Assad, but Assad’s forces never engaged in sectarian slaughter by beheading Christians by the hundreds. 

The US may attack Russia, and it might even get NATO to play along if it creates the right situation as it did when Ukraine attacked Flight MH17 and blamed it on Russia, but Russia will use tactical nukes to defeat or blunt any invasion of Russia who had 30 million of its people die as a result of the Nazis and many hundreds of thousands more as a result of Napoleon.  Russia will not allow their military to be defeated and their country conquered.  Putin has never minced words and he said if the US wants war, it will end up getting it.  To think Russia will not use nuclear warheads within their own country is absurd.  They have every right to use nuclear weapons within Russia as a method of denying terrain.  Once the US retaliates with tactical nukes inside Russia, Russia will respond with a limited strategic nuclear weapon strike against the US.  A war with Russia will escalate because the same people who decided to attack Russia will be the same people making the decision to use nukes within Russia, a decision they will make from hardened bunkers stocked with more than a year’s worth of provisions. What Americans do not know is that when the US gives its nuclear response on Russian soil, Russia will unleash its RS-28 Sarmat known by the US military as the Satan II missile. This thermonuclear device has the power to destroy a land mass the size of Texas or France.  Do you trust Hillary enough to place the lives of your family in her hands?

When the initial conventional war starts, the US will discover it will have very limited success against a country who faced 4/5 of the Nazi war machine.  If the US thinks it can foster the same type of fanaticism Hitler did with the Germans in a US populace addicted to video games and mindless television shows, it won’t be long until the US begins to take such heavy losses that it will signal the defeat of its invasion forces.  The Russians will be tougher by a factor of 100 over any Afghan fighting for the Taliban or CIA/Saudi backed ISIS fighter.

Finally, the draft will start and America will be in revolt.  The scams pulled by Hillary will gain attention as she engages in more lies and manipulation.  The media will cover for her and there will be absolutely no doubt that anyone exposing the truth will be silenced, interned or prosecuted.  Hillary has persuaded the Ecuadorian President, Raphael Correa  to silence Assange just as Wikileaks was to begin exposing some of its most damaging emails about Clinton.  The Clinton response is that it has been all Russian plot.  Who would have ever thought the media would jump all over the chance to take Americans back to the era of McCarthyism? Personally, if I were Putin, I would give Iran 200 old nuclear warheads and watch Washington and Israeli politicians (or do I repeat myself again?) crap their pants.  

A day of reckoning is coming for US government excesses.  Americans will soon pay the price resulting from falling for lies by the government and tolerating a propaganda campaign from the mainstream media directed against the American people.  If Americans want to be ignorant and take the government’s side over that of Wikileaks, then Americans have no one else but themselves to blame for their ignorance.  Anyone who would choose a stupid pant-suited and goofy hairdoed Hillary over Putin is making a big mistake.

I am a gym teacher and yet I have provided more accurate predictions than those who are considered intellectuals.  I was right about the false Iranian computers and documents, I was right about Iraq and Afghanistan.  I was right about Syria and Libya. I was right about 9/11.  I was right about Flight MH17.  Yet, America wants the same people providing them with the same garbage as was fed them during the Gulf of Tonkin false flag operation and the Iraq WMD fiasco.  As we are still told what a great idea this $3 trillion war was, a war that they said was going to cost $50 billion at most, we just seem to just keep falling for the same lies told by the same people.  Drink the New York Times, Wall street Journal and Washington Post Kool-Aid, and be glad you can barely taste the poison.  I just can’t understand why they don’t combine these three papers and call them the Angelo-Zionist Neocon Times.  Go ahead and drink up, the US media says its okay!

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    • Richard Parker

      For some strange reason, the American people don’t seem to realize Russia and/or the Russian people have never been our enemy. Should the US government in their finite wisdom embark on such a path, they will, to put it mildly, crap their pants. It’s not a war the US will win, nor should it win. As a nation, we need to wake up while we still have time; the clock is ticking loudly.

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