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By Joseph Zrnchik for 5th Estate Media Email: (Reporter)
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Everything You Need To Know About the Trump Yemen Attack

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Everything You Need To Know About the Trump Yemen Attack



The Yemen attack was planned under the Obama administration.  This attack was not about killing Yemeni nationals or even al Qaeda terrorists, but was about gathering intelligence concerning al Qaeda plans for attacking America and killing American citizens.

Obama did not plan the attack; individuals within the national security establishment planned it based on previous intelligence that was gathered through contacts, most likely Yemen Houthi Shia.

During the attack the US suffered one casualty, Chief Special Warfare Officer William “Ryan” Owens, whose body was transported to Dover Air Force Base where a respectful President Donald Trump wanted to pay homage to the soldier and his family.  The father, Bill Owens, refused to meet with President Trump and demanded an investigation as to why this attack was carried out only three weeks into a Trump administration. 

The attack was carried out because it had already been planned and it was planned for a reason that was irrespective of politics.  What the father should have considered, having been a soldier himself, is that politics should not play a part in national security.  If Obama thought the situation worthy of warranting operational planning, and the Trump administration officials agreed with Obama’s assessment, then politics probably had little to do with why the attack occurred. 

Here is where it gets murky when one considers facts as opposed to the media using the grief of one father to discredit and disrespect President Trump.  The media has made it clear that this father now questions why the US government decided to send his child in harm’s way, but what about the thousands of people who died under the Bush regime’s war on Iraq which was precipitated under the knowingly bogus claim that Saddam was responsible for the 9/11 attacks and had WMDs?  How is it that the father of this sailor thinks that the death of his child warrants any more consideration than the 4500 who died in Bush’s illegal invasion of Iraq not to mention the 2500 soldiers who died under Obama in Iraq and Afghanistan where Obama significantly expanded the war?

Suddenly the media wants to question war and seems more concerned with the death of one person than all the deaths that occurred under Bush and Obama.  Are Americans really that stupid to fall for this type of nonsense?  If ever there was to be an investigation, it ought to be about how Clinton and Obama destroyed Libya under the pretensions that Gaddafi was intent on killing his own people and had rape squads to whom he was issuing Viagra when everybody knew the forces fighting Gaddafi were jihadists sent by Saudi Arabia as the whole country was raped by the takfiri menace that now is waging war against Assad in Syria.  What also ought to be investigated is Clinton’s lies when she denied having knowledge that weapons were being looted from Libya to be handed over to the jihadists in Syria. 

Bill Owens, after having his son die, questioned why there were no Americans on the ground in Yemen for two years prior to Trump making what he termed a “grand display”.  First, I would hardly call a small raid that was barely covered in the media a grand display of US military power.  Secondly, why wasn’t he questioning why we did have troops on the ground prior to that two-year period?  If one decides to become a commando, worrying about where one is sent to fight does not even appear as a blip on one’s radar screen.  One becomes a commando because he wants the prestige and thrill of being sent on missions his government deems in the vital interests of national security. 

When Wikileaks offers to provide the truth to Americans about what their elected officials do and why they do it, many Americans want to trust their government blindly and say the government needs to keep secrets as if ignorance suddenly becomes a virtue. It seems all Democrats despise Wikileaks and Assange for telling them the truth about how corrupt Hillary Clinton and the DNC were and how corrupt a Clinton presidency would have been.  It was clear to everyone that Obama wanted to make himself an agent of change by promoting his “smart” war in Afghanistan as opposed to Bush’s “dumb” war in Afghanistan.  Obama then proceeded to draw down on Iraq and transfer forces to Afghanistan. It was clear to all that Obama promoted the war in Afghanistan to make an Obama presidency distinguishably different from what everyone knew had already had become a strategic failure during Bush’s presidency.  His decision to expand the war in Afghanistan was clearly made for political reasons.  To try to separate politics from war is impossible because war is merely the continuation of politics by different means. 

So, all Trump did was decide not to interfere with Obama’s plan and allow himself to be persuaded by the arguments of those from both his and the Obama administration and the national security complex.  In other words, it was an executive decision.  If he had decided to wait longer, as Bill Owens alludes, because he was only in office for three weeks, would that have made it less of a political decision or more of a political decision?  Then the question is:  How long should he have decided to wait so that it would not appear to be a political decision?  Or, let’s carry this logic one step further and try to discern at what point in time it would not have been a political decision.  It seems that if those with the specific knowledge decided it was a good idea and Trump made a promise to keep Americans safe, then the decision to act should have been made immediately. This line of reasoning by Bill Owens then begs the question as to why we are even allies with Saudi Arabia knowing that it was they who inspired and funded the 9/11 attacks.  Why was Obama supporting the Saudi’s in their vicious and criminal war on Yemen in which the Sauds have slaughtered civilians by the tens of thousands and starved millions?  Why are we supporting Saudi jihadists in Syria?  Why did we attack Syrian positions and force Russia to institute a no-fly zone over their area of operations thereby letting the US government know anymore hostile acts will result in the shootdown of US war planes by the vaunted Triumf S400 anti-aircraft missile as it placed the US in the humiliating position of being dictated to by the Russian military. 

The biggest question I have is why I, an elementary school gym teacher, can figure out such questions that were never asked by anyone in the mainstream media.  Why is it the media suddenly has become concerned about raising issues related to war when during the previous 16 years there was rarely a questioned raised and no objection ever expressed? 

Bill Owens has stated there was no target in Yemen that was worth one American life.  While this may be true I can say there was certainly no target in Iraq or Afghanistan that was worth trillions of dollars and the loss of thousands of American lives.  So, it appear to me we got off very cheaply with Trump.  And, how does this father know who the targets were, what was the intel that was obtained and what threat was eliminated?  To say his son’s life was not worth the killing of an al Qaeda operative would make the whole issue of fighting al Qaeda a non-starter.  In fact, the reason a nation pays to maintain warriors is so that if a thousand have to die to save a few, this sacrifice is bore by those who undertake such an obligation knowingly and willingly. 

For Bill Owens to now say that this government now owes his son an investigation lessens the sacrifice of every American family who has lost loved ones in the US government’s war on the greater Middle East.  The people owe the military no homage, because it is the American people who make up the military.  It is the military that owes the American people who choose to serve.  I say this as a retired military officer.  And, before any American gets sent into harm’s way what is owed is the media providing truth to the American people and asking the tough questions designed to get at that truth.  What the military owes the American people is the best equipment, training and leadership it can provide. What the American people owe themselves is a government that places the interests of the American people above illegal aliens, refugees resulting from useless and ill-conceived wars, profits of the military-industrial complex, and globalists who want to pursue hegemony for power’s sake.

While Bill Owens did not want his son’s death to be a political photo op for Trump, it seems the MSM has managed to turn this death into another opportunity to heap its derision upon Trump as a means of stopping his agenda.  Trump’s agenda so far has been to keep the promises he made to the average American. It is an agenda for which he will have to constantly battle against those whose interests are not those of the American people.   The elite and the opposition parties both have their partisans within the deep state.  We see partisans within the FBI, CIA and NSA as they leak information, provide disinformation and commit treason.  Anyone caught committing such misdeeds should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law while the FBI, CIA and NSA all get a thorough house cleaning. 

Meanwhile, Trump should continue to attack the media by ignoring those outlets he knows are already hostile to him.  He needs to continue to expose these organizations as the propaganda arm they are for liberals, globalists, the military-industrial complex, and the warfare state.  His bowing out of the White House Press Corps Dinner is a great first shot across the bow.  If the media had provided the truth to the American people, we would have never elected those who have gained power.  Instead, we had to rely on Wikileaks to get the truth.  This is the reason why the MSM hates Assange.  The one thing those in power do not want is for the American people to actually know what is going on.  The American people have figured out the MSM’s game and are no longer willing to play it.  They have finally tuned out the media and laugh as Trump makes fools of CNN, the New York Times and the Washington Post.  What a breath of fresh air it is!

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