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By Joseph Zrnchik for 5th Estate Media Email: (Reporter)
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Vlad Impales US Establishment By Having Its Lies Exposed

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Vlad Impales US Establishment By Having Its Lies Exposed

There have been many articles written about the extent to which Putin is a genius strategist. One should first consider that there is an inverse correlation between how neoconish the publication is and the amount of consideration or recognition that it is willing to give Putin as a forward thinking statesman. But, but let’s look at the many ways the US has shot itself in the foot while firing the gun to start the race.

The US political establishment is currently destroying itself on the basis of a “collusion delusion”. As Mueller, the Trojan horse for the deep state, unleashes his destruction upon those aligned with Trump, Trump’s DOJ is now in a position to begin counter-attacking. The political class is being dragged into a fight between Trump and the deep state. Hillary Clinton is not the deep state, she merely serves the deep state. The deep state would gladly chuck her overboard to the sharks if it felt sacrificing her would advance its cause. The deep state’s true enemy is the American people. Putin is merely an opponent that it uses to keep everyone playing its game of driving toward global domination. It is the Americans people who have the ability find out the truth to cut off funding and exposing the crimes of the deep state, and this is the greatest threat to the deep state.

I would rather there be a multi-polar world than allow people like Soros their prize and use people like Hillary Clinton to carry out his day-to-day dirty work against the masses. Anyone who thinks the media is for the people needs to start thinking about since when they discovered this change of events took place. The media is owned by the few to serve the few by manipulating the masses.

All that is going on right now, with dozens of investigations, is truly the doing of the political class and those who are served by it, – the globalists. The keepers of power, the FBI and DOJ that Americans used to defer to, have proven themselves so inept and corrupt that Americans now know why these organizations are forced to act above the law and in violation of the US Constitution. It is because they simply now must do so as to cover their corruption, crimes, incompetence and parochialism, for which ignorant Americans wrongly assumed they were above.

As the curtain gets pulled back while we see greater and greater attempts made by the FBI and DOJ to hide, obstruct, excuse, rationalize and abuse their power, Americans are being given an object lesson in the absolute corruption that was begotten through the granting by Americans of absolute power to these agencies our leaders all claimed were necessary to keep the people safe.

A democratic government that seeks to keep the people safe from retribution for international lawlessness by hyper-militarism, is not keeping the people safe. Consider from where it is that the nation draws is soldiers. It is from the people. It is not the people who owe the military a debt of gratitude; it is the military that owes the people the debt of gratitude, because there is nobody born with army boots on their feet. The army recruits from the people and it is the people who serve. While the military seeks to maintain a warrior class it gave rise to from the people, the more isolated those citizen-soldiers become from the people, the more they are lied to, misused and discarded without nary a peep from the population who are told by the politicians that to oppose a war is to not support the troops.

Since 9/11 the FBI has recruited, radicalized, trained, armed and then deployed the great majority of terrorists it later arrested while claiming it was only through great investigative work and the employment of liberty-strangulating legislative acts that these attacks were prevented. When people like McVeigh succeed after involvement by the FBI, the truth is hidden and piles of evidence is lost. However, most attacks end up beign the result of an individual or group that were mental deficients who had no ideological beliefs and no ability to have ever committed any attacks on their own. In fact, most could barely feed or clothe themselves. Yet, the FBI, DOJ and those who profit through power or money from the national security-surveillance state repeatedly tell us that out rights are not being abused as they lie and create threats while failing to stop the real terrorist attacks. Here is a story from way back in 2012, things have only gotten worse since:

It is not the American people who surrendered their rights to the government; it was that the system granted no path towards power for those who understood that those who sacrifice freedom for safety deserve neither. There was no media in which to make intelligent arguments against the state massing power. The media has become an arm of the deep state and it attacks Trump with the ruthlessness that it had formerly reserved for killing a president and a president-to-be and then hiding that evidence under over fifty years of other crimes like Waco, Ruby Ridge, the OKC bombing, the Trentadue torture and murder and the TWA shootdown as it now attempts to overthrow an elected US president. The media is out of the business of truth. It is out of the business of exposing governmental lies. It no longer holds government accountable for propagandizing the masses, but is a tool with which to propagandize the masses.

My hope is that Mueller burns down all of Washington D.C. as more and more crimes are discovered. As the deep state goes after Trump partisans, Trump will begin taking out those from the deep state and its corrupt partisans who profit from the destruction of nations by being merchants of death as opposed to merely profiting from building hotels, casinos or hi-rise apartments. While Putin protects his country, he has surely never tried to lie us into war as have the Israelis, England, France, Saudi Arabia, our “moderate” jihadist partners in Syria, not to mention our own government in Vietnam, Iraq, Libya and now Syria. It seems Americans want to be lied into war. Pretty soon the American people will understand that all that goes on in Washington D.C. is criminal activity.

Now that Washington has been shaken to its core as Trump and the deep state exchange blows, it is up to the American people to decide if they are going to allow the CIA and FBI to decide our next president. If not, the American people need to be ready for revolution. It is clear the FBI has destroyed the very constitution it swore to uphold. It is clear that it lies, conspires and hides evidence. It is clear that it does everything for which it charges as crimes against others. It can no longer be trusted. What do you do with an agency that believes itself immune from constitutional oversight? You abolish it. It is now a greater threat to liberty than any Iraqi ever was.

All Putin did was expose the truth about the Democratic party. That was worse for the Clinton campaign than a Soviet Union $5 billion disinformation program. Now the thing the FBI and DOJ fear most is the truth about where the dossier came from and if it was used in the FISA process. They refuse to supply the FISA warrant. They now are denying the illegal unmasking that the FBI, DOJ, State Department and Obama Administration all participated in. They are lying about the leaking to Fusion GPS. Fusion GPS is now saying they had been worried about Trump all along because some of his golf courses were over-valued commodities. They had engaged in a criminal conspiracy in the form of an “insurance plan” to get Trump that has resulted in scores of FBI and DOJ firings, resignations, and demotions with criminal prosecutions merely waiting for IG ink to dry.

Americans owe Vlad the Impaler a huge debt of gratitude. He has caused the establishment to impale itself on a tower of lies. He finally has awoken many from their sleep. He finally exposed the real world of false flag attacks such as when the Ukraine downed Flight MH 17 in which the claimed culprit, a Ukrainian pilot, recently committed suicide. Yet, for two years the US government hid the truth from the American people. Story here: Up until this point, 99% of the ignorant US masses thought it was Vladimir Putin who personally shot the missile himself from his Moscow lair.

Putin has exposed numerous false flag attacks in Syria and has now proven the so-called “assassination attempt” in the UK was another lie for which if Russia has did what it was claimed to have perpetrated, the victims would have had zero chance of recovery, much less survival. The chemical attack in Syria that occurred in the last day was predicted by Russian intelligence a month ahead of time and contained exact and specific intelligence. The story is here:

and here:
and here:
and here:
and here:
and here:
and here:

We know all this because of Putin. We know what a crook Hillary and the DNC was because of Putin. We know just how crooked the FBI and DOJ are because of Putin. We know the FBI and DOJ will lie, commit perjury, conduct criminal conspiracies, destroy evidence, obstruct justice and bear false witness. We know the FBI and DOJ will violate the US Constitution and the last remaining shreds of individual liberty. We know they will manipulate judges. We know they will lie on affidavits. We know they will cover crimes like foreign countries getting Clinton’s emails and conduct fake investigations to cover those crimes and hide criminality. We know they hold us in contempt. We know they hate us with an animus reserved for the worst criminal psychopaths for merely wanting to get to the truth of the matter and demanding their evidence, the evidence they created through their own machinations, be exposed to the light of day. They do not want to be exposed.


Putin has done nothing to the DNC, Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, the DOJ, FBI, Fusion GPS, Christopher Steele, or the US Congress except place them all in a position of having to admit the truth. He has not engaged in disinformation or propaganda. Maybe there was a click bait farm that bought $40k in Facebook and Twitter ads, but he did not establish NGOs and spend $5 billion as we did in Ukraine and fund fascist groups to kill people and then arm them and destabilize the government. The elite want an ignorant, misinformed, apathetic populace to manipulate. Putin has caused us to think for ourselves, a gift far greater than anything bestowed on us by the DNC, Hillary Clinton, the FBI or DOJ. As the pro-Trumpers and anti-Trumpers try to pound each other into the ground, Putin must be laughing himself silly. Finally people are seeing it is the truth that is like kryptonite to the establishment and the more it fights, the more it exposes its true nature. What better gift could Putin have given to us than to allow us to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil? This may be a bad thing in the Garden of Paradise, but in a fallen world given over to Satan, it may be the greatest blessing anyone has ever bestowed upon the masses.

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