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Complete Collapse of the Ukrainian Front in Donbass

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Crash: Complete collapse of the Ukrainian front in Donbass – Desperation in the Ukrainian Army, outcry against Zelensky
“All fortresses are falling” Ukrainians say – See list and maps
Crash: Complete collapse of the Ukrainian front in Donbass – Desperation in the Ukrainian Army, outcry against Zelensky
 Newsroom 30.08.2024 | 17:48
The Russian Army is advancing non-stop now in every corner of Donbas with the Ukrainian defense having collapsed. The speed of advance of the Russian Army is an average of 3 km per day.

Ukrainians consider Toretsk, Chasov Yar, Pokrovsk and Volendar as lost cities. That’s for starters.

So far the Russian Army has almost complete control over the cities:






There are reports of Russian forces entering Ukraine as well.

Complete collapse of the Ukrainian defense in Donbass
The Ukrainian defense was destroyed on a wide front in the direction of Pokrovsk, the Ukrainians fled from their strongholds to the west.

The Russian army is already approaching the center of Selindovo, one of the largest settlements in the region.

At the same time, the Russian forces achieved a new victory in the direction of Volendar. The Ukrainian stronghold in the city of Konstantinovka came under Russian control.

Clearing operations continue in the settlement, while the Russian advance along the road forces Ukrainian units to withdraw from Pavlovka.

The strategic threat to the Ukrainian military is increasing dramatically.

The great drama now begins for the Ukrainians.

The Russians entered the city of Mirnograd
Russian forces have entered the southeastern suburbs of Mirnograd and are advancing toward the city center.

The reported Russian advance from Novogrodovka to the outskirts of Mirnograd is likely aimed at bypassing what Russian sources have described as Ukraine’s main defensive positions northwest and west of Hrodivka.

Outcry against Zelensky because the front collapsed in Donbass
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has faced a barrage of criticism from the military, lawmakers and military analysts for the Russian military’s stormy advances in eastern Ukraine since Kiev launched its invasion of Russia’s Kursk province.

“Many Ukrainians celebrated their army’s invasion of Kursk on August 6, hoping the gamble would force Moscow to divert resources to the new front and turn the tide of the war in Ukraine’s favor,” reports the Financial Times in a feature article on Kiev and add:

“However, the collapse of the defense line in the strategic Donetsk region this week has sparked a backlash against the leadership in Kiev, with critics arguing that Ukraine’s positions have been weakened by the redeployment of thousands of Ukrainian troops in the Kursk operation.

Russian forces are closing in on the strategic city of Pokrovsk, capturing several nearby towns this week and forcing undermanned Ukrainian units to retreat from prepared defensive positions.

Pokrovsk is one of two key rail and road hubs in Donetsk, and its loss would threaten the entire region’s supply lines for Ukraine’s military, according to Frontelligence Insight, a Ukrainian think tank.

As the Western media admits , “according to analyzed satellite images, Russian forces are now only 8 kilometers from Pokrovsk”.

Entering the final stretch before the US elections and with the possibility of peace negotiations in the background, the Russians seem to be trying to control as much territory as they can:

And there are reports of a mass evacuation of residents from the strategically important city of Pokrovsk as the front there has collapsed and the Ukrainian army is constantly retreating:

“Honestly, I’ve never seen anything like it. Everything falls apart so quickly. Pokrovsk will fall much faster than Bakhmut,” a Ukrainian who fought last year in the great battle of Bakhmut told the FT.


Ukrainian front
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