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I wonder: Is God impersonating God
R we hypnotized an alien species impersonating God
R these impersonators the two half brothers Enki n Enlil of the Anunnaki
Have these imperonators controlled ur mind via deceptive illusions that made u into a dellusional schizophrenic
*I wonder: Did Enki’s impersonation of god start when he created the human species in the Garden of Eden
Is the Garden of Eden an embellished fantasy of what was a laboratory
Did these impersonators write n then use the Bible as a weapon of psycological warfare
Is the Bible a novel that altered the truth by fabricating a fantasy that deceived God’s children to keep them ignorant of their true self identity
If these alien gods falsified ur creation what makes u think anything in the Bible is the truth
Have Enki, Enlil n their sons n daughters created all the religions of the world, n they have been all the Gods of all these religions throughtout our history
Was Enki the first Egyptian God Osiris
Was Isis the alter ego of the black n beautiful Ningurshag who is Enki’s co-creator n consort
Did Osiris n Isis try to achieve everlasting life via mummification
Were some of Isis’ ensuing alter egos the Hindu Godess Kali, n the Queen of Sheba who was King David’s lover
I wonder: Did Enki’s alter ego Osiris transform into the inconito persona of krishna who tried to assimiate God’s spirit of everlasting life via procreation
Was Enlil’s incognito persona Shiva the destroyer of Krishna’s podigy
Did Enlils alter ego of Shiva make a transition into a new persona named Yahweh
I wonder: Did Yahweh usurp a portion of his brother Enki’s creation to start a fake race
Is Yahweeh’s only claim to fame the law he gave to Mosses
Did Enki’s Osirus, Krishna alter egos usurp the persona of Jesus
Is that man on the cross Enki n not Jesus
Have u been worshipping the spiritless Alien Thing
R u The Thing’s thing
Imagine that
Is everything u ever been taught a lie
I wonder: Have u been deceived into betraying urself n thus have betrayed God
Have u unwittingly committed treason by believing in these false gods n then aided n abetted these alien impostures with ur piousness
Is excommunication the penalty for treason
R u already in a state of excommunication from God’s spirit n u r just to ignorant to realize it
I wonder: R u the invisable man who is a humble bumbling brow beaten creature who crawls on his knees worshiping idols while sputtering grovel words u learned to recite
Do u know God , do u know urself
R u with urself or r u against urself
If ur not with urself then who r u with
R u a Spirit that believes it is a Thing
Can a dog be a cat
R u feeling my words or r u just hearing my words
U can believe anything u want but urself n God is what u can actually know
Is this message to by for n from myself only
I wonder, imagine that