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Space Alien Worked for U.S. Government - Valiant Thor (Interesting News, Videos)

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Looking back on the story of Phil Schneider

His name is Valiant Thor; he looks human, but he has some key physiological differences. He is from Venus. He worked for the U.S. government for some time in the 1950s before leaving in his spaceship.
This is the story told by the late Phil Schneider, a geologist and engineer who said he had level-1 security clearance in secret government projects. He helped build underground military bases and worked at the famed Area 51 base.
Schneider said he met Thor, and he’s not the only one to make such a claim. Dr. Frank Stranges wrote a book titled “Stranger at the Pentagon,”about his alleged meeting with Thor.
Schneider showed a picture of  Thor during a lecture at the 1995 Preparedness Expo. The photo was taken in 1943. Schneider said the alien had been working for the U.S. military since 1937. Thor had six fingers on each hand, an oversized heart, one giant lung, copper oxide blood like an octopus, an IQ off the scale (could be estimated as 1200), and could speak 100 languages fluently (including alien languages). He also said his lifespan is 490 years.
According to Dr. Stranges, Thor was about 6 feet tall and 185 pounds with brown, wavy hair and brown eyes. Dr. Stranges said President Dwight Eisenhower and Richard Nixon both met Thor.
Timothy Good, a former U.S. Government consultant who has been vocal about his knowledge of aliens, also said Eisenhower met aliens.
Thor left Earth on the morning of March 16, 1960, according to Dr. Stranges. He left in a spaceship from Alexandria, Va.

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    Total 67 comments
    • carsonking

      Well I’m convinced.

      • Anonymous

        thanks to posts by such as lisa haven, duclos — the cult of leahz liarz journalism? this site has become pretty useless now for decent information. when i first came to visit here, there were alot of good political pieces, current events analyses etc. then her garbage gradually gained ground until we now have nearly all of the articles about aliens, ETs, demon incubus, succubus, gargoyles and National Enquirer trash distraction. The govt disinfo squads have won at BIN.

        • UniqueArchetype

          I agree. BIN needs to secure its borders and stop allowing faux journalists in.

        • carsonking

          The whole site is a plant, confuse and conwuer.

        • Studebacher Hoch

          Venus eh.
          I’m certainly conwuered.

        • Andor

          I agree with you fully!! Such BS I have never read before!!

      • Gil Carlson

        For some reason silly information is being spread around to make anyone who questions the government line look foolish. Find out what really ha been going on between the government and aliens…

        Many of your favorite authors have used these documents to build their theories, and you would be surprised by how many of them are debunked or reinforced by the information in the Blue Planet Project Book.

        • prisonerno6

          How many of your books have you sold to people from BIN?

          Do you also do the same on other websites? If so, are you selling massive quantities of you book just like Leahz has over the years?

      • Equalizer

        Completely Factual.

        • 1 darkstar


    • eagererin

      Look at his hand? Does that look human to you?

      • bknowl13

        Simple answer: YES. That’s the only legitimate answer, btw. There is nothing odd about it, nothing.

      • Beaver Hunter

        YES his hands are normal for a man his size. He needs long fingers to pick his Big Nose with. Simple.

      • Kate Friday

        My husband has very very large hands, even for his size, 6ft. . . . the size of this chaps hands means nothing.

    • ThatsIt!!!

      Ok I think I know when its time to leave this site and never look at it again. Its when they allow people to keep posting things that were posted weeks and months before. To BIN, don’t you have people that filter this crap out? If you don’t, then you should and if we are talking “should”, then you “should” hire me. :razz:

      • Decode the World

        It might be old to you, but it’s new to a lot of people. The fact that 300 people are on this story right now tells me a lot of people have never seen it before.

        • Norry

          I am one of those 300 Chris.,I am also one of the people who read about this bloke not so long ago,I clicked on this story to see how many posters realised the same.
          What intrigues me is the amount of off world alien stories that have proliferated recently here in the BIN.
          And what was Phil Schneider carrying a sidearm for ? He claims to be an engineer. Most, no, all Engineers I work with don’t carry sidearms on the job. So much of his story makes no sense to me.

        • Norry

          Just noticed July 12 ! No wonder I thought that I have read the same story !!!

      • judas iscariot

        It’s all about the headline… If you don’t like a story, the best you can do is move along to the next. Even posting a comment helps keep it up there. Try clicking the little recommend story button at the top of the page when you like it. And keep that browser window open for awhile. Then you’ll be helping the situation :idea:

      • King Of Jambalamba

        see you dis info shill! :razz: :razz: :shock:

    • StavoV

      So….like is Thor going to bring his spaceship back to this miserable little planet we live on? I can hardly wait. Yup….why sure, you bet’cha. :roll:

    • billbrasky

      During Phil Schneiders testimony, he implied that “valiant four” had to be encased in a spacesuit at all times so neither him nor humans would infect each other with deadly germs. :/

      • The Real Deal

        “I remember one time Brasky took his family to Sea World. They were watching Shamu the whale when Brasky got splashed. So Brasky yells, ‘I’m Bill Brasky and no one gets me wet!’ So he climbs into the tank, grabs Shamu, and throws the whale into the audience, splashes him and yells, ‘How do you like it?’ And then damn if Brasky didn’t step in there and finish the show.” – Saturday Night Live

        To Bill Brasky :!: :!: :!: :!: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

      • Herbavor



    • MileHiLife

      I enlarged the above pic. The thing that stood out to me is the girth of his neck. He’s supposedly 6′, 185# but has the neck of an offensive lineman. The hand looks normal enough to me but, maybe on the long-side.

      Here’s a link that includes pics of celebs with an added finger or toe, or more — including Oprah, Kate Hudson, and Maria Sharapova. One lady had an extra boob (sorry, no pic on that one)

      Women really ARE from Venus… ; )

    • Doccus

      He looks so … so… Alien… Run Run away faast!

    • am123

      “Thor left Earth on the morning of March 16, 1960, according to Dr. Stranges. He left in a spaceship from Alexandria, Va.”

      Rumor has it he has since returned to earth and now lives in France. And he is a featured reporter on BIN that goes by the name of “King of Shambhala”.

      But be warned my fellow earthlings, whatever you do, don’t mention Obama to him!

    • Mikeol1987

      Looks like Gene Kranz to me…

    • Anonymous

      Venus! That’s so funny! The temperature is 600º and it rains sulfuric acid! How totally braindead.

      • Two69ingSquirrels

        This is not a place for facts.

        • King Of Jambalamba

          much as your Anus is not just an exit! :???:

      • sawdust

        Anonymous, I agree this story require a little more hard evidence, But I think to say that all life forms in the universe have the same limitations we do is a bit narrow minded. No offense, I wouldn’t reply to your comment if I did not think you were intelligent enough to handle a different opinion, but lets not forget that mainstream science is a bought and paid for entity.

      • hansom

        I know, somebody makes a claim and it’s accepted as fact, how braindead is that ?

    • drakewinks

      :wink: :smile: :wink: :wink: :smile: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

    • Dallas63

      I am with you on this one Anonymous, so sad.

    • Harley

      lol ok…total BS to me. Well, most people are that stupid to believe this garbage. Send me $20 donations and I will prove who the real aliens are.

    • dcselby1

      Venus? You’ve GOT to be kidding me!

    • Andor

      hahahahahahahaahahahahahahahhahaahha- please this is BS!!
      Venus is in fact the wrong name for the planet, it is the Bright Morning Star!!
      Do you know how hot the surface is on Venus??

    • Big D

      Thor , nah , I prefer Hulk and Ironman :-D

      • Miggy

        Can he pitch? I know a lot of major league teams that need bullpen help. Throwing a slider with 6 finger is probably off the hook.

    • The Real Deal

      The picture that Phil Schneider holds up in his lecture, which is the same one posted below with a circle around the head of the guy supposedly named Valiant Thor, and the picture that Dr. Stranges shows to be Valiant thor are two different people. Look at the ears of both Valiant Thor’s. The faces and hair are both different. Not the same guy. So will the real Valiant Thor please stand up!

      I’m not sure whom to believe, but Phil Schneider has some crazy scars to help his alien case, where this Dr. Frank Stranges guy seems to be more of a disinfo agent. He tells a different story from Schneider about the length of time this Thor guy spent with the military industrial complex. This Stranges guy smells fishy.

    • Ramesh Sharma

      “ALIEN & UFO”
      Other planet’s “ALIEN & UFO” life evidence of its existence is “FUZZY”.
      Other planet’s life member of human family to make “ALIEN & UFO”
      Human family member of other planet’s life that have population.
      I am the last eight year’s with RAMESH SHARMA
      human of other planet’s remains with the who is who come alog with .
      My evidence of it’s existence is

      • Kate Friday

        What? LOL! If anyone understand what Ramesh Sharma just said, please enlighten me LMAO!

    • Barking Spider

      Venus, eh?

      I wonder how he manages to breathe the toxic atmosphere on Venus and avoid being burned to a crisp by the sun?

    • georgethebear

      Venus. Temp 600 and rains acid. That’s what they tell us. I don’t believe them. Thing is we cant go there to disprove it. So they can tell us anything !!

    • 88

      It’s true. I met him. He is an alien from venous!

    • Arcturus

      Valiant Thor? A comic book name.

      • Arcturus

        Dr Stranges? It keeps getting better. Where is Dr Evil? Where is Martin the Martian and his illudium Q-36 explosive space modulator?

        • Neo

          No kaboom. There was supposed to be an earth-shattering Ka-boooom!!

    • Grover

      Joe Biden will save the world.

    • Writers Block

      LOL I remember this story! I heard this back in ’95 on Art Bell. I thought it was interesting. But I’m never convinced that aliens are benevolent. I mean he’s working for the military and Pentagon of all places!

    • Beaver Hunter

      That’s not THOR! That is MSGT TORDSEN. He was my Supervisor at Space Command in Colorado Springs and later at Kunsan AB Korea. Later I was assigned to the Pentagon working for the Joint Chiefs…. Gil Carlson should know me.

    • Egyptian Princess

      Why don’t you think it is true? Why not research the story before trashing BIN ? The story has been around for a very long time. And it could certainly be credible. Unless u r all disinformation agents.

    • Caroline

      Stress remedy for free!!!

    • AnonymousGlitch.Exe

      Whats going on!! this is all part of the alien Government treaty that went bad. You want info good solid your key word searches here. I’ll guide you in the right direction in getting what you seek..I’ll take the chance first and search it out for you..There is a gov doc that slipped through the cracks to speak. McMurdo station, Antarctica .. Maybe you heard ..maybe not.. Here I’ll give you a short. McMurdo station was built on top of New Berling…New Berlin was built on top of an alien base. The alien base was built over an ancient city called Atlanthea. Not to be confused to Atlantis. Atlantis is located off the coast of Africa. The Alien base is Annu..NOT Annunaki. Annunaki was made up by Hitler to throw off people that might expose them. Annu are the Tall Whites that run the world. Hitler wanted on all Blonde hair blue eye race..according to what the tall whites wanted. In 1948 the only people that could drill a hole 1 mile under ground was a deep sea oil drilling company..It’s based in Boston, Mass. They were hired to drill a hole all the way through the 2 bases. New Berlin & the ufo base..but ender up drilling to the ancient city. I’ll expose more for Thor..he is mentioned with in this file document as well and many others..

    • Danishsaxonblood

      whomever doesn’t believe in life outside this planet is not intelligent
      Who do you think god is human or Allah Buddha and so on
      Who do you think we are not being from this planet
      Last i heard this was a dinosaur reptile planet.
      Thats makes us the aliens
      Its no hard people.

    • 911 truthout blogspot com

      My current argument is this: ” In order to get close the same profile of the 9/11 Plane seen inside Roll #3 1.jpg you need to remove the nose of Stealth F-117 first i.e image #3 to get even close to image #1. So its not bottle nosed Plane therefore NOT A Boeing.”

    • Kent

      Vyatcheslav Krasheninnikov was the last prophet before Enoch and Elijah return to preach against the antichrist. According to Russian Orthodox Christian Vyatcheslav Krasheninnikov: Humans were created about 7525 years ago. Birds participate in time creation. It’s a sin to kill birds. Dinosaurs live under our level. They will get out through sinkholes and lakes. To kill them, go for their nerves. Save the birds; but kill the dinosaurs. First dinosaur will come out of Volga River in Russia. Demons grow human skin and put it on so as to look like us. Demons will invite people to be healed inside their UFOs; those who go will be like zombies after. Gov’t provides demons with diamonds and allows demons to abduct people. If you’re being abducted, slowly pray the Jesus prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner.” Don’t panic. Demons use diamonds and souls to power their UFO craft. The bigger the diamond, the more it lasts. Demons have 4 UFO bases: 1)Moon 2)Inside fake mountain Kailash in Tibet 3)In lake Baikal in Russia 4)In Atlantis which is underneath the Mariana Trench in Pacific Ocean. There are no aliens. Nobody lives on other planets. Airplanes that go down are hit by demons because they need the airspace to fight Jesus. Antichrist is pale with red eyes. He’s possessed by Satan since he’s 12 years old. He flies. He wears gloves to hide long nails. He’s surrounded by demons who appear as angels of light. Don’t go into a UFO to be healed by demons. 666 is given by isotope rays on wrist or forehead when people stretch hands to receive small plastic grey card (world passport). Police will microchip and isotope ray people on highways. Food stores will isotope ray people too. Antichrist will also release prisoners to mark people. Reject 666 at all cost. If you’re about to be marked, scream: “Lord, have mercy!” three times. Go hide with Orthodox Christians to escape 666.

    • Get Your Mind Blown

      Wow i hope you all do not believe they are actual Aliens! They are Fallen Angels, EVIL OPEN YOUR EYES PEOPLE

    • Texas Lovin\\\'

      The U.S. Military TREASONIOUS TRAITORS of today are nothing but “Holding Hands” and the leg between each others legs! So Mr Military “Men”, why do you wear pink panties, hold hands and sleep in each others beds today? I guess if that’s what you call “men” of today; are nothing close to the “Men” of yesteryear. Back then, they gave their lives for our nation and freedom, but todays military plain and simply don’t give a S_hit about our country, nor their citizens freedom anymore.

      And to prove this FACT, not one so called “Honorable General” who claimed to be fired or left office the last years, not a single one have lifted one finger to hold up their oath and honor to reclaim and fight for our freedom from the criminal element in Officie today. These are the power who have had the connections, personnel, and power to do on Black Ops program against its very own criminal element in Washington DC today. Why? If they are true men of their word and honor, why stop your oath? They are nothing but paid bribed scumbags who collect their $8-10,000 a month pension to keep their mouths shut, and to disappear. Yeah, these are the real “Men” of today; who decided to accept their bribed money over that of their heart and soul for the nations benefit.

      U.S. Military today have the power to change our nation, yet NOT ONE HAVE the balls or guts to do anything about it! It only takes ONE mliitary person, from any branch, to act as a hero, yet as we all in the US watching, have not seen nor heard of ONE SINGLE “MAN” to act like the real “Men” of years gone by. Each U.S. military openly wipes their behind with the stars and stripes daily, by knowingly refusing to confront our nations biggest enemey; who just happens to be a “Domestic Enemy”; as their oath stated they would protect us from. Yet not one lifted anything but their hard0n to their fellow solider.

      U.S. mliitary are a total disgrace, who support the violent overthrow of the 1776 US Constitution, Our Bill Of Rights, and our freedom of our US citizens. May you and your families and children experience the utmost pain that the human bodies can handle for each of your treasonous actions to support the overthrow of our nation. You sold you heart, soul, morals and values for a job; and you refuse to protect the very citizens that you taken a oath to protect, and YOU DON’T CARE! YOU have the power to do it, yet each of you 100% refuse to do anything. And you continue to follow the criminally corrupt Generals appointed above you. As a old War Vet, you are all today simply a disgrace, and may all the millions of true american who died for our nation haunt you each into eternity for your treasonious actions.

      The US Citizens depended upon each of you to protect us, yet you 100% fail and refuse to come and protect us when it is needed most. My each of your bloodlines be ended with you and your children because our nation do not need treasonous scum like you in any future. We need real men; but by the time you act, it will be the death of our nation. Todays Military and families, rot into enternity in the hellfire you deserve since you are supporting them by your actions today.

    • PeaBrain

      I see a man sitting up close to the camera with a Jay Leno chin.

    • Arcturus

      Sounds more like a comic book plot. Such silliness. Valiant Thor, indeed. Calling him Zork would have been more realistic.

    • wreakhavoc

      A very common behavior I have been notice past the years, not only from this site but everywhere is this: First the disaster of the earth when illuminate has taking over, then the alien card, they are here, they communicate with us, or they will take over etc, then the nibiru card, where planet are here closed to earth and will strike us out next week,
      then comes the disaster with economic again, and then it starts over. All this non-convinced-info goes round in cycles, and it has been doing that since back from early 80′s when the new age era comes out.
      Note: above is not a complete list, but it repeating with the same pattern over and over, always with some new dates, or sometimes a new “person” that pops up from nowhere, reclaim its true, but its seems not to backup it up with any kind of proof. Then it starts over again.


      With the policy of rape, pillage and burn that has been going on regarding war mongering 101, the alien helping them should be removed by the other aliens.

    • truck driver

      I think I seen my mother with black eyes like a bird and a toungh like a snake once during metopase . we went to the church of Christ sunday school

    • 2QIK4U


    • this is name i have chosen because i like it so i know i am smarter than you now i am here with name

      did they get paid in moon rocks lol hope they didnt not get ripped off working for the government at least they get a lot of days off though i cannot goto the bank on a sunday its so dumb lol like this story lol

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