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CEO of Balenciaga Parent Company Owns Auction Site That Sells Child Sex Mannequins With Genitalia For Faces

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First take a look at one of the most shocking videos in the world! This video actually shows us what the secret of the Trump family is related to their expressive health!!! -FULL VIDEO HERE

The Left Wing Propagandists Think They Can Scare Americans Into Not Voting For Trump

J6 FBI Insurrection Clip – LOL

CEO of Balenciaga Parent Company Owns Auction Site That Sells Child Sex Mannequins With Genitalia For Faces (Attention: The US is Facing The BIGGEST Threat Of The Century)

FEMA Emergency Alert! Hidden Terrible Situations Exposed- Watch the video below to find out the most shocking details!!!

With a whopping 1.03 million home invasions occurring every year in just the U.S. alone, there’s no reason you shouldn’t have a plan of action ready to utilize in case you become one of these unfortunate victims.

So pay chose attention because this video will change your life forever for the good!


Here is my full speech from Calgary. 40 minutes of truth about the biggest

Pope Francis meets transgender guests of Rome church

What I did was list just a handful of verses that damn them in the Talmud. There are dozens more. Go find a Jew and ask him to rebuke the Babylonian Talmud.(Also watch- FEMA Emergency Alert! Hidden Terrible Situations Exposed- Watch the video below to find out the most shocking details!!)

Regardless of whether it’s Rabbinical discussion they consider it the word of God written down through them. Do you understand?

Just like the first 5 books came from Moses they were still considered the word of God. This is how Jews think. They believe that stories never written down for hundreds of years but passed on through Jews by word of mouth are actually the word of God.

You cannot question this in their eyes. They call this Babylonian oral tradition. The Talmud is not a secret. Ask them to rebuke it. Zionist Jews or Non Zionist Jews treat it as the Word of God above criticism from Goyim like you.

The child sex. The trans agenda. The 2800 slaves. The Antichrist messiah? All the word of God according to Jews. But you want to know the worst part?

Why do Christian churches support the Jews and their quest to install their Messiah and reign forever more as rulers of the world with him as their King? The Christian churches believe that when the Jewish Messiah takes power and throws the world into WW3 that they will be “Raptured” up to heaven before he destroys the world.

Do you understand this concept? This is why the big Christian churches are all supporting Israel and WW3. Because the 3rd Temple will built, the Antichrist will arrive, then they will all be raptured up to heaven. They believe they won’t be here when the war destroys the world and we are all taken slaves by the Jews.

The Jews know this. They exploit this. They milk this and push the whole Judeo/Christian values crap. The Jews don’t believe for one second that Christians will be Raptured. But here’s the kicker. The idea that the Rapture will occur at the start of the Antichrists 7 year reign is only a new concept not even 200 years old. Before that point it was the Christian belief that the rapture did not occur until the end of the Antichrists 7 year reign when Jesus arrives for the final battle.

All Christian’s believed we suffered under the Jewish Antichrist for 7 years together then the best of us got raptured up to heaven. So why the change? Why did Jews introduce this idea that Christians got raptured at the beginning? Simple. It allowed them to trick all of Christianity to help them bring about the events that would allow their Messiah to take power over the world.

Literally seal their own doom by helping empower their own slave master. It was a masterful and truly wicked move by the Rabbis. But look at the Christian churches worldwide right now supporting the Genocide of Gaza and the attack on Iran and beginning of WW3. Why would they possibly do that? Because they believe they have a Rapture Get Out Of Jail Free Card.

Problem is it’s not legit. It’s another Jewish Psyop. Just like Covid or 9/11 or Oct 7th or white supremacy or abortions being “women’s health care”. I could go on for days listing the way these guys control us on every level.

What if you were to find out that the dumbing down of American schools was as a result of the books being compiled and sold by Mossad Agent Robert Maxwell?


Yes JizzLane Maxwells dad. You remember her right? Jeffrey Epsteins partner in crime. Jew, Jew and er….Jew.


The core of their world supremacy comes from the Talmud and the Torah. They use it to justify every abhorrent thing they do to non Jews because we’re not considered human to them and they are focused on only one objective.


Bringing their Messiah to power. What’s the Irony? Our Christian churches are sealing our fate and helping finance the entire thing. Think about that next time you put money in the plate in church. Is that money helping your local community? Or is it being sent to Israel to help build the 3rd Temple. Actions have consequences. -GK

Zionism Is Evil – 2 minute clip do not miss


MJ Truth Reminds us:


Trump – “In my Former Life, I was an Insider and in a “Special Club” – Now I’m Being Punished for Leaving that “Special Club”

I’m noticing there are some questioning Donald Trumps loyalties because of symbolism and/or things in his past. I think any decent researcher, if we’re being honest, at some point had to have that conversation in our heads. So, the conundrum some are battling with is if Donald Trump is good or bad. Trump said in this clip that he was an “insider” and in a “Special Club”.

He said he left that special club. Do we trust his word? No. The only thing we should ever place Trust in is God. But Think about our journey together and all of which has been revealed and exposed since he became President.


If Trump is bad and still in that “special club” and he lied about leaving it, my frens, that was the worse thing they could have done. The Truth movement flourishes like it never has before. Millions upon millions of people have been waking up since that man has been elected.


Millions upon millions have found God (myself included) or have strengthened their relationship with God. Can anyone else attest to that with me? They would have been MUCH better off keeping us sound asleep if he was bad, because that’s exactly where the majority of us were, prior to that man becoming president. There’s something to be said about how Donald Trump makes you feel when you see him..


Ask yourselves, why does he make you feel inspired and at peace when he speaks? Let me be clear… My faith is not in Donald Trump. My faith is that through divine intervention, God used Donald Trump as a Trumpet to speak to his children before it was too late. My frens, Faith is required to move forward beyond this point. Faith is not in what’s seen. It’s in trusting what God has in store for us tomorrow, which is currently unknown. Unshakeable Faith is an unbreakable rock. Stand on it. Do not flinch.


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