To the Fools Who Think Donald Trump Is a Christian [Updated January 23, 2025]
Update January 23, 2025
Trump on video stating that he is not a Christian
Donald Trump, alleged Presbyterian, bragged to two mainline pastors that he was very popular among “the evangelicals” and then asked the Presbyterian pastor if Presbyterians are Christian.
Soon after announcing his presidential bid, Trump described the experience of taking Communion as, “When I drink my little wine — which is about the only wine I drink — and have my little cracker.” In that same interview, Trump remarked that he wasn’t sure he had ever asked God for forgiveness.
Trump raised eyebrows again in January 2016 when he referred to the Second Corinthians Bible verse as “Two Corinthians” – a stumble that he later blamed on a religious leader who had advised him [Proof -- No -- but a telling indicator].
Even the person considered to be Trump’s closest spiritual confidant — Florida pastor Paula White — has said it would simply be “futile” and “staged” for Trump to try to publicly discuss his faith.
Shortly before his apparent recent assassination, Rabbi David Goldberg stated that Trump converted to Judiasim 3 years ago and he believes Jared Kushner is the Messiah or Moshiach:
‘I am the chosen one’: Trump again plays on [his anti-Christ spirit] messianic claims as he embraces ‘King of Israel’ title
The Chosen People Love Raping Children [and how they get away with it]
Donald Trump is a knighted 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Jesuit “Red Dragon” [Luciferian Freemason]:
Trump’s Luciferian Kabbalah ‘Tree of Life’ Award [Notice how while he brags about it he gives the 6 6 6 hand sign, and states how this represents EVERYTHING he beleives in = Luciferianism]:
Trump calls Christians “fools,” “idiots” and “schmucks”, and has declared his life philosophy is “revenge.” That stance is aggressively anti-Christian. Donald Trump also participated in “golden showers in a sex club in Vegas” with his long-time fixer Michael Cohen:
Donald Trump & Hillary Clinton Connection To The British Royalty To Pharaoh Bloodline
[The practice of child sacrifice to Moloch goes all the way back to ancient Egypt. The dollar bill displays the Egyptian pyramid in honor of the FACT that this Pharaoh bloodline is still in full power today]
The Pharaoh Show; [Serpent] Alien Predators in Human Appearance – Swiss Secret Symbols in Switzerland
This is like the Holy Grail of TRUTH on this subject [Important 5 min Intro]
Deal of the Century: Jared Kushner [Zionist Chabad Luciferian] Just Released His Middle East Plan for ‘Peace to Prosperity’
1 Thessalonians 5:3 (KJV) “For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.”
Trump & the End of the Christian West – Adam Green
Trump/Kushner Plans to Behead Christians in the Name of Peace! – Censored from the Top 50 Articles list within 24 hours of adding the FOLLOWING UPDATE:
UPDATE [August 18, 2019] Hollywood Jews Made An EXPLICIT Movie About Hunting Down Christians! [Jump to the 34 minute mark and then watch til end] This presentation ALONE proves beyond reasonable doubt that Trump/Kushner along with many other Zionist Jew Leaders plan to GENOCIDE CHRISTIANS between the years of 2020 and 2025, after which TWO-THIRDS of the United States population [including non-Christians] will have been GENOCIDED!! [Original link - now removed from youtube]
UPDATE [September 1, 2019] Project Zephyr – The Plan to Kill Millions of Patriots Leaked!
“Trump admits in his autobiographical book ‘Way To The Top’ that he attends Kabbalah classes” [which ONLY JEWS are allowed to take] - BIN user mothman777.
Both Trump and Jeffrey Epstein, as ALL Zionist Talmudic Jews, believe in sacrificing children to Moloch!
Burning children to the demon Moloch is permitted today by the supreme legal authority of the so-called “Jewish” religion, which is the Babylonian Talmud, and, in particular, the Talmud book of Sanhedrin, Folios 64a-64b.
People who are REALLY interested in PEACE should read the section entitled The Red Pill For Peace beginning on page 87 here:
On page 3 of the same e-book linked directly above is the following:
Is Donald Trump a Gift From God – OR – A ZIONIST NWO TOOL?
2) Trump Connections With Elite Child Trafficking Cult Coming Into The Spotlight
3) [Trump] Kushner, Chabad, & Alex Jones EXPOSED w/ Matthew North [Trump seeks
guidance from the Luciferian Jewish Kabbalah]
4) The Babylonian Talmud – [Satanic Secret] Religion of the ZIONISTS (CREEPY) [10
5) Trump signed secret pledge to safeguard Israeli nukes
6) DONALD Trump [Liar in Chief] said Iran’s “reckless actions” pose a threat to regional security [Reality check: 1) The rockets were fired in response to Israel's attack on Syria just one hour after Trump violated the Iran deal. 2) The rockets were fired by Syrian forces, not Iran.]
Trump is guilty of attempting to start WWIII according to both Benjamin Fulford AND Rabbi David Goldberg:
“President Donald Trump, following the orders of Satanic Chabad pseudo-Jews [of which "Jared PEACE Kushner" is a member], ordered a massive attack on Iran on June 21st, a day of Satanic summer solstice fire sacrifice, but the U.S. military refused to obey him.” – Benjamin Fulford:
Trump told he will be “FLUSHED DOWN TOILET” if no Iran war [Trump caves]
Irrefutable PROOF that Zionist Talmudic Judaism is the exact OPPOSITE of what most Christians THINK [not even sharing allegiance to Christian's God the Father!] – Now updated with some of the BEST PROOF EVER straight from the Talmud including:
* “If a ‘goy’ (Gentile) hits a Jew he must be killed.” (Sanhedrin 58b)
* “The ‘goyim’ are not humans. They are beasts.” (Baba Mezia 114b) [The basic Talmudic doctrine includes more than a "super-race" complex. It is an "only" race concept]
* “Even the best of the ‘goyim’ should all be killed.” (Soferim 15)
* “‘Yashu’ (derogatory for ‘Jesus’) is in Hell being boiled in hot excrement.” (Gittin 57a)
* Even a Christian who is found studying the Law of Israel [Talmud] merits death:
“Rabbi Jochanan says: A Goi who pries into the [secret Luciferian Talmud] Law is guilty to death.” (Sanhedrin 59a)
* Michael Hoffman (historian): The main tenet of Judaism is Jewish self-worship. Judaism has as its “god,” not the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, but the worship of the Jewish people. [Sanhedrin 58b ” Jews are Divine. To box an Israeli on the ear, is like to box on the ear of God. If a heathen (gentile) hits a Jew, the gentile must be killed. Hitting a Jew is the same as hitting God”]
/v3/religion/2019/2546470.html [This link is a MUST VISIT]
Verify the verses – Full Text of the English Babylonian Talmud:
Regardless of Intent Your Vote is Effectively a Hate Crime [The REAL Zionist Donald Trump Revealed With Weekly Updates]:
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more insane religious nonsense–you people with very small brains and even tinier outlook on life think god thinks about any of this crap–or shoves a non “christian” out of the gates of heaven??? such immature nonsense–you religious ego maniacs think you have it figured out–you think god needs you to worship god? or elevate god,praise god any other nonsense? you really think humans can offend god or piss god off? yeah you guys that read the crap out of the book of wrath and judgement,the bible,satan’s best work would think that way…pure garbage–god is way above your very petty world,way above–god is not like your stupid self nor does god think or act like your very immature self–get your face out of that stupid devil book,the bible,talk to god and god will give you the answer you need,not some pages some maniac wrote while living in a cave,drunk on satan’s promises..god is love, not some hateful bullshett some fool wrote about in a insane book-jesus gave all salvation,no forgiveness needed,no hail mary’s–god knows all humans are stupid fools–not all will cross the threshold,many want to come back to this life and live life as a stupid human be it,no problem-but you religious nut jobs are the anti christ and the cause of all evil on this planet with your endless ego based bullshett–this nasty devil inspired article is proof…jackass
everyone has issues! you got to keep an eye on this one? the evidence on trump is documented , it starts with his pappy, sent trump to military school, fed trump girls from his business. made his money off government housing contracts, busted for hating the blacks, settled out of court! so that was his father’s brief history oh yeah a show boater salesman!
take a look at herr trump! business history, went public with his brand name? gave himself a 44,000,000 million dollar annual salary as CEO OF trump Inc., lol went bust stole millions of investors dollars to build his brand. like humping porn stars, omg! on wife 17? miss trump interviewed by cnn, how do you like being first lady? i like money and i like sex. america is nice.
actress, years grooming him to be obama lite or 2.0 any scottish rite freemasons out there going to the child rape ceremony tonite? get a BJ from a 9 year old then cut its head off and put the body parts on the pizza,s , obama and hillary are said to be coming by so it will be a great hoolia frazel drip time, dont forget to bring your neighbors kids! lol
Wow, I already hate your religion. I already know you worship yourself as if you were a god. So please don’t make me worship you and lette me outta of your brain.
Who cares what mythical man in the sky he likes or doesn’t.It’s all nonsense.
Unfortunately,any person holding office has to pretend to sing to these ficticious figures,because the mass of non-thinking delusional,indocrinated people actually believe this stuff.
You would never get elected in most countries in the world if you didn’t officially accept the crap.
Yet another blight that religion is on our existance, and there are many more…
To the poor saps who are down arrowing, just ask yourself one simple question.
If you had been born in another part of the world,you would be blindly singing to and bowing before a completely different god, with the same amount of certainty you worship the god you do.
Now do a bit more thinking….
trump is as fake as obama clinton bush naz’s! note the shallow attack of comment one and 2? almost like s paid for comment? or should i say who’s payroll are they on cuz i see 2 heathens who dont know crap about Jesus? trump is a showman a chronic adulterer he has had many stormies on his weiner! trump was rejected by his father who ripped off the government and got rich! trump knows his dad gave him the boot stuck him in military school and to keep trump hetero he fed him women who worked for him, do your research its documented and searchable?
trump is a manhattan real estate developer! trump wrote the book the art of the deal! 16 years of PR and now us president! i believe trump is well documented as a freemason and who attended a jesuit college. trump has failed in 90% of his pre election ideas? i am still waiting for all the documents on JFK sacrifice?
the more you look at trump his past his present and his future you will see a conman hoaxster hyping his superior abilities to give himself a 40,000,000 dollar salary from his trump Inc off the stock holders! someone bailed out trump in 1990? trump tower is a idle to freemasons and the freemasons god Satan 101! trump is part of the coming antichrist 666 vera chip jared kushner 5th avenue 666 international massmurder system, headed by satan antichrist and the pope! you have been warned!
The Donald Trump Connection With Regard To the so called MARK OF THE BEAST/Zionist RFID Chip – See page 82 of the INCREDIBLE e-book I link to in many of my articles [ ] which includes the following:
Disheartening truth –
Donald Trump’s son-in-law and Ivanka Trump’s husband, Jared Kushner own the most
expensive tower in New York that is plated with 666. Fifth Avenue. This single expensive
tower is the shelter of all the Lucent [Lucifer] technology and also incorporates the RFID
chip implant technology! Trump has also appointed Kushner as the white house senior
adviser. So, basically it means whoever gets chipped will be, hence controlled and
exploited under the hands of the “TRUMP” bloodline? America’s main Agenda is to turn
everybody into a single integrated slavery system.
Furthermore, Donald trump has declared his intention publicly to track people biometrically on land, on the sea, and in the air:
USA To Be Destroyed By Fire NEVER to Be Inhabited Again!
“Babylon USA – Official Full Film”:
Nuclear Strikes Within USA Coming – Zionist Timeline Leaked – Update VI
Rabbi David Goldberg (who revealed war with Iran timeline) has apparently been assasinated in his home, where friends later found top secret documents in a safe.
- /v3/new-world-order/2019/8453.html
You are one stupid Jew hating faggot. ex-CIA Robert Steele’s sources said the Rothschild family offered Trump $20 billion to concede the election to Hillary because they knew she was going to lose. Try actually listening to people that are involved in intelligence gathering instead of your white supremacist buddy David Duke.
To the contrary I have over 20 AWESOME Jewish friends in my city of residence, and THEY know that I ABSOLUTELY speak the truth with regards to Zionism.
Furthermore I state “[Note: This is NOT to say that seed-line Jews cannot be saved. To the contrary there are MANY Anti-Zionist Christian Jews]” in the following article of mine:
Something Paramount They Did Not Teach Pastors in Seminary – This Will Rock the Christian World!
- /v3/religion/2019/2546470.html
Furthermore there are MANY MANY MANY Anti-Zionist Jews in Israel protesting the existence of Israel and calling out Zionists as Racists.
To be clear, calling out Racism is NOT Racist!
Robert David Steele stated that the most important issue facing US citizens is choosing between USA or Israel, which is one of the most PROFOUND things he has EVER said (he also claims that establishment Republicans are more heavily into pedophilia blood drinking than are establishment Democrats).
Be careful Hypothesis.. Majestic will start stalking you soon.. and when he throws around the homosexual slur then that usually means its erotic for him.
You’re kind of an idiot who doesn’t even pay attention to facts. President Trump has been talking about the things that he is doing since the 1980′s.
Look up old clips of him and stop being such a moron.
About President Trump:
#MONEY, #POWER & #FAME R less of a SEDUCTION for a #PRESIDENT truly wanting the best for America if they are already RICH, FAMOUS & POWERFUL !!!
How dare you! He’s Saint Trumplegooch.
You’ve been riding Trump and QAnon’s cock for awhile now.
I provide content for an audience. Politically I’m an Anarchist. As for you we know what you are. A pusstoot with rat baby lips.
Folks who read this need to go do some deep research to find out that President Trump didn’t just make up his mind one day to run for President. In fact in many interviews years before hand he would say he probably would not run. He was ASKED TO RUN BY A GROUP OF Military Brass and he doesn’t make ANY decisions without their input They helped ensure he had a FAIR election, which the Left had rigged. Research who “Q” is and you’ll find the answers you are looking for. Keep your eyes open on July th & 5th.
Finally someone with intelligence on this website. Cabal wanted another Clinton or Bush in the White House. Although The Alliance was backing Trump, Hillary still thought he was the easiest candidate to beat because of his personal flaws. They didn’t think he stood a chance until they realized how great the of a threat he posed. As Q and other insiders have said, white hats threatened a military coup if Hillary rigged her way in, it was their way of trying to keep the playing field even enough for Trump to pull off the victory. FBIAnon, who seems very credible, said that there was no way for Hillary to win if the exit pools showed even 2% or more margin of error. This is why the fake news liberal media jammed those fake polls out there left and right, to discourage Trump voters from even going to the pools thinking it was hopeless. There are limits to how far the Cabal can rig the election. Trump won in a massive landslide and it was too obvious for them to rig. Those Hillary dick riders over at Veterans Today like Gordon Duff actually claim Trump’s peeps rigged the election but that is so fucking retard it’s not even worth looking into. The fact that Trump’s rallies were absolutely packed and Hillary’s were barely able to get a couple hundred at times proved that to be false.
It was Zionist banksters who decided Trump would run for president:
Trump worth ‘more alive to us [72 banks] than dead’ [Zionist banksters leveraging Trump as a good salesman to do their bidding - this is why they decided to keep Trump afloat, rather than bankrupting him personally]
Behind the scenes proof of how the Establishment Zionists in Great Britain put Trump into the presidency as a [Fake] Anti-Establishment candidate, using EXTRAORDINARY DECEPTION via Cambridge Analytica [This Is HUGE !!!!!!!]:
The Truth About The So Called British “Royal Family”: They are ALL Jews!
“asked to run by military group”. What bullshit. Are you gullible. Do you not THINK??
Trump has been managed and handled by ZIONIST agents as a possible puppet potus for 30 yrs. His agents’ name was ROY COHN, one of the sleaziest thugs out there. Michael Collins Piper had the dirt on Crisis Actor in Chief back in the 1990s already. Piper was dead within 6 weeks of potus annoucing his campaign in 2015. No one else discussed this.
The Military ASKED TRUMP to run he had put it off for years, but saw how Hilary was going to finish off and sell the U.S. Trump is not a “perfect man” nor are WE perfect people. If you have any idea who globalist are and their forum to take over the world and make it a Communist den of evil, New World Disorder, you would understand your real enemy. They have spent centuries to deceive and control the world using sacrifices non-stop to satan. William Guy Carr a Canadian naval Commander wrote the book “Pawns in the Game” in 1958. He outlined how these ruthless sick people control wars, institutions, media and the sick youth of today. They keep themselves wealthy like the Rothchilds who “COULD” feed, clothe, home every person in the world …if they wanted to.
Forget religion. Democratic party leadership and members are Traitors, Murderers, Socialists, Communists, Fascists, Satanists, Traffickers in children, Pedophiles, eaters of child flesh, Globalists subordinates to Rockefellers, Rothschilds and on their way to HELL before the Tribulation. The worst of Republicans will at least live until the time of the Tribulation. Where they may have time to repent. Demos will not. Judgement of the Almighty upon some heads may happen before the Rapture that will DAMN many demos.
Did I leave any thing out to drive democrats to their DAMNATION?
Both sides are gross. Our government is a serial killer and no matter who is in office they will be a serial killer when they leave. Left vs Right blah blah like planet of the apes fighting over a beach ball.
I didn’t see apes in that movie begging for a car on GoFundMe. As I told you before, you are fucking useless redneck degenerate who writes nonsense paranormal articles on a website barely anyone with intelligence takes seriously. Can you actually go get a real job instead of wasting your life writing trash and linking to other people’s Youtube videos?
A stranger judging me again in the BIN comments.. if only you could say such things face to face but I bet you’d leave your internet balls at home wouldn’t you?
Sure, rednecks are so tough without a shotgun in their hand! Go get cancer again you piece of shit.
Yep, some shit for brains conspiracy theory chasing faggot named HypothesisFree knows more about Trump than say someone like ex-CIA Robert Steele. Please do us a favor and remove yourself from the gene pool.
Majestic worships our government like its a false god. lol l o s e r
Robert Steele has been on my show. The way you drop the F words he would probably think you were pretty gross.
In case no-one noticed out of 17 candidates and millions and millions of dollars the cabal threw at him he still won and if Hilary was in the cabal New World Disorder would be in and the Military Industrial Complex would have us in WWlll. Not all Jews are the same are all Christian Americans the same? The cabal sacrifice to Baal and Trump has been taking their operations down left and right and media barely covers them. Seagram Heiress and their NXVIUM Cult groups and foundations worldwide were all into child trafficking it is the life and blood of these demons. Trump is not perfect but he certainly is not one of them. There is only so much one man can pull off with a few great men behind him.
What you say about Hilary is true, however Trump also is guilty of attempting to start WWIII according to both Benjamin Fulford AND Rabbi David Goldberg:
“President Donald Trump, following the orders of Satanic Chabad pseudo-Jews, ordered a massive attack on Iran on June 21st, a day of Satanic summer solstice fire sacrifice, but the U.S. military refused to obey him.” – Benjamin Fulford:
- /v3/economics-and-politics/2019/2519512.html
Trump told he will be “FLUSHED DOWN TOILET” if no Iran war [Trump caves]
Trump’s personal phone and addresses were found in SUPER _Pizzagate pedophile Jeff Epstein’s black book 17 times. His FL estate is where Trump’s best friend Epstein recruited DOZENS of underage sex slaves to service him. Trumps been to Lolita Island. WTFU, its too late and too serious to be so stupid.
Blaming it all on Hitlery and ‘fake news’ can only go so far in a cover up. THEY ARE ALL IN IT TOGETHER.
Drumpf was marketed as “the outsider who fights for the patriots” crap. Deep State installed him, and that is who he serves.
Christians are suppose to help the poor and our Veterans and people who aren’t rich and the sick.. I see this Administration doing none of that. Press Christian rule on everyone while acting like your the Anti-Christ’s gimp. Our government is wounded and sick no matter who is in office. BIN is suppose to be a truther site. That means exposing all sides of left and right of government corruption. Not kissing one side’s butt.
my sister was a never trump–her group in socal with christian ties rehabs women who have been in sexual slavery–mostly very young girls that bill clinton would like–the LAPD picks these girls up and turn them over to my sisters group,no criminal proscuation if they stay clean-she says trump has done more in his first year than all the other 25 years–she is all in on trump now–have friends that are in the VA -they say things have gotten 200 percent better under trump–way better–i am in the oil business not that active anymore but sons are–things are much better with trump and my sons charities are doing way better–my own charity helping moms, young single women in socal,the donations are way up from both sides of repubs and dumbocraps–we have place over 50 moms in decent jobs the last year–it is christian based but i dont like bible humper nonsense at all–too brain dead!!–my rich older friends do all the heavy lift and they are church based– things are so much better under trump in the socal hispanic communities which my bro is a contractor in socal and works with many hispanic sub contractors–among them they went from never trump to total trump but my bro does not like trump because he is retarded dumbocrap!!
Left vs Right is killing us. Its playing right into the hands of the elite. The polarity is so primitive. Its North vs South.. Up vs Down.. Cavemen tribal puke. I have not seen any prosperity under Trump. I live in the south everyone feels conned that I talk to.
That is because the left is right in one area, that the Dirty South is made up of racist low IQ pieces of confederate flag waving shit that should have been exterminated during the civil war. Trump can’t help dip chewing shotgun carrying retards.
Nowhere is there anything in the Gospel about “helping veterans”. They have become ISIS military ops and work for ISRAEL and oil co agenda- NOT America. They are ADULTS. They volunteer- to ransack, rape and annihilate desperately poor 3rd world lands who then try to fight back against the mightiest military in human histry.
These guys are NOT heroes. Sick of hearing they’re victims. When they return injured? Let Israel and the oil co pay their hospital bills. We owe them NOTHING. They are death squad mercs for Israel, so efff ‘em.
You have read the OT haven’t you? It most definitely does talk about the military.
In the NT, Jesus talked about a Centenarians who was a Roman soldier who knew, and believed that Jesus could heal the sick.
Matthew 8: 8 The centurion answered and said, Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof: but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed.
Matthew 8: 9 For I am a man under authority, having soldiers under me: and I say to this man, Go, and he goeth; and to another, Come, and he cometh; and to my servant, Do this, and he doeth it.
And Look what Jesus said of him:
Matthew 8: 10 When Jesus heard it, he marvelled, and said to them that followed, Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel.
You really should not talk about what is or isn’t in the bible when you haven’t got a clue.
This is in reply to the second comment by B4 which is censored from my view so I cannot reply directly to it. My reply is that is all fine and dandy, however COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT if Trump is guilty of attempting to start WWIII claimed by both Benjamin Fulford AND Rabbi David Goldberg (and also Jim Stone for that matter).
“Jew hating fagot” majestic12 year old does your mommy know you talk like that! I bet if she did you’d get a spanking and mommy would put you to bed with no supper. I love it when kids “or adults who act like kids” try to talk big. Lemme give you a tip: hate gets you nowhere in life. For example I think your a whiny little douchbag but I don’t hate you I just think your ill informed would I beat your ass old school if I saw you , yes but I would invite you in afterward for beer and pancakes providing you didn’t have to get your jaw wired shut.
he throws around that f word a whole lot.. most homophobes are usually homosexuals lol that’s a scientific fact. I don’t care what people do as long as it doesn’t bother me. But when someone throws around that word so much.. something ain’t right.
Big bag Jefferey typing this comment from his redneck camper that he scammed from GoFundMe. Like I said, go get cancer again and die because you are useless to the alternative media community.
I have interviewed many magicians and voodoo doctors Majestic. When you wish cancer on someone you are just wishing it on yourself. Karma is a bitch for pusstoots like you.
Whoa you got a car from donations? My father busted his fucking ass putting food on the table while my mother suffered from multiple sclerosis. He never begged or took a dime from anyone because he was better than that and actually had fucking pride in his accomplishments. You’re part of this sorry ass generation, asking others for handouts while you sit here on your puter writing nonsense that less than .0001% of the USA population alone will ever read.
That is why I am a proud gun owner. You think breaking someone’s jaw is funny, until that person is armed and empties an entire mag into your face so that your family gets a closed casket funeral.
I cant tell you how many have been sent in undercover over the decades, only to be skinned alive when caught and cover was blown. He made it all the way in, and successfully played the part. It took decades and planning.
Then you have deliberate puppets like the contributor and are so stupid they fail to know what a wartime undercover operation is.
For those of us who have been watching the war for over 50 years, I can tell you he is dismantling piece by piece, with very few upsets, their entire operation, from the inside out. Everything we watched them put in, over the course of 50 years…he’s screwing them on. Every time you Never Trump wankers think he’s complying with them, you fools never wait long enough to find out how it always rebounds on them. Its a fact. They cant keep a deal; they are so corrupt there is always someone in their group who breaks it so they loose the entire deal and it comes back to be renegotiated.
People like this contributor are also “Revelation War” driven. It is the Els that push for that war – its their bad ‘skit’. This contributor will never state anything about the El, because he is still in the lower depths of awakening and will refuse to piece it together. It threatens their egos to know the greys are real, and were in control.
“Elohiem with whom Man is at war with, in the War in Heaven” origin of the word “Ang-el”.
Donald Trump had the guts to stand against an alien invading force that is in control, worldwide. This is who the ‘human sacrifices’ are made for, the Els and Owls eat humans. We are their food source. He took on the Traitor run Corporate Government, under their Babylon Company store system run by the VATICAN corporation they put in charge as overseers of the prisoners of war…Earths population. They cant out him without outing the Elohiem, so they use puppets like the contributor to spread their propaganda. They want their war – which is also their primary method of a ‘beef run’ en-mass. They want the human population divided so that you don’t recognize who is actually fighting for the Allies, and who is not.
This contributor is presently NOT.
Donald Trump always IS.
Furthermore, he is WINNING.
YellowRoseTx51 – Anyone who has read my articles here on BIN can EASILY tell based on your comment above what a COMPLETE IGNORAMOUS you are. I cover in GREAT DETAIL regarding the SERPENT/ELohiem blood-lines in my cornerstone article:
Something Paramount They Did Not Teach Pastors In Seminary – This Will Rock The Christian World!
- /v3/religion/2019/2546470.html
… and branch out from there with links to other content on this subject, not the least of which is the following link:
Of course it is not just blood-line Jews who possess Serpent blood tracked on the mother’s side, but also the Khazars (Mongolians) who falsely claim to be Jews, but are in fact similar in that they ALL are part of the Serpent blood-line.
Furthermore, WE ALL KNOW that President Trump if anything is EVEN MORE PRO-WAR than his predecessors. For you to claim otherwise can ONLY BE DEEMED AS LUNACY!
I am a 30 year full-time 100% INDEPENDENT researcher of TRUTH with a focus on New World Order = Zionism.
My articles represent WORLD CLASS RESEARCH as anyone who digs deep enough will discover.
“WE ALL KNOW that President Trump if anything is EVEN MORE PRO-WAR than his predecessors”
If you believe this fucking nonsense then you should do yourself a favor and remove yourself from the gene pool. He attacked one country, Syria, and even told the Russians and everyone & their mother ahead of time. He is also working a peace deal with N. Korea which is something no other president has done.
I covered the topic of TRUMP’S WARS in the following articles of mine:
Venezuela is being destroyed by Trump/USA
- /new-world-order/2019/04/venezuela-is-being-destroyed-by-trumpusa-jim-stone-8443.html
Trump and Israel Exempt From Deadly 5G Radiation
- /new-world-order/2019/02/trump-and-israel-exempt-from-deadly-5g-radiation-8417.html
Trump/Kushner Plans to Behead Christians in the Name of Peace!
- /christian-news/2019/07/trumpkushner-plans-to-behead-christians-in-the-name-of-peace-2580229.html
Sextortion World Order – Is Epstein Pedophile Operation A Mossad Front?
- /new-world-order/2019/07/sextortion-world-order-is-epstein-pedophile-operation-a-mossad-front-8539.html
Julian Assange Will Be [Now Has Been] Tortured Just Because . . .
- /power-elite/2019/04/julian-assange-will-be-tortured-just-because-2453075.html
Nuclear Strikes Within USA Coming – Zionist Timeline Leaked
- /new-world-order/2019/04/nuclear-strikes-within-usa-coming-zionist-timeline-leaked-8453.html
Regardless of Intent Your Vote Is Effectively a Hate Crime [THIS IS THE BOMB!]
- /new-world-order/2018/11/your-vote-is-a-hate-crime-8235.html
TupacK now be PONED upon a GOLDEN PLATTER! This is what happens when a lightweight FOOL comes up against a HEAVEY-WEIGHT RESEARCHER!
Oh, and how could I forget:
[Zionist Trump/Jew World Order] Something Paramount They Did Not Teach Pastors in Seminary – This Will Rock the Christian World!
- /religion/2019/04/something-paramount-they-did-not-teach-pastors-in-seminary-this-will-rock-the-christian-world-2546470.html
TO the FOOLS who think their is only one definition of what is a Christian and are self centered and egotistical enough to believe that only Christians know GOD…..PFFFFFFT!
Well, there is only one truth, but we’re all different and the bible talks about us purging out the old leaven so that we may be a new lump.
But we all come to the same truth. God doesn’t teach His children (even those grafted in) different things.
Jesus is the only way, the only truth and the only life. That is something every Christian should be able to agree on.
As for the OP, his entire article was below mediocre. The lying liberals make up the most stupid issues, like him saying that President Trump called second Corinthians “two Corinthians.” As a Christian and one who does study the word I often say TWO CORINTHIANS. So does every Christian I’ve ever known who studies and reads the bible.
Liberals are just plain ridiculous.
More than ridiculous, the Liberals have become overtly EVIL and Satanic. But conservative politicians too are of the same cloth as the liberals. THEY ARE ALL ZIONIST, INCLUDING TRUMP. You remain 100% Non-Red-Pilled Solidground – They are playing you for the fool that you REALLY ARE. Thus the title of my OP is SPOT ON! Please consider Waking The Hell Up! You are NOT yet awake!
To the moronic author of this article. The Hebrew God is VERY CALVINISTIC. If HE chooses HE just reveals Himself to that living person in sufficient exposure of HIS Glory that a person does not reject HIM. HE did not do it for you or me but he does do it.
He gets the people that HE wants. HE got Paul that way. Overwhelming that you think you know reality. HE does get HIS way.
” The Hebrew God is VERY CALVINISTIC” . . wrong! John Calvin’s real name was COHEN. And God’s son especially was no lover of the Pharisees. That’s how far down the rabbit hole goes . . .
My response to the following comment from dennisR8 [currently censored from my view]:
To the moronic author of this article. The Hebrew God is VERY CALVINISTIC. If HE chooses HE just reveals Himself to that living person in sufficient exposure of HIS Glory that a person does not reject HIM. HE did not do it for you or me but he does do it.
1) Your comment includes NO BASIS WHATSOEVER for Trump supporters to claim that Trump is a Christian.
2) I have proven that Trump is a Luciferian Zionist. You cannot be BOTH a Luciferian and a Christian!
3) You have now proven yourself to be clueless in more than one of your comments in this thread. Need I say more?
🇺🇸⭐️⭐️🇺🇸 Matthew 7:1 Judge not, that ye be not judged. KJV Catch up with me on YouTube. Editorial comment
I have never met 2 christians who will agree on what the bible is saying… So it is funny funny to see who christians are debating if Trump is a True Christian…. whatever that means
I came for the comments.
This is really a ridiculous article.
You couldn’t be more off base even if you twisted the bible a little more.
I am a person who studies the scriptures diligently. I’ve read it over 30 times and do regular studies that I share online. I OFTEN refer to second Corinthians as TWO CORINTHIANS. So does everyone else who studies the bible. Honestly, that is a very dumb argument.
The other verses you used do not even add up. You really should learn to prayerfully study. You most obviously don’t do that, nor have you EVER even read the bible.
Stop talking about things you know nothing of. You will answer to God for using His word falsely.
By the way, by your standards, King David would have never been King. His father King Solomon would have been completely removed as King.
Stop assuming you know who God will and won’t use.
Also, if you stand against President Trump, you stand for infanticide, as well as every other reprobate thing coming out of the demonic left.
I seriously hope you will remove this ridiculous article. It’s pure trash.
1) I have proven that Trump is a Luciferian Zionist. You cannot be BOTH a Luciferian and a Christian!
2) I never claimed that God does not use Luciferians
3) It seems clear that you did not read the following article referenced in the OP which VERIFIES my claims:
Regardless of Intent Your Vote is Effectively a Hate Crime [The REAL Zionist Donald Trump Revealed With Weekly Updates]:
4) Only after a fairly comprehensive analysis of Trumps actions (not promises) can we intelligently speculate whether Trump is being influenced more by Good or Evil.
This is really a ridiculous article.
You couldn’t be more off base even if you twisted the bible a little more.
I am a person who studies the scriptures diligently. I’ve read it over 30 times and do regular studies that I share online. I OFTEN refer to second Corinthians as TWO CORINTHIANS. So does everyone else who studies the bible. Honestly, that is a very dumb argument.
The other verses you used do not even add up. You really should learn to prayerfully study. You most obviously don’t do that, nor have you EVER even read the bible.
Stop talking about things you know nothing of. You will answer to God for using His word falsely.
By the way, by your standards, King David would have never been King. His son, King Solomon would have been completely removed as King.
Stop assuming you know who God will and won’t use.
Also, if you stand against President Trump, you stand for infanticide, as well as every other reprobate thing coming out of the demonic left.
I seriously hope you will remove this ridiculous article. It’s pure trash.
What a fool you are to FALSELY insinuate that I am a Liberal as clearly discounted even in the title of my article “Regardless of Intent Your Vote is Effectively a Hate Crime”.
Is Donald Trump a Gift From God – OR – A ZIONIST NWO TOOL?
2) Trump Connections With Elite Child Trafficking Cult Coming Into The Spotlight
3) [Trump] Kushner, Chabad, & Alex Jones EXPOSED w/ Matthew North [Trump seeks
guidance from the Luciferian Jewish Kabbalah – PedoVore central folks...]
4) The Babylonian Talmud – [Satanic Secret] Religion of the ZIONISTS (CREEPY) [10
5) Trump signed secret pledge to safeguard Israeli nukes
6) DONALD Trump [Liar in Chief] said Iran’s “reckless actions” pose a threat to regional security [Reality check: 1) The rockets were fired in response to Israel's attack on Syria just one hour after Trump violated the Iran deal. 2) The rockets were fired by Syrian forces, not Iran.]
Well this was not the worst item I’ve read but close to it. Just lots of accusations, and assumptions with a lot of conspiratorial jumbo jumbo. That’s why the comment below occurs because people who drag the Bible through this garbage and ruin it to the many. Not sure what b4 is really angry about, the Church May have hurt him, but some of what he says is reasonable even though I don’t agree with any of it. So many articles have nothing to back them up. I don’t think Donald a Trump is a Christian and I don’t think he has a relationship with the Lord but I do think God has him here for His sovereign purposes and a God will accomplish His purposes using anyone He sees fit.
Oh yeah I always look to BIN to tell me what God is and National Inquirer and the Huffandpuffington post.
But if you really wanna know what God is then listen to a tv evangelist with $6000 suit those guys really know what God is. Like my ol’ grandpappy used to say” if a man tells you he has all the answers then run like hell cause their a full of crap.” ( phrase coined by DJ Dog try to work it into your everyday conversations. Thanks for your support.
Even a Christian who is found studying the Law of Israel [Talmud] merits death. In Sanhedrin (59a) it says:
“Rabbi Jochanan says: A Goi who pries into the [secret Luciferian Talmud] Law is guilty to death.”
All morning since 3:00 a.m. I am unable to edit my articles – getting some server error message, so maybe I can get this ADDITION through in the COMMENTS…
How would ‘morally superior’ unfaithful EVEN KNOW a #Christian anyway?
WE do not prance around in tutus, shouting down you faithless, EVER.
It’s inner peace, forgiveness and living the best one can.
I am not sure why believing Trump is a Christian is necessary to voting for him. We haven’t had a Christian running for office, let alone getting one, in a long time. I wouldn’t judge any man or woman a Christian or not. God alone sees our hearts. The greatest men of the Bible would be spurned by Christians today. How many wives did David and Solomon have? They even built altars to their wive’s false gods! David committed adultery with Bathsheba and then had her husband, Uriah, killed so he could marry her. Elijah ran away after God performed one of His greatest miracles through him….. But Elijah was afraid of Ahab and Jezebel. The Bible clearly says that NO ONE is without sin. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. God often used non Christians for His own purposes. .l… Nebuchadnezzar and Cyrus spring to mind. Judge not lest ye be judged.
These kinds of comments come up periodically to prey upon Christians. They don’t want Christians to vote at all. They want you to ignore all of the disgusting and horrific things the OTHER (their) candidates do and have done by trying to make you think that you must vote for perfect people. There are no perfect people….Least of all the OTHER candidates.
Biden doesn’t know what state he is in.
Obama thought we had 57 states.
Most believe we live in a democracy. We live in a Republic (If we can keep it).
Clinton and those e-mails.
And oh so much more.
Do not be deceived. Vote your heart and convictions. Judge by the fruits and not the faults.
You have a duty as an American to vote what YOU think, not what others tell you to think.
You MISSED THE WHOLE POINT! The UNDENIABLE FACT is that ALL presidential candidates INCLUDING TRUMP are groomed from the Serpent/Pharaoh bloodline!
Regardless of Intent Your Vote Is Effectively a Hate Crime [updated August 13, 2019]
- /new-world-order/2018/11/your-vote-is-a-hate-crime-8235.html
So you think not voting for anybody is the answer? Because you just called them all devil spawn…… And how will not voting help exactly?
Einstein said that INSANITY is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
If you are CONTENT with voting for SLAVE OWNER “A”, “B”, or “C”, then be my guest and KEEP ON VOTING – YOU WILL NEVER BE FREE!
It is kind of like:
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch [and you are the lamb]. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.
The Complete and Undeniable Truth – Larken Rose
Message To The Voting Cattle [THE BEST SPEECH OF ALL-TIME BAR NONE!!]:
You don’t like answering questions do you? Not casting your own vote gives me power to those who do. Relinquishing your vote is not meaningless…. It is capitulation. The choice is always yours.
Your question was addressed PERFECTLY by Larken Rose. Your question carries the FALSE ASSUMPTION that we need leaders in our lives.
… carries the false assumption that we need government. Government is the ANTITHESIS of Liberty/Freedom. The ONLY LAW worthy of our loyalty is THE GOLDEN RULE!
There Is A Universal Truth Requirement For The Establishment Of Peace and Liberty/ Freedom.
PLEASE – EVERYONE READ … the section entitled The Red Pill For Peace beginning on page 87 here: