ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics (S1EJanSpecial): Special Guest Liz Entin (Atheist). You do not want to miss this
Greetings, if you’re a regular reader of my pieces (and I post on B4IN in many different sub-category of news bins ( you will have no doubt seen the occasional PREFACE of an article (and indeed, some of my podcasts) with THIS IS GOING TO BE A BIT ODD/DIFFERENT and indeed this is going to be one such. I am NOT writing something new/fresh, but instead I am just going to be engaging in a cheat (like some of the Hints, Tips, Techniques, that I mention in my “How to Write a Book and Get It Published” book about using existing materials to port into book chapters (whether fiction and/or non-fiction fare)) and going to grab (cut/paste) the Show transcript of the episode (S1EJanSpecial (just dropped Mid-Month/Week today Wed. Jan. 17th 2024)). Please NOTE, the transcription service is NOT PERFECT so there will be errors (not going to correct them, leaving as is, it is a FREE TRANSCRIPTION SERVICE and I mention them several times and recommend them (but, remember, you get what you pay for) so FOR FREE one cannot expect perfection and I am SHOWING YOU THE IMPERFECTION that I get/got as part of this process)! Are you OPEN to giving this a FAIR HEARING, or just only prefer our own Bubble?!?!
ALSO NOTE, I have been having “issues” with some B4IN pieces trying to embed more than one Video otherwise I like to provide A BUNCH of various related Videos in my pieces, but I will be including only the one below which is the Behind-The-Scenes/Sneak-Peak of the Show (that I drop usually a few days before the actual Audio version of the Show drops via Buzzsprout (normally one every Saturday, this was/is a SPECIAL Mid-Month/Week drop) and then matriculates out to iHeart, Spotify, and a dozen other Podcast Platform show providers) in case you’d prefer to give it a watch (I prefer Video, you get to see the facial expressions, and me being Italian all my arm flailing LOL, and the like, visual interacting, but most prefer to listen to podcasts on their phone instead and most of the hits are on/with the Audio only version of my shows).
Other recent Shows…
and B4IN: /christian-news/2023/11/your-christitutionalist-politics-awakening-2619081.html
CTP2 book coming June 2024: /books/2023/08/putting-together-some-quotes-for-inclusion-in-my-next-book-2554460.html
S1EJanSpecial SHOW NOTES ( listen (Wed Jan 17 2024 and thereafter) at: )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1EJanSpecial) “Christian Broadcast with Atheist Guest? You do not want to miss to find out why?”
Why is a Christian Broadcast having an Atheist on as a Guest? This is an episode you do not want to miss to find out why?
Liz is a wonderful Young Woman and I hope you’ll enjoy the Conversation we had as much as I did. Hope to have Liz back again sometime to discuss Authorship and Publishing in general (as we had a great discussion (Audiobook creation, SMASHWORDS Services, more ( on that off-line worthy of bringing to you all may be considering Publishing your own Book (regardless of your Subject-matter) in future).
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of/for this Show for “Episode related additional information.”
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(S1EJanSpecial Audio: 28m 29s, Wed Jan 17 2024)
some “Behind-the-Scenes” Video version of ChristiTutionalist Politics found via…
In addition to seeing corresponding TheLibertyBeacon piece referenced in episodes of CTP, see too Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout ( for addl bonus material there-in.
Transcription Services below from:
[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show intro]
Welcome to ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast a K a CTP in association with savage and filtered podcast The Liberty beacon calm and I am your host Joseph M Lenard and that’s L E N A R D CTP is your no must no fuss just me you And occasional gas type podcast as Graham Norton would say let’s get out of the show
[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast - Segment 1]
I’m going to start before introducing my guest with a bit of a disclaimer or preface for this episode, and why should Christians listen, despite the fact that I have a professed atheist on? In a thoughtful way as I can say this, first and foremost of course, Christians are not supposed to hate anybody, right? And you are not supposed to paint any group of people with a broad brush, whether that be all Christians or all people who use the atheist tag. We are all, as Martin Luther King said, Jr. all individuals and need to be judged on each content of character. So please give this episode a fair hearing, because again, you know, not painting with a broad brush, I know some atheists that I wouldn’t want to have wasted my time of day with being around, but to be fair, I know some fellow Christians that are going to paint in the butt and no fun to be around either want anything to do with them. So to be fair on that, we’re not here to argue, is there a god or isn’t there a god? That’s not what we’re here for. We’re here to find some common ground, because if you try to push viewpoints at gunpoint, you just get more resistance. You’re never going to get any more, trying to force something onto someone. So for those willing to give this a fair hearing, welcome to the show Elizabeth Enkin. Please tell us a little bit about yourself.
Elizabeth Entin (Guest): Well, thank you so much for having me. And first of all, I will just add to the disclaimer that, and I know it both within atheism and some atheists are very, very rude. I don’t at all disrespect what some people believe. I mean, and that goes across the board with other set beliefs. I think the nature of consciousness, all of that is one of the most complex questions that possibly could be there. So we’re going to disagree and to dislike someone for having a different viewpoint on one of life’s biggest mysteries is ridiculous. So there’s no need to ever be rude to each other. And again, I’ve seen atheists be very rude at times as well. So yeah, rude people are rude people around, you know.
Joseph M Lenard (CTP Host): There’s a bad apple in virtually any bunch, right?
Elizabeth Entin (Guest): Right, right. And I’ll add I have an interesting take on atheism, because while I don’t think there’s a God, I do think there’s an afterlife. And that is kind of how I even got publicly defining myself as an atheist before, because I grew up in a very secular culture. And so it just was the default setting. It wasn’t like, you know, I mean, the most outspoken atheists tend to have come from a strong religious belief and then realize that’s not what they think. And then are very outspoken about their atheism. So me, it was just the default. And then I started to think after a personal loss, the passing of my father, is there any way I could think there could be a form of an afterlife? And to me, well, my God, it’s a little fur baby wants on camera. Yes, to say hi. I started to investigate if there was any what I would consider valid evidence of an afterlife and I found a lot of scientific evidence that I think shows that we do survive bodily death, but I have do not think there’s a God. So that’s really where I speak about my atheism. And then I have a podcast about it and a book and rather than it’s probably the typical what someone would call typical atheist podcast and that I’m not discussing atheism as much as trying to reach people who think there’s zero chance of an afterlife who are dealing with heavy grief and maybe some are terminal themselves. So that’s really who I speak to. And I mean, I have had some religious people as well who maybe have had a really profound loss and hopefully just reaffirms for them that someone like me who is an atheist thinks there’s an afterlife. So I more speak about my atheism to give people comfort rather than challenge anyone’s beliefs.
Joseph M Lenard (CTP Host): Right. So for those watching on the video sneak, you to your rumble was your fur baby’s name there.
Elizabeth Entin (Guest): But I will show everyone officially. Oh, this is Kiwi. And he’s incredibly sweet.
Joseph M Lenard (CTP Host): And yeah, my last cat died a few years ago and I haven’t gotten any more new pets. I don’t see bringing a kitten in and having the cat outlive me and you know, have to then be rehomed. But anyway, before today officially coming together to discuss these things, I mentioned pen of pen and teller because again, a see not all he, not all atheists.
Elizabeth Entin (Guest): Oh, we’re not all that.
Joseph M Lenard (CTP Host): Yeah, not all atheists hate Christians and pen is another wonderful example of he just doesn’t believe in God. But he also confides that some biblical tenants are just common sense and part of being a good human. Right? You don’t have to believe in a God to understand thou shalt not murder. I don’t murder you. You don’t murder me. I don’t have a right to steal your stuff. And his pen would say he has no right to steal our stuff. And it would be nice if the government would stop stealing from all of us. So, so there are definitely things we could come together on. Please tell us a little again, the name of the book and a little bit more about that.
Elizabeth Entin (Guest): I assume I can’t, I will say the name of this being a Christian show. I will refer to it as WTF just happened to be respectful. And WTF just happened is the book as WTF just happened to sciencey skeptic explorers, grief, healing and evidence of an afterlife. And the podcast is WTF just happened all about the afterlife. No, who? And to respect, I know some questions don’t really like the F words. So just respect. So people heads up. I say it out loud and full both in the book and the podcast. So that’s something you’re not comfortable with. You know, I do want to let everybody know.
Joseph M Lenard (CTP Host): I understand. But yeah, I generally keep my language pretty clean during the show too. Right. And I’m also co host of Savage unfiltered. So okay. We go very unfiltered there.
Elizabeth Entin (Guest): I just know the only group who I’ve offended with that word have been some questions. So I had to one more question on and they wrote in the comments that they didn’t appreciate that word. So I mean, I use that word, but you know, I don’t, I people have a right if if I’m in a group speaking to a culture where that word is not acceptable, which I’ve never really been around even the Christians. I know I want to make sure I’m respectful to people’s what people be comfortable with.
Joseph M Lenard (CTP Host): So yeah, yeah, I’m I use a point of emphasis in sentences on occasion myself. I don’t like in my book, care strikes coming soon to a city near you. There’s a little subsection on language that there are a whole lot of other things. Like I can understand a Christian being upset with taking the Lord’s name and vain, but okay, other curse words. They’re really just words. And I don’t understand why so many indeed get just so upset and by and out of shape, unless if there are children around, then of course, obviously we should be mindful and watch our language, right?
Elizabeth Entin (Guest): And yeah, I guess for me, it depends the culture you grew up in growing up. Well, I was secular Jewish where we celebrated it as a culture, but not religion. My dad, he’s the one who passed. He had the filthiest mouth since I was a little kid. So, but you know, I knew there were like words you don’t say when you go to school or other people’s homes, but again, growing up in New York City, there went to taboos around that word. And I think different cultures have different taboos around certain language. But for me, I don’t care what words you say, it’s the content and meaning behind them. So are you using a word like just jokingly or pops into your language? Or are you putting a sentence structure together to demean other people or hurt people? So it’s really what what is your heart behind the words you’re saying that I feel so.
Joseph M Lenard (CTP Host): Oh, that sounds reasonable. And this is kind of off the beaten path. But since we’re talking about afterlife, have you yourself in I don’t want to use the word spiritual, but have a instance or occurrence of aberrations appearing or anything like that that makes you tend to believe in the afterlife or.
Elizabeth Entin (Guest): I have had those experiences. I wouldn’t. I’ll share them in a second, but I’m going to just give a disclaimer that that is not what makes me think. And I never use the word believe. I think there’s a preponderance of evidence that an afterlife is highly probable that is based on multiple multiple things. Masses of data and research conducted by places such as the division of perceptual studies that reached certain I’m stumbling on my words. Excuse me. A research center through the University of Virginia, for example, and they have a child psychiatrist who studies cases of children reporting past life memories. They have Dr. Bruce Grayson, who is a traditional psychiatrist and he studies people who report near death experiences, which is where they are clinically dead for a percentage of time and are resuscitated through medical means. So that my own experiences, getting a lot of medium readings, getting to befriend the mediums and the researchers, studying them and all of that coming together combined with a few really weird, what I call WTFs that happened to me. I saw my dad once briefly and I jumped. It was early on. I really, really wish I had stopped and talked to him. I still hadn’t really processed his passing. So I can’t deny it was brain neurons. Seeing someone I’m used to, but it felt a little different. I’ve had some interesting dreams and I have what are referred to as signs. I don’t know if you’re familiar with signs from the other side. That’s like when people will hypothetically possibly are ones who’ve passed then the signs. And I’ve had remarkable signs from my dad and sadly my mentor passed away too. I had some interesting experiences too. So I’m happy to share any of those.
Joseph M Lenard (CTP Host): Right. Well, you mentioned previous life experience situations. The Bible itself really does not preclude reincarnation. It doesn’t. Most Christians for whatever reason automatically just reject that as a notion. But a one soul eternity life can be completely different than that soul spending different times in different bodies on the planet. It’s not ruled out. And of course some other faiths have a big, big belief in indeed the issue of reincarnation.
Elizabeth Entin (Guest): Right. Yeah. I mean, I just, what’s interesting, it’s interesting you say that about Christianity, not precluding it or ruling it out because materialism, even when I was complete atheist, thought, I mean, so conservative atheist, but consciousness, when I thought there was no afterlife consciousness was created by brain neurons. And that was it. I reincarnation was the first thing I thought could be possible. Well, first I was reading the Einstein’s theories of time relativity and quantum entanglement. And then the very first thought I had was, well, if consciousness is created, by our brain neurons firing, and that has happened once, what is to preclude that from happening again? And maybe it would happen in 10,000 years. I mean, if time could go on eternally, I, you know, there’s big bangs, big crunches. And let’s say that happens eternally. Why could another set of brain neurons not create another conscious human that I would get to experience? Not me as Liz, not my father as him. I wouldn’t have the same people. It would just be a coincidence of firing brain neurons that would still be a consciousness that was a me and no karma, no nothing to it. And when your only other thought your whole life is that you’re conscious once and then you’re permanently obliterated, that was a pretty fantastic option. And I started to Google that. And that’s where I found doctors Jim Tucker and the late Dr. Ian Stevenson, who study cases of kids with past life memories through the University of Virginia. And then from there, that just opened the doors to all this research.
Joseph M Lenard (CTP Host): Yeah. And I haven’t had enough sleep. So my brain and mouth aren’t cooperating either. So back after this recording, I probably going to go lay down and take a nap. But yeah, oh, I now, now I remember the trains back on the track. And then it’s gone again, not reincarnation, but oh, science, the science issue. Plenty of doctors and studies have indeed dealt with the out of body experience, people who had of, you know, like being in surgery and have flatlined and observed their own resuscitation. So again, it you don’t have to be spiritual or believe in a faith or even a God to understand indeed there is scientific evidence, if you want to call it that, or at least scientific theory behind the concept that yes, there is, is something more than just this current physical existence we have. And that’s kind of what you’re talking about is a without the belief in God still believing in an afterlife, because there seems to be a whole lot more and more science. Agree with that.
Elizabeth Entin (Guest): Definitely. Yeah. And I just don’t think a God is necessary. All it really seems to be. Well, first of all, there’s a bunch of just data evidence, personal experiences that the survival of consciousness is the most likely. I don’t think a God is necessary for that. I haven’t seen evidence of a God. I see evidence, no problem. I just have never ever seen it. It seems like a huge jump. And why again, with no disrespect, this is just how I think things I don’t look down to anyone who’d think otherwise, but why Judeo Christian God over a Zeus? I mean, it’s all like, why? You know, who was it? I forget someone. It could have been Ricky Gervais to Stephen Colbert, but I could be wrong. He said to him, because Stephen Colbert is a Catholic and believes very much in God and Ricky Gervais is an atheist. And Ricky Gervais said, well, think of all the gods you don’t believe in. I just don’t believe in one more. So I mean, I just, God is absolutely not necessary to how the world works and to survival consciousness. And if consciousness is non-local and quantum entangles with our brains the same way a cloud, the cloud downloads to our phones and to our laptops. So it just seems like a complete jump and a complete kind of trying to put things together the way, you know, ancient Greece put together Zeus and Athena. And I don’t know enough about the ancient Greek or Roman gods to properly comment on that.
Joseph M Lenard (CTP Host): I just know the very basics going way off the fifth grade, but each throughout time all seem to have even non-monotheolistics, gender, can’t talk either.
Elizabeth Entin (Guest): I know both of us. I’m not going to be stumbling over my words, do you?
Joseph M Lenard (CTP Host): Tend to have a creator God and other gods or his monotheism, which, you know, all those things of control over nature and whatever else are the one. But what made you decide to, did the book come first or your show?
Elizabeth Entin (Guest): The book was being written first way before my show. My show started over quarantine and I just thought I love to sit and ask all these people questions. Suddenly everyone and their mother was putting out a podcast and they weren’t so good. They weren’t so professional. You heard the siren. So I was like, okay, the standard is going down. I don’t know what I’m doing. I don’t have a professional studio or editor. Let me do this. And I had time to learn to edit. So I just did it. I thought, eh, I’ll do this little project on the side and maybe I’ll help promote my book, but it ended up getting a following and I ended up loving it and getting to sit and talk to people. I just dream of talking to the held captive and getting to answer my questions for two hours or an hour. So these are people I just want to sit and with all these questions about topics I find fascinating. So the podcast launched first, book was planned and written way before that, but the book didn’t publish until after the podcast.
Joseph M Lenard (CTP Host): But they kind of correlate or correspond with each other for the most part.
Elizabeth Entin (Guest): They’re pretty much the yeah, the book is my story and part two is coming out soon. The book is from 2015 when my dad first got sick and it was clear who’s going to be in hospice. All the way through around mid 2018, the first batch of research I did thinking there is zero chance of an afterlife to thinking after life’s highly probable. The people I met, it’s my personal story while I share what I’m learning, who I met. And then my next book is going to be from 2018 through like the start of 2021 because I’ve just gathered more evidence, deeper friendships and relationships with the people along the way, more friendships, more WTFs that have added to my research.
Joseph M Lenard (CTP Host): Yeah, I think I asked, I don’t remember though, if I’ve gotten links from you to your book page or to your podcast. So let people know the show name again and where we’re hosted out of which server because that’s always the best place to hear a podcast, but no doubt it’s carried by I heart and spot a fly and all them.
Elizabeth Entin (Guest): It’s everywhere and it’s WTF just happened all about the afterlife. No, who and my website is WTF just and you can link to my book and you can link to all the places you can listen to my podcast. It’s on every app hosted officially through Spotify.
Joseph M Lenard (CTP Host): Okay, yes. I want to make sure I get your website in the show notes. Thank you.
Elizabeth Entin (Guest): I’ll email it to you too.
Joseph M Lenard (CTP Host): Okay, yeah, that would be great. There’s the book on Amazon only. Is there a Kindle? Is there an Apple, no Barnes and Noble look version, Apple books version? Although right now.
Elizabeth Entin (Guest): So it’s just on Amazon and Kindle, but I’m looking to get it onto Nook and Apple and I’ve got to get to that. Yeah, they’ll be soon.
Joseph M Lenard (CTP Host): Yeah, I use Smash words to get my books onto other sites, but unfortunately, Smash words have been gobbled up by some other company. So it’s not as easy and convenient for you to then use them, but you can check them out that you can get your book up to them who will then get it onto Barnes and Noble and Apple books for you. Or there’s also ebook You could take your manuscript and go through them without a whole lot of hassle or expense to have them put it on because even though 80% of all books these days are sold by Amazon, we of course don’t want to limit our options or our audiences options to be able to get their hands on our product.
Elizabeth Entin (Guest): Very, yes, that’s definitely true. Yeah, I have been wanting to get it to others. Sorry, there’s pickles now saying hello. So, it’s the key reads brother. Yeah, I’m sorry, well, I guess I can email you to send me the links to both those places because I do want it everywhere. So, I agree. He’s really jumping in and giving his thoughts on this and he’s thanking you.
Joseph M Lenard (CTP Host): So, we just get to hear him though. We don’t get to see him.
Elizabeth Entin (Guest): You can see him too if you’d like pickles. Pickles come here. Pickles come here. Come here pickles. Everyone wants to meet you.
Joseph M Lenard (CTP Host): Yes, is pickles. Oh, there we go. Hi pickles. What platform, again, back to the show, are you housed on Buzzsprout Spotify?
Elizabeth Entin (Guest): Spotify, Spotify. But yeah, you can hear it equally on any app or YouTube or Apple, all of the apps.
Joseph M Lenard (CTP Host): Right, right. You get your show, you put your RS feed on the other platforms where it’s like this show is housed at Buzzsprout but yeah, it’s available on 14 different podcast platforms. I don’t usually do a very long show because I’m still technically in my first season. And I figure if I go really long, it reduces the chances of someone taking, you know, an interest in a new show if I go three hours. So I try to keep my time down to 20, 30 minutes and we are 20 minutes in. But I don’t want to short shift or thrisk you either. Is there anything else that you would care you want to share?
Elizabeth Entin (Guest): I guess just since I’m speaking to a Christian audience, I know there are some Christians who’ve also had really tremendous orable losses who still find some of this research helpful because it just backs up what you’re thinking. And hopefully it also gives you comfort that the evidence is so strong that even an atheist has been convinced by it. So any of you in deep grief, I hope that adds to, you know, some however you seek your comfort.
Joseph M Lenard (CTP Host): Okay, well, thank you Elizabeth Anton and one last time let’s mention the book title.
Elizabeth Entin (Guest): Yes, book WTF just happened. A sciencey skeptic explores grief, healing and evidence of an afterlife. And the podcast WTF just happened all about the afterlife. No, whoa.
Joseph M Lenard (CTP Host): So all right. Thank you again for joining.
I hope everyone stayed tuned in and gave the show and you a fair hearing because again, I mean, I know some that will be, I’ll get some nasty grams. Right. Why in the world am I got an atheist on a Christian show? You know, we have to live and exist with each other on this planet and giving you a common courtesy to discuss common ground we have. I think it is fair and I hope others feel the same way and in tuned in. So thank you again for coming. Thank you so much. Like and subscribe to Christitutionalist Politics podcast and Savaged UnFiltered. Maybe even go back a few years and dig up some old V Patriot angle. Share episodes. We need your help to grow the show.
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Like and subscribe to Christitutionalist Politics Podcast and Savaged Unfiltered. Maybe even go back a few years and dig up some old the-patriot-angle shows. Share episodes. We need your help to grow the show.
[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show outro]
Thank you for having tuned into Chrystitutionalist politics show Please tune into savages and filtered podcasts of which I am a co-host and be sure to check out more about today’s discussion at the Liberty beacon calm where my articles drop every Saturday in addition to seeing the corresponding the Liberty beacon calm piece referenced in the episode of ChristiTutionalist podcast see to the show transcript on podcast platforms that provide access to it like bus bro at for additional bonus material therein the transcript. Thank you. Take care. God bless
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"CTP BTS/SP (S1EDecSpecial (MidWeek 12/6/23 drop)) "Dating in these WOKE times" Politics dividing."
"CTP S1ENov2023Special BTS/SP "Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas""
"CTP S1E25 BTS/SP Video "Year in Review (part 1)" 20231209 Audio podcast drop"
"CTP BTS/SP Video (S1E26) Year in Review (part 2)"
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Matthew 7:15-20
You Will Know Them by Their Fruits
15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you
in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous
16 You will know them by their fruits.
Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs
from thistles?
17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit,
but a bad tree bears bad fruit.
18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit,
nor can a bad tree bear good fruit.
19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit
is cut down and thrown into the fire.
20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them.
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On Friday 19th January 2024.
Almighty Father God gave my wife and I
the task of sorting through and
keeping the good fruit and discarding
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