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Wow! Trump to Release JFK Files!

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This takes some balls. Just coming out.

DONALD Trump has sensationally revealed he will allow classified records on the assassination of John F Kennedy to be opened.

The US President tweeted earlier today that he will open “long blocked” files about the murder of JFK in Dallas in 1963.

Roger Stone said he spoke to the President and encouraged him to release them.


Exciting time to be alive!

I think Jack Rubenstein was part of the Jewish mafia and set the whole thing up with John Connelly.

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    Total 35 comments
    • Anonymous

      “subject to the receipt of further information” means you will never see most of it because he is now waiting for the offer he cannot refuse.

      • Decode the World

        And where they mix in a few fake documents to hide the trail.

      • stompk

        He would risking MAJOR disappointment from his supporters. I think this is the real deal.

    • unidentified

      jfk was killed by the bush family :?:


        JFK was killed by a speeding bullet.

        • stompk

          I believe it was an exploding dart either in his tie, which would implicate Jackie, or Connelly shot him from the front seat with a small device in his left hand..

          • CAPTAIN CHAOS!!


            It could have been a radioactive bird turd dropped from a fowl foul just above Zapruder’s camera view.


            …Ol Jack might have simply offed himself. Any of you ever think of THAT? No need implicating Jackie when the whereabouts of Jack’s own hands have yet to be scrutinized for offending implements of destructive firepower!!!

            • Equalizer

              Finally! George Bush senior will now die in shame and infamy just as he deserves. Traitorous piece of $hit. Son Bush junior will also die with shame for false flag 9/11. Hang all of the Bushes and the Clintons… Publicly.

        • K¡llúḿ¡ńàṫ¡✝☪ ॐ ﷲ ✡

          Of course they killed him :idea: people are too dumb to know it. :lol:
          John F. Kennedy Its preparations are concealed,
          not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced,
          not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.
          Max Brooks ‘Most people don’t believe something can happen until it already has.
          That’s not stupidity or weakness, that’s just human nature.’ :lol:
          Did Bush help to kill JFK? JFK II: The Bush Connection (Video 2003) – IMDb

      • Josie

        Yes he was…

    • Ideas Time

      About time. And may the c ia be broken up and the pieces scattered into the wind.

    • Anonymous

      JFK was a crisis actor.

      Wait! Hold on… Or it was a false flag? Beyonce on the grassy knoll? No! No! No, I remember now. It was the Ty-D-Bol man on the grassy knoll! There’s a website, flush with evidence.

      Whew! Thought I was losing my mind, right in the middle of a bone chilling clickgasm.

      By the way, who is this Roger Stone? It’s like a telephone book around here, all these household names dropped, that I never heard of, anyway. Is he any relation to Sly and the Family Stone? The Rosetta Stone? Stonehenge? And what makes him credible? Does he have at least forty videos from his mother’s basement? A website with images of bigfoot? How do we know he can be trusted? Does he at least affirm the multi-shooters, 3D trapezoidal, inter-dimensional alien assassins theory, including the blurry picture of the Jewish gunman below the sewer grate and Jack Ruby, of the slippers prophecy, in the Wizard of Oz?

      I realize it’s been over 50 years now, but we can solve this on BIN today, as long as it’s not related to a single gunman finding, heaven forbid, damn the evidence and torpedoes, too, but only if you only click like there’s no tomorrow!

      • stompk

        I smell a deep stater with something to hide…

        • Anonymous

          Busted! How was I to know you’d have your heavy duty foil hat on, during a Vulcan mind block? The deep state is really going to dock my paid shill check this time!

          • stompk

            Spoken like a true professional liar.

            • Anonymous

              Yeah, I was also thinking of taking that next step to become a reporter here, but, the problem is, I’d have to go back to my mother’s basement, and I like money and my mansion too much! Also, if you’d keep this between us, I slip into critical thinking here and there (you can look up those words “critical” and “thinking” in a dictionary and put them together, or on the web, but on your own time, please, as I’m a busy person, can’t be a bum all day and night). Remember, the critical thinking business just between you and I? Don’t want to burn my bridges with your Editor. Isn’t that what you call him, anyway?

            • stompk

              You are really putting some effort into this. You’re handlers should be proud!

            • Anonymous

              They are proud, even sometimes let me work the FEMA guillotines at Walmart.

      • Anonymous

        “By the way, who is this Roger Stone?”

        “he will cover for his Uncle’s shortcomings and failures”..

        • Anonymous

          Sorry to mislead you, but let’s be realistic: did I say I actually care? Presumptuous, aren’t we? But thank you, for digging deeper in the dumpster.

          Now, run along and wash those hands!

          • Anonymous

            Sorry to mislead you, but let’s be realistic: did I say I actually care? Presumptuous, aren’t we?

            Now eff off.

    • The Watcher


    • Pink Slime

      The information belonged to the American people. Trump is NOT a professional politician like 99% of them. He’s a real American.

      Release the g*damn information and you’ll probably see Bush Sr. implicated in something. He look notoriously evil in his old age. Never can get over his UGLY wife.

    • Andy

      JFK was accidentally shot by the SS in the follow car, during an attempt to return fire resulting in a slip-up – the kill round was not a full metal jacket, which is what Oswald was using and the round entered the head left rear and exploded out the front right forhead

      jackie was climbing on the trunk collecting bits of his brain

      they chose to hide their rather severe fuck-up :oops:

    • unidentified

      johnson and bush sr both knew why jfk was killed , they wanted people they could manage

    • masterofnone

      Who honestly gives a rats ass?!….do any of us actually believe releasing the “JFK” files will amount to anything?!.
      Is this garbage going to benefit anyone?,is don gonna fix ur economy and stop the unprecedented funding for millitary operations,
      To feed or house,one of the countless families that have been f*cked by the vary system he swears to repair.
      You yanks are so freaking diluted with the “filth” your own govt feeds stare blankly at each other and wait for your next
      “False flag”…..get a grip,find some thing better to do with your time,be the gift to society,you idiots figure you are… :roll:

    • Everette

      Bush Sr was head of the CIA . The big question is why did the FBI allow the cover up . Who did it benefit ? When Bush became President his big push was the new world order ( NWO ) and in his speech he ended saying and it will be successful . When tracing who heads the NWO you will find it is the Vatican a forein entity who as Revelations says has ruled kings and kingdoms since their beginning . Why because they use the name of GOD to put fear in the hearts of men . No matter how big you are everyone knows in their hearts that there is a GOD . But someone claiming to be GOD’s spokesman strikes fear in even the hearts of kings . GOD has stated in Malachi 1:1-4 that HE hates Esau the Edomite . The Vatican and natzi are Esau’s descendants . GOD has also said that Esau’s descendants will be totally wiped of the face of the earth . And that day is quickly coming . But first they will claim rights to Jerusalem , which they already have . Then they will push wars and disasters on everyone , which they have and are still doing . Why ? Because they want everyone on earth to desire a person that will lead them into peace and safety . These are the words they will use ( peace and safety ) . The Bible says when they say peace and safty then sudden destruction will occur . Their evil devil will come forth and rule earth for about 3 1/2 years . Then this jackass will declare war on all that seek after GOD . Why ? Because he will declair himself to be god As he sets in the universal Jerusalem Temple they have built ! All hell will brake loose . This war will be worse than the world war 3 , because it will only occur on certain places ( kingdoms ) . Nastradomus says world war 3 will be fought with weapons that will boggle your minds and it will be a short war . But the next war will be fought with sticks and stones . why because gun control will have taken place because the officials will preach let’s round up all guns to make all people equal . If people believe that then I have land on the moon they can buy . The government ( not the we the people ) will have guns and will begin their round up of their unwanted ones . The gangs , thugs and bullies will have guns and will be allowed to have them for the depopulation purposes the NWO wants to happen . Their Georgia Guide Stones tell us they want almost 90-95% of earths population gone . Let. Me ask a question . Where does the mafia come from ? Rome . Where does the NWO leadership come from ? Rome . Where are we told all roads lead too ? Rome . I read Bush Sr incorporated the mafia bosses to help kill JFK . One of the guys involved told the story on his death bed confession to clear his guilt ( James Files ) . James Files , Johnny Roselli and Charles Nicoletti from the mob was commissioned to shoot JFK . James Files was in the grassy knoll . The story came out in 1995 but has been hushed up and covered up . By the Bush family and Clinton family . Hillary was Johnsons secretary who carried the cover up files and locked them up for 50 years . Hillary blackmailed Bush to help put them in the White House . The files where opened under Clinton’s presidency . Clinton was there as the deal was agreed upon to put them files back in the vaults . The internet still has stories on it . James Files implicates the government for their actions ( George Bush Sr . ) . A good place to see this information is to type in the search box ( JFK muder solved – is James Files telling the truth ) . The CIA is a foreign entity who answers to the Vatican . American people work in it but the leaders who control it are not for America ! The CIA is implicated along with Hillary and Obama for starting and funding ISIS . Wonder as this information comes out will Trump defund and close the CIA ? As the old saying goes the wheels of justice turn slowly , but they do turn and will bring truth to light someday !

    • this is name i have chosen because i like it so i know i am smarter than you now i am here with name

      i think nothing in jfk papers so noone cares they just use it to be mysteryious

      • b4

        kinda of late for a 12 yo to be up eh little boy….

        • this is name i have chosen because i like it so i know i am smarter than you now i am here with name

          if you can add 46 to that you will be right on the money dum dum maybe your to dumb for that though so i guess youll never know lol too bad for you maybe you can find jfk papers secrets for us tell us the big secret revealed it was lee harvey oswald lol your so dumb

    • AJ

      Lots of really stupid comments today from idiots…. :twisted: :mrgreen:

    • Man

      the files will show that obama did it

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