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By Mica Molecule
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Finally bringing global tyranny, poverty, wars, sickness and pollution to an end

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Nearly everyone now agrees -  the world cannot survive mush longer living under a growing mountain of debt. One has to analyze and understand the nature of the problem before one can appreciate that there are NO EASY SOLUTIONS to the massive disaster facing us. This article will explain why Donald Trump with his advisors and supporters cannot save the world, nor America.    

When an institution like a bank, government or wealthy citizen provides credit to another bank, government, company or citizen as debtor, the transaction is based on and implies a high level of confidence that provision of credit will allow the debtor to obtain fabricated goods, tools, services or labour that cannot yet be paid for from existing accumulated reserves of natural resources, goods or by exchange of equivalent labour. Providing credit assumes the debtor will eventually return the value loaned out and more, by way of interest charged for credit.


In the past under typical historical situations and conditions, credit certainly did allow farmers, builders, explorers, entrepreneurs and home owners to multiply the quantity of natural resources or fabricated goods, because arable land, animal and marine species and reserves of natural resources were plentiful and virtually unlimited in relation to the number of people competing for acquisition of the same. Payment of debts was therefore made in due course with relative ease.


Growth in technology and massive resources of free fossil fuel for energy has dramatically increased production of food and materials, acquisition of natural resources and fabricated goods. Fossil fuels are really free because the raw product itself is free for the taking and only government taxes and costs of extraction, refining and transportation must be paid somewhere along the supply chain. As population growth and industrialization continues to increase, a stage will be reached when the ability to satisfy market demands will become increasingly difficult because natural resources and available land or fishing stocks for food production are limited.


Shortages in production and supply would have been indicated in recent years by a tendency towards increasing inflation, except that governments counteract that tendency by using their strategic reserves to supply any market shortages. US treasury bonds, national strategic military stockpiles and gold bullion held by central banks are included in the basket of reserves that most governments can rely on. Governments with no more strategic reserves are forced to sell national assets to their allies or foreign central banks to be able to finance and supply market shortages that affect their populations.


As population growth and the corresponding demand for goods, energy and food continues to increase exponentially, as it does, strategic reserves begin to decline, as they have been since late 2014. A stage will soon be reached when those reserves become scarce and the ability to prevent inflation will come to an end. In recent years, this stage has been delayed by financial policies in the banking world that have limited credit for certain institutions and caused an increase in private and company bankruptcies that in turn have reduced employment rates, reduced household income and consequently slowed the previous growing market demand for goods, energy and food.


We are currently living through a stage (the great recession) where financial policies are caught between a rock and a hard place. If more credit and government projects are provided (like warfare and improving infrastructure) to increase economic activity in the hope of increasing production, they will also increase consumption and cause hyper-inflation because available resources are limited and becoming more scarce, while at the same time strategic reserves for counteracting inflation are in decline. With more credit, the world’s major governments will become more competitive and more likely to increase existing competition and military conflict over the acquisition and control of resources. More credit will result in more wars.


On the other hand, if more credit and government projects (like warfare) are not provided to increase activity, exploitation and production, then private and company bankruptcies will increase and national economies will slowly collapse. If national economies collapse, so do their associated military machines.


As the great recession continues, a small elite group of insiders at the highest levels of international banking and politics continue to debate possible solutions behind closed doors. These policy makers have not yet found a solution for this dilemma and so the only practical strategy available to governments today is to pick on certain countries they regard as threats or enemies and instigate civil war, or disruption of those foreign national economies through sanctions, or currency wars aimed at manipulating those foreign currencies and economies. In this way they can make it harder for those targeted countries to compete in the markets and the conflict over food, energy, goods and raw materials.


Private and company bankruptcies in the US are prevented by policies that cause chaos in other countries and policy makers at the highest levels of international government and banking circles are the only ones who understand all this but are not letting the secret out. We have reached the stage today where economists and financiers know that extension of time to repay private and national debts and a certain amount of debt forgiveness is essential to keep the ill-fated global economy and financial system going. Extensions of loan periods and levels of debt are innovate strategies to keep the system going, but those are not solutions; they are only delaying the inevitable – massive waves of bankruptcies.


We are currently living through a great recession under a growing mountain of debt that might continue for two or three years more. But standards of living for the middle classes continue to fall and the working classes will continue to survive on the borderline of poverty. Approximately a third of middle class families around the world have already been forced out of leisurely lifestyles into debt and working class status but it’s not in the news or generally known among the masses because governments keep everyone in the dark through frivolous entertainment, censuring news and controlling education to their advantage. Former middle class families are either too embarrassed to admit their economic hardship or not financially capable of politically or legally fighting for their rights or unfair losses.


Government propaganda and indoctrination still works well enough to pacify the masses, but signs of distrust in governments are appearing all over the world. These signs include anti-government referendums and protests, riots, assassinations, government instability, sporadic or on-going civil wars and so-called “humanitarian” invasions, acts of terrorism and unexplained aircraft crashes. Such events are increasing and cannot always be kept out of the public eye because alternative internet news sites challenge government propaganda and expose their censorship.


Growing awareness of such events increases efforts and extent of government censorship but decreases public compliance with population controls. On-going erosion of confidence in so-called “democratic” governments will soon initiate or increase government tyranny, civil disobedience, civil wars and the inevitable eventual global economic and financial collapse. While futile debates over possible solutions continue behind closed doors, the early signs of economic distress, civil unrest, political strife and social disintegration begin to surface but still too gradual and subtle for most people to notice or understand at this stage. The next few years will see more of the same but with greater extent and intensity. The laws of nature prevail – the earth’s resources are limited but the growing greedy global population is not. 


In this day and age, the hidden hands of the small, elite, almost invisible cabal manage a powerful, highly effective hierarchy of secret agents who bribe, blackmail, assassinate and manipulate all those in top positions of the banking, military, security, media, religious and political organizations. At the same time, these secret agents themselves are usually victims of indoctrination, bribery, blackmail and many are assassinated after their usefulness has expired. The unelected global government has nearly complete control of world affairs and of public perceptions. Their success derives as much from their invisible and sinister mechanisms of control as from their unimaginable wealth. In simple terms – the love of money controls the world and is indeed the root of all kinds of evil.


The depravity and perversion of this small, elite, invisible cabal will eventually be revealed as the extent and intensity of their treachery and tyranny grows. They are thick as thieves and will viciously turn on anyone including one another if they suspect their desperate efforts to cling to ill-gotten wealth and power are threatened. Fighting this powerful enemy of mankind is futile when they break all the rules and enforce thousands of rules that make it impossible for any trusting, honest, fair-minded people to oppose and eliminate them. They rely on the ignorance or apathy of their slaves. Bringing an end to global tyranny, poverty, wars, sickness and pollution requires a whole new paradigm of thought and praxis, a totally new and revolutionary mindset. 


In order to bring an end to global tyranny, poverty, wars, sickness and pollution it’s necessary to understand the root cause. The enemy of humanity needs to be correctly identified and known well enough to effectively fight and defeat. But not with the same tactics the enemy fights with. Their use of violence, destruction, treachery, robbery, secrecy and deception is extremely effective so any chance of defeating them would require even greater violence, destruction,  treachery, robbery, secrecy and deception. But if we would do as they do, that would divide the world into two evil and destructive camps rather than just one. Doing something evil to prevent something evil does not remove evil from the world. It merely transfers evil from one perpetrator to another. And doing a lesser evil to prevent a greater evil does not justify the lesser evil. It merely delays greater evil to another period in time. That’s because evil in the human race never dies, it sleeps from one period in time to another. Pruning weeds is no substitute for rooting them out.  The final solution and permanent cure for evil in the human race is a strategy that will turn one great camp of evil and destruction against another great camp of evil and destruction so that they mutually destroy one another.

Besides the love of money, pleasure, power and denial of fault, this small, elite, invisible cabal also have a callous disregard for human life, for justice, truth, integrity, peace, freedom and dignity of all men and women. They are thick as thieves and will viciously turn on anyone including one another if they suspect their desperate efforts to cling to ill-gotten wealth and power are threatened. Their corruption and depravity will eventually be revealed behind masks of theatrical virtue and honour and their crimes are secretly carried out by professional hitmen, so there’s never any dirt or blood on them.  

Transforming the world into a much better place will require things to be done completely differently; not only in our strategy and battle plan, but also in our own person. It will not be quick and easy but it’s possible, predictable and achievable when we understand the enemy of humanity, the tactics they use and the reasons for their success. One of the greatest mistakes we make is in believing that we are not like them at all.

Until we come to see ourselves exactly as we are, acknowledge our own violence, cheating, faking, faults and blindness, we will be totally incapable of winning the victory. Our enemies are driven by the love of money and pleasure, a desire for power over others and the need to be admired. They refuse to admit their faults and failures and feel no guilt or shame for wrong-doing. We have to admit that we share something of all that and then begin to make the effort to remove all these faults from our lives. We have to admit that part of that same enemy out there also lives from time to time inside of us. We can never create a perfect world or even help in that task if we ourselves are not involved in the transforming process of casting out the enemy inside of us and becoming better every day. We need to allow others who believe in us and care for us to point out our mistakes. That’s the start.

It’s disheartening to know that so very few people actually believe that we can be transformed and have a better world; a very much better world. It’s disheartening to know that those who do believe we can possibly have a better world are not interested in doing the right things to prepare the way for the coming new and better world. They have been lulled to sleep or indoctrinated into believing that the world we have today is as good as it gets and that the problems in the world are to be blamed on everyone else or on Mother nature, not us. If we are not shaken out of the hypnotic state of mind in which religious, political and educational organizations have trapped us and if governments continue to control our minds, so much that we accept the status quo without question and if we ourselves are not becoming perfect, then we are part of the problem; not part of the solution. There’s no two ways about that – people who rely on professional violent and secret societies to curb violent and secret behavior are incapable of producing a perfect, transparent, just and peaceful world, no matter how much we would like that. We have to start by first becoming the better world we want. We don’t have to remain violent, corrupt, fake and apathetic. We can’t easily change others but we are capable of producing change in ourselves if we choose that goal. The choice is indeed ours.

One day when a few more brave, wise and well-informed men and women eventually understand the futility of playing their malicious game, and succeed in convincing a few more indoctrinated people to wake up and stop collaborating with evil by playing their game, then the invisible cabal will become infuriated. In their wildest fury and dreams they will be transformed into crazed men and women. In their madness, they will blame the religious people of the world (the wrong culprits) and attempt to eliminate them. But in their attempt to destroy religion, they will literally and accidently destroy one another. This can only happen when a few more brave, wise and well-informed men and women of faith, hope and love eventually understand what’s happening and how to end the personification of evil and perversion in high places.

The brilliant new strategy for victory over the liars, thieves and murderers that control the world is not to try and stop them but to allow them the opportunity to become even more evil and depraved. Give them more rope so that they hang themselves.   

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