Health Risk Warning! FDA Admits Vaccines Contain Aborted Fetal Cells With Potentially 560 DNA Cancer Genes
SHOCKING! FDA Admits Vaccines Contain Aborted Fetal Cells
Vaccine Activist Christopher Key on the phone with FDA Representative Center of Biologics: Laura 1-800-835-4709 12-11-2019
After several phone calls to the FDA,I finally got somebody on the phone.
Have you heard of MRC-5?
Straight from the FDA, the truth about MRC-5 in vaccines.
December 15th, 2019
Dan Bidondi for
Health Activist Christopher Key spoke with FDA Center for Biologics Representative Laura on Wed-Dec 11th, 2019 in concern of MRC-5 created in the 1960′s that are in numerous vaccines containing aborted fetal tissue which she admits these vaccines do contain aborted fetal cells.
What is alarming that this aborted fetal tissue that was used potentianally containing 560 DNA cancer genes with no tests or studies done.
Christopher Key has been one the top health activist for many years and in fact years back was wrongfully arrested by the Federal Government and his website shut down because he was producing real health products that actually worked that would have put Big Pharma out of business. SWATS Fitness owners charged with 260 counts of deceptive trade practice violations
The Federal Government then shut his website down attempting to ban his freedom of speech. However this did not stop Mr. Key’s crusade of health truth. Christopher Key is a non-stop activist with his new “Vaccine Police” videos spreading awareness of vaccines and Big Pharma’s mass poisoning of society.
Christopher Key has become one of the top activist in the health field along side Mike Adams of and Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
Christopher Keys Related Videos on vaccine awareness:
-Vaccine Police they are coming for you
-Vaccine Police
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-Flash Mob NCAA Football Playoff Game in Atlanta, GA
The FDA did not admit this. You are delusional.
There is a reason why kids SCREAM at that needle. They know something is wrong. And now they get injected with 560 cancer-causing genes. Their blood is polluted forever with God knows what?
makes you want to rush out and get some shots. not