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Andres Aguiar (37249053) 4/21/2018 12:19:35 am P.S.  I've been getting your e-mails with lots of info.  Thank you.

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ANDRES AGUIAR (37249053)
4/21/2018 12:19:35 AM
Quick Note:
Hi:  I know you are a busy lady but let me know if you got my e-mail and if so, give me a little feedback on what you think.  Thank you and take care.   Andres Aguiar

P.S.  I’ve been getting your e-mails with lots of info.  Thank you.

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TO:  Marylou Gentry ( )

Hi Marylou:  

Okay here’s a little bit about myself.  I’ve been in for almost 27 years on a drug offense and, I have life.  It was not a big case and, it did not involve weapons or murders.  It was a simple case of a drug courier (mule) who was arrested at the airport and implicated me.   See U.S. v Aguiar, 975 F2d 45 (1992) (2nd cir.)   

But that is not the issue that I want to share with you today.  I read one of the e-mails that you sent Lorenzo and I was impressed about how you express yourself regarding your love of the law.  I myself love to litigate and, although the system is terribly rigged, I believe that the key is to publically expose the Judges who commit stupid or contradictory rulings in their cases in a way that leads to public embarrassment and disgrace to the bench.

I also believe that all public officials should be treated the same.  Whenever they act outside of the scope of the same rules that they want to apply to the everyday Joe (or Jane) then they should be punished, too.  However, since many times that doesn’t happen, exposure; public embarrassment, humiliation and further litigation could bring about a better result or, at least, removal from the job.  It may also serve to deter the next CLOWN from partaking in these types of circus acts in the future.

Now here’s what I would like you do … If you have the time.  Go to Western District of Louisiana, District Court and pull out this case:  Andres Aguiar v. Stancil, et al.  Civil Docket Case Number:  18 – CV – 00235 -DDD – JPM.   This civil suit  was originally filed in the District Court in Washington, DC because the proceedings that prison officials actually obstructed through their criminal acts was in the Washington Court.  However, the case was transferred from Washington over to Louisiana by the Court.  Its still pending. 

Now if you read the handwritten pleadings you will see what happened to me at Pollock.  They placed me in the hole; took away the papers, prevented me from filing grievances to obstruct me from exhausting my administrative remedies and ultimately, they transferred me here.  But, I want you to check out the 3 Exhibits attached to the motion.  

You will see a motion for a Writ of Mandamus against the U.S. Dept. of Justice to compel them to investigate and prosecute the federal offenses committed by staff at that prison; The Letter to the U.S. Senator, Mr. Trey Gowdy and; The On-line Petition that I wanted him (or anyone else) to help sponsor or represent so that I could have it submitted on for the public to review and sign up.   

These were the real reasons that prison officials placed me in the SHU for 6 months and transferred me here.  This place is just as bad, too.  In fact, I would say that staff here are a lot worse then over there.  First of all, the majority of the inmates here are either third world country, illegal immigrants; gang bangers who are ignorant of the law and that won’t fight for their rights or, are simply too scared to do anything because of the abuses that staff commit around here.  This place sure has one healthy batch of rotten apples when it comes to bad C.O.’s.  (In fairness, They are not all bad.  There are some good ones but they are team players – they let the bad ones run wild and cover up for them)  

Later down the line I’ll send you documents pertaining to an ongoing conflict I am having with certain C.O.’s here at the prison who went out of their way to mess with me for no reason at all other than to abuse their authority.  As we speak papers are in route to the Courts; Internal Affairs; OIG and All BOP Department heads.  I’m not going to let these fools do to me the things they do to others around here.  I know how to litigate and I know BOP policies like the back of my hand and, I know how to go for their jobs.  

However, with the help of someone like you on the outside, I will be a “FORCE” like the song says.   Especially, if its true that you still have a Radio show out there that can be used to expose these types of misconduct.  Anyway, once you go to PACER you will see the Papers that never made it to Senator Trey Gowdy or the Courts because prison officials originally took them away from me at USP Pollock’s law library and locked-me up in SHU.  

Since I was in the SHU, getting a copy was almost impossible.  Therefore, once I was able to get a copy, I used it as an Exhibit in support of the Civil Suit and I submitted it in Washington, D.C. (Originally – the case was in the U.S. District Court for Columbia Case Number 17 – CV- 02050 Aguiar v. Stancil, et al.  Then it was transferred to Louisiana by the court.)  

My intention was to be able to get someone like you who would go into PACER down-load the papers and submit them by e-mail to Senator Trey Gowdy and other Agencies such as Prison Legal News, etc.  Any organization that is interested in defending the rights of prisoners and; exposing the illegitimate acts that takes place behind these walls.   

The key is to approach creating a better system by getting rid of the bad apples.  It would also help the economy and provide a benefit to the general public by providing jobs to those who qualify and deserve said jobs.  Instead of allowing these old, unfit prison officials who violate federal laws and policies to continue employed at these high or well paid jobs that they do not deserve, give a chance to the next guy.  Someone who is indeed fit for the job and willing to abide by the BOP’s Regulations (which by the way profess a whole bunch of crap about professionalism and integrity, bla, bla, bla…) and hold-on to these jobs the right way. (Not because dept. heads are willing to turn a blind-eye to the type of staff misconduct; rules, and federal criminal statutes that are being violated on a routine basis with absolute impunity.  

Well, now you got a better idea at who I am and what I am trying to accomplish.  If this is really, not your cup of tea, its okay.  I respect your position but can you at least, throw a bone to this underdog and down load them documents from PACER and shoot them around to someone who will help me see this thing thru?   

Remember, the Senator probably never found out about this unless some clerk in the Washington, DC court took an interest in the case / documents and tipped him off to check out the Exhibits I submitted in support of the motion.  That letter and Petition was for the Senator – what they (staff at Pollock) did to me by intercepting these documents is a Federal Obstruction of Justice crime all day long.

The reason I choose Washington, instead of Louisiana is because I figured I get more action over there since it was a process that belonged to that District which was tampered with and, because the Obstruction of Justice statute gives the government the option to prosecute the case either in the state where the crime occurred or, where the proceedings obstructed were pending or about to be pending.  (See; 18 USC Sections 1505; 1512, and; 1513. )  

I am also searching for someone to help me out with a Blog and a website.  I have someone going to put me up on facebook or, another website to help promote my writings  and a project that I have in mind.  (Yes, I am into writing books, too)  I just have not had any help on the outside and, I have had bad luck because when I am ready to get things going something happens that sets me back.  But, we’ll cross that bridge another day if you want to.  

This is it for today.  Feel free to bounce this e-mail around to anyone who is interested in helping me, too.  You can also send me any references or messages from anyone interested in this project. (if you are not)  In addition, if you see fit, contact Senator Gowdy and bounce a copy from the Court files over there so that he can finally see and receive the letter and Petition that prison officials at Pollock prevented me from sending out.  

You have my consent to go on the air and place this matter before your audience or post this up on your site. I have friends here and other relatives that will contact you if any other type of improper actions are taken against me here by staff in retaliation for exercising these Constitutional Rights to Freedom of Speech and to Petition the Government for Change 

You take care and thank you for your time and support.  I hope that we can make something good come about from this relationship and bring some real and positive changes to a dirty and broken-down system.

Sincerely yours,
Andres Aguiar
Reg. No. 37249-053
USP – Victorville
P.O.  Box  3900
Adelanto, CA. 92301

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