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By Joseph Zrnchik for 5th Estate Media Email: (Reporter)
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Fox’s Hannity and Carlson Deserve Pulitzers

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Trump Winning Ugly



Fox’s Hannity and Carlson Deserve Pulitzers


The mainstream media has become so obsequious, biased, and invested in maintaining what is becoming an increasingly obvious vacant story line that writers, reporters, and news comedians cannot bring themselves to cover the most explosive story of political corruption and abuse of power in the nation’s history.

It is amazing is that there is no intention on their part to even begin exposing what has and is happening because those in the media have so betrayed their profession, the role they are supposed to fill in a democracy, and demonstrated such supreme dereliction toward the people to whom they owe journalistic responsibility, that they are simply too invested in maintaining their support for a political establishment so full of vice that it has proven itself corrupt beyond the imagination of even the most wildest cynic or imaginative conspiracy theorist.

The MSM of yesteryear would have salivated at the opportunity to expose the abuse of power by government, but now it seems it is only interested in maintaining the status quo and crumbling legitimacy of elite globalists by prostituting themselves and their profession while clothing themselves in transparently obvious bias. The CIA used to laugh and say a good news reporter could be had for cheaper that a good call girl. After the CIA became imbedded in the media at the level of senior editors, it became clear to reporters to whom they owed the allegiance that would monetarily reward crumbling journalistic ethics.

Think of all that was hidden and would have remain hidden if Clinton would have won the presidency. Consider the supreme arrogance of those whose actions have resulted in their professional destruction –both in government and media. CNN has stopped being a credible news agency and turned itself into a propaganda agent whose news reporting is akin to a child using name-calling and throwing tantrums while engaging in immature egocentric self-destructive behavior. CNN simply finds itself unable to speak the truth and have become so invested in Don Lemon’s attacks on Trump that they have proven themselves devoid of any legitimacy whatsoever. Consider how far CNN is from Wikileaks which has initiated debate and created divisions resulting the exposing of truth and the asking of important questions. CNN has become so invested in its bias that it now loathes and avoids reality. The MSM has destroyed itself far beyond the dreams of its most ardent critics who detest its lies and propaganda.

The MSM continues to ignore the reality of the Trump dossier’s role in the FBI obtaining FISA warrants. The MSM continues to ignore the fact that the information contained in the dossier was garnered through collusion between the DNC, Hillary Clinton and Russian intelligence agents. The MSM is intent on ignoring the release by the FBI of Top Secret intelligence to Fusion GPS and Christopher Steel. The MSM is willful in its ignorance of the collusion between the FBI and Christopher Steele so that the FBI could coordinate lies for the purpose of contriving and granting a bogus legitimacy for intelligence gained through circular reporting obtained through a bought-and-paid-for effort of coordinated media manipulation paid for with DNC and Hillary election money to the tune of $12 million. The FBI leaked to Christopher Steele who leaked to the media from which the FBI then claimed the Clinton-funded Christopher Steele agiprop was multiply sourced intelligence and so backed up their intelligence which would justify the granting of FISC warrants. The media now seems to have a vested interest in allowing the deep state to maintain its cover for its lies, control, secrecy and abuses, not to mention its treason and sedition. It is as if CNN, MSNBC, WaPo, the WSJ, Huff Post, the NYT and Yahoo all work for and do the bidding of the deep state and those in government who seek to maintain the charade that Americans must surrender their privacy to have security.

The media is willfully ignoring the fact that the FBI hid the fact to congressional oversight for over a month that it had discovered Huma Abedine had Top Secret intelligence on the same computer Anthony Weiner was using to engage in sexual activity with minors. The MSM is ignoring the fact that the FBI now acknowledges that China, Russia, Israel and the intelligence services of other states had accessed Clinton’s homebrewed bathroom server. The MSM is ignoring the fact that Admiral Rogers had offered to provide Comey, who refused, with all the Clinton emails Hillary destroyed in violation of a court order because she claimed those emails were to her husband who himself later stated on television had never used emails. The MSM never mentioned the fact that the FBI had so deviated from procedure that its own agents referred to the Clinton investigation as a HQ Special. The FBI allowed the lawyers of multiple witnesses to sit in on each others’ testimony as they immunized everyone, refused to place anyone under oath, failed to convene a grand jury and even agreed to destroy phones, computers and hard drives after witnesses testified. This is unprecedented in the annals of FBI history. The FBI simply agreed to destroy evidence.

While the FBI allowed the spying on a presidential candidate through what it claims was incidental collection, it is clear that Carter Page, the FBI’s claimed target, presented no threat to national security. It was not as if he was getting $150 million for selling 20% of all US uranium to Putin. It was not as if he had paid $12 million to spread Russian lies through the media and then use the FBI to spy on Hillary. It was not as if he was trying to frame Hillary using FBI sycophants. It was not as if Carter Page had destroyed 30,000 emails, removed tens of thousands of emails from top secret servers, or lied by omission on FISA requests.

The hypocrisy and obstruction by the FBI and DOJ was perverse. Their refusal to consent to legislative oversight by the Senate and House should have meet with immediate dismissals. Then, the MSM either remained silent or excused the claimed loss of 50,000 Strzok-Page emails, emails that led to the immediate dismissal of Andrew McCabe and the demotions of Lisa Page, Peter Strzok and Bruce Ohr. Again, Admiral Rogers, head of the NSA, offered the lost emails after which the FBI somehow miraculously managed to obtain electronic copies after claiming they were lost. The MSM is also ignoring the FBI reports that McCabe tried to get agents to change the notes taken as part of witness statements.

Now, Rod Rosenstein wants to investigate Trump for obstruction for when it was Rosenstein himself who wrote a letter to Trump calling for the firing of James Comey. So, how is Rosenstein going to oversee and investigation into Trump doing exactly what Rosenstein advised him to do? How is it that the MSM missed such an obvious miscue? Then, the MSM, about 7 different news outlets, including CNN and MSNBC, all mistook Donald Trump Jr.’s date of receipt of Wikileaks material as being exactly 10 days prior to it being posted on Wikileaks when they claimed he obtained the information was received by Trump on the 4th as opposed to the 14th of the month so they could accuse Trump of obtaining it from the Russians as opposed to Wikileaks. Then, the media refused to say who fed all of them this lie as they covered for a source that had proven embarrassingly and intentionally unreliable.

Fox news has provided excellent coverage for this issue. It has invited judges, lawyers, FBI leadership, former FBI investigators, former DOJ prosecutors, non-corporate media personalities, politicians, statesmen and historians to study and comment on government documents which increasingly show the most dangerous threat to our liberty and national security is the FBI and DOJ themselves. The FBI’s agents have thrown investigations, destroyed evidence, obstructed justice, engaged in perjury, fostered treason and sedition, tried to frame an innocent man, tried to overturn a democratic election and conducted illegal spying. It is a shame that it took FOX News so long to finally realize that there is no difference between Clinton and Bush, Graham, McCain, Feinstein, Shumer or Schiff. It is also nice for them to begin acknowledging that Brenner, Comey, Clapper, Hayden, Alexander, Lynch, and Holder are all Corrupt and dangers to the very democracy they all claim to protect.

As the MSM continues its self-flagellation by sticking to the Clinton story, as more and more deep state players are exposed, disbarred, fired and prosecuted, it will be interesting to see just how irrelevant journalists will have made journalism. The exciting thing is that the government continues to expose and discredit itself. Maybe this will finally lead to Americans voting libertarian and doing away with our corrupt two-party system. Americans may finally come to realize that there is not a dime’s worth the difference between the GOP and the DNC establishments. I will definitely make sure I never support an establishment politician again, especially one that is supported by the media.

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