Self Reflection
[only folks that #FEAR #Questions, especially of oneself, are those KNOW deep down that they would not measure up and the #Answers #inconvenient to/for them - therefore ATTACK THE MESSENGER instead as #DEFLECTION]
Wow… I was looking around YouTube following responding to some folks that commented regarding my appearing with Trudy Beerman (PSItv) and that Video on her channel (and planning a Special LISTENER FEEDBACK episode, haven’t had one of those in awhile, but not of “feedback” directly to a CTP episode but instead reactions there to that Video (me talking about CTP Show, LOL, another new angle no-one else ever engages)) and came across this one below, and think it important to share and provide my reactions…. And the whole point of my being on with her to discuss my CTP Show ALL ABOUT SELF-REFLECTION — asking, can/will folks #SelfReflect? or fear it cuz they know if asking Questions if Answering honestly THEY WILL NOT MEASURE UP. So, deflect, VICTIMHOOD*, scream at the Messengers and avoid Reality to maintain Delusion. Welp, yep, sums up ENTIRE LEFT and #Election2024 and they should be Self-Reflecting but of course NOT!
People Are NOT Holding Back On WOKE People After The Election!
[Average Man Unplugged channel]
an update, a few hours after posting the original…
@greywolf777 commented:
Love that one lady who said “We don’t care that you didn’t come to Thanksgiving, we ate,we full, we had a good time.” Love it!
I responded…
Yes, agreed – loved that too…. Some and their HUBRIS (Sin) that somehow their absence at Thanksgiving is a PUNISHMENT to/for US?!?!? LOL And I am so glad this video is posted, going to write a BeforeItsNews article on it (will include the Video as embed there-in as “accreditation” for inspiring the piece. As well as I intend to mention your comment I am now responding to. WE, of course, cannot be as bad as them refusing to SELF REFLECT – just play Victim, gotta be what everyone else did and couldn’t possible have anything to do with their FAILING. We, again, have to SELF REFLECT all the time going forward too – are WE indeed doing the Right things for the proper reasons. Only people FEAR that/those Questions and our own Self-Reflections will be those who may NOT have the best motives on our own side (doing for their own glory, power, control, etc., rather than to #ROAR (#RestoreOurAmericanRepublic)). Remember, they only ever point fingers and scream – WE TOO must be able to SELF REFLECT and ask ourselves sometimes TOUGH QUESTIONS (something Left does of itself) to assure we keep ourselves (and OTHERS indeed, who are “supposedly” acting on our behalf at our behest (see related: /opinion-conservative/2024/11/remember-contract-with-america-well-here-is-started-the-we-the-people-post-election-demand-list-3706876.html)) on-track for proper reasons (and that part of point, logic, REASON, common-sense; not, like them, Emotional Hysterics; and just to be OPPOSITE).
* and speaking of VICTIM mindsets:
Moving from Victim mindset to how to Survive mindset… | Press Releases | Nov 16 2024
Victimhood — Expecting victimhood, no surprise one finds it… | African American News | Sep 01 2023
And my response to the part Riley Gaines has in the Video…
Amen Ms. Gaines: Many in Iran now BEGGING that a SHAH might be back (as much as said was Western Puppet, and indeed a Dictator in holding Power goes) as they actually/really had FREEDOMS back then vs the GIJIA (and, no, do not mean region of Nigeria (Global Islamic Jihadist Interim Army) and yes I “literally” wrote the book on that) over-throw that is REAL OPPRESSION now in Iran (since the 80′s).
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A break from #Politics….
Welcome to #Detroit and #LostCausesArena (and you thought #LCA stood for #LittleCaesers #Arena, didn’t you? LOL) home to #NHL #DeadWings and #PistOFFS
#Wings need #FIRE #HeadCoach, and then beyond that if they do not get the (most usually) NEW #COACH BUMP and make the #Playoffs! Then….
the #YZERplan has be declared #YZERfail and he be #YZERfired!!!
As for the #PistOFFS? Well, sure y’all remember the #MaliceAtThePalace back when – did you see more recently what I coined #MeleeAtTheLCA (for same melodic flow, but too #DustUpInTheD or #DustUpInD, before that game was even finished across my social-media platforms) when #Stewart stood up to #LeMoronJames?!?!? We thought, hoped, PRAYED, they got a bit of #BadBoys Days spark back that would have them turn the Corner on them being one of several LaughingStocks of/in the #NBA – but, alas, NO, same-ole DUDS.
Hopefully #Lions stay on track to do something into #NFL #Playoffs, and of course too looking forward to IF the #Tigers (#MLB) can move FORWARD on the Miracle end of last Season to make Post-Season?!?!? Beyond that – not sure, does #Detroit still have a #RollerDerby team?!?!? According to #PWHL we are supposed get a Team in that League — will our Ladies be able get a #Title before #DeadWings ever do again?????