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By Mica Molecule
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Why the end is not near and 2019 will be not much different than the years before

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In 2007 I published an article in The UNCENSORED MAGAZINE explaining why expectations for a better world in the immediate future were misplaced and naïve. My predictions were based on years of study and review of in-depth analysis of geo-political events and history published by numerous independent and well-informed financial analysts, revisionist historians and political observers.

I repeat those predictions today in the hope that some readers may come to realize that almost all strategies and efforts to oppose, defeat and remove psychopaths who control the world are ill-advised, ineffective and unsuccessful. There is a brilliant and successful secret strategy for opposing, defeating and removing psychopaths from power, but until people have tried all the old strategies and failed they will not be willing to listen to anything different.  


We still read about corruption, fraud and deceit taking place at the highest levels of government, particularly in the United Sates, but also Great Britain and Europe. It’s now more than obvious that a small elite group of banksters control the world’s money, finance and international banks and they manage top politicians and military leaders through a combination of bribery, blackmail, assassination and their creation and distribution of money, which they can transfer through top-secret budgets and projects to finance revolutions and bribe leaders they control. The elite banksters include members of extremely wealthy European family dynasties such as: (1) the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and Kochs, (2) constitutional royal families, (3) reclusive royal families who abdicated years ago. These banksters instigate international wars to further their quest for wealth and control over governments and their money supply. The most recent European wars were instigated to establish British supremacy and then the United States military and CIA were established as the global police force which the banksters manage. The United States is essentially a grand colony of Britain and Europe.


Pursuit of wealth and political power by the Vatican has partly collaborated and partly competed with the international banksters and European royal families. The Vatican seems to have lost its long-standing influence over European affairs, but there are indications that affiliations and collaboration between religious, financial and royal seats of power are still fostered behind the scenes. 


As history shows, some oligarchies like the Saudi royals collaborate with the European family dynasties, but other so-called “rogue nations” continually rebel against them and in recent years several countries, the so-called BRICS nations, led by Russia and China, have been ganging up against the European system of global control. BRICS nations are quietly working on a secret plan to break away from US domination of international trade and finance and the elite banksters may in fact have devised that break-away plan as part of their quest for better control over the nations. Divide and conquer is their strategy at every level.


For decades, the weakest of these “rogue nations” have suffered for their rebellion but BRICS allies are slowly increasing and their break-away plan coming together. These rebel nations benefit from current treaties for international, trade, finance, law and order because these facilitate trade among themselves and they can still trade with sanctioned countries who use crooked international trading companies as intermediaries, to arrange secret trade deals. Such black-market money-laundering operations and collusion by certain international banks yield greater profits than fair, honest, regulated business. Leaders in the anti-Western economic cooperative plan to defeat Western military forces by continuing to honour treaties for collaborating with the US and NATO for supplying fuel, sustenance and salaries for NATO forces, US military and CIA equipment and manpower in foreign countries and at sea but secretly planning to eventually end their existing agreements. That would be fatal for the Western allies.


While BRICS nations and their “rogue” allies are planning an alternative international trade and financial system which they hope will soon give them more influence over international affairs and access to strategic natural resources, many US politicians and top military leaders protect their coveted role as supremacists and global police by ordering sanctions, subversion and economic warfare, to punish “rogue nations.” If that doesn’t succeed, they will arrange false flag terror and/or missile attacks and use false accusations to start a major international war to defend their supremacy.


The banksters were hoping to achieve their goals by driving “rogue nations” into economic ruin and revolution, then taking over their governments and forcing them into submission and cooperation with the European elite. But BRICS nations got wise, took preventative measures and therefore the banksters strategy only worked in the cases of Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Argentina, South Africa and Ukraine. Venezuela, Yemen and Syria are still under attack and resisting with great suffering among their citizens. For several years we have been hearing rumours of a new international financial system and the banksters appear to have been secretly planning this for a long time. They need their own new international system for trade and finance if they want to stop rebel nations using existing trading treaties and banking schemes and then applying potentially disruptive economic tactics against Western military forces deployed all over the world.


Some independent political analysts believe President Trump is leading a counter-force which will overthrow the elite globalists and introduce a new era of peace, prosperity and justice for all. But many of us who follow the news and commentaries of the independents disagree on the potential outcome of this apparent counter-reaction. We don’t believe Trump is sincere about his campaign promises and see current events as mere political theatre. The wealthy European dynasties will continue their domination and control of international affairs with little opposition for many decades to come, because, as the old sayings go, “Money talks!” and “Everyone has his price.” That’s why “The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil” and Like President Trump, top US politicians and military leaders are only paid servants and agents who are not privy to the bankster’s secret plans. They follow orders from the elite or else!


Conclusion: This situation can continue for many decades because money makes the world go around, and as long as people of all nations continue to love money above all else, evil will continue to flourish. Only the banksters continually get their way in all this because those who finance the revolutions and wars are usually the winners in their divide and conquer strategies and the public know little if anything of all this. Whether the elite achieve their goal this way or that way and whether it happens sooner or later, rogue nations will eventually obey the banksters. What else can we expect when personal success is measured by someone’s wealth and the success of nations is measured by the monetary value of their Gross Domestic Product? 

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