CTP Uncomfortable Admissions and Why necessary I make them
[This is now going to be my, every B4IN article, standard opening:
I get it, I really do, all these outlets are operating as a business… And how do they make money? Advertising! (more continues: /media/2024/07/click-bait-here-click-bait-there-everywhere-click-bait-2515961.html )
Yes, sorry, frankly I TOO find especially the initial Ads here ANNOYING (but it keeps the Site FREE FOR VIEWING no Pay Wall to have to BUY your way past - However, if you engage an AD BLOCKER often I have found it/they can cause issues with seeing all the intended article content --- don't want you to miss any of mine, nor anyone else who posts here entire content as intended! ]
Below follows Primary Summary, Key Takeaways, and Quotes, as well as other materials (based upon the associated CTP episode) generated by/with #DeepCastPRO (with a few added in cross-references to additional TLB fare…
- DeepCast.fm episodes digests direct: https://deepcast.fm/podcast/christitutionalist-tm-politics
- DeepCastPRO for Podcasters: https://tinyurl.com/DeepCastPro4Podcasters (Claim FREE listing)
The speaker, Joseph M. Lenard, begins by explaining that this video he’s recording will contain some uncomfortable admissions and personal revelations that he would rather not share. He acknowledges that his humble recording setup at home might give the impression that he’s doing well financially, but he wants to dispel that assumption. Lenard reveals that despite being an internationally published author and having podcasts and radio appearances, he is currently on disability income after previously having a lucrative IT career job. BUT THIS IS NOT ABOUT JOSEPH M LENARD, but a “needed” setup for relevance and make future points here-in. Need for all (like directly addressed in/at: CTP Listener Feedback – can you #SelfReflect? | Promotional | Dec 10) for #SelfReflection and our GOOD DEEDS vs any potential SELFISHNESS times other part of the Ledger!
Joseph discusses the contrast between his current financial situation and the more fortunate circumstances he used to enjoy, like taking vacations abroad. However, he emphasizes that his intention is not to seek sympathy but to provide context. Lenard then describes an encounter he had that day where he decided to give a dollar to a homeless person living in a tent near the freeway, instead of spending $2.50 on McDonald’s (OK, what only costs that at McD’s? well, 4 piece McNuggets from the $1/$2/$3 Value menu; not MAJOR detail, but part of the “background” and “backstory” regarding all of this as always say #DETAILSmatter and more-so for here #CONTEXTmatters and why sharing so much otherwise bit embarrassing to tell) for himself. He chose to have a single piece of toast for his entire day’s meals. Lenard stresses that he’s sharing these personal details not for pity but to illustrate that others have it much worse, and to encourage people to have a sense of proportion and gratitude and about our “sense of Priorities” and/or lack there-of at times.
Joseph M. Lenard is facing financial difficulties despite his credentials as an author and media personality, and is on disability income.
He chose to give money to a homeless person instead of buying himself food, to encourage gratitude and perspective.
Lenard emphasizes not wanting pity, but providing context about assumptions people make about his financial status.
He expresses frustration with having to pay taxes like property tax on his limited income.
Lenard is able to continue his work thanks to support from a community that shares his values and principles.
The episode aims to promote a sense of appreciation for what one has, as others have it far worse.
It challenges the mindset of constantly complaining and demands for more, contrasted with gratitude.
Lenard advocates for better policies to help people have more of their own money for essentials.
“And like what I am an internationally published author doesn’t mean everyone who publishes a book is J.K. rowling and Stephen King rich.” – Joseph M. Lenard
“I am on disability, yes, thankfully, for a time I had a nice IT career job with a six figure income was able to pay-off the House.” – Joseph M. Lenard
“But yet, of course, I do have to come up with the extortion money to pay the state for the privilege of keeping the roof over my head in the form of property Taxes.” – Joseph M. Lenard
“So rather than continue to the McDonald’s to spend my $2.50, I gave him a dollar, turned my car around, came back home, took out a slice of bread, put it in the toaster and that is my dinner for today.” – Joseph M. Lenard
“I’m not asking you to feel sorry for me. And again, I feel it necessary to tell you this because assumptions I know people make. Published author. Oh, he must be doing well. No, has a podcast, must be doing well. No, I do this on the cheap and would not be able to do it without friends who through biblical community and they share my values and principles (and financially support these efforts via Paid Subscribership) of biblical community and desire to share that.” – Joseph M. Lenard
Above Primary Summary, Key Takeaways, and Quotes, as well as other materials (based upon the associated CTP episode) generated by/with #DeepCastPRO
- DeepCast.fm episodes digests direct: https://deepcast.fm/podcast/christitutionalist-tm-politics
- DeepCastPRO for Podcasters: https://tinyurl.com/DeepCastPro4Podcasters
(Claim FREE listing)
NOT DISCUSSED IN THE EPISODE: Are you ready for some TOUGH LOVE? Not about, nor toward, the poor man out there needing help (and I posted about on/across my social-media in hopes others too would reach-out and assist him), but I do need say something about the Cons, Fakes, Frauds, Scammers, that make it HARD for someone like that man as many will not give to pan-handlers KNOWING so many out there can/may be fakes/frauds…
So, I need you to NOT have knee-jerk reaction to the HARSHNESS that will be beginning the following extended/run-on paragraph… Hang in with me, betting most of you will agree.
As I did say in the Video – I have personally seen (and heard stories from others) about they literally saw (as, again, I HAVE MYSELF) someone pulling up off to the side of a Road, or some Parking Space in a Parking lot near where they are going to PanHandle, THEIR NEWER (if not brand new) Cadillac Escalade (my Dad worked for GM, I had the cheaper Chevy Avalanche version (a $40k Truck back in 2000, back when I was working and had a great Salary, now I am on Disability Fixed Income, and drive a Car that was GIFTED TO ME as I could not afford to replace the previous paid-for Grand Am that fell apart and couldn’t be on Roads any longer)) and those (Escalade’s) are likely now at a cost of SIX FIGURES! That person (is NOT REALLY #HURTING, has a very #pathetic case of not understanding #PRIORITIES, or indeed #purposefully, #willfully, and #MALICE aforethought, eager to SCAM OTHERS) is a con/scammer/fake/fraud but see them walk in their shabby clothes to their corner and START BEGGING! PanHandling is generally STILL AGAINST LAW in most locales. IF NOT there are LOITERING LAWS and/or Ordinances! IT IS TIME for a CRACK-DOWN on the FRAUDS, and NOT HARASS though those actually in need and little places to turn to (or that the local CHARITIES indeed are strapped and can only do so much for them too)! NO, not asking LEOs be assigned to Police these things, but WHAT ABOUT THOSE “ORDINANCE OFFICERS” generally driving around harassing us if our Lawn got 1mm over Ordinance allows before we get chance to Mow it and ISSUE US TICKETS for stupid shit!!! HOW ABOUT they get OFF THEIR ASSES and look into these things, check area Surveillance videos to see IF THEY ARE OBVIOUS CONS/SCAMMERS and DOING SOMETHING ABOUT SUCH so that those really in need are not constantly passed by because we know and cannot tell difference between in-need and the scammers?!?!? I did not do so here, but I have in past, clearly exposed CONS; if they are begging for money cuz “THEY NEED FOOD” then, as I have before, OFFER TO BUY THEM FOOD inside where they are outside begging. SEE really IF they are indeed hungry. One time outside an Eatery I made the offer and the guy said he needed FOOD FOR HIS FAMILY so I offered to buy him, for him and them, SOME FOOD within the establishment – HE agreed, followed me in, I that time too SKIPPED my Meal so I could afford their Meal, bought him some stuff, we walked out together, I got in my Car, stayed there a bit, watched what he was going to do next, and indeed he headed directly to the BUS STOP about 100 feet away — likely to then take the Bus home so he could share that Meal with his hungry Spouse and Children!!! DEMAND the Ordinance Officers DO SOMETHING USEFUL for a damn change!!
And as I’d said from even times I was “doing well” my Life philosophy, that I then put in print by having my character “Marten” say it in my “Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You” book —- “Remember, things can ALWAYS be better, but they can OFTEN be worse” and the ABOVE ALL US KEY TAKEAWAY HERE-IN: There are plenty, have NOTHING, and need our Help!!!! https://TerrorStrikes.info/charity
If not doing for self and others for Good, Slave to what others relegate you (Bad) into…. | Awakening? Start Here | Dec 14
And, again THANK YOU to/for DeepCastPro – I am able to do more with far less effort/energy now; which is important given my Health Issues (far less energy expending these days with their assistance, as the energy/effort is more-so an issue way I am these days then the “time” necessarily, so much fewer “usable” hours for physical or dedicated heavier mental/thinking output times in my days and cutting time needed automatically reduces effort over time that is much needed as I get even older and ever slower). It is now Sun. Dec. 15 18:00ish as I put some additional comments/thoughts in beyond the aid DCpro gives me and indeed WORN OUT and will be needing to relax on Couch (watch Bills at Lions game, on Network OTA/TV) the rest of the Night til Bedtime.
- DeepCast.fm episodes digests direct: https://deepcast.fm/podcast/christitutionalist-tm-politics
- DeepCastPRO for Podcasters: https://tinyurl.com/DeepCastPro4Podcasters (Claim FREE listing)
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A break from #Politics….
Welcome to #Detroit and #LostCausesArena (and you thought #LCA stood for #LittleCaesers #Arena, didn’t you? LOL) home to #NHL #DeadWings and #PistOFFS
#Wings need #FIRE #HeadCoach, and then beyond that if they do not get the (most usually) NEW #COACH BUMP and make the #Playoffs! Then….
the #YZERplan has be declared #YZERfail and he be #YZERfired!!!
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