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By Mica Molecule
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Anti-globalist movement gains considerable momentum with BREXIT, Donald Trump

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~~The anti-globalist movement has gained considerable momentum with the widely publicized BREXIT vote and election of Donald Trump and it’s a good time to take a penetrating look at the globalist ideology and the anti-globalist movement. For decades globalist policies and schemes have been defined and pushed by small, elite financially powerful groups, particularly in the Western world, for global government. Here’s an excellent introduction to the globalist agenda and tactics:

The quest for a single global government is ancient and indeed even the bible predicts a future age of universal government by a superior race for peace, justice, freedom and prosperity.

When considering the challenges facing national governments today, it becomes obvious they face insurmountable problems. As populations expand, technology becomes more powerful and the last remaining sparsely inhabited regions of the world are invaded and exploited, it becomes increasingly difficult if not impossible for humans to continue forever extracting and harvesting sufficient quantities of commodities for everyone without depleting the natural resources of the earth, without aggravating the scourge of pollution and without provoking a devastating international war over control of strategic resources.

Advisors of the financially powerful elite should understand the challenge better than everyone else. Their highly paid mission is to collect accurate information on global trends, predict the expected future scenario and devise schemes for their paymasters to gain maximum advantage from prior knowledge for commercial, economic and financial benefit and profit. These smart analysts use the most extensive collections of data and most advanced artificial intelligence programs to predict the future, so they should know long before anyone else what’s going on and where we are heading. But they don’t really know.

The paymasters only gain maximum advantage of prior knowledge for their own benefit and profit if they and no one else have this valuable inside information. All other commercial, economic and financial analysts and experts are kept in the dark or led up the garden path (so to speak) with misleading information, pseudo scientific journal articles and conferences and mumbo-jumbo official pronouncements. In that way the elite use superbly devised tricks and strategies to stay ahead of their potential competitors.

Returning to the globalist ideology, some years ago, the masters of the universe came to realize that the long term outcome of existing trends would be a devastating international war, if a change in direction was not made. Rather than trying to make profits out of war (as they did in nearly all major wars of the past) this time they need to avoid a major war. They know that modern powerful technology and weaponry could cause far more damage and loss of commercial, economic and financial power than the potential profits they might make from financing war and rebuilding ruined cities and infrastructure. So a different plan was needed. 

Universal governance is the elitist ideology and strategy for maximum control over pollution and strategic resources to ensure peace, justice, freedom and prosperity for all. When saying “for all” that doesn’t mean for 10 billion people. It means for the right, limited number of people that their advanced artificial intelligence calculates for long term sustainable development of the earth and its people.

So the “paradise” that the globalist envision will require some culling of the world’s population (as the bible predicts) and they would never allow their secretly classified information, ideology and schemes to be leaked or published. Their compartmentalized organization and separate teams of analysts seldom if ever have a enough pieces of the puzzle to see the highly guarded big picture. Only the elite at the top of the secret hierarchy have enough information and insight to predict the future and devise schemes to benefit from their secrets.

Returning to the anti-globalist movement, several intelligent, honest, clear-mined and hard-working analysts, journalists and government officials have come to realize how the elite globalists operate. They became suspicious through leaks and hints from insider moles in the secret organization concerning global governance and population culling. Other people heard about this and are not willing to lose their national identities, cultures and economic advantage in a new global system. So the push-back movement has gained ground, initiated and supported by the alternative media.

The trouble with the anti-globalist movement is that they lack the experience, competence, organization and means to research and devise a better solution than the globalist ideology. They fight against globalism but have no practical alternative. Furthermore, when workable solutions are not available and the enormity of the problem is confronted, anti-globalists resort to fantasizing. Their alternative “paradise” is to ban “BIG BROTHER” style governments and leave everyone alone to do what they think best on a local or regional scale. All of history proves that this model of “paradise” only works for large populations when they comprises only perfect saints and angels. Anti-globalists have no practical way or proposal for controlling or eliminating all the world’s crooks, war-mongers, rapists, paedophiles, drug addicts, parasites, polluters and the like.     

Elite insiders realize the opposition they face and the inability of anti-globalists to solve the world’s seriously challenging problems, and so they use strategies much like parents use on their children – they work on a need-to-know basis. Parents do not invite all their children to vote on a serious and complex plan of action that will affect the whole family. Parents make plans in confidence, devise some trivial details for the children to vote on and also offer one or more other undesirable pseudo-alternatives to vote on. That’s how the Elite operate.

Universal governance seems to be the only practical strategy for solving the world’s problems but the anti-globalist movement is becoming an added problem for the elite on top of existing challenges. I say “seems to be the only practical strategy” because there is another much better strategy. However, this practical and long term effective strategy cannot be published because if the Elite and their analysts come to discover this brilliant, practical strategy (which doesn’t include them) they will do everything to sabotage the third force, just like they are  fighting and sabotaging the anti-globalist movement.

The only way to rid the world of crooks, rapists, pedophiles, oppressors and tyrants is through radical, global, political, economical and revolutionary spiritual warfare without bullets, missiles and bombs.   This brilliant and unique WAY is cryptically hidden in the Sacred Books, so that corrupt tyrants and violent or greedy people can’t discover and counter the strategy and therefore it escapes the minds of the worst elements of the human race. Only the wise will understand the cryptic instructions for surviving the coming global war.  Only the best of the human race are destined to survive and form the foundation of the new civilization in the next age.

In conclusion, I quote from the article linked at the start:  “We mean no disrespect to the general membership of the Catholic Church or the Protestants who send their leaders to genuflect to the Pope, or to the average Jewish family who is being used a shield to hide the insidious acts of the Zionists, or to the devout Muslim whose religion has been hijacked by radical Islamists. But folks, if you don’t come out and call out the evil in your religious organizations….then YOU ARE PART OF THE EVIL IN THE WORLD. If you don’t call out the evil of the Vatican, the Zionists, and the radical Islamists that hide behind your worship, then you are a hypocrite to your religion, God, Goddess, or Savior.”

Saint Paul said that the day of Judgment will not come until the enemy in our midst is exposed and expelled from our congregations. – 2 Thessalonians 2:3-7.

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