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By Jeffery Pritchett
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New Benjamin Fulford: In a White Hat Victory, Mark Zuckerberg and Former UK Prime Minister Talk Conspiracy Truth

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In a sign the tide is really turning in favor of the white hats, the corporate media and former KM bosses have started telling the truth. For example, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg published a letter saying Joe Biden’s administration “repeatedly pressured” Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram. to “censor certain Covid-19 content” during the pandemic. Also, former UK Prime Minister Elizabeth Truss says in public the Governor of the Bank of England is in charge of the UK, not the Prime Minister. She adds, “That is a problem in a democracy.” British military intelligence (MI6) is aware civilian governments have been hijacked and promised action to deal with the situation (better late than never).



The move by Zuckerberg is important because he is a member of the Rockefeller family. They control Meta, WhatsApp and Instagram, This is a sign the Rockefellers have either been replaced or joined the white hats. This follows the white hat takeover of Google and the ongoing battle over Telegram (more on that below), meaning the truth is winning over falsehood. It also is probably linked to US President Donald Trump saying Zuckerberg plotted against him during the 2020 election and promising the Meta chief executive would “spend the rest of his life in prison” if he did it again.

In any case, this means it is just a matter of time before the remaining sleeping sheeple learn their leaders have been trying to kill 90% of humanity and enslave the survivors. The most recent attempt was mass murder by vaccine and the truth about this is leading inevitably to war crimes trials. The takeover of social media by the white hats is preparing public opinion for these tribunals.

Remember, Satan is the father of all lies and any person who took power in the West under Satanic rule had to have a big lie they could be blackmailed about in order to force obedience.

Barack Obama Hitler and Emmanuelle Macron of France are blackmailed about the fact they are married to men pretending to be women (By the way, French intelligence contacted us to say Macron, who is a Rothschild, is married to his father, not his uncle as we previously reported).

In Canada meanwhile, Crime Minister Justin Castrudeau is blackmailed about the fact he murdered his brother Michael and his father is Fidel Castro.

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In the case of the UK, Queen Elizabeth confessed she was being blackmailed with a video of her cutting off a child’s head and eating its’ heart. Similar blackmail affects most other public leaders in the G7.

Nonetheless, the Satanists are destined to lose because truth reflects the original creation and always wins in the end.

This is especially true when it comes to Satanically controlled central banks. No matter what sort of digital currency or other fiat (created out of nothing) money they try to use, they do not control the underlying physical reality.

This is why China and the BRICS are defeating the West. No matter what fake statistics the West churns out, the physical reality is the BRICS now control 80% or more of the physical real-world economy. For example, even if the US cut off all imports from China that would only affect 2% of China’s GDP while the loss of Chinese goods would devastate the US poor and working class.

This is why Barack Obama Hitler sent his National Security adviser Jake Sullivan to China last week on yet another begging mission. Asian Secret Society sources say Sullivan conveyed a message from his master Obama that “We colored people should stick together so please finance Kamala Harris to be the next US president.” They also promised to obey China and turn the US communist in exchange for money. The Chinese said no, and added they were against all forms of racism, including racism against Europeans. That is why Sullivan looks so unhappy in the picture below.

By the way, the white hats took control of the Biden actor pretending to be president and made him do things like take a dump in public so, Obama had him killed and replaced with a new actor. This is the one who handed the puppet baton to Kamala. The new one is taller.

The Western white hat alliance, for its part, supports the BRICS idea of a world village instead of a centralized totalitarian KM theocracy. However, they are also willing to fight China if necessary.

That brings us to the biggest unreported news of the past week. US surrogates killed over 2000 Chinese troops last week after they invaded

In a white hat victory, Mark Zuckerberg and former UK Prime Minister talk conspiracy truth – Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis (


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