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The Pre-tribulation Rapture Trap

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If you are a novice Christian, do not fall for the trap of a pre-tribulation rapture. While all hell is literally about to break loose, the trap is thinking you will have an easy way out of it. It is in Satan’s interest to have you fall for this trap. Thinking that Jesus will rapture you out of here before all hell breaks loose will only make you cannon fodder for the Devil and his forces when all hell does break loose. Is the so-called Church ready for martyrdom today? No they are not. They are not ready to stand in their faith against the ravages of the beast. Do not be misled by what someone says the Bible says. Read the Bible for yourself. Read the 24th chapter of Matthew and you’ll see that Jesus comes for the Church after the tribulation period. Read the Book of Revelation and you’ll see that Jesus calls us to a patient and enduring faith during the time of the antichrist. We are entering the time period the Bible warned us about, the time the world of the dead will open its mouth wide for. The body of Christ should be in boot camp bracing and strengthening themselves in the LORD, preparing for all-out war, the war of all wars. But instead, the so-called Church is ill prepared for what will soon envelop the whole world because of this false hope of being raptured out of here before the tribulation period. They are oblivious to the sounds of war in the heavenlies and prepare not for what is about to happen. Because they have not studied the Scriptures, they will be sitting ducks for the enemy to take out. They will fall pitifully short in their destinies, to what God has called them to.

Do not listen to these false teachers who unwittingly lay a trap for you. Soon, the sons of God will be revealed and then the end will come, the Book of Revelation will play out on the world stage:



And if you are a sheep that has been misled by a false teacher regarding a pre-tribulation rapture, I bid you now to cut out this nonsense of thinking you won’t be here and run, not walk, but run for cover in the shadow of His wings (see Psalm 91) if you expect to endure until the end, whether the end for you is martyrdom or the Second Coming, which occurs at the end of this age at the 7th trumpet.

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    Total 5 comments
    • Truthseeker

      These poor folks, “I get to escape but you are left behind” what lies. I guess they never read the part that states, God’s chosen are like gold refined in the fire. If you are not “refined” you are none of His.

      I have put a couple of articles in the last week or two. But people love lies.

      Please keep this up.

      • am123

        Thank you Truthseeker. Yes, people love the lies like you said, and like the Apostle Paul said:

        “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;”
        —2 Timothy 4:3

        You too keep up speaking the truth, for that is what we are called to do.

        Grace and peace.

    • east928

      I just read the entire Mathew 24 chapter. It indeed disusses Christs return. But…Christs return is to happen AFTER the rapture. Here are a few versus that discuss and compare this: (this is why I do not feel deceived abouth the rapture happening BEFORE the tribulation)….but as I’ve always said, hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.

      The rapture of the faithful in contrast to the Revelation of Jesus at His coming*

      Christ comes for His own 1Th 4:13-18 ——————–Christ returns with His own Rev 19:14
      Believers taken to Father’s House Joh 14:3 —————-Believers come with Jesus to Earth Mat 24:30
      He is seen only by believers 1Co 15:52 ——————–Every eye will see Him Mat 24:30
      Earth not judged ———————————————–Earth judged Rev 20:4-5
      A Mystery – 1 Co 15:51 ————————————–Foretold in OT Zech 12:10
      Christians taken first 1Th 4:13-18 3 Mat 13:28-30 ——-Wicked are taken first Mat 25:1-13; Rev 3:8-10; Rev 4:1,
      He comes to present the Church to Himself 2 Co 11:2 —He comes with His Church for judgement and to set up his Kingdom Rev 19:6-9, Zec 14:3-4; Jud 1:14-15; Rev 19:11-21

      • am123

        “Christs return is to happen AFTER the rapture”

        The rapture and Second Coming occur simultaneously and in fact, the rapture is a “subset” and is part and parcel of the Second Coming.

        The Second Coming is heralded by the last trump (7th) and expresses itself as the last woe (3rd).

        The 3rd woe occurs simultaneously with, and in concert with, the Second Coming (rapture). It is at the conclusion of the 2nd woe that the 3rd woe/Second Coming will be truly imminent, right at the door (see REV 11:14 and Matthew 24:33).

        At the advent of the 3rd woe, at the sounding of the 7th trumpet (REV 11:15), there will be “a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great” (REV 16:18).

        Then shall Christ will come riding on the clouds (REV 1:7) in a more than awesome burst of power and glory to set up the eternal kingdom of God at the glorious conclusion and climatic and cataclysmic exclamation point at the end of the age known as the Second Coming of Christ :!: :!: :!:

    • Crazy times

      You wrote “You’re still not addressing the first 3 verses’ ….” I see”.

      Yes I did’ you DON”T SEE anything important,and you won’t accept ! ? as v6 supersedes v3 “as it is written”

      v3 Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin[b] is revealed, the son of perdition

      v6 And now you know what is restraining, that he may be revealed in his own time. 7 For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way.8 And THEN the lawless one will be revealed.

      as it is written v8 AND THEN ……”WHEN” THEN !!… he WILL BE REVEALED.

      this flows yours is a 3 card trick on PTR …..viewers beware he’s set a trap if you answer him.

      Furthermore ….YOU ALSO… DON’T SEE

      The church(es) missing whereabouts during “Jacobs Trouble”

      The Elders as relevant

      The redeemed around the throne…. out of every Nation

      The rapture…. until the END , I thought we where to judge

      The crowned ones

      The OPEN door in Heaven

      The DOOR NEVER OPENS AGAIN…..the 10 Virgin parable during Jacobs trouble.

      The Wife (recognize the change)

      The saying Y’shua said to John , He (John) will tarry till I COME. when did he come for Him ?

      I’m only just getting started I have so much more that you won’t be able to SEE, so I’m restraining myself, as you have been found wanting and won’t accept… “as it is written”

      2 Peter 3:16 As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.

      2 Peter 3. AND he’s taking about…The Day of the Lord.

      This is YOU.

      and anyone who thinks SATAN has been holding himself (SATAN) back, as the restrainer as you mentioned… is totally Deluded

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