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Prophecy News - 'SUDDENLY, part 2', given to Anonymous One by Yahweh and a 2nd more detailed message by Jesus, September 21st, 2024

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The first message was solely by Yahweh (I AM who I AM), this second message has a short entry by Yahweh and a much longer description by Jesus of what we face, and why.

 image Only a few will survive Nuclear War

9/22/24 9:27 PM
Anonymous One


SUDDENLY, SUDDENLY, SUDDENLY! Prophecy is unfolding before your eyes; a nation destined for destruction is a nation that has left the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. You have tested a Holy Righteous God and due to the fact most do not fear Me, all will shortly see just who I truly am. The demons tremble and shortly man will tremble with fear and awe! Are you ready? Suddenly it comes, suddenly many fall. Come now children for as this starts you will not be able to hear My Voice or keep your head above water. YOU NEED ME!. I desire to help you if you seek Me and return. Fear and unbelief will take most of you; it gives the enemy a stronghold of control. You should have read My Word. You have broken your covenant with Me O’America! Now I will bring you low!!

(Given to me when I received the Suddenly Part ! and then He added this on 9/21/2024)

My child, write these words down.

My children, are you understanding your lives hang in the balance? In a moment’s notice, in the blink of any eye, your life is over; just like that! Children, Children, Children, every man is appointed once to die. There is no rapture; that you will be whisked away before destruction hits! What is coming will devastate all. Have I not said in Part 1 that all will be tested?

Your wonderful government, along with European Nations plan on attacking Russia, and USA is complicit in this providing missiles. They ALL want a nuclear war and are pushing vehemently for this. Children, understand this-they not only want to stop the election but want to kill billions quickly, even exterminating Russians in Ukraine. Ukraine is a major human trafficking operation, filtering in filthy lucre, and also fueling their sexual appetites and drinking the “blood” of children. Does your local news network speak of this? NO! Why? – because they are all pre-programmed, written & controlled by those who want WWIII and have heavily invested their money into these human trafficking rings; along with drug cartels, money laundering, embezzling, fraud, treason. They weren’t satisfied that their vaccine didn’t kill millions more.

So let us reflect shall we? Between all vaccines that were used to maim (to cause permanent injury) or kill, drug running, pushing fentanyl, splice xylazine (horse tranquilizer) drugs to maim and kill; pushing abortions and offering in home service (order the pill & it is done); to push and salute killing MY precious babies even at birth. Starting trouble always with other nations, as they have stolen money from donations that were to be given to other nations to help those in need. They have also manipulated markets since the beginning, controlled the banks and corporations of big business, controlled all music and movie industry. Must I go on? This is only a small part of what they have built their kingdoms on. There is so much more and it is all done at civilian’s expense as they live luxuriously, indulging in sacrifices to Molech and engaging in their pedophilia. I, the Lord, sees it all!

What will you do when the nuclear bomb hits home? The countless death toll would be astronomical as they would go and hide in their bunkers, which you My children paid for. You can barely get by, yet your government is giving your tax dollars to the invaders, buying them homes, cars, their drugs, weapons, even setting up Western Union centers to allow them to send money to their terrorist affiliations, and to send money to bring more in over the border. Now they are coming in from the North too. You are blind sheeple believing the news channels on TV that have NOT told the public how to prepare. What is truly going on, they are purposely keeping all in the dark to cover their tracks. There is absolutely NO concern for your well-being, whether you live or die. They pray for your demise to their Lucifer (satan). Do you see how they promote witchcraft and sorcery? It’s at your half-time game shows, in movies, in songs as they sing on stage.

Do you see how “enslaved” you truly are? Who has protected this nation for all these years? You have forgotten Me. “Vengeance is Mine saith the Lord and I will repay” (Romans 12:19). I AM is coming soon, but you children will meet your Maker through death. Only a few will survive this. Death is nothing to fear if you are in repentance to Me daily, keeping yourself in check, removing your idols and accepting Me as Lord & Savior.. Who left heaven’s home to come in the flesh as man; live, die and rise to make a way, so you could be reconciled to the Father. It is I, Yahushua (Jesus) who was born in the flesh. I came to be the “Sacrificial Lamb”. I return as the Lion of Judah and bring My reward with Me to each individual. I hold the keys to hell and death. You choose where you want to go for all eternity. If you choose to repent with a contrite heart you will enter into everlasting life. If you choose the imposter’-your best life now will be your worst nightmare for all eternity. Separation from a Holy God and eternal torment.


SUDDENLY, SUDDENLY, SUDDENLY it comes; in a flash; that is all it takes, and as if this is not bad enough, your government who is so generous to all the criminal migrants will receive the order to kill. Murder will be rampant; then add insult to injury, they have brought in the Chinese who are also merciless and this nation has their own UN Military. These are not your friends children. They want to confiscate your weapons and then use them to slaughter you. This, too, is all part of the plans. NEW WORLD ORDER (NWO) is nothing more than a globalist coup to exterminate all useless eaters. Do you not yet see their arrogance, see through their lies and deceit through their schemes?

They call all “truth conspiracy” and all “lies truth”. Why is it and did you even ever wonder why conspiracy theorists are imprisoned and/or murdered, yet the deceivers (liars) are never charged? Treason has been committed in this nation, and have they been charged and removed? Ponder this. When good is called evil and evil is called good, you are staring into the faces of the very ones who were to uphold the Constitution and protect the people. These very ones, the leaders, are the Nazis; satan twists everything to his liking. He has all his in positions of power and has bought out others with his bribes. He is systematically destroying all that once was good.

Why did you children turn your backs to Me? The sins are so deep, and it’s for turning away that satan has legal rights to do as he wants. It is allowed as I cannot look at sin. I am merciful and I do love you, so in order for My Light to shine, this darkness must come. My manifested sons and daughters will go forth in My Name and will do great exploits in MY Name. I, Yahushua (Jesus) will lead My army across this land. The Great Harvest is about to begin. Return to Me-I long for you to be with Me and I will wipe every tear from your eyes. Everlasting joy, peace and love will be yours. My Kingdom is a NEW WORLD and not anything like their New World Order, to enslave you, to mark you with their chip, to keep you in 15 minute cities – imprisoned for life and controlled – death to all who refuse to comply. Choose this day whom you will serve!!!

I love you all. I do not give sugary words, for you live in troublesome and tumultuous times now. Truth is truth. I cannot lie.
Commander in Chief – Yahushua (Jesus)

1:22 am is when I finished writing it, and was led to Hebrews 12:2 (Nkjv)
looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Lamentations 1:1-2 How doth the city sit solitary, that was full of people! how is she become as a widow! she that was great among the nations, and princess among the provinces, how is she become tributary! 2 She weepeth sore in the night, and her tears are on her cheeks: among all her lovers she hath none to comfort her: all her friends have dealt treacherously with her, they are become her enemies.

Lamentations 2:16-17 All thine enemies have opened their mouth against thee: they hiss and gnash the teeth: they say, We have swallowed her up: certainly this is the day that we looked for; we have found, we have seen 17 The Lord hath done that which he had devised; he hath fulfilled his word that he had commanded in the days of old: he hath thrown down, and hath not pitied: and he hath caused thine enemy to rejoice over thee, he hath set up the horn of thine adversaries.

Isaiah 5:20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Hebrews 9:27 AMP And just as it is appointed and destined for all men to die once and after this [comes certain] judgment,



Suddenly, part 2

Suddenly, part 1

Mary’s Messages



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