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By Joseph Zrnchik for 5th Estate Media Email: (Reporter)
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A Major Appeal To

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A Major Appeal To


Your website is helping the mainstream media destroy and discredit alternative media.  You have writers who have spent a great deal of time and effort to be at the forefront of breaking news.  These writers have provided your website with biting rebuttals, stinging criticisms, insightful understanding and analysis and exposed the naked perverseness of the political establishment and mainstream media.  Your website has helped thousands of writers hone their skills and become accomplished pundits who have shown themselves to be more accurate in predicting the future, explaining unintended consequence and connecting second-order and third-order effects caused by absurd US political policies than have all the experts for all the major networks combined.


For exampple, on July 15th, 2016, the people of the world watched a coup unfold in Turkey.  Prior to the event nobody in the mainstream media saw it coming, nor had any idea what was brewing below the surface, not Wolfe Blitzer, not Anderson Cooper, not Christiane Amanpour, not Fareed Zakaria, not David Gregory or Lester Holt.  So, how is it that I, a gym teacher in an elementary school, wrote the story  “Turkish Regime Change and the US Plan to End Erdogan” on February 29th, 2016, a full 4 ½ months before the coup occurred and before anyone discussed the issue in the mainstream media?  How is it I had Desert Storm exposed with all the background information regarding Kuwait slant drilling, regarding Saddam acting as a US proxy against Iran, the  Iraqi ambassador April Glaspie’s miscue in dealing with Saddam and his seeking permission to attack Kuwait?  How it is that I exposed the Bush treachery on the Highway of Death in which Bush attacked Saddam’s army while Iraq was withdrawing to avoid the attack that Bush launched after Saddam kept his promise to leave Kuwait?  The attack was a violation of the US agreement and involved skullduggery unheard of except for in US dealing with Native Americans and a violation of the Hague and Geneva Conventions.


The mainstream media never mentions the fact that the US deciding to attack Saddam during OIF occurred only after Saddam said he would begin only accepting euros in the UN Oil-for-Food Program.   Then the US suddenly made Gaddafi “Enemy Number 1” after he started the Libyan Dinar, which was a currency that was backed by gold, gold that was to come from his stating he would only accept gold for his oil.  The US then destroyed the Great Manmade River Project and all its production infrastructure. 


The media allowed lies about forged Iraqi document and laptop computers.  It allowed lies about Iraqi WMDs.  It allowed lies about the Iranian nuclear energy program.  It hid for the American people the can of worms that was opened as a result of Stuxnet.  It lied about the shoot down of Iranian Flight 655 and hid from the American people the  time, place, location, direction, communication, radar and transponder information and finally admitted years later it was carrying out a covert war against Iran in support of Saddam and that every fact it asserted was admittedly false.  Where was the American media then?  When Pan Am Flight 103 went down over Lockerbie, Scotland, the US blamed Gaddafi knowing full well it was Iranian payback but the US instead decided to go after Libya because Iran was too problematic and Libya was an easy extortion target.  All the intelligence operatives knew this to be the case, but the US did not want to admit to blowback after having attacked Iran and yet the Gaddafi accusation was literally based on the “evidence” that someone found a tag on a shirt from a shop in London that was found miles from the wreckage.  That was why they let the guy go before he died to return to Libya.  Even the Brits tacitly acknowledged the fact that it was a frame up by granting his release.


Then the media gave us the lies about Gaddafi passing out Viagra to rape squads in Libya and the nonsense about the Saudi-supported jihadists being Gaddafi’s own people for whom a no-fly zone needed to be established that suddenly turned into a six-month NATO bombing campaign.  Then it hid Clinton’s “Tick Tock on Libya” memo that Wikileaks published in which her lackeys, people like Susan Rice, Sidney Blumenthal and Huma Abedin documented her efforts to overthrow Gaddafi.  Why did the media lie by hiding her giggling in glee about Gaddafi being killed by getting a bayonet up his rectum?  Then the idiot, Thom Hartman, stated today that Petraeus had more to do with Libya than Hillary.  What a clown. I guess he never read the “Tick Tock on Libya” memo.


Then the media hid the fact that under the Bill Clinton Administration, Operation Patriot Conspiracy resulted in the FBI torture and murder of Kenneth Trentadue while in federal custody  that resulted in it hiding the fact that they had misidentified Trentadue for John Doe #2 who they later discovered was Richard Lee Guthrie, a man  who also died mysteriously while in federal detention.  The facts and evidence that were not destroyed by the FBI showed a heinous crime that resulted in the FBI destroying all video evidence regarding the placing of the OKC bomb at the Murrah Building to cover up its torture and murder of Trentadue.  Kenneth Trentadue’s brother, Jesse Trentadue, an acomplished attorney, won a million dollar lawsuit finding against the FBI that after a decade it still has yet to pay for its crime and the destruction of logs, video and even blood evidence.


Then the media white washes the Pan Am Flight 300 and the fact that scores of witnesses stated they had seen a missile take down the airliner.  The FAA stated the crash was the result of a system error that had never happened before or since. 


Then the media echoed the lies of the US government regarding Malaysia Flight MH17.  No media outlet cared to mention that the US had all its surveillance assets operating overtime in eastern Ukraine.  Yet, the media never asked the US why it refused to provide its evidence.  Then, the US demanded that all parties to the investigation each have the right to exercise a veto to hide the results of the investigation from the world, a right Ukraine decided to exercise once the evidence the US knew all along provided uncomfortable truths that indicted Ukraine and threw a wrench into the US propaganda machine.  Why has the media not attacked the US regarding this travesty?


Today, the Washington Post’s Jewish neocon  writer, Alissa Ruben, just mentioned that Assad winning in Syria would just be the beginning of his problems.  She never mentions anything about the Christians and Shiites who were beheaded by ISIS, or the fact that the US created an existential problem for Syrians as it supported ISIS that is now destabilizing Iraq. Assad has a simple choice, let them kill him and his fellow Alawites tomorrow or continue to fight forever.


These issues I have provided, and those regarding the Trump election, clearly demonstrate the media is a corporate propaganda outlet working in conjuction with the CIA and the US political establishment.  I can go on and on about the lies that have been exposed about Yemen, much of it written by former CIA officers who are disgusted with the US State Department, the US Legislature and the White House.  They have been right about the US losing Iraq, losing Afghanistan, losing Libya and now losing Syria as it has created chaos and an ISIS breeding ground in Libya. 


I could go on and on regarding the crimes of government and the lies by the mass media.  But, the main question is:  How can a nation have a functioning democracy when the decision-making process of legislation and the peoples’ attempt at deciding its representatives based on policy decisions all become skewed because of lies and propaganda that the US media never bothers to correct once the truth has become undeniable. They have locked Americans in a prison of lies and a false reality.  The US government can ignore reality forever, but it will the the people who pay the price for the government ignoring that reality.


In a previous article I brought up the fact that for a decade the US media and government were blaming Iran for creating a $100 “super note” and spending them into the world economy to destabilize the dollar.  It was later discovered to have been a Israeli mafia operation that even involved ex-Mossad agents.  Yet, when the convictions showed it had nothing to do with Iran, not one sticking Jewish-controlled media outlet in the US ran the story tp correct the propagand.  Why is this?  How can they then call,, Truthout,, Vineyard of the Saker, Drudge, The Intercept and scores of other alternative news sites as being fake news sites.  This site has writers who know what is going on and it wastes its credibility when it allows posts about Russia invading Minnesota via an underground railroad.  The thing that makes it worse that that idiots end up reading this nonsense as it gets thousands of hits while real news and information gets buried.


Therefore, I ask to begin another website that is managed and can serve as a news site that does not discredit those who are trying to do good work by bringing notice to the work of intellectuals, statesmen, former CIA officers, retired army officers, philosophers, political scientists and historians who have a proven track record of exposing the truth and connecting the dots.


I know you pride yourself in allowing anyone to post anything.  All I am saying is, how about providing another website that actually allows writers to seriously challenge the mainstream media.  Often times I write an intellectual or insightful article and after spending days working on it, I find I have had 38 people read it.  At that point I want to quit writing, especially when a story about Moon People living in the sewers in Chicago get 50 times the amount of hits I get after spending, in some cases, years educating myself about war, economics, history and geopolitics.


I especially get mad when I see garbage written by The Washington Post, The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal whereby neocon propaganda and lies get millions of readers and after exposing their lies line by line in easily discernable truth, I get 41 people to read my rebuttal.  The fact that I have provided decent articles for a long time and it has not translated into my getting a larger readership, shows BIN to be a dead end.  I realize that much of what I write is op-ed, but I have a better record of accuracy than Kristol, Krauthammer, Podhoretz, Boot, Kagan, Wolfowitz, Perl, Feith, or O’Reilly, Chris Matthews, or really anyone in MSM or the government.  Doesn’t it bother Bin to know that it is hurting many of its good writers?  To make matters worse, rarely are any of my articles accessed from the archived section even after I post some Youtube video that gets 11,000 hits.  It is easy to see how stupid and corrupt the mainstream media is in that outlets like Reuters or papers like WSJ, NYT or Washington Post, that have writers who publish online, never allow comments because these corporations know their false narratives will get destroyed by knowledgeable critics outside of the media.  They can not allow the truth to get out.  When lies replace the truth, we have a dystopia.  This is why things keep getting worse.  one half of the general population is indoctrinated and the other half has given up and just tuned out, which explains why the MSM had so little effect on the election even after attacking Trump 24/7.


So, consider what you can be while providing some great writers opportunities to help take down a corrupt media establishment.  The fact is that if the people knew the truth, they would never stand for the crimes committed by people like George Bush and Hillary Clinton or institutions like the Federal Reserve, the FBI and CIA.  It is a corrupt and controlled media that has allowed the elite to run amuck and roughshod over our liberty and security.  If you think what you are doing is helping the movement, you are mistaken.  You must grow to meet the new challenges and be more than what you were a year ago, a month ago or even a week ago.  When 80 percent of the nonsense gets omitted, you will become a news agency that could easily rival the mainstream media in readership, relevancy, accuracy and truth.  Take the leap of faith and be the Fifth Estate that brings accountability to the mainstream media.


Consider reading something like these articles below and tell me if you don’t learn more than you would from the garbage that is controlled by the six major media franchises.  Tell me these articles are not more provocative, insightful and educational than what the mainstream media offers and I will quit writing.  I am tired of wasting my time for 40 readers.  I am retiring from my job and it looks like I may retire from writing.  Just have a look, please.


The Humbling of an Arrogant Barak Obama, the Comeuppance of Hillary and the DNC, the Repudiation of Globalists and Liberals, and the Exposure of the Media as the Elitist Propaganda Arm and the Useful Idiots Who Fall for Its Propaganda 

I Guess BIN Readers Would Rather Read About the Russian Military Massing in Canada in Preparation for Invading the US 

The Humbling of an Arrogant Barak Obama, the Comeuppance of Hillary and the DNC, the Repudiation of Globalists and Liberals, and the Exposure of the Media as the Elitist Propaganda Arm and the Useful Idiots Who Fall for Its Propaganda 

How and Why WWIII Will Go Nuclear 

Hillary’s Clinton’s Cult of Personality and False Ideology 

The US Failed In Hiding What the World Now Knows About Flight MH17 (Updated 8/25/14) 

Why the U.S. is Doomed to Certain Failure 


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    Total 5 comments
    • Mr. R. West

      BIN is great as is! Your writing sucks and no one is going to read it anyway!

      • Joseph Zrnchik for 5th Estate Media Email:

        It seems that some are reading it. Why the anger? Do you like being lied to by the MSM? You must be an ignorant Clinton supporter.

      • Eggzactly

        Did your Mama ever teach you anything about Respect? What stories have you contributed to this site
        Mr R West? :roll:

    • Eggzactly

      Couldn’t You start the site yourself? It’s America you know. Why do you need BIN? :idea:

    • Richard Parker

      The lamestream media has proved for so many years they aren’t worth the time of day that people do and will look for alternative media. Do you remember an interview from Mr. White and Harrold Wallace Rosenthal some years ago? If anything, the media has plunged themselves further into the abyss since that day.

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