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Why Muslim Terrorists Don’t Kidnap Russians

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Why Muslim Terrorists Don’t Kidnap Russians

Terrorists use terrorism because it works, although not against everybody. The Soviet Union’s flaws were without number, but the effete, obsequious squeamishness that characterizes the current American approach to Islam was not among them. From 1986:

The Jerusalem Post said the Soviet secret police last year secured the release of three kidnaped Soviet diplomats in Beirut by castrating a relative of a radical Lebanese Shia Muslim leader, sending him the severed organs and then shooting the relative in the head.

The incident began when four Soviet diplomats were kidnaped last September by Muslim extremists who demanded that Moscow pressure the Syrian government to stop pro-Syrian militiamen from shelling rival Muslim positions in the northern Lebanese city of Tripoli.

The militiamen, the Jerusalem paper said, did not cease their attacks, and the body of one of the Soviet diplomats, Arkady Katkov, was found a few days later in a field in Beirut.

The KGB then apparently kidnaped and killed a relative of an unnamed leader of the Shias’ Hezbollah (Party of God) group, a radical, pro-Iranian group that has been suspected of various terrorist activities against Western targets in Lebanon.

Parts of the man’s body, the paper said, were then sent to the Hezbollah leader with a warning that he would lose other relatives in a similar fashion if the three remaining Soviet diplomats were not immediately released. They were quickly freed.

The newspaper quoted “observers in Jerusalem” as saying: “This is the way the Soviets operate. They do things–they don’t talk. And this is the language Hezbollah understands.”

In contrast, Obama doesn’t do things—he issues perfunctory condemnations and then goes back to playing golf.

Islamists understand that too. That’s why we should brace ourselves for a deluge of terror once ISIS has subdued local resistance and can turn its full attention to us…

America doesn’t do business like the KGB. But the policy of appeasing when not ignoring Islam will have to be revised, or there will be many more incidents like the execution of James Foley.


Russian bombing in Syria


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    Total 9 comments

      While the point being made, may be valid, I have to point out that their are no Soviets anymore. The Soviet Union has not existed for quite a while. Russians do exist, and do no play word games with terrorist. Details like this greatly influence the credibility of an article.
      The point that having a leader that believes promoting homosexuality is the primary concern of the US military, and tongue lashing opponents (and friends?) is the way to deal with the world doesn’t work against terrorist is accurate.

    • Pix

      “Why Muslim Terrorists Don’t Kidnap Russians”

      That’s a no brainer. It’s a bit difficult to terrorise someone while running for your life because Russia is dropping bombs on your head, and blasting you and all your American trained, armed and funded terrorist mates to pieces. Besides, America cant attack Russia because they would lose. America only attacks the weak and defenceless and even then they frequently have their arses handed back to them. America repeatedly proves how it doesn’t know how to fight, despite all it’s high tech gear, America kills more of it’s own than their enemies.


      • Bill Lyle

        I think it’s simpler than that, Pix. In all areas, the Obama vs. Putin thing is like Pee Wee Herman vs. Chuck Norris. Sure, it’s fun to watch, but you know who’s going to win.
        Obama is feckless, and gutless. Putin don’t screw around. This is precisely why ISIS doesn’t mess with Russians. Putin’s willing to respond, with the same fire as ISIS. He’s ex-KGB, and knows how to get results. Obama is a golfer, and knows how to placate.

    • Damien


    • VirusGuard

      The KGB servers Russia like it should do but the american CIA is in bed with MOSSAD and they only serve the interests of Israel and are the ones paying for these false flag attacks so the muslim boggy men are not subject to swapping an eye for an eye

      Not sure what the “C” is for but the “I” stands for Israel and the “A” stands for Arse and thats just where the CIA can be found.

    • truthlovingsoul




      PA. THET. IC.

    • truthseeker4809

      They don’t kidnap Jews either.

      • Jerry Redshield

        Everyone study Khazaria=Ukraine=Russia

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