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Apologize for kicking that Muslim Woman Out of the Trump Rally ---Hell No !!!

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The Selective Muslim Outrage : A Message From the Heart of Islam

Sent to us by a friend from Egypt, living and witnessing the hypocrisy and double standard of Muslims in a pure devout Muslim society.  Please note we hid his identity because of the imminent danger he could face. (Translated from Arabic) :Dear sir;

I witnessed myself children shot dead in front of churches by Muslim mobs in Egypt shouting Allah-Akbar. Not one Muslim condemned it , Not one Muslim protested it.  There was No Muslim outrage.

Muslim women and children beheaded and eliminated by nerve gaz the most barbaric way in Syria and Iraq By ISIS, Al-Nusra, Bashar El-Assad, Saddam Hussain.  No Muslim outrage.

Complete Christian families are eliminated in Pakistan. No Muslim outrage.

Anti-christian ethnic cleaning is going on now in Syria and Iraq by devout Muslims. No Muslim outrage.

Muslim officials block the exit where school girls are trying to escape a burning building In Saudi Arabia because their faces were exposed. No Muslim outrage.

Muslims cut off the heads of three teenaged girls on their way to school in Indonesia and attack entire Christian schools. No Muslim outrage.

Muslims slaughter hundreds of children and teachers in Beslan, Russia and shoot children in the back. No Muslim outrage. 

Muslims Kill hundreds inside a Theatre, underground stations, train Stations, residential buildings in Moscow. No Muslim outrage.

Thousands of children killed in Darfur (Sudan) by Muslims. No Muslim outrage. Entire societies of Hindus and Christians are butchered in Bangladesh. No Muslim outrage.

Entire christian village are eliminated , Women and children are butchered like sheep in Nigeria by devout Muslims in the name of Islam. No Muslim outrage.

Christian girls kidnapped and forced to convert to Islam in Nigeria, Egypt, Pakistan, India. No Muslim outrage.

Unlimited number of people mostly Muslims including women and children are massacred in Yemen, Somalia, Afghanistan, Bahrain, Mali, Libya , Sudan, South Sudan, Algeria, Lebanon, Egypt, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kyrgystan, Tunisia, all by their fellow Muslims in the name of Islam. No Muslim outrage.  

Let’s go way back. Muslims kidnap and kill Israeli athletes at the Munich Summer Olympics. No Muslim outrage.

Muslims fly commercial airliners into buildings in New York City, Washington DC, Pennsylvania and 3000 Americans killed in less than 2 hours in 2001 by Muslims in the name of Islam. No Muslim outrage. 

Muslims murder over two hundred tourists with car bombs outside cafes and hotels, and ballistic resorts in Egypt. No Muslim outrage. 

Muslims kill in one night over 100 christians protesting their ongoing discrimination, in Maspero Cairo. No Muslim outrage.

Muslims fire rocket-propelled grenades into schools and buses full of children in Israel. No Muslim outrage.

Muslim newspapers publish anti-Semitic cartoons and unlimited number to anti-semitic TV programs. No Muslim outrage.

Muslims are involved on one side or the other, in almost every one of the 200+ shooting wars around the world, and over 23424 terrorist attacks since september 11th 2001 in the name of Islam by Muslims. No Muslim outrage.

Terrorist attacks in Paris, London, Bali, Spain, Russia, morocco, China, Tunisia, Belgium, Sweden, Argentina, India committed proudly by Muslims in the name of Islam. No Muslim outrage .

Thousands of “would be”terrorist attacks and failed attacks all committed proudly by Muslims in the name of Islam all over Europe, North America and Australia. No Muslim outrage.

Dead children. Dead tourists. Dead teachers. Dead doctors and nurses. Dead nuns and priests . Death, destruction and mayhem around the world at the hands of Muslims. No Muslim outrage.

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But Israel dare to protect its people from the thousands rockets falling over homes, women, and children without discrimination from Hamas and its agents in Gaza or Hezbollah in Lebanon and all hell breaks loose and Muslims go out in the streets of the world in hate festivities like frenzied animals, burning flags, destroying buildings and cars, shedding their crocodile tears for the Muslim “women and children”, playing the “poor little victims” and call for the death of jews with islamic slogans and “palestinian” flags and Kaffieh. 

It’s not because Muslims care about “children”, or care about their fellow man. If they do, they wouldn’t use them as human shields,  or hide behind them in residential areas, schools, hospitals and mosques or send them to blow themselves up killing jews inside Israel. 

Human life has no value at all in Islam, and Muslims know that very well. It’s all about the hatred of Jews prescribed in the Quran, Hadith and Sunna. A historic religious hatred started by the prophet of Islam himself and prescribed it to all Muslims after him.


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Wake up western leftist “useful idiot” of Europe, North America and Australia, your are duped by your growing Muslim population. You are duped by the unrealistic utopian idea of Multiculturalism. You are duped by the political correctness of your politicians.

They succeeded to empoison your mentality and filled your empty souls with hatred, anger and turned you only into puppets and marionettes in their hands soiled with blood.

You think yourself acting for good while you are just enabling and facilitating evil…You stand beside tyranny and you think yourself the champion of justice…Your ignorance of Islam and the Muslim mindset confused you and made you turn the oppressed into oppressor and the oppressor into oppressed.

I know nothing is going to change your mind because you act out of self-loathing, you hate yourself, you hate your culture, you hate Christianity, you hate Judaism, you hate your civilisation, you hate democracy, you hate capitalism, you hate everything that made the western civilization the best of all time. You lost all your ancestors values, you’re destroying all what they built and fought for.

Your principales became corrupted and you are ready to ally yourself with the devil himself to satisfy this hatred inside you and destroy yourself by yourself. And you’re doing it already very good now. I feel so sorry for you.


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Here is another take on the situation


The Left’s True Colors

The Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, California, serves developmentally disabled people. The people who work there are good, caring folks. Muslim extremists murdered fourteen of them during a holiday party.

The victims were a veritable rainbow of of the Left’s favorite demographic groups — multi-racial, single, married, gay and immigrant. One had just gone shopping for her wedding dress. Another left behind a 22 month old son.

Usually, the Left would go ballistic over this kind of victimology. So isn’t it interesting that their reactions to the San Bernardino shooting have ignored the victims entirely.

  • Obama suggested it was a case of work place violence and insisted we do more to disarm law-abiding citizens.
  • The New York Daily News and CNN sneered at those who offered theiruseless thoughts and prayers, except (presumably) President Obama’s whose thoughts and prayers are no doubt not useless … or something.
  • And the Attorney General promised to track down people who have said mean things about Muslims.


So apologize, NO,

because you wore a  Star of David at a Trump Rally ,

and you were escorted the Hell OUT…Rightly So !

We dont play the fool over here in the USA.

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    Total 11 comments
    • Man

      it was an American stewardess who is a Muslim with a sign of ” Salaam, i come in peace”

      yeah that is a threat! a big threat!

      and all those” no muslim outrage” is just you not looking through the media cause everytime on twitter you see outrage by fellow muslims again and again… but i guess you don’t read arabic…

      not to mention that islam has as many denominations as Christiantity and most of them are peaceful.

      name me one Sufi terrorist :)

      and the most kills that Muslim extremist have done are towards other muslims…

      • Man

        and the stupid thing is… i am still waiting for all protestants to condemn the violence done by the IRA who slaughtered man

        • InquisitiveMind

          The IRA were catholics

          • Man

            well then… christians are damn silent over the world

        • aine

          The Protestant BRITISH always condemned the IRA, who were Nationalist freedom fighters trying to remove a foreign occupying force ( the British) from the island of Ireland.They came from mainly Native Irish Nationalist backgrounds and would have been brought up as Catholics( though notable Irish Nationalists such as Eskine Childers and Wolfe Tone were Protestant), though most were actually atheist and Sinn Fein,the Nationalist political party is heavily left-wing and atheist! They overstepped the mark when they started targeting civilians,especially with the Guilford and Birmingham pub bombings.The huge difference between the IRA and Muslim terrorist organisations is,the IRA just wanted the Brits out of Ireland and for the nation to be united; they did not want to rule the world and make Ireland the world’s capital and force it to live under Irish law. It is morally correct to fight foreign occupation,especially one as oppressive to the natives as the British occupation was.If they had stuck to attacking military and unionist para-military targets it would have been fine,but they lost the run of themselves and attacked civilians because they lost their Catholic faith. But,unlike your co-religionists ,they were never a threat to world peace and democracy.Before you post about such a sensitive issue,you should research it!

        • Ted

          The only “good muslim” is a de@d muslim. Yeah, let them kill each other off, they’ll be to busy to bother with the rest of us. :wink:

      • InquisitiveMind

        The muslim brotherhood was created by a Sufi

        • Man

          you mean hassan al-banna? he was heavily influnced by of Hanbali sect of sunnism

          cause sufism is a non violence sect

      • VomitO

        stupid is as you do.

    • Pix

      I thought the Islamic couple made their point well enough. Will you be forcing them into publicly branding themselves like Nazi Germany did to the Jews? And what next… concentration camps and gas chambers?

      The USA has fallen, RIP.

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