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BREAKING-Florida Governor Rick Scott sues Obama for Stopping Federal Funds to Force State Further Into Obamacare

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“Our democracy is designed so that state governments can make the decision to not take on federal programs that will ultimately cost state taxpayers billions of dollars. We will not pass this cost on to our citizens in Florida and we will continue to fight for the federal LIP dollars our citizens already pay for with their federal taxes.”


TALLAHASSEE, Fla.  – Today, Governor Rick Scott announced that he will take legal action against President Obama’s federal healthcare agency for stopping Low Income Pool (LIP) healthcare funds to Florida in order to force the state to take Legislative action to expand Medicaid under Obamacare.

Governor Rick Scott said, “It is appalling that President Obama would cut off federal healthcare dollars to Florida in an effort to force our state further into Obamacare. The President’s healthcare agency sent us a letter this week saying the ‘the future of LIP’ and ‘Medicaid expansion are linked.’ But, the Supreme Court has already ruled in NFIB v. Sebelius that the President cannot force Medicaid expansion on states. In fact, the Court ruled that the President could not use ‘gun to the head’ approaches in pushing for Medicaid expansion.

“Not only does President Obama’s end to LIP funding in Florida violate the law by crossing the line into a coercion tactic for Obamacare, it also threatens poor families’ access to the safety net healthcare services they need. The population in Florida served under the LIP program is different from the population that would be covered under any Medicaid expansion, as is well documented in a recent Urban Institute report that said Florida would still have $1.6 billion in uncompensated care costs with or without an expansion of Medicaid.

“We will fight to protect the healthcare of Floridians, and their right to be free from federal overreach. Our citizens already pay federal taxes that go into the federal LIP program. Now, President Obama has decided that the state must take on a larger Medicaid program, forcing our taxpayers to pay even more to government, before they get their own federal tax dollars back. This is outrageous, and specifically what the Supreme Court warned against.

“Our democracy is designed so that state governments can make the decision to not take on federal programs that will ultimately cost state taxpayers billions of dollars. We will not pass this cost on to our citizens in Florida and we will continue to fight for the federal LIP dollars our citizens already pay for with their federal taxes.”

More Patriot News from Florida below…

 Florida Congressman Lays the Groundwork Toward Impeachment We’ve Been Waiting For

Tired of White House shenanigans, a Florida congressman has introduced legislation to define exactly what constitutes impeachable “high crimes and misdemeanors” by a Chief Executive.

Florida Representative, Ted Yoho ( R ) wants to set clear standards that, if violated by the president, would trigger impeachment proceedings in the House of Representatives.

Representative Yoho says,

“Every time we go back to the district and even before I ran, people said, ‘The three branches of government are out of balance. When is Congress going to stand up and have some accountability and rein in the power of the executive branch?”

In response to the growing thirst for power in the executive branch, the congressman says it’s been a problem that is only growing worse.

“The executive branch has been growing stronger and stronger over the past two or three decades, but this administration with President Obama seems to be on steroids. I think the last straw was on November 20th with the executive order on amnesty overreach of the president. Over 30 times in a six-year period of time, he said he did not have the authority to change the law on immigration, yet he went ahead and did.”

Yet immigration is only one area where the executive branch has stretched its constitutional limits.

“Pretty much every week we’re up here, we hear one of the legislators or the news talk about the constitutional crisis we’re facing,” Yoho said. “It’s in so many different areas, whether it’s religious freedoms or redefining marriage or trampling on states’ rights. At some point, we’ve got to draw that line that says from this point forward, all presidents – I don’t care if they’re Republican, Democrat, from the planet Mars – they’re going to be held to the confines of the Constitution.”

Proposed HR 198 includes the following as impeachable:

  1. issuing executive orders or presidential memoranda that infringe upon or circumvent the constitutional powers of Congress;
  2. failing to take care that the laws be faithfully executed through signing statements or systematic policies of non-enforcement;
  3. substituting executive agreements for treaties;
  4. misusing federal agencies to advance a partisan political agenda;
  5. refusing to comply with a congressional subpoena for documents or testimony issued for a legitimate legislative purpose;
  6. initiating war without express congressional authorization.

The bill would additionally target presidents who start military action without receiving authorization from Congress, violate appropriations laws to force money toward their political priorities or defy congressional subpoenas for documents or testimony.

“If we had a chief executive that would faithfully execute the laws… this wouldn’t be an issue, and we could get on with America’s business. But when you have to play like a babysitter and say, ‘No you can’t do that’ over and over and over again, the American people are tired of it.”

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