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To Be Quite Honest…

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Theology and Politics from a Conservative, Biblical Perspective

I was reading an article from the Second Smartest Guy in the World Substack titled, “Deep State In Panic Mode: The Botched Assassination & Burgeoning Palace Coup.”[1] One paragraph in that article states this:

The Deep State is panicking: their Trump assassination failed, and now their palace coup is on the verge of collapse under the weight of an airhead that quite literally slept her way to the top, while as District Attorney of San Francisco she amassed an horrifying and irrefutably racist public prosecution record.

As I read through the remainder of the article, I couldn’t help but disagree. In fact, I decided to comment on the article itself. I noted the following in part:

I’m not sure the DS is panicking. Hard to believe they had no contingency plans if the Trump attempt didn’t work.

What we’re seeing now is simply their plan B. They’ve captured govt agencies like DOJ and DHS. Majority in Congress will knowingly go against will of the ppl (RINOs and Dems).

…All those ppl do is LIE and they continue even when proved wrong. In fact their MO appears to be ignoring every truthful claim about them as they go in the constant attack with anyone who questions their legitimacy.

For me I don’t know what the answer is. Yes, as a Christian I “trust” God but I’m constantly having to deal with that glass half empty outlook. I’ve not yet gotten to the point of expelling anxiety over all of this. It dogs me.

…I’m sure I’m missing something huge in all this so maybe the Lord will give me enlightenment that instead of simply being head knowledge will actually well up within and reshape the way I think and live.

That is my hope. I know this: I cannot manufacture it myself.

Okay, let me unpack my comments just a bit. I’ve recently through the Redacted in which the host interviewed a former Border Patrol Agent.[2] The video title is, “Americans have no idea what’s about to hit them, it’s STUNNING.” The ex-Border Patrol Agent goes over some developments that most Americans are clueless about regarding people who come to this country and illegally walk in. They are very well cared for, given lost of money, a place to live and everything else they need. Over 12 million illegals are now taking their place in America. This is all part of the globalists’ plan to destroy America from within as evidenced in the UN document, Replacement Migration[3]. It’s all out there as they hide nothing anymore, though they used to hide everything.

What will the outcome be of those 12 million+ illegal aliens deliberately brought into America? Destruction of this country cannot be that far behind us. Will many of these 12 million+ illegal aliens rise and don UN uniforms and one day take to the streets as local law enforcement to bring down UN law to the USA? It certainly could happen and I don’t think most Americans understand that this is a major possibility.

Today’s “war” is one where the enemies are many times not obvious. The war that’s being waged today is from within our own federal government against those who believe in and support the Constitution. Many governmental ABC agencies are all captured. The heads of each are full-on Marxists and doing whatever they can to destroy America. Lower level workers go along quietly because they don’t want to lose their jobs.

While this is going on, most in Congress seem to not care less. Over the past ten to twenty years or more, Democrats and Leftists have gained access to congressional seats impersonating Republicans and conservatives (RINOs). Yet, eventually we see their true natures coming out, as in the case of Dan Crenshaw and many others. They lie to get elected then truth is seen eventually.

With government agencies captured, it is very easy for them to use many illegal means to gain more power over conservatives. This is done through pressure, blackmail, lawfare and more. Few people can stand up under it. It’s really a full-on Communist takeover of America, something that Nikita Khrushchev, the ruler of the Soviet Union allegedly stated would happen to America in later days.

Now we have Trump and his running partner, J D Vance as America’s last hope. Are these men who they project? I honestly have no idea and everyone has their opinion. I’d like to believe Trump is, but cannot be certain. I’m now reading more and more about his running mate, J D Vance, who is backed by Peter Theil, a guy who is a globalist who wants to gain full control of this world. J D is intelligent and well spoken. He’s educated and knows his way around the issues. If he and Harris debate, he will actually wipe the floor with her. Of course, the Left will say the exact opposite. But none of that matters if he is V P with orders to essentially hem in Trump in from many sides, that is, if Trump is on the up and up. I don’t really think we can know for sure, but I have a hard time believing he volunteered to be shot at and nearly killed…

The bottom line for me, because I am a glass half empty guy, is all of the turmoil, the destruction, the corruption and more has become difficult to deal with and I’m talking about with my own outlook. I’m finding is that try as I might, I find it difficult to rise above the complexity of situations currently engulfing America (and other parts of the world).

Oh believe me, I read His Word daily. I repeat memorized Scriptures to myself throughout the day. I pray as often as I think to do so. But one thing I’ve noticed. The ability to actually trust God is simply not there consistently within me. In fact, some days, it’s not there at all. That is truly discouraging because I believe I should be well above that especially considering that I do read His Word and I do pray about many things throughout the day.

As I say in my comments above, I cannot manufacture what I believe can only come from Him. When I am pressured by circumstances and situations, it is not easy for me to give it to Him to deal with because I’m simply not wired like that. It’s the last thing I want to do because I tend to think, “I need to come up with a solution for this problem.” Maybe you can relate? If you are not a “glass half empty” person, you probably cannot relate. If I do nothing except pray and hope, I feel as though I’m not doing what God would have me do.

I was talking with my wife about this last night and said, “I wish I could see what the next six months will look like and then the next six months after that.” Others might ask, “Well why would you want to see that?!” Maybe wishing to see what’s going to happen is not wise because then I would focus even more on the situation. At the same time, if I knew more about what was specifically going to happen and how it would affect me, I’d be able to make better plans.

For instance, my wife and I agonized over purchasing a new, larger generator, one that is a dual-fuel generator. We talked about it, made a list of pros and cons and of course, prayed a great deal about it. The one we have been using is smaller and recently needed to have the voltage regulator replaced because when we used it a few weeks ago, only half our panel worked. We found out that it was the voltage regular so it only produced 120v instead of 240v. So it seemed to us that having a larger generator that would use two different fuel sources (gas and propane), was the way to go. We finally decided that it was the right move. Was it? I’d like to say yes, and it seemed like a good idea. Living out in the country, a falling tree limb will take out the electric line. During Hurricane Irma several years ago, we were out of electricity for four days. We have food stored in freezers, etc., now, and without electricity, all that food would rot.

While it is important for me to believe that God will provide and take care of us, the other part of me believes that there are definitely things I should do, and not doing them is foolhardy. I’ve really gotten tired of all the articles and videos from Christians who use scary titles for their work like “This Will Destroy Everything!” or “The DS Just Gained More Control!” or “It’s Getting Worse!” Seems to me spending a half hour (or longer), talking about all the terrible things and then tossing in “But trust God!” seems almost an attempt to “right” the article at the end. I don’t hear too many of these same people talking about how to trust God, how to grow in His grace, or how to rest in His love and simply abide. Yet, they all go out of their way to tell people to “subscribe, hit that like button and buy my book!” I just wonder how many of us are truly living by faith in God. Many of those folks seem like salespeople to me and I apologize if that offends you.

There has to be something much more powerful that should be working in my life that I seem to be lacking. I’m going to dedicate myself to seeking Him and not be distracted by all the “woe is all of us” mentality that is so prevalent today. If the Lord blesses me with a greater understanding about how to see my way through life now, you’ll be the first ones I share it with.

I may be taking some time off from writing, but for those who are subscribers to this blog, you’ll get a notification next time I write something.

Be blessed as you seek the Lord.




Theology and Politics from a Conservative, Biblical Perspective


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